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Click hereThis is a story of heartbreak and love.
Thank you Robert for your helpful comments.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, merchandise, companies, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are 18 years or older when in sexual situations.
The young blonde scurried towards the restaurant, the rain sheeting off the newspaper the cabbie had graciously given her. The unexpected cloudburst arrived in the early evening, drenching many of the New Yorkers on their commute home. The woman relaxed as she entered the warm, dry and serene confines of the exclusive dining establishment. She threw the soaked newspaper in the trash bin, shaking her head to clear the raindrops clinging to her long, straight hair.
Marianne "Mia" Beaumont was lucky she was wearing her new Burberry raincoat, the wet garment carefully removed by the attractive, diminutive Asian hostess. As she shed her outerwear, the dishwater blonde felt the cool air hit her bare shoulders, causing her to shiver. She adjusted the spaghetti straps on her red cocktail dress and wiggled her feet uncomfortably in her matching red pumps. High heels were not de rigueur in college, and the adjustment to heels in her new job was not, shall we say, an easy one.
The move to New York was also a painful transition, Mia having spent her first eighteen years in rural North Carolina and then four years in the hallowed confines of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Nothing in her formative years prepared her for the physical and mental onslaught of the Big Apple. Midway through her first year as an intern, Mia found that she had to toughen up her defenses against those that wanted to take advantage of her. She became more selective in taking work assignments and even more selective in the company that she kept.
It was the first time she had set foot in the trendy eatery, her friends impressed at how her date was able to secure a coveted reservation on less than 24 hours' notice. Mia took a deep breath to gather her composure as she scanned the austere surroundings of New York's newest and hottest sushi restaurant. The hostess returned with her claim check, and upon hearing the name of the person she was to meet, ushered her to a choice table near a spectacular floral arrangement in the center of the restaurant. Well-dressed diners stole surreptitious glances at the perfectly proportioned blonde, the bloom of her youth still as fresh as the flowers that graced the dining area. Mia felt self-conscious as she sensed many pairs of eyes following her as she meandered through the dining room to the waiting arms of Jonathan David Thornhill, who was affectionately known by friends and family as "Skeet."
Skeet was an imposing presence, standing just a hair under 6'4," salt and pepper hair, broad shoulders and a chiseled physique that harkened back to his playing career at the University of North Carolina as an offensive lineman some twenty years ago. Even though Mia stood a respectable 5'6" in her bare feet, she practically disappeared in the warm embrace of her mentor - and now suitor.
Holding her at arm's length, the entrepreneur soaked in the sight of the young beauty. His eyes sparkled with life in her presence.
"You look spectacular, Mia."
The blonde blushed at the compliment. "Thank you. I'm not exactly in my comfort zone in a cocktail dress and heels."
"You'll get used to it. This look becomes you."
Skeet pulled out a chair for Mia and took his place on the opposite side of the table. A waiter in a smartly tailored white tunic jacket approached the table.
"Mr. Thornhill." The waiter gave a bow of respect.
"Allow me to introduce my date, Miss Marianne Beaumont."
"A pleasure madam." Jason gave an even deeper bow to this charming young woman.
Mia marveled at Skeet's many abilities and was not surprised when he engaged in a serious conversation, in Japanese, about the chef's daily menu selections. The waiter nodded, punched the order into his mini iPad, and walked briskly away.
She looked across the table at her date, a strong, handsome and accomplished man. He cleared his throat and reached inside his suit coat. The fine hairs on Mia's arms stood on end. She could sense what was coming and was afraid of what she would say. His hand emerged with a small powder blue jewelry box.
"You know I'm not getting any younger. After losing Caroline to cancer you're the first breath of fresh air in my rather boring life." Skeet faltered, his voice choked with emotion. He cleared his throat again, brushing an imaginary piece of lint off the arm of his impeccably tailored Saville Row suit. "What I mean to say is that I love you and I want to marry you." He opened the box and held it in front of his intended, the overhead spots catching the facets within the large diamond, dazzling Mia with its brilliant reflected light.
The perfect setting, the perfect man, the perfect ring, yet something didn't seem quite perfect ...
Chapter One
The Championship
There was a towering fly ball to medium deep right field. Mia threw off her catcher's mask, stepping inside the third base line, bracing herself for the throw and a possible collision. The right fielder took one step back, aligned herself with home plate, preparing to unleash a throw. As the runner on third tagged, the right fielder caught the ball in stride, using her body's momentum to throw a strike to home plate.
Mia steeled herself for the simultaneous arrival of the ball and the runner, concentrating on the arc of the ball, knowing she would receive it on one bounce. The infield grass was freshly cut and bone dry, telling the young catcher that the ball would stay low after the bounce. Mia timed the catch and the tag precisely, fielding the low bounce and sweeping to her left with her glove hand, gripping the ball tightly in the webbing. The runner slid with her right leg bent and her left leg rose slightly, attempting to knock the ball out of Mia's glove as her body crossed the plate. The collision spun Mia almost 360 degrees, the impact knocking her to the ground breathless.
She rose up above the cloud of dust, showing the glove to the umpire with the ball safely nestled in the glove's pocket, smiling with satisfaction as the umpire signaled the "out" sign with his thumb. Within moments, her teammates had mobbed her as she ran to the mound, knocking her to the ground in a tangled happy mass of arms and legs. Near the bottom of the pile, outside the prying eyes of the cheering home field spectators, the right fielder, Cass Michaelson, was lying face to face with Mia. Their eyes met, and in a moment of certainty, they kissed - and not a chaste kiss - but a kiss of smoldering passion. The kiss ended quickly, but both women knew that their lives would never be the same.
Mia had never kissed a woman before, but the euphoria of the moment dropped all of her defenses and laid bare her true emotions. As the pile untangled she was carried off the field on the shoulders of her teammates. They were going to the College World Series.
Mia grew up on a farm with three brothers, and as the youngest learned at an early age how to eat fast before her brothers ate everything at the dinner table and how to fight with her brothers as well. Her father was a third generation soybean farmer and eked out a living on the family's 100 acre plot. Her nearest neighbor was almost a mile away, which left her to find companionship in her three older brothers. The three boys played in the local Babe Ruth league and often drafted Mia to play catcher on a makeshift diamond their father carved out of a corner of their horse pasture.
Mia joined the Babe Ruth league as well, and was often the only girl on the team. She distinguished herself as a catcher, and was the first girl ever to make a league All-Star team. In high school, she made the transition to women's softball, and started as the team's catcher for three years. Daily practices and a rigorous playing schedule, which included numerous tournaments, left little time for boys. However, Mia's development from a girl to a young woman did not go unnoticed by the hormonally driven boys in her class. Mia's lustrous dishwater blonde hair was kept in a ponytail that swayed seductively as she walked. She went from flat chested to a 34C in two short years. She topped out at her adult height by age 16 and even dressed in dirty jeans and a flannel shirt; her sensual curves were more than evident.
However, the combination of Mia's busy schedule and the presence of her three older protective brothers kept most of the riff raff at bay. It wasn't until her senior year, when her brothers had all gone away to college, that she started dating. Her dates were unremarkable, with most of the boys fixated on her stroke-worthy breasts. By the time she graduated she had only worn a dress twice, once for junior prom and again for senior prom.
Mia wasn't sure what the fuss was about sex. She found her gratification on the baseball diamond, perfecting her skills as the top backstop in her region. As the best player on her team, she caught the eye of the UNC women's softball coach during the state tournament where she was named the tournament's Most Valuable Player. The coach was able to secure a string of grants, scholarships and loans that enabled Mia to attend UNC without drawing any money from her parents.
It wasn't long before Mia established herself as the starting catcher for the UNC women's softball team. Her tag at home plate put the capper on her magical first season, earning an automatic berth to the College World Series. The on-field celebration was chaotic, including the unexpected (and heartfelt) kiss from Cass, with many delirious fans streaming onto the field, adding to the joy and the confusion.
After what seemed like hours, but was only about thirty minutes, the team retreated to the safety of their locker room. Mia was the center of attention, garnering hugs and good natured butt slaps by her teammates. By chance, or perhaps by design, both Mia and Cass were the last two women in the clubhouse, two lockers apart, each stripping down to their undershorts and a t-shirt. Cass pulled her sweat soaked t-shirt over her head, revealing her sports bra. She looked over at Mia as she unhooked her sport bra, never breaking eye contact as her bra fell off her arms. The young blonde had of course seen all of her teammates in the nude, but this was different. There was an unmistakable sexual charge between the two women. Cass took her index finger, slid it sensuously in her mouth, and then took the saliva soaked finger and traced a lazy circle around her erect brown nipple, the wetness glistening on her snow white breast. There was now no mistaking Cass's intentions.
Chapter Two
Cass saw the towering fly ball. It was no different than the thousands of flies she had shagged in practice, but this one was special. This one would potentially clinch the championship for her team, a goal she had sought since she was a freshman. Now as a graduating senior the spotlight was on her, a defining moment in her distinguished collegiate career. She used her right hand to shade her eyes and told herself that she could do this. The thought of dropping the ball and allowing the tying run to score never entered her mind. She judged where the ball would arrive and took one full step back. The noise of the crowd faded as her concentration on the arc of the ball became paramount. She took one step forward, catching the ball in full stride, and unleashing the best throw of her life. As she completed her follow-through her eyes focused on home plate, watching as Mia assumed a crouch to receive the throw.
Cass knew that her teammate would make the play. Mia was the rock of the team, its North Star. She would not fail them. Cass went into a full dash to the pitcher's mound, anticipating the sweet taste of victory. As she reached the infield, Mia had completed her sweep tag and was triumphantly showing the ball to the umpire. Cass and Mia met at the pitcher's mound, arms raised and shouting at the top of their lungs. Within moments the pitcher, Cass and Mia were surrounded by their cheering teammates, soon falling over into a happy pile.
Cass was in love with Mia. No words had ever been spoken, but Cass knew over the many hours they had spent together that there was a special bond between the two of them. Cass, ever reluctant to show her true feelings, literally worshipped Mia from afar, admiring both her beauty and her unbridled enthusiasm she displayed on the ball field, always in command and never exhibiting a scintilla of self-doubt.
Cass's shyness wasn't just a product of her DNA (she was naturally shy); it was also a product of her upbringing. As an only child she was raised in a Catholic household in Wheeling, West Virginia, a conservative community in the heart of coal country. Cass desperately wanted to go out of state to escape the confining atmosphere of her hometown and was energized by the permissive atmosphere of Chapel Hill.
Like Mia, she was a star athlete in high school, lettering both in basketball and softball. At 5'10" she posed a formidable presence at the plate and had a rocket for an arm. While she was at home on the diamond, she was uncomfortable off the field. The women's locker room posed a particular challenge for her, with young women in prime physical condition traipsing around with little or nothing on. She struggled to suppress her urges when she watched her teammates undress, often going home to masturbate to relieve her sexual tension. She told nobody about her secret urges, even her best friends.
In college, she attended some of the well-known lesbian bars, often lurking in the shadows, too afraid to act on her desires. That didn't stop her from feeling an unrequited love for Mia. Mia embodied everything the tall brunette wanted. She was intelligent, self-confident, vivacious and beautiful. Even at the age of 19, she was the glue that held the team together, and for that she also earned Cass's undying respect and admiration.
As a senior, this magical moment brought her two ambitions to fruition - a hard earned championship and the acknowledgment from Mia that her infatuation was not just a lovesick fantasy. As their lips met on the ballfield, the joy of victory gave way to a new emotion - lust. Cass had never wanted anything or anyone more in her life.
As the celebration in the locker room died down, the tall brunette waited until everyone else had left, hoping that Mia would stay as well. When the room cleared Cass suspected that Mia was as curious as she was as to where the abbreviated, but passionate, kiss would lead.
In the deafening silence of the once raucous clubhouse the only sounds were the occasional drips from the community shower. Cass saw that Mia was watching her. She peeled off her t-shirt, making sure not to break eye contact, noting that Mia's eyes were wide open as she shed her bra. As if someone else was controlling her body, she lewdly licked her finger and circled her rock hard nipple. Even though she had done this many times before when masturbating, doing it for Mia sent an electric charge through her body and a growing dark spot on her undershorts.
Cass shimmied out of her shorts, now standing naked in front of Mia, but with no embarrassment at her nudity. She walked over to Mia, helped her finish undressing, and took her hand, leading her to the showers. Cass turned on one shower head, pulling Mia under it with her. As the hot water carried the salty residue from their faces across their lips, they again kissed, now swirling tongues together, awash in a sea of passion.
Cass was overcome with emotion at finally holding Mia in her arms, her tears combining with the spray of the shower. The two women sunk to their knees, still in a tight embrace, as Cass boldly dropped her hand, cupping Mia's sex. Even though the water was drenching both of them, Cass could feel the slippery discharge and heat from Mia's pussy and knew that their kiss was arousing the comely blonde. Mia instinctively dropped her hand lower as well, feeling for Cass's pussy and inserting two fingers into her cunt. Cass experienced a sharp orgasm almost immediately, taking her breath away.
Gasping, as Mia continued fingering her to yet another orgasm, the tall brunette forced out, "Mia ... oh God ... I'm cumming." As the ripples quelled in her body, Cass again pressed her lips to Mia's while at the same time fingering Mia to a climax. As the hot water beat down on them both women felt an irresistible attraction, yet Mia had not yet reconciled herself to her inner passions.
Feeling a pang of guilt, Mia abruptly stood up. "This is ... wrong."
Cass chided herself for moving too quickly. But she was mistaken. Mia had to work herself through her crisis of sexual identity, with or without Cass.
"Please ... please ... Mia ... I love you."
Mia couldn't look at Cass. Walking away, soaking wet, Mia snagged a towel and went back to her locker to change. Cass turned off the shower and followed.
Talking to the blonde's back, Cass blurted, "Mia, I'm so sorry. I moved too quickly."
Mia turned her head to face Cass. "It's not you. It's me."
Now tears were streaming freely down Cass's face. "Why?"
Mia shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know why. I've never really been with anyone before and I'm just plain confused."
Cass decided to give Mia some space, and the two of them didn't speak for a week. During that time Cass fretted that she had spoiled her chance, and Mia, for the first time, had to come to grips with her sexuality. Mia had no one to confide in, and sitting in her small campus apartment, felt utterly alone. After a week, Mia reached out to Cass so that the two of them could talk about what had happened. They decided to get together at a bar the team frequented, though at 4 p.m. when the establishment was dead quiet.
Cass arrived early, staking out a table in a darkened corner. She had been crying a good part of the day and was hoping Mia wouldn't be able to see her puffy eyes and the shadows under them from a lack of sleep. She resolved that she wouldn't cry.
Mia arrived at the bar five minutes early, but stood outside thinking about what she would say. She spent the better part of fifteen minutes gathering the courage to go inside, finally walking in ten minutes late. She scanned the bar, spotting Cass nursing a drink in the back. As she approached the table, Cass rose to greet her.
"Mia ... thank you for coming."
"I'm so sorry ... "
Even though Cass promised herself she wouldn't do so, she started crying.
"Cass, please don't cry ... " Mia's heart went out to her teammate, but did little to resolve her internal conflict. "I still don't understand my own feelings. Do you understand?"
Sniffling, Cass gathered herself to reply. "I think I do."
"Did you have these same issues?"
"I don't think so. I was never interested in boys and knew early on that I wanted to be with a woman, but where I grew up that just wasn't an accepted lifestyle. But here ... I have been able to understand what I want. I've been in love with you for quite some time."
"Oh Cass. I never knew. I just don't know if I can do this ... " She shook her head, then put her head in her hands.
Cass went over to Mia, putting her arms around her. "It'll be OK. I'll give you the space if you need it."