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The Perils of Being Too Trusting Ch. 03

Story Info
SpareRod escalates things for Heather.
21.6k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/07/2013
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So, I'm honestly ashamed how long this chapter took to write. Some of it was I got distracted, some of it was that I hate proofreading, so I just kept writing instead of going back to proofread. Very bad habit.

There are two more chapters after this one, and I am already working on them. Hopefully I can get back to posting faster than one chapter per year. If anyone is interested in proofreading, please, please, please let me know. I'm doing this in Google Docs, and it's pretty easy to give folks editing rights. If you like the story, at least it would get you an advance peek.

Also any encouraging feedback always helps.



Heather was glad the restaurant was busy this morning, it made it easier to keep her mind off her complete lack of underwear. Her skirt came down almost to her knees, and her blouse and camisole covered things fairly well as long as she was standing straight, but she still felt very exposed. Every time she rushed back to the kitchen she could feel the draft around her pussy. It hadn't been obvious when SpareRod had picked out her outfit how revealing her top would be every time she bent over. With several buttons cut off the blouse, it fell open and exposed the camisole almost completely. While the cami was tight enough that there was no risk of her boobs falling out, it was a little low cut so it didn't cover them as well as Heather would have liked. Plus it did nothing to hide her nipples poking through the fabric. She'd only been at work for about 20 minutes, but she had received several appreciative stares from guys as she bent over to set down plates.

The other thing she was avoiding was thinking about how the hell she was going to get the selfies taken. She checked the time on her phone, and knew she really couldn't put this off any longer. After topping all the coffee mugs she headed back towards the restrooms. She would have much preferred to do this in a stall in the women's room, but he had specifically forbid that. So she went right past the bathrooms and out the back door. She quickly scooted between a dumpster and the building corner, hiding herself for the most part from the back door and from the alley. It was still very exposed, but at least she should hear someone coming either out the door or driving up the alley. Once her phone was ready, she pushed down the cami so both her breasts were out, opened her blouse to completely expose them, and held up her skirt in the front so she was showing everything. She tried to take photo quickly, but the enormity of what she was doing hit her as she attempted to hold the phone up and capture her exposed tits and pussy. Her hands trembled and it took several tries before she had a clear picture. She decided to take one as an upskirt by holding the phone low, giving a close up of her pussy. She was amazed how swollen and open her pussy lips looked, and she couldn't resist running her finger over her clit as she snapped another picture or two. It felt so good, it was difficult to stop and cover up, but she knew if she stayed too long she was sure to get caught. She rushed to one of the stalls in the women's room so she could send the pictures to him in relative safety. She also took the opportunity to finger herself for a bit while she was there. She hoped that she wasn't so wet her juices would start running down her legs.

It wasn't until she was washing her hands that she noticed that pushing down her camisole had stretched it a bit, and it didn't want to stay as high as it had before. Bending over her reflection was showing a scandalous amount of boob down her blouse. She would have to be careful how she bent over.

Three more times over her shift she snuck out to the back to take some more pictures. She felt like she had to vary it a bit, so she got some of her squatting with her legs wide, and even a couple of her ass as well. Even though it scared the shit out of her, it also was strangely liberating to be so wild, so sexual. In a strange way it helped to know that she was still a good girl and that she was only doing this because she was being forced.

She wasn't being forced to masturbate in the women's stalls, but she was doing that anyways, and after the second group of photos she shot a short video of her finger-fucking herself and sent that too. She figured it might help keep him in a good mood and make him nicer to her. It shocked her how difficult it was to stop though, and she found herself chewing on her lower lip as she went back to work she was so frustrated.

It wasn't until the third time behind the dumpster that she got caught. She was squatting down, the cami pushed down, the shirt fully open to show off her tits, her legs spread wide so she could finger her wet pussy, and trying to take the picture when she heard a voice.

"Wha da FUUUCK!??!"

The homeless guy had been walking up the alley, and she hadn't heard him coming. She snapped her thighs together, tried to pull up her camisole, and rushed into the restaurant. She heard the homeless guy yell for her to come back a couple times, but thankfully he shut up and moved on. Her heart was racing as she tried to rearrange her clothes as best she could with trembling hands. She didn't even dare go into the bathroom, so she rushed to send off one photo to SpareRod and got back to work. It wasn't until she set down a coffee mug in front of a customer and saw his eyes widen that she realized maybe her clothes weren't right. She looked down to find that she had not pulled up her cami far enough, and her nipple had slipped into plain view. She tried to fix it and be more careful, but she was sure several more customers got a nice peek at her tits that morning.

Heather was a complete wreck by the time her shift ended. She could feel the slickness on her thighs as she walked, and she was worried that it might run down her legs where customers might see. As soon as she clocked out, she raced to her car to get some privacy. After wiping her upper thighs and crotch with some tissues, she checked her phone and saw she had an email from SpareRod:


While I can tell you are trying, you need to know your performance has not been satisfactory. You spent several minutes in your room last night before you got naked. You also failed to stay naked this morning until you were ready to leave your room. Although the quality of your pictures were quite good during work today, you went more than 90 minutes between them on several occasions. These transgressions will need to be punished. Take your camisole off from under your blouse immediately. Go to a grocery store to do some shopping. Send me a picture of yourself inside the store, proving you've followed instructions, and I will send you a shopping list.


"Fuck!" Heather swore.

She thought she had been so good. She was dismayed to think what punishment might entail. He had made it clear that it would be more severe than yesterday, and she wasn't sure she could take it. But there was no way she wanted that video to go public either, so she decided to go to the store and see what came next. She tried for at least a minute to get the shoulder straps of the cami down her blouse sleeves so she could get the camisole off without taking off her blouse, but the sleeves were too tight. She finally gave up, and pulled the whole thing off as quickly as she could. Unfortunately that tangled her blouse, and she ended up spending even more time sitting topless trying to straighten out her blouse to get it back on. Finally, she started to pull it back on and almost shrieked when she noticed there was a guy less than 30 feet away staring at her in shock. She had no idea how long he had been there, but he had certainly had a clear view of her bare breasts. She didn't even button the blouse, she just started her car and raced away.

She did manage to button her blouse at the first stoplight, but since she had cut off all but three buttons, it really didn't help. She was horrified by how much of her chest was showing. Just trying to make the shirt stay still while driving proved impossible. She had no doubt that she flashed several people as she drove to a supermarket. She did opt to drive across town to minimize the chance of running into anyone she knew.

Once in the store, it took a while for her to find a quiet aisle where she could snap a picture safely. She knew enough about what he expected to make sure her nipples were completely exposed for the picture. No reason to disappoint him and draw more punishment. Unfortunately that made getting the picture even more difficult. Not the exposing herself part, that happened pretty much all by itself, since when she held the camera at arm's length to take the picture, the blouse fell open all by itself. But finding a spot where she thought she could do that without being spotted by anyone or by the security cameras she could see on the ceiling was a real challenge. She finally ended up in the greeting card aisle, facing the shelves as close as she could to try and hide from the security cameras. As luck would have it, right as she took the picture, an elderly woman came into the aisle. Heather covered herself as fast as she could, and hurried away to another aisle. She did hear the woman say something, but her ears were ringing and her heart was pounding, so she had no idea what the woman was saying or if it was even about her.

She sent the picture to SpareRod and tried to stay inconspicuous while she wandered around the store. It seemed to take forever, but it was actually less than ten minutes later when his instructions came.


Here is your shopping list. You need two zucchini or yellow squash, one a comfortable size to fuck yourself with, the other to feel a bit large. The other items should be all together in the store, an enema kit, some KY jelly, and two packages of condoms. You are not allowed to buy anything else, part of the punishment is everyone will be thinking about what you are up to. Make sure to take a picture of your items for me right before you check out. Then head home and I'll see you when you're on video.


Heather was terrified at where this was leading, but she couldn't see a way out. She grabbed a small basket, and headed to the produce section. She was in a bit of a quandary about what to do about the zucchini. Since she was so petite she was not one of those girls looking for a guy to be huge. In fact guys who were big enough to make her be careful was more the norm. That said, she knew if she picked them too small that he would accuse her going too easy on herself. In the end she picked one just over five inches for the small one, and another that was about six and a half inches long for the second. She just had to hope it would be okay.

Holding the basket so it kept her blouse closed, she headed towards feminine products for the rest of her purchases. She found the lube and the condoms quickly, but it took quite a bit of time looking between the oils, douches, and suppositories to finally find the enema kit. That in itself was a bit embarrassing to be spending so long looking in this area, but it got worse when she found it on the bottom shelf. She started to bend over to set the basket on the ground, but her blouse spread wide open, showing a dramatic amount of cleavage. If she bent at the waist, her blouse would open, but if she squatted down her skirt would ride up and she worried she would flash her crotch. To make things worse, a couple guys were hanging out in the aisle, watching her out of the corners of their eyes. They clearly knew something was up.

Using one arm to hold her blouse closed, and the other to keep her skirt firmly against her legs, she squatted down with her thighs pressed tightly together. She was sure it looked awkward as hell, but with the two guys staring at her blatantly, she figured it was less awkward than flashing them. Once she was down so her calves were touching the backs of her thighs, that freed one hand to reach for the enema kit. Her heart was pounding because of the guys watching her, and it was more difficult to stay balanced than she thought it would be. As she leaned over to get the enema kit from the bottom shelf, she felt herself losing her balance. On instinct she shot one leg out as a counter-balance, and used the hand that had been holding her blouse closed to steady herself against the shelf.

"Holy shit!" she heard one of the guys swear.

Heather gasped and looked at herself. The blouse had not opened completely, but her left nipple was within millimeters of being exposed. On top of that, with her with her leg out and skirt riding up she was showing way more leg than she meant to, and it was possible the guys could see right up her skirt. She tossed the enema kit in her basket and bolted upright as fast as she could. She was so flustered that she was pretty sure that both guys got a decent look down her blouse as she rushed out of the aisle. As she walked away she thought she heard one of them say something to the other that included the word "tits," but she didn't stick around to find out.

Her shopping complete, she headed up front to pay and get out of there. Checking out with her current purchases, dressed in this outfit, the whole idea put a pit in her stomach. The humiliation of interacting with the clerk would be unbearable. While she stood there, too terrified to move, she suddenly remembered that she needed to take a picture of her basket. While using her phone to snap the picture, it occurred to her that this store had self-check-out. She almost jumped for joy with her plan to beat him! He hadn't told her that she needed to check-out with a cashier, so she could do it herself, and not interact with anyone.

Unable to keep the grin from her face, she headed to the kiosks, and scanned everything in her basket. She worked quickly to get it all into a bag, glad that there was no one in front of her to peek down her blouse. It gave her the freedom to work faster without worrying about holding her blouse together. She got her credit card out, started to pay the bill, and saw something that almost made her scream in horror. There was a screen above the kiosk that she had not noticed before, and a video of her was on that screen for the world to see. Even worse, it was from an angle that was clearly looking down her blouse. The way she was leaning forward, people walking by could see on the screen that her right nipple peeking out . To top it off, the word "RECORDING" was blinking across the bottom of the screen. Heather was mortified. Not only had people walking by seen her exposed breasts, but the system was now capturing it, probably for eternity. She looked over her shoulders, and noticed a couple guys had positioned themselves to watch her on the screen. There really wasn't anything to do but cover up and leave as fast as she could.

The drive home was every bit as nerve wracking as the drive to the store had been. Her blouse just did not want to stay closed. She had no idea how many people might have seen her tits on the way home; she tried not to make eye contact. Once safely in her house, she went to her room and turned on her computer. At the last second she remembered she was supposed to be naked. She had just finished pulling off the skirt and blouse when his voice came over the speakers.

"Hey slut," he asked, "aren't you supposed to get naked as soon as you enter the house?"

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir," she apologized quickly.

"That will add to your punishment. You're certainly racking it up today. But we'll deal with the extra punishment in a bit, let's get started on what you need to do to make up for last night and this morning. Show me your pussy, is it wet?"

Heather was humiliated all over again to show him how slick and swollen her pussy lips were. It was bad enough to stand in front of her computer with her hips thrust forward to push her sex close to the camera, but to have it be so obvious that it was turning her on made it doubly degrading. She could feel herself blush from head to toe listening to him talk about how wet her hot little cunt was. She was glad when he told her that she could step back, but her stomach resumed its somersaults when he told her she needed to get the zucchinis and condoms and go to her living room window.

"Puh-please Suh-Sir," Heather stammered, "I... I don't want to do this."

"You should have thought about that before you disobeyed the rules, now get your ass out there."

Heather had to hold back tears as she set the computer on the floor next to the window, and stood with her hands on the window sash and her legs spread wide. This was way worse than yesterday, not because she was any more exposed than yesterday, but she knew what was coming next.

"Okay, now put a condom on the smaller zucchini, and let's see how it fits."

Heather was so terrified she was shaking. She knew what he was going to make her do, and the idea that her neighbors might be able to watch was inconceivable. It was one thing if they saw her masturbate with her fingers, but this was too much.

"Please Sir, I can't do this. Please don't, I just can't, it's too humiliating. With a zucchini?!?"

"Too humiliating? More than having that video be out on the web where anyone could find it? Okay, I'll admit that fucking yourself with some vegetables is humiliating by itself, and that doing it in front of your window is doubly so. But compared to having that video out on the web for anyone to find? With everything you did? With everything you said? About people you know? Come on, it's likely that no one will even see you, and even if they can, they probably won't even be sure if it's you or what you're really doing. Now I know your cunt is plenty wet, so get that condom on it, and start fucking yourself."

Heather thought about just shutting down the computer and running away, rather than continue this degradation. But she knew that would be even worse. She looked up and down the street, and decided there was probably never going to be a better time. She opened the condom package, rolled it onto the phallic vegetable, and slowly worked it in to her pussy. It wasn't very big, and she was so wet that it slid in easily. And Holy Fuck did it feel good! She hadn't had anything bigger than her fingers inside in so long, and just the feeling of it sliding in caused a moan to escape her lips. She was more humiliated than ever to have him know how much this turned her on.

He kept her going at in front of the window for over fifteen minutes, switching to the larger zucchini about halfway through. She was sweaty and trembling from standing with her knees flexed and gyrating her hips as she fucked herself right there where anyone walking by could see her. Her nipple was sore from pinching and pulling on it, and her pussy was buzzing from all the attention it was getting. The whole experience had been excruciatingly degrading. The worst part was that just when she had been right at the edge of orgasm, right as she could feel the beginnings of a climax washing over her, he had told her to stop. The frustration almost made her cry.

"Okay, we should take a break from that," he chuckled, "you little slut, you're getting all hot and bothered. Besides, we need to do something about your clothes for tomorrow. I think you have a pink camisole and another white blouse right?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, wear that, but that skirt was too long. I think you have a black one that is a little shorter, right? But I still don't think that's short enough. I think you can hem that up two more inches, okay?"

Heather couldn't believe it, he was going to have her spend the next couple hours naked at her sewing machine hemming up not just her black skirt, but also another grey one to be mid-thigh. They still wouldn't be her shortest skirts, but they would be the shortest ones she'd ever worn to work, and without panties they would feel very risky. She kept hoping for reprieve before tomorrow, but she agreed to work on the skirts.

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