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House Arrest Ch. 01

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A family of four is captured by four brutal burglars.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/08/2023
Created 06/13/2014
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The timing couldn't have been any more perfect than this. That's all Traze could think as he and his gang of thugs finished making sure that the house was secure. Distant waves pounded against the shore, well within earshot of the gorgeous-looking New Hampshire home. Within such a lovely estate, a family had been living the dream. A successful father and mother had been enjoying their summer with their two college-age daughters living at home for a few weeks.

Traze flipped through the driver's licenses. Avril Malone, age 19. Peyton Malone, age 20. Sandra Malone, age 37, and Mike Malone, age 41. 'Interesting. The sexy old lady must have had them pretty young,' he thought. The man dressed in all black and sporting a ski mask turned to one of his blood-sworn brothers, Vick.

Unlike Traze, Vick had a wild look in his eyes. The look of a predator waiting to sink its teeth into exposed flesh. Traze imagined he had the same hunger in his own eyes, and he could feel his body pulsing with it. But unlike Vick, Traze had a semblance of self-control.

"Where's Mick? Where's Jamal?"

Vick gave a sadistic grin before his reply. "Oh, I think they just finishing up tying up Mom and Dad upstairs in the attic. Soon enough we be ready for the real show down in the basement."

Traze rubbed his hands together. It was time to get down to business.


"Please stop this! J-just let us go!" The cute blonde with the small button of a nose and those scared, baby-blue eyes was Avril, the younger sister. Traze looked at both girls, who were wearing only sports bras and running shorts.

Traze and his boys had chosen to rob the place blind just before dusk, but surprising these two cuties after their late afternoon run had been a stroke of luck. From there the 4-man burglar team hadn't had too much trouble taking mom and dad by surprise and then tying them up, gagged and bound so that they wouldn't make too much of a fuss.

Now in the basement stood four well-built black men, each of them dressed in black to blend in better with the night. Traze was the leader, but only by virtue of his ability to harness his less patient brothers. They were every bit as strong as he was, and, Traze realized, their cocks were probably just as hard staring at these two beauties.

"We don't got all day, bitch. You and your sister better start stripping fast. I want see you butt naked, tits thrust outward for inspection. You hear me?" Saying this, Traze drew out a gun and pointed it at the older girl. Peyton gave him a look of disgust, but the fear in her eyes told him that he'd struck the right chord.

"OK, OK. We're doing it. Please, just don't hurt us!" Peyton said. The older sister quickly shrugged out of her sports bra and shorts. Wearing only her panties, the girl hesitated.

Avril on the other hand didn't seem to have heard Traze's command. Like a deer stuck in headlights the younger sister just stared at the barrel of the gun.

Traze sighed. "I see this one's a little hard of hearing." He stalked forward, grabbing Avril by the neck and slipping the pistol under the waistband of her shorts.

"Are you gonna strip, little cunt, or am I going to put some hot lead in these panties?"

That seemed to motivate the girl like nothing else. With a terrified whimper Avril begged him not to kill her. She then quickly stripped off the sports bra and shimmied out of her shorts. In no time at all she'd even slipped her panties down her long, sexy legs and thrown them in the corner.

All four of the intruders now stood and admired their feminine booty. A slender, gorgeous blonde with good-sized tits and the cutest face Traze had ever seen looked at them with imploring eyes.

"Look, please just take me. Let Peyton go."

What? Was this an abrupt change in their blonde captive? Had she really just mustered up the courage to boldly sacrifice herself to save her older sister's pussy? Too bad it wouldn't work.

Traze shook his head. "That's not the way this works, blonde bitch." He turned to Petyon, admiring her even a larger pair of breasts and the down of pubic thatch between her sexy thighs. He imagined those sexy thighs wrapped around his middle as he stood like the muscular stud he was, fucking her brains out.

"Whether you live or not depends on how well you behave, understand?" Traze said. Waving the pistol for emphasis, he added. "Don't forget we have Mommy and Daddy upstairs. If you try anything, if you try to run away, they both get a bullet to the brain. Do I make myself clear?"

Both college girls nodded in unison. "Yes, please! We won't try to run!" Peyton begged. She put a protective arm around her younger sister. The sight of the two naked girls leaning against each other for comfort made his cock stir.

"Good. Then let's get this party started." He nodded to Vick, who was already stripping out of his clothes. Jamal did the same, and soon there were two huge black men, tattoos laced across their muscular pectorals, with cocks rigid and saluting their feminine prey. "Oh yeah, Bro. I'm ready to get this party started all right," Vick growled. He gestured at Mick. "Bring out the toys, Bro. Let's have some fun with these bitches."

Both gorgeous girls shrank back as they saw Mick draw out pairs of handcuffs, a whip, and various other appalling sex instruments.

"Please, you don't need to do that! We'll do what you want! We'll suck your cocks. We'll fuck you. You don't need to torture us!" Peyton said.

"Shut up, bitch! I prefer my cunt-slaves struggling, ya know?" Vick snarled. Saying this, the rugged black man with a scar over his right eye snapped a pair of handcuffs on Avril's trembling wrists.

"Me and little sis are going to go over to the bed and have some fun, aren't we slut?" Vick put a firm hand around Avril's slender arm, dragging her over to the bed. He forced her hands above her head, then secured a rope from the cuffs to a pipe in the ceiling, knotting it tightly so that the girl couldn't move her arms down at all.

Vick leaned over, his mouth whispering in Avril's ear.

"Well, well, well girl. Looks like you're all naked and helpless. Look at that sexy pussy between your legs just begging to be fucked," he hissed. His hand tried to slip between her legs, but the young blonde pressed her thighs together, keeping him out.

"No! Don't touch me there you bastard!" Avril spat in his face, and Vick took a step back as his brothers roared with laughter.

"I think she's your type, Vick!" Jamal shouted.

"Yes," Traze agreed. "Why don't you show her what we do to fuck-slaves who disrespect us?"

Vick slowly took the three-tongued whip which Mick handed to him. "Don't mind if I do," Vick said, and he enjoyed the delicious recognition that played over Avril's face as she saw that that whip was about to thrash her beautiful breasts. Vick's arm shot forward like a horse let free at the Kentucky Derby. The whip's tendrils made a satisfying smack across the young woman's breasts, followed by a shrill cry. Another SMACK echoed in the basement followed by another shriek. The rhythm continued, the whip slapping against the gorgeously sculpted cones of their female captive.

Avril's face contorted in pain as the whip had its way with her beautiful breasts ...SMACK...SMACK...SMACK!

In the background Vick was barely aware of Peyton pleading for him to leave her younger sister alone.

"Please! Stop this! You'll hurt her!" Peyton screamed. But the whip's ends were softened with a velvet lining, and the most damage which Vick could inflict amounted to a fierce stinging rather than any lasting mark.

"I don't think this dumb bitch realizes that you're going easy on her little sis," Jamal said. "Maybe we should upgrade to the bull whip?"

"No, please! Not that! I'll do whatever you want!" Peyton cried.

"Really?" Vick replied, turning and saluting her with his cock. "Maybe you need to come here and kneel, hmm? Come prove it."

Peyton nodded, slowly approaching her captor, then kneeling before him. As she looked up into his cruel eyes, she prayed for the strength to do what needed to be done. Her dark blonde hair felt the black man's strong hands gathering it away from her face. His cock, pungent with masculine musk, hung before her lips.

"What are you waiting for, bitch? Get busy!" A light slap across the face sent Peyton reeling for a second, and then she knew he meant business. The naked girl licked from the base of his shaft to the tip, swirling her tongue around the glans before slowly smothering his cock-head between her lips.

The sound of suction filled the room as the lithesome dark blonde slowly stroked her mouth up and down that enormous black prick. She felt his rigid shaft pulsating in her mouth, so hard with need. She had never taken in a cock this big before. She had sucked off her boyfriend plenty of times, but the meager tool he had didn't even compare to this. A tiny part of Peyton had to admit, the more she pumped her mouth up and down this man's magnificent specimen, the more a primal part of her seemed to be awakening.

"Uuuuhhh...fuck, that's good, slut. That's real good. I want you to impale that sweet face on my big, black cock. That's a good girl!" Vick groaned as Peyton began working faster, her lips forming a tight 'O' around her captor's penis. Soon the loud sounds of the 20-year-old with the body of a goddess slurping on his cock filled the room with a pleasant music. Vick gripped the girl's skull, gently shoving his cock forward to impale the girl's mouth even more deeply as she made a surprised sputtering sound.

"Better not waste a single drop of my pre-cum, bitch. There's no telling what I'll do to your little sis if you do," Vick warned. Peyton gurgled, her heart pounding and her breasts heaving as she tried to hold him deep in her mouth. Finally, with her sputtered coughing, Vick withdrew, watching slimy tendrils of spunk glisten on Petyon's lips. There were even strands of his sticky goo oozing onto her full breasts.

"Ooo. Look at that, gentleman. I think I got this little white slut messy!" Vick said with a chuckle. He turned back to the younger sister and seemed to rub his chin thoughtfully. "Now that you got me all nice and lubed up and made my balls as blue as can be, I think it's your little sister's turn, don't you?"

"No! You said you wouldn't!" Peyton screamed shrilly. "Please leave her alone!"

"I didn't promise you a thing, slut!" Vick growled. He grabbed her by the nape of the neck, hauling her upright as Jamal cuffed her wrists behind her back.

"Jamal, you want to take care of this disobedient slut? After that little outburst I think she needs some punishment."

Jamal grinned, his broad nose and face darkening with desire. "Oh yeah, Bro. I think she needs a cold, concrete floor to lay on and a big, black man on top of her with a long, hard cock. Right, bitch?" Saying this, Jamal threw Peyton onto her back. She struggled in futility as the athletic young black man spread her legs, then put a hand around her throat and squeezed until she was sputtering for air.

"You gonna be quiet and let my big cock slam into that sweet, velvet glove of a pussy? Are do I need to strangle your ass and fuck your lifeless body? Which is it gonna be, bitch?" At Jamal's appalling threat, Peyton suddenly went limp. She closed her eyes with a shudder, spreading her legs to reveal pouting pink pussy lips and the soft down of pubic hair.

"That's better," Jamal said. But then, to everyone's surprise, he simply sat beside the prone dark blonde girl and laid a hand across her cunt lips, gently stroking her sex.

"Uhhh." Peyton groaned as Jamal continued his remarkably tender strokes and caresses against her clitoris.

"First, we gonna watch the show together bitch. We gonna watch my bro Vick over there fuck your little sis senseless. THEN you get to feel my hard, black cock. Sound good?"

The tears in Peyton's eyes looked beautiful to Traze as he oversaw the action. The ringleader of the burglar-team gave Vick a nod. "Are you ready, Brother, to introduce that dainty cute white girl to a real cock?"

Vick nodded as he strode up to Avril, who was still sitting on the bed with her hands bound above her head.

"No. Please! I'll suck you off! Let me suck your cock until you come in my mouth. I'll drink all your cum!" Avril promised. But the girl's pleas fell on deaf ears. Vick sat on the bed beside her, then gripped her by the waist and swiveled her around before settling her onto his lap. The ropes binding her wrists twisted a little, making the cuffs on the girl's wrists chafe uncomfortably.

Avril looked down, and her pretty blue eyes went wide at the sight of the throbbing, vein-bulging cock pressed against her abdomen.

"Oooh, look at that, girl. My little Mister is all kinds of bothered and wanting to get inside you. I guess we should begin the dance, shouldn't we?" With that Vick placed his lips over Avril's. The naked blonde captive moaned as the black man plundered her mouth with his tongue. Meanwhile his fingers pinched her breasts, making the nipples pebble into hardened buds. Avril's moans deepened as Vick reached several fingers between her sex lips, stroking the girl's love hole with firm, insistent movements.

It wasn't long before Avril's breasts were heaving with the efforts of her labored breaths. Her pussy had begun to moisten, its first juices trickling onto the black man's fingertips.

"Ooooh. What have we hear, little slut? Is that your cunt juice tainting my fingers? I think you need to clean them now." Saying this, Vick brought his glistening fingertips to the girl's lips, forcing her to slurp off her own juices. She complied, knowing she had no other choice.

The sexy blonde whimpered then as Vick continued to stroke her. His fingers were like firm, insistent worms that nudged between the soft petals of her labia, stroking deeper and deeper now, and at last finger-fucking her with thorough, deep thrusts.

Avril was now groaning with reluctant desire. Her whole body trembled with Vick's fingers plunging into her heat. Vick stared hard into the girl's cute face and saw the hunger in her baby-blue eyes. He drank that shit up, kissing her fiercely as his fingers continued to prod and caress her pussy towards madness. The blonde was soon a writhing, naked inferno of feminine flesh, her cunt muscles squeezing around his fingers as her breathless face actually began to kiss him back.

Traze's voice rumbled with jeering humor as he looked over at Peyton's face, gaping at her sister's sounds and tremors of arousal. "Damn, look at little sis go! Take a good, long look Peyton. I think your little sis is a true slut, deep deep down. Look at her with Vick's fingers pumping her tight young pussy! She loves it."

The shame on Avril's blushing face and the absolute shock on Peyton's beautiful face were like twin works of perfection to Traze as he watched the scene unfold. His cock stirred, harder than ever now. He wasn't sure how much longer he could watch this show without taking an active part.

Traze watched, his mouth going dry as Vick's fingers intensified their assault, battering against Avril's little joy bundle until her clit was as hard as a man's cock. Avril was now humping those fingers like tiny cocks, her whimpers turning into tentative moans as her little butt rocked back and forth on her captor's lap.

"That's right, bitch. CUM for Daddy," Vick hissed, his mouth swooping down to claim hers, their tongues swapping saliva as she moaned, then screamed into his mouth with the force of an unbelievable orgasm.

Traze almost came in his pants at the sight of that sexy, young blonde writhing in Vick's laps. Her juices spattered the bed sheets underneath, leaving a dark stain on the fabric. Her head rested against Vick's powerful shoulder, her ragged breathing slowing bit by bit as the intensity of the orgasm faded.

She was still shuddering when Vick's huge hands lifted her gently, poising her so-satisfied pussy above his unsatisfied, throbbing-with-need cock.

"You had your turn, bitch. Now I get to have mine."

"No! You might get me pregnant! Please let me suck you!" Avril whined as the big man slammed her tight pussy hard onto his cock. The blonde girl groaned at being filled so completely, his ten and a half inches of cock buried up her twat in one swift, brutal impalement. Her groans filled the room as Vick forced her to suck him savagely, his hands cupping her ass cheeks and bouncing her cute buttocks up and down. A constant symphony of cunt-impalements filled the room each time Avril's sex bottomed out on the enormous black cock.

Her groans and pleas for him not to fuck her gradually died away though, and in their place Traze saw a glassy-eyed hunger play across the young blonde's face. Avril's wrists were red from the chaffing of the cuffs as she yanked hard on them, using them as added leverage to fuck herself. The other men noticed too. What had begun as a plea not be fucked seemed to be rapidly turning into something else entirely.

The naked blonde's grunts had a primal quality to them, less like a captive and more like a female reveling in the feeling of being fucked by a long, hard cock.

That was it. Traze couldn't just stand by and watch anymore. He gestured at Jamal. "You'll have to wait, Bro. Now it's my turn, and I want some quality time with big sis." Saying this, and ignoring Jamal's dark frown in reply, Traze stripped free of his burglar fatigues and stood in all his naked glory. His cock was a nearly obscene 11 inches and it saluted the big-breasted girl with eager glee.

He dragged Peyton over to kneel at the bed behind her sister. Peyton's eyes went wide with disgust and shame as her face was now inches away from watching her sister's pussy bounce up and down, bottoming out on a straining black penis.

"Get your face in there, slut. I want you sucking Vick's balls and licking your sister's ass crack while I fuck you from behind."

Traze watched with delight as the meaning of his outrageous command quickly sank in.

"No! You can't make me do THAT. That's...that's sick!" Peyton cried. But the gun in Traze's hand pressed softly near Avril's puckered hole.

"You want me to put some hot lead in your sister's ass? Or are you going to be a good ball sucker and ass licker for me?"

With those disgusting words and the threat hammering home, Peyton moaned in muffled protest as Traze thrust her face into Vick's crotch. Soon the older sister was suckling and massaging Vick's testicles in her mouth.

"Good girl. Now let's see some love for little sis, too!" Traze ordered. He grasped Peyton by the neck, lifting her face upward so that she could flick her tongue into her sister's puckered hole too. With Peyton's muffled slurps joining the squelchy sounds of Avril and Vick's fucking, Traze lifted Peyton's ass up at a good height, enjoying the sight of her exposed pussy like a treasure waiting to be plundered.

"Get ready, slut. I'm going to stretch your pussy like it's never been stretched before." With a growl of desire Traze positioned his cock between her cunt lips and thrust himself in balls-deep. He felt Peyton stiffen as his cock slammed home, and then the dark blonde cutie was groaning every second, his cock slamming into her again and again and again, enjoying the velvety press of her cunt walls against his manhood...milking his balls towards release.

"Oh YEAH, bitch. You got a nice, tight pussy, just like your little sister!"

Traze noticed that Peyton had slipped her head downward again, sucking and massaging Vick's testicles again. He couldn't blame the girl for preferring to suck a man's balls rather than eat out her little sister's ass. He decided to throw her a bone and give her that much freedom, for now.

Meanwhile Traze looked up and saw that Avril was now riding his blood brother's cock like a true cowgirl. Her moans of pleasure filled the room as she bounced her sexy ass up and down, engulfing Vick's phallus with her warm pussy.


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