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The Perfect Wife Ch. 01

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Well almost.
16.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 07/25/2023
Created 07/22/2023
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Well almost.

I posted all chapters at one time.

Good news I got and edited but could only do so much. I want to thank 'Balls and Stikes for his help. He checked the spelling of the first three for me. After that, it's all me.

I recently had a request about another story I wrote. "He never saw that coming." // He asked, "What was the wife embarrassed about?"

It took me a while to think of a premise for a story.

I once read a story about a divorce of a one time about a happy family. A woman was making fun of her virgin 28-year-old brother in front of the family. And yeah, she was drinking too much.

Her other sister had also been drinking and blurted out about her going to bed with over eighty boys in college.

Her husband got up and walked out on her. He told her he couldn't deal with the thought of her making it with so many guys, which made him sick. It doesn't matter what other people think about him divorcing her. He couldn't mentally handle it. It ended in divorce.

Another example of this I know for a fact is true. I'm changing it a little, but you'll get the point. I don't want to destroy a marriage. One day we were at a party, and a woman cornered my son, and it looked to me like she was pleading with him about something. She is married to a doctor with three kids, and God, was she not beautiful? I said as much.

He chuckled at my comment and said, "You got to keep a secret, Dad. I met her in college. She was a party animal. She would give blow jobs at the drop of a hat and dated a new guy for a week. She went through fraternity men like shit through a goose. Rumor had it she had been with over 100 boys and sometimes more than one at a time. She met her current husband after college and became his wife."

She saw my son, recognized him, and almost had a heart attack. She finally cornered him and begged him not to expose her past. It would kill her husband and destroy her family, and her family's happiness was at his mercy. My son never dated or slept with her because he was dating his future wife.

I turned to him and asked him if he had told anyone else. He said, "No."

I asked him, "How do you keep a secret among three people? Before he could answer, I said, "You kill two of them." I told him he made a promise, now keep it and keep his mouth shut. I never told another soul.

I find it funny how when women say their body count doesn't matter until they're asked what theirs is and they have fit.

Oh, by the way, her husband is pretty much described as MC in my story. And no, I don't know the size of his cock. I made that up.

Robert Bradshaw-MC

Martha Bradshaw - Robert's Mother

Thomas Bradshaw - Robert's Father

Chad Bradshaw-Oldest Brother, Cindy-Loving Wife

Sara Townsend-Sister George-Husband

Charles Bradshaw- Brother, Penny-Wife

Mary Paxton-Sister, Ricky-Husband

Rebecca Thurman (Becky)-Robert's wife.

John Thurman, Becky's Father

Morgan Thurman, Becky's Mother

Peter Thurman-Brother, Laura-Wife

James Thurman-Brother, Mandy-wife

Beth Bearden-Becky's-sister, Alan-Husband

Kim Stephens-Becky's oldest sister, Greg-husband

Recently my company installed 'Destratification fans' in our warehouse. Being an engineer, I was fascinated with how they worked. They equalize the air temperature throughout a building.


Robert burst out the front door falling on his face after he tripped across the threshold of his father-in-law's mansion. Stumbling back to his knees as he tried to get up off the sidewalk, he finally regained his balance and broke full speed toward his truck. Then a whiff of his sister-in-law's pussy permutated his sinuses. He gagged and threw up.

He reached into his pocket and hurriedly pulled out his car keys, opened the front door of his truck, and climbed in. He knew he had limited time fumbling with his keys; finally, he located the ignition key. Pushed it in and turned. The restored 1970 454 L6 450 hp GMC pickup rumbled to life. He slammed the truck into reverse. Performing a quick to two-point turnaround caused him to slam into the side of his brother-in-law's new Mercedes. He shifted the beast into drive and attempted to pull forward.

Unfortunately, the ball for the trailer hitch had punched into the car's door, preventing his escape.

Shifting the transmission into low, he floored the pedal as the smoke bellowed from his tires. The Mercedes slowly gave way to being dragged into his other brothers-in-law's vehicles. As they smashed together, the hitch broke free of the door, "Fuck them," Robert thought. "Fuck them all."

As he straightened the truck out and headed out the gate, he looked into this review mirror to see his half-dressed in-laws filing out of the house waving and yelling for him to come back. Then, as he drove down the drive toward the gates, they started to close.

He gunned his motor and blew right through them, causing the gates to explode off their hinges and fly off in different directions, landing 20 yards down the road.

At the end of the quarter-mile drive, he made a hard right turn throwing the truck sideways. That caused him to slide sideways, drifting across the county road, almost landing him in the ditch.

He came to a sudden stop. He then pushed the gas pedal to the floor till the tires squalled as they burnt 10,000 miles of rubber off both rear tires.

The truck fished-tailed back and forth as full power was applied to the back wheels. Robert finally straightened it out and sped down the back roads of Georgia. "Now, how to deal with my wife," he thought to himself.


Casa' Tampico was hopping on Saturday night. It was the local bar and dance club in North Cobb County near the Town Center. The local 20-something crowd gathered to blow off steam and to meet their future Mr. or Mrs. Right or Right Now.

"Hey, Robert," all of his friends yelled simultaneously as he sat down for his one-night monthly visit per month to the club to see his long-time friends. Annie, Peter, Thomas, David, and his best friend Trey, were his friends from high school and regularly got together to catch up on their lives.

Trey piped up, "Yep, guys, as I said, you can set your calendar by Robert here--every third Thursday of the month at nine-o'clock sharp. So he slapped Robert on his back; I'll buy it. What are you having?"

"No thanks. You know I buy my own drinks," replied Robert pulling out his wallet. He saw the waitress heading his way.

"Hey Katie, I'll take a Coors," handing her two sawbucks. "Keep the change."

Annie shook her head and spoke, "No wonder waitresses around love you; the beer is only five bucks."

"Yeah, I know I overtip," replied Robert, "but I don't buy a lot. Instead, I take a space from someone else who might buy more, so I tip accordingly. And unlike you guys that sit behind a desk all day, I appreciate someone that actually works hard for their money."

Robert felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a smiling Peggy standing there. "Robert, can we dance?"

"Sure." Taking a quick drink of his beer, he headed out to the floor. An hour later, he returned. He reaches over, grabbing his beer for a quick swallow. "Damn, it's warm," he thought to himself.

Trey laughed, "Have you ever thought about turning one of them down?"

Robert quickly replied, "Nope, I haven't. If they're going to go out of their way to ask me, I'm going with them."

Annie laughed, "You know, if you would get another girlfriend to hint, hint, they'll leave you alone."

"Not going to happen," he replied. "I've been slapped upside of the head enough and finally got the message. Besides, you know you're the only woman for me," Batting his eyes at her like a love-sick teenager.

Annie sighed; "Darling, you name the time and place, and I'll be yours forever."

David moaned, "You two make me sick."

They all looked at Robert, staring at a woman walking toward the bar. She was tall with blonde hair. She wore a Royal blue chiffon blouse. It matched with a pair of white capris. And she finished it off with a couple of 4-inch black open-toe high heels shoes.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, "Can I have a dance?" the young lady asked, snapping him out of his fog.

He replied, "Sure," and headed off toward the dance floor. He kept the young lady dancing with her back to the bar. He glanced over to see man after man shot down as they approached the blonde.

Finally, the song ended, and he thanked the girl for the dance and returned to the table. He turned in his seat to give him a view of the woman he was searching for. He watched her turn down man after man as she kept checking the time on her watch, staring at her watch.

Robert slammed down his empty beer bottle on the table. And got up from his seat and headed to the bar. "Where are you going, Robert?" yelled Thomas over the music.

Smiling at them, "I'm going to talk to the future Mrs. Robert Bradshaw."

All his friends looked at each other with stupified looks with their mouths open.

Watching her latest suitor get shot down, he approached the bar, "Margorie, I'll take a Coors, please."

Marjorie looked at him with a 'What are you asking me for.' She replied, "suuure."

He glanced at her from her reflection in the mirror. His children's future mother was nervous and constantly checked the time on her watch.

"It's about time," remarked Robert. Loud enough that she had to have heard him.

She looked up to see Robert staring at her. "Excuse me. What's about time?" She asked.

He smiled. "It's about time somebody comes in here that doesn't look like a Barbie."

She sat there, not knowing how to reply.

He smiled. "I noticed you keep checking your watch. You must have to be somewhere you don't really want to go to."

She chuckled, "What makes you think I have to go somewhere? And I'm not waiting on someone."

"You have just seen one of my many talents. You see, I'm very observant of people and their actions. So I don't miss much. For example, I've seen you look at your watch over and over the past hour, but you never looked at the entrance. Ergo, you are not waiting on anyone."

Marjorie sat his beer down in front of him, "I'll tell your waitress, to put it on your tab," while sizing up the lady Robert was talking to.

"Well, when you get tired of these boys trying to pick you up and decide you'd like to dance, I'll be over there with my friends. So please, come over and join us."

"Oh, do you think you could do a better job than those so-called boys?" she asked smugly.

He turns back to his drink; taking a swig of his Coors, he replies, "Yep, no problem."

"Do me a favor and look into the mirror. Keep looking, don't peek." She asked. What color are my eyes?"

He grinned, "What you're really asking if I noticed anything above your neck. I will say those things are impressive. But so are those light baby blues with a dark blue ring around the iris. Grinning and taking another drink without turning."

"Give me your best shot; let's see what you've got." She smirked.

He turned and smiled, "I usually go for 8s, but I guess I'll settle for a 10."

She bit her cheek and shook her head. "Nope, that's not going to cut it."

He contemplated his next move, "Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes."

She chuckled, "That was pathetic. If that's the best, you're going backward. Also, do I look like a teenager? Give me some of your X-rated stuff."

He caught her attention, crooked his finger, and gestured for her to move closer because he had a secret to tell her. He whispered to her. "Just think, I made you come this far with one finger. Imagine what I could with three."

She moved back in shock and gathered herself. Then, after regaining composure, she replied, "That's a little better, but that's not going to get me into your bed."

He twisted his mouth with a devilish grin. "Would you like to come back to my place and watch a porn movie in the mirror in my bedroom?"

She looked at me confused and replied, "Why would I want to watch....?" Then her voice broke out laughing. "That's funny, buts not going to get you to want you to want."

"Awe shucks, Ma'am," replied with a grin. "I'm planning on having sex with you tonight."

She bantered back. "Oh, are you?"

"Yep, would you like to be there when it happens?" he snickered.

She laughed, and he grinned, "You're funny, but I don't date comedians, as she looked at her watch again."

"Oh, I like your watch," he said. "I appreciate watches." Twisting his wrist, "You see, I have a magic watch myself."

She looked at him like he was crazy, then realized she was being set up. "Oh, really. Do tell."

"Oh yes, it tells me things.

Playing along, "What's it telling you?

His eyes popped wide, "I can't tell you."

She laid her hand on his and batted those baby blues eyes at him, "Please."

"All right, but don't say I didn't warn you. It says you're not wearing any panties."

She looked panicked, "I most certainly am."

He looked confused. Looking at it again, he tapped the crystal face several times with his forefinger. Then put it next to his ear.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's an hour fast."

She thought about it and broke down laughing, "I like that. That's pretty good. But not going to work."

"Damn, you're tough. I could use one on you, but I have to warn you, it's never failed. It would be like taking candy from a baby."

"Well, I'm intrigued. Are you sure your little ego can handle getting snuffed out?"

"Oh, that's where you're mistaken, my dear. My ego is huge."

She leaned toward them, waiting for him to give her his best shot. But making sure he got a good view of her 44EEs. "Go on, give it to me." Making sure he got the double entendre. "Make my panties come off."

Robert felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Jessica standing there. She said, "Excuse me, Robert, but you promised me a dance, and I know you won't stay out late. I feared you would leave before I had my chance at you."

"Sure, Jessica, give me a second. I'll be right with you," he assured her.

He turned to the young woman and said, "Listen, I had a blast. If you have time and decide you can stay awhile, I love to dance with you.

"I'll be over there with my friends. Come on over and join us. If not tonight, come back sometime in the future. I would love to talk to you some more. Hey, Margorie, get this lady whatever she is drinking and put it on my tab." The bartender dropped the glass she was holding.

Walking up to the lady, "What did you do? What did you say to him."

"I wasn't saying anything," she retorted. "I was sitting here minding my own business fighting off the leeches when he walked up."

"I don't know what you did," replied Marjorie. "But that's the first time in the three years I've been working here that he bought another person, more or less another female, a drink. Whatever you did, you made quite the impression."

"Listen, all I did was sit here and listen to his pickup lines," she said.

Marjorie's eyelids widened, and she asked, "Well?"

"Well, what."

"Were they any good? The pickup lines."

She smiled; "Yeah, they were. He had me with the first one he used. And it wasn't even funny. I waited for the last one when another girl asked to dance; he had promised her earlier. But I don't understand why he never asked me for my name if he was interested in me."

"Honey, that's because he's been dragged over the coals one too many times. I guess he figures if he doesn't get too personal with you, he won't get hurt again.

"I want you to do me a favor and slowly and casually turn around and look at all the eyeballs staring back at you. By the way, my name is Marjorie; everyone calls me Marjy" with a "Y" at the end.

"Hi, I'm Rebecca; my friends call me Becky. What's his?"

"Oh no, I'm not playing favorites. You're going to have to ask him yourself. You'll have to do your own dirty work. I'm a neutral country here, showing off her wedding ring. Now, do as I ask."

Becky rotated slowly on her stool, scoping out the room as she turned. A minute later, she turned back to face Marjy. She leaned forward, "Holy shit Marjy, they all looked at me as if I just pissed in their cereal."

"Oh, Honey, that's not piss. You shit in their cereal." she chuckled. "Are you staying? If you are, I'll get you your drink."

"Yeah, I'll think I'll stay a while."

Marjy smiled and said, "I thought you would."

For the next 30 minutes, she watched him flirt and dance with woman after woman, but he always returned to his table alone.

She was about to get up and ask for her dance when she saw him reject a girl coldly, as his friends at the table laughed at her.

As the next dance started, she watched him get up and walk across the dance floor to the table where the lady returned.

Robert walked up to the table where his latest rejection sat, being comforted by her fellow hens. Then, leaning across the table, he sneered, "How's it feels to be treated like a piece of shit?

"Do you know hard it is for a man to get enough courage to walk across this floor and ask you for a dance? He didn't ask you to have his baby, for Christ's sake, just a dance. Then you have your fellow hens laugh at him as you reject him.

"I bet you do now. I bet that was the longest walk you ever made back across that floor to your table.

"All of you are about my age. In a few years, you'll want to meet Mr. Right and not Mr. Right Now. You'll be crying in each other arms, drinking your wine, and asking yourselves, 'Where are all the good men?'

"All you'll have to do is look back at all the young men you stepped over to get to one that only wanted you to provide a warm place for his cock.

"That guy you just rejected is really one of the good guys I should know. I played ball with him in school. And instead of partying and chasing women, he was busting his ass to become a doctor.

"Not only a doctor, a pediatric heart surgeon. He's developing a way to operate on babies in the wombs to prevent future heart problems. Pretty damn impressive, huh?

"One day in the future, you might be out somewhere when a man and woman pull up in Mercedes. They get out, followed by two beautiful children. She has a massive ring on her finger. And you'll be able to tell by how she looks at him that she worships him. And do you know what will hurt the most? He might have been your Mr. Right forever.

"Also, you've noticed no one else has asked any of you to dance. They won't put themselves out there just to be ridiculed by the likes of you. There's nothing special about any of you. Look around the club; fifty other women look just like you.

"I want to ask all four of you. I bet you wouldn't like it if someone treated your brother that way. Would you?" You'd probably scratch their eyes out. Have a good evening, ladies." He turned and headed back to his table.

Rebecca continued to watch him accept a dance with any girl that would walk up to ask him after his little exchange. Then, finally, she downed her liquid courage and headed toward his table.

Robert felt a tap on his shoulder. He saw all his friends smirk. Robert knew right then who it was. He turned and smiled and asked, "You're still here. I thought you had to go somewhere."

"I think you promised me to dance. Didn't you?" Rebecca asked.

Grinning ear to ear, "Yes, I did. Shall we?" They walked out on the floor just in time for the song to end, and a slow song began. He mouthed sorry and stuck out his hands in an attempt to offer her to continue with a slow dance; she glided to him.

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