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The Perfect Dress

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Hee shopping trip turns brutal.
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Wandering through the store, searching for the perfect outfit. Something that will please him..entice him. My face lit with the memories of early afternoon lovemaking. A love so deep, a touch so tender. A sigh of contentment escaping to draw the gaze of others around me, smiles curving their lips in acknowledgement of such content.

Glancing out toward the front of the store I notice the sky already darkening. Three stores before this one failed to produce the perfect effect, this small shop sure to disappoint yet again. My hand brushing through the racks of clothing, sheer materials..lace, leather, a tight cling of spandex. Pulling out a mini dress made entirely of black fishnet, the loose mesh sure to provide very little covering. Perfect.

Excitement dancing in my eyes as I imagine the look on his face when I answer the door wearing this, a black latex bra and matching panties already clutched in one hand to completing the outfit. Happy with my selection I dump everything from my arms onto the counter, charge card in hand to pay for the purchases. A dreamy smile curving my lips as I wait absently for the girl to complete the transaction. So caught up in my plans for the night I fail to notice a shadowy figure pressed against the wall by the door. Watching my every move, every reaction.

With a cheerful goodnight called over my shoulder to the clerk closing up shop, I step out into the night air. A shiver rippling along my spine, clutching my jacket tighter around my body and starting down the street toward home. Calculating the time I need to bathe and dress, figuring I have just enough time if I hurry.

Turning the corner, thinking to take a short cut through the alley to save a few minutes time. Blinking to let my eyes adjust to the darkness there, not a street or porch light in sight.

Picking up the pace a bit, hurrying thru the dark alley as I hear the echo of my own footsteps. Pausing, turning back to see only shadows. My heart racing just a bit with the thought that I'm being followed but shrugging it off as only my vivid imagination and continuing on. Heels clicking sharply along the deserted street. Laughing softly to myself as I imagine how amused he will be when he hears of my fear of the dark.

Shaking my head at my own silliness just as a rough hand grabs my arm, bruising tender flesh. A scream springing to my throat as a gloved hand presses tight over my mouth. My steps faltering as I'm jerked back against a hard chest, eyes wide in terror. A voice gruff and low hissing against my ear. "One wrong move, bitch, and you're dead. If you do exactly as I tell you, maybe I'll let you live to put on that pretty new dress for me."

Jerking against my captor's hold, a panicked shriek gagging me. Pulling up short, not even breathing as a sharp point of cold steel is pressed firmly into my throat. "That's a good whore, just relax and enjoy the ride. I know I will".

A shudder of revulsion shaking my small form. Swallowing my fear to feel the press of the blade tearing into my flesh, just a shallow wound yet the burning sting bringing a sheen of tears to fill my eyes. A strangled cry escaping a mouth now released from the gloved hand.

Rough hands jerking at my clothes. Hearing the rip of fabric and the cold chill of the night air as jacket and blouse are torn away. Too afraid to struggle, terrified not to. Simply standing there, tears streaking my cheeks as my assailant bares my breasts to the night. His large hands squeezing painfully at the pale globes of flesh, nipples perking against the cold bringing a loud bark of laughter from his throat.

Shuddering at the ugly sound of that laughter, my head dropping in shame and brought up sharply as the blade holds true and digs into the vulnerable flesh of my throat. Whimpering softly, scarcely breathing with the threat of the knife. Sucking in a breath of relief as it's pulled away. Not giving me even a moment to recover that fear before another terror assaults me, his blade cutting through the waistband of my skirt. The traitorous material slithering easily over my hips to puddle at my feet...forgotten and trampled underfoot.

Shoved roughly forward...into a coarse brick wall. Sounds inside, surely they would hear my screams. But too late he grabs me and turns me around. My back slammed into the unforgiving wall, facing my captor. My eyes jerking up to see his face before I realize the mistake of that, only a dark cloth with holes cut out for eyes and mouth for my efforts. A sneer visible through the bottom hole.

Twisting away as he grabs for me again. Jerked up short as he grips my arm with bruising strength, not turning me again but throwing me to the litter strewn alleyway. A loud cry escaping at the sudden impact of the concrete crashing up to meet me, whimpering, turning to flee, to drag myself from this vile creature who attacks. Bruised and scraped, tender knees easy prey for bits of glass and gravel. Another shove from behind introducing one side of my face to the same treatment.

The weight of a large body covering me from behind, pressing bare hips into the filth of the street, knees drawn up to again try to drag myself away from this torment. Desperate to escape. His hands gripping my hips to haul me back as his body pulls away, whimpering louder as knees are scraped deeper. Thrashing and squirming, fighting to be free of this nightmare.

My body freezing, every muscle tense as I hear the sound of a zipper being pulled. A new horror forming in my mind as I realize his intent. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo, don't touch me..get off me!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOooo!!" My shrieks filling the night as I fight anew. Kicking, body bucking wildly to be free of him. His muttered curse heard before the gloved hand again comes down over my mouth, smothering me.

His hard cock shoved cruelly into my unsuspecting cunt. Stretching tight muscles, filling me with one brutal thrust after another as silent screams are muffled against his hand. His voice rougher, lower, anger apparent in every word spit from his lips. "I warned you cunt, now you're going to hurt."

My eyes opening wide in terror, shaking my head against the hold of his arm. Begging silently for him to stop, for someone, anyone to help. His hand tangling in my hair, shoving my face to the pavement with a scream of protest automatically rushing from my throat. His body pounding into mine, forcing his cock harder, deeper into my cunt. My knees and face scraping along the concrete with each savage jerk of his body against mine.

His invasion tearing at tender muscles, brutalizing most vulnerable flesh. Pounding, ramming his engorged member deep into me. Closing my eyes tight against the sudden and heated rush between my thighs, my own cunt slick for his pounding. My body betraying me as hips thrust back to meet his vulgar movements.

"That's it bitch, fuck me like an animal, take it because you have no choice, enjoy it because you need it. You fucking need my cock in you, don't you whore?" His voice echoing in my ears, his hand ripping at my hair, his cock throbbing with his lust as it's slammed again and again into the deepest recesses of my body.

"Fuckkkkkkk..kkkk..nono.. nonoNOOOOOOOOO!!" My screams raspy, broken, almost sounds of pleasure mixed with the pain. Bucking beneath the attack, cunt clenching tighter, juices trickling to coat his cock. Feeling his leer instead of seeing it as his mouth drops close to my ear. His body pressing mine into the merciless filth below me.

"Feel that cock lil cunt, you like that don't you? I can feel that greedy pussy pull me in, you're wet for me aren't you slut? Who other than a filthy slut would writhe in the alley begging to be raped? Beg for it whore, beg for my cock in your cunt." His words thundering over me...through me. His fist tearing painfully at my hair, jerking my head back at an awkward angle. "Beg pretty slut, tell me you want my cock in your hole."

Tears flowing anew at this new form of brutality. Humiliated beyond repair as lips part to mutter the vile words. My cunt jerking to clench and milk at his cock buried so very deep. Knowing he's waiting for those words but unable to push more than an urgent whimper past the knot in my throat. Feeling another sharp jerk to my hair, my head snapping back to look up into dark lust filled eyes. Finding a shadow of my voice to whisper brokenly. "Yesss yesss..please, I want your cock in my cunt, please, fuck me...use me." Sobbing now with my shame and need. "Please!!!"

His cock jerked nearly out of my tight gripping hold and shoved brutally to the hilt. Again and again my body is slammed with the stranger's need. Now ignoring the merciless scrapes of concrete and glass, hips rocking, muscles clenching. Screaming but no longer in fear. Throat raw with the sounds of my need, flesh slapping flesh sounding loud in the empty streets.

The slick heat of my cunt eagerly enveloping the invasion. Suddenly clenching, howling in an animalistic grind and shudder. My cunt convulsing around the thrusting cock, body trembling violently. Thrashing in the throes of orgasm.

His cock surging harder at the feel of my climax. His grunt and vicious grrowl sounding in my ear as heat slicked muscles grip in him their spasm. Hot cum spurting in thick ropes deep into my greedy cunt. Filling me as shudders shake my body only harder, crying out, gasping as his hips continue to bump and grind. Emptying himself into me.

Sucking in a deep breath to release the sob building. Shame touching my very soul at the pleasure had, not bothering to move as his weight is lifted from mine. Strong hands, bare hands touching my bare back, turning me slowly to brush the hair back from my scraped tearstained face.

A familiar voice sounds in my ear, breathless, soothing. "Don't cry baby, it was so good, you are so wonderful, I'm here, it's okay, please...don't cry."

Gasping, jerking my head up as strong arms pull me up and hold me against a familiar chest. Stroking fingers smoothing the hair from my face, warm lips kissing the tears from my cheeks and each tiny scrape and cut. Fresh tears of relief, cleansing the shame to feed hungry lips. The softest whisper escaping my lips. "Gabriel..."

Arms curling around his neck as he scoops my body from the ground. His jacket tucked over me as I'm held protectively against his chest. His voice soft as he walks deeper into the alley. "Let's go home and get you cleaned up, princess. I'm dying to see you in that dress."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
FUK yes!!

The ending was a deffinate turn-on!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago
More Please

Great story cant wait for more.

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