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The Perfect Sex Robot Ch. 09

Story Info
Dress up turns into inescapable electronic bondage.
3.7k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 05/23/2011
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I woke up in the trash.

A fitting end to my time with Ms Rose (my rented owner)... even though that thought didn't occur to me at the time.

It was still light but late afternoon in Marrickville Park... I was naked from the waist down, upside down in the plastics recycling bin with a used condom dangling down from my flaccid cock. The pearl of cum still trapped inside like a white bunny tail.

I was surprised how calm I was. Shock is like that.

The top of the bin had fallen off and I was folded up feet in the air, my ass cheeks pressed into the wire side of the small square space... if anyone had looked in they would have seen an early moon... and my shaved branded balls... Who knows who had since I had been in there... must have been two hours at least.

I righted myself with a crackle of sticky plastic bottles and thought about a plan... I thought underwear would be helpful... or I could wait until it was dark... I remembered Genie had thrown me that pink g string. Well pinky orange... it was an odd kind of fluro colour. I sifted through the bin.

It hit me how I ended up in the recycling. After I got kicked out of the girl's car at the park I felt sick and remember thinking I should find a bin to chuck up in.

Then I guess I must have taken the top off, passed out and slid in... a brief flurry of panic washed over me with the thought of when they might come to collect the recycling... and I felt really sick and dizzy again.

I thought it must have been at least 4pm and I hadn't eaten all day, sure I had a few cups of O.J. laced with erectile dysfunction (Viagra?) medication but after playing a half game of Netball and servicing the mysterious slave owner I had been rented to I was... is there a word for that... the kind of sick you get when you do a bunch of stupid stuff without eating anything.

I really wanted to get home, eat, shower and take a nap. With some internal recycling bin gymnastics I got the small g string on and popped my head up to take a look around.

I don't think anyone saw the afternoon trash bin mearcat emerging from its burrow. I started walking to the train station, stopped and remembered I didn't have any money.

Surprisingly clear headed I remembered picking up coins in the fountain in Hyde park - I trotted over the fountain in the middle of Marrickville park and had to sit down for a moment -- I had never felt this sick before, dizzy and sick.

Anyway I got $2.65 out of the fountain and headed for Sydenham station. Walking into the station I saw cups of processed chicken fingers for sale at the kiosk. Without hesitation I bought a cup and was told it would be $3.50.

I snatched the cup and threw the silver change on the counter, walked off not caring I was almost a dollar short.

The train ride flew by as I slipped in and out of consciousness. The salt from the greasy chicken fingers perking me up and surprisingly settling my stomach. But the lack of sleep was just inescapable. I felt safe for the first time in a few days and slept well on the way home not even thinking about being caught without a ticket.

I got back to my apartment to find a soft package waiting outside. The door was locked and I could hear movement inside. Without anything on me other than a Netball mini dress and a woman's g string from a week old conquest I was feeling like a visitor on my own doorstep.

I knocked on the door and heard a young woman say, "Come in".

I tried the door and it was still locked. Two giggling voices murmured something before:

"Go round the back."

I went round the back to see two young women in gym clothes standing very close together in my living / eating area beside my diner table. I bumped into the glass as I tried to open the big glass door - which was locked as well.

I looked through the glass at the two women, I expected to see laughing but they were now just staring at me - like cats watching fish.

One of them made an open-the package hand action and I tore open the big white plastic bag I had found out front.

Inside was a Lycra tuxedo morph-suit. Black legs attached to a white turtleneck top with a tuxedo front and bow tie printed on the front and a hood with an open face. White gloves and shirt cuffs with cufflinks, white knee socks, on a pair of black school shoes.

Under that was an open bag marked "HCH Ver 4.1". The two women continued to watch as I went through the package. Through the clear plastic I could see a new in the box white Sony Xperia mini pro, wrist strap, a thin dog collar with an electronic tag, a flesh tone ring and hook shaped thing with a thick connecter and finally a pair of glasses that looked like the home 3d movie glasses but with clear plastic spirals on the end and a behind the head strap.

I tried the door again and the two women shook their heads. I raised my hands and shrugged my shoulders to show them I didn't understand. They walked very close to the glass and lent forward.

I expected them to speak but one of them fogged up the glass and then the other joined in and the shorter one wrote:

"Put it on."

I stripped off, standing close to the door so the neighbors couldn't see and got into the butler costume unitard. I felt strange putting on clean clothes when I was so in need of a shower. The two women watched but did not open the door. After a short pause the shorter one wrote "all" on before fogging the glass on the door again.

The misty "Put it -all- on" at eye level.

I picked the dog collar up I heard a very loud "click" and noticed there was a new doggy door in the corner of the big glass door that did not open. I thought --

"...that is going to cost my deposit."

I got all the gear on, what I thought were glasses turning out to be goggles that locked on with a few clicks. The cuffs and the wrist mount for the phone also locked on. I picked up the phone, the note red:

"M3, write an update before continuing."

I typed away on the tiny QWERTY keyboard for about 20 minutes and posted the update. It was only up to getting out of the car, but I really wanted a shower and some snacks and felt that was a good place to end until I found out were this butler thing was going.

I tried the door again and the shorter woman just pointed to the flesh tone hoop and hook still in the white plastic bag.

The shorter one was pretty good looking I thought, as far as I could tell looking through the glass into my dimly lit apartment, Italian I think, long brown or black wavy hair a full figure and thick black eye liner.

Her friend was taller and thin with long blond hair and a weak chin and tiny face. They were holding small smart phones, occasionally glancing at them and quickly looking back at me.

The rubber covered drink holder / shower hook looking thing needed to go on somehow but I wasn't immediately sure how.

Some kind of hard metal coated in beige rubber, there was a hinge at the base where the hook met the ring. Turning it over in my hand I could see the thick ring was split at the top and had two cylindrical lumps under on either side of the hinge.

It hit me -- it was the cock ring / buttplug combo from the Human control harness, but slimmer and now without any wires.

The buttplug was now just a thin flexible rod about 10 cm long. I was thankful that the upgrade was less... bulbous. My ass still twinged sitting down after wearing the old harness for those few days with rose.

I looked up at the two women now so close their breasts flattened against the glass slightly each time they took a breath. My lingering glance prompting a hurry up hand action from the taller blond one.

I briefly looked for a way to slip the cockring up the leg of the unitard but quickly gave up and unzipped, pulling the butler suit down to expose me naked to the knees again. I had lost almost all modesty, fear almost exclusively motivating me now.

From experience I had learned that I needed to slide the plug / rod thing in first. However, the high friction rubber coating just was not going in.

I licked the end, coating it in spit, the two women gave me a low "woow" smiling from behind the glass wall and I slipped it in all the way to the bend. My own smell a little less than flattering as I licked it, but I was so tired I didn't care about anything.

I had to pull it very hard to get the attached ring up under my balls. I felt a sick feeling as the rod thing moved inside me. The ring closed tightly with a "click". The thick band fitting tight around the base of my cock and balls and pushed them out and lifted my balls a little.

Once on it was seamless. On the outside there were no buttons or clips or any visible way to release the ring. I started to get semi hard with all the attention and quickly put on my butler unitard. The outline of my junk now filling out the Lycra impressively.

I was getting firmer; the reflection in the glass confirming the suit wasn't hiding much. Another loud click from somewhere and the two women beckoned me inside.

I reached for the door handle and the shorter woman shook her finger and pointed at the doggy door. The clingy Lycra suit and the cockring had me feeling eager to meet the two women waiting for me in my flat.

As I crouched down the electronic doggy door clicked and the LED light turned green as it recognized my collar. There was just enough space to slip my shoulders through one at a time and the tall woman stood on the fingers of my left hand.

The shorter woman threw a clipboard and a crayon on the floor in front of me. Five pages with little yellow "sign-here" post-it notes for me.

The two young women just watched for a second as I struggled to read in the dim light through the pain of squashed fingers.

The shorter brunette clucked her tongue and looked at her phone. The taller woman, careful not to let her weight off my fingers, looked over at the phone too.

I heard the light scrape sound of fingernails on touch screen and shouted:


uncontrollably as my balls and ass burned with high voltage. It was very brief but hugely intense. I guessed that it was a warning, until I felt my throat buzz and then the burning return to my balls and ass.

I exhaled to yell again but no sound came out. I rushed to sign all the pages and the burning stopped but my throat still buzzed. It wasn't so painful, just frightening for some reason. It was a little painful though.

Getting to my feet the shorter woman reached out to each side of my head. I though I was getting a kiss but she was just pushing the ear buds attached to my goggles into my ears and clicked the zipper up to the top of my suit.

The earbuds made a squelch noise when they went in before:

"...seconds to respond before correction."

All external sounds were gone, replaced by Genie's voice repeating a list of instructions.

You are to serve. When you hear this tone -Beep Beep- you have a text command. Text commands will be replied to by typing: Yes, I will comply, thank you. You have 30 seconds to respond before correction. Vocal commands may come at anytime. Vocal commands will be responded to by saying: Yes, anything you wish, thank you. You have 5 seconds to respond before correction.

These instructions started to loop before I heard a woman's voice:

"Coffee, half milk, two sugars. Lounge."

I tried to speak but could feel the buzzing in my throat and knew no sound was coming out. The burning sensation dropped me to my knees, doubled up on the floor I whispered:

"Yes, anything you wish, thank you."

The shock ended and I got to work on the coffee. Glancing into my re arranged apartment, the lounge looked a lot higher than before.

Stepping into the lounge area I could see the bottom of the lounge was cut off, the cushions and back now sitting on a wire cage.

"Stand quietly still."

Came through my headphones while I looked for somewhere to put the coffee. The shorter woman took the cup and took a sip before handing it back to me.

I stood in front of the two women on the raised couch.

"Stand quietly still." Exactly like he last time came through my headphones.

Feeling like a school boy waiting for the Teachers instruction, standing between the two women, feeling my hard on grow under the Lycra... shifting my weight a little I got a very short shock from the harness. I could see both women study my growing erection and it grew a little faster.

Another small movement prompted a bigger shock and another

"Stand quietly still."

Through the attached earbuds /plugs /phones things.

I guessed that there was some kind of motion sensor signaling the collar and cockring shocking me.

I heard the xbox start up sound and stood still taking the cup each time my coffee sipper was done. She took the cup back and I got:

"Dance in time with the music."

Again Genie's voice through the ear bud things attached to the goggles. The repetition told me it was another recoding of some kind. I guessed my "duties" had been set my Genie who had recorded instructions for these two new "Owners".

I had often fantasized of inescapable submission and being a servant and anonymous sexual adventures...

Now I had been reduced to a gimp suited serving robot, seemingly unworthy of speaking or even being spoken to. The degradation was crushing, dehumanization. I was hurt and turned on at the same time. It was not what I imagined, I felt a flood of emotions, none of them easy to identify.

No time for self-pity, I turned to watch the screen scroll through a number of songs and the difficulty setting go to max.

The first song was "Trouble" by "Shampoo" or "Shampoo" by "Trouble"??? A song I had never heard of. The silhouette figure directing me to do the Monkey. I jumped at the shock from the harness. The screen flashed "No, like this!" and " Try harder!" and encouraging messages like that. The shocks were in time with the beat of the music and the penalty messages from the game. I had been integrated into the home entertainment system.

I could see my own tuxedo body suited and goggled image on the screen in the video clip for the song next to the Monkey-ing instructor. Another zap a little longer and a little harder but synced to the xbox some how had me doing the monkey along with the xbox instructor in the girly pop video.

Half way through the song the screen went back to menu and I kept go-go dancing for a few seconds before a shadow moving behind me turned me around in curiosity.

The two women had collapsed into each other, red faces contorted, drool and eyes watering silently. The look on my face must have prompted the shorter one to turn on her mic.

Through the goggle headphones I heard the combination of manic out of breath laughter and inhale wines and snort laughs coming from the two.

The red faced duo sat up grinning on my old couch and both peered down into the shorter one's smart phone.

"Stand quietly still."

Started again looping through my ears every five seconds or so as the two xboxers scrolled through the song menu, lips moving but seeming to make no sound other than:

"Stand quietly still."

... and a five second silent pause.

"Black Tea, one spoon of honey."

I looked around and got a long shock and a repeated

"Black tea, one spoon of honey."

The shock lasting until I whispered:

"Yes, anything you wish, thank you."

My feeling of self-pity tinged with erotic humiliation intensifying. It was hard to see these two tormenting young women through the goggles and the poor early evening light. I felt too intimidated to make eye contact and looked down most of the time.

I caught sight of my erection pointing out horizontal pitching a Lycra tent. I wanted to adjust myself but worried about what would happen to me if I did.

Returning to the couch, hard on waggling, spring like, under my body stocking, I stood between the two women with the tea and the shorter woman gave me her coffee cup before tapping her phone again

"Stand quietly still."

Came through the earphones and an immediate:

"Yes, anything you wish, thank you"

Whispered passed my lips.

Everything went dark.

The lenses in my goggles went completely black. I felt startled, but also immediately sleepy. I guess I knew why they looked like the 3D glasses -- each side with an LCD blinder.


"Stand quietly still."

With another "Yes, anything you wish, thank you." From me, each time feeling my control slip further away.

I felt the two cups being taken to and from my hand... ...and then a hand lightly touch my cock. I held both cups again followed and two hands roughly prod me. I wanted to speak, to stroke myself, to have sex with my female controllers, I was busting and I guess my sate was obvious to the two young women on my couch.

Sleep deprived and veraciously Hungary the frustration was filling all my mind. Not being able to see or move made it very intense. Suddenly I felt the prostate electrode stimulate me. I started to shudder and got a correction shock for moving with the mechanical:

"Stand quietly still."

And my now automatic "Yes, anything you wish, thank you."

I feel the electricity inside me and my balls fizzing and hard on bursting I want to air thrust as the sensation griped me.

Settling on another song the two cups taken out of my hands. My goggles see through again.

Seconds into the dance video I came. I would have screamed if I could have made any vocal noise. With the prostate stimulation on, I could not stop air thrusting and my cock became super sensitive. I was in an unstoppable orgasm, dancing a animalistic display, all control lost in a remotely induced frenzy... the wet patch spread across my front. The electric orgasm feeling turning to pain as I thrust and came again grimacing in ecstatic agony.

The next few songs went by with very few mistakes, and the shcok corrections that followed I was in blinding sensory overload.

As instantly as it started the prostate stimulator shuts off and I was led into the shower. The zip at the back of my morph suit was attached firmly to the collar. I just couldn't find the pull tab.

The two women watching me with continued amusement until I was finally ushered into the shower cubical I heard the now familiar:

"Stand quietly still."

And each time I respond dutifully:

"Yes, anything you wish, thank you"

The water is ice cold and I get a shock for moving, a new sensory flood, I wonder if I am being deliberately desensitized.

The water is just relentless. The initial shock wears off and the two women squirt me with strawberry body wash the suits foaming up as the water hits it. I am thankful not to smell anymore and start to wash instinctively before another:

"Stand quietly still." ...shock and,

"Yes, anything you wish, thank you." With a mouth full of soapy water reply from me.

The taller woman spreads the soap around and rinses me off. The suit is now very transparent. I am handed a bus pass, a reloadable debit supermarket card and I hear another recording from Genie:

"Write an update now." Five seconds later a shock and I say:

"Yes, anything you wish, thank you."

My little wrist phone lights up and I get a text:

"Be a good robot M3. Write your experiences at home now."

I start writing the afternoons... "adventures" ... and get a shock that keeps going I hop around and look for the reason... before another text message:

"M3, you have thirty seconds to respond to text commands."

I typed

"Yes, I understand, thank you."

But continue being shocked.

Just as I send it I realize what I should have typed and thumb out:

"Yes, I will comply, thank you."

And the shock stops instantly. As I type up the rest of the report I wonder how dry my tuxedo gimp suit will get before I am sent on my bus trip to the supermarket. A quick check confirms my nipples and junk are clearly visible under the wet clingy semi transparent catsuit. It's dark outside now... that might help... until I get to a shop.


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