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The Pink Circle Ch. 02

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An MLP all-female college group is targeted by naughty boys.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/03/2016
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The top-heavy young freshman settled into her seat across from today's first quiz subject. She had a clipboard resting on her lap, containing no shortage of brain-teasing questions she intended to plug him with before the hour was through.

She folded her legs casually, tapped a pen to the board, and nodded thoughtfully. The visiting member of the local "dyke's club" smiled clinically, but not unpleasantly, at the interviewee before her. The beauty wore a fairly plain, but high-quality, blouse and a dark mid-length skirt that draped just past her knees.

"Please, get comfortable. This interview may take up to 15 minutes." Twilight Sparkle flipped through the clipboard's pages quickly, summarizing once again her task in her mind. She finally nodded and set it down flat against her legs.

"All right. As I said, my name is Twilight. I'm here on behalf of the local Women's Rights and Forward Thinking Club, known to the general populace as... the Pink Circle. These questions will be taken anonymously, so we don't need your name. Some will be fairly personal, and there will be a lot of gendered questions, so if you're not comfortable with that, please let me know now. Are you ready to begin?"

Klein was playing with his phone while she was talking. He'd been trying to keep up a pretence that he was paying attention by hiding it on his knee as he tapped away at it, but she might as well have been reading out the phonebook for everything he was absorbing. Somehow, you talk about feminism to a feminist, she's all ears, but you even mention the word to just about any man and they just switched off. He finally smiled at his phone, then slipped it back in his pocket. "Mm, questions, gotcha. What sort of name is Pink Circle, though?"

The studious-looking girl perked up, fixing her glasses with an eager look. So happy to see the interest. "Well, I'm glad you asked! You see, it represents a safe, inclusive area and atmosphere for gendered and nongendered discussion in a friendly environment, free of patriarchal influence. It's about safety, understanding, and friendship above all else!"

She paused, considering her next words carefully.

"Friendship is really important, you see! That's what we're all about. A pro-feminist club that supports safe discourse." Twilight tilted her head to one side, smiling innocently, and tapped her pen to the board. "Now, first question. Do you believe interaction between genders, in modern society, is flawed?"

Klein might have soaked in some of her dialogue, if not for some hot little piece of ass in a tube-top walking past the window of their little classroom just as she began. She had a bubble butt and big fat breasts, almost as big as Twilight's, and he didn't hear a word of it.

But he had heard her question. He glanced back to her just in time for her to finish. "Mm... I'd love to have some safe discourse with that bitch... You see the fucking tits on that chick? How come you don't dress like that, huh?

He snapped his fingers, like a particularly clever idea had occurred to him, instead of yet another filthy, misogynistic outburst. "Maybe everyone would like you dykes a bit more if you showed some skin. Here, check this out..."

The incredibly busty young freshman stared for a moment, expecting a response, when Klein abruptly reached across the table and popped the top button of her blouse clean open. The soft, smooth skin of the top of her breasts and the start of her impressive cleavage was exposed, startling her like a deer in headlights! The swell of her breasts sank on her chest visibly, bulging out obscenely. "Mm, way better... You know, you've got a pretty great rack! Are you doing anything later?"

Twilight frowned, even as her unslung breasts continued to wobble. Her eyes widened as an incredulous look crossed her face. he was going to be one of those guys, she could tell already. But then, just another chance to educate this misogynistic idiot! Her cheeks burned as a bright blush rose to her face, and something about his words had her heart beating faster already.

Klein remembered she was expecting an answer to a question about now. "Oh! Yes! Mm, yeah, sure. Of course interaction between genders is flawed! If it weren't, you and at least two other girls would be under the table right now. One for each nut and a third for my taint."

Twilight did her best to ignore the offensive comments he made out of ignorance, and with a mildly flustered clearing of her throat, she continued. She was much too distracted by his ignorance to remember to fix her button.

"All right," she murmured with controlled frustration. She slowly wrote his answer down, pen scratching loudly in the dead space between cock-wielder and cock-fearer. "Now, would you consider yourself a feminist?"

Despite what seemed to be an impressively restrictive bra, Twilight's bust jiggled as she shifts her weight to one side in her chair, at least giving her poor subject something to look at. "And as a follow-up, what do you think about feminism as a whole?"

"Sure I'm a feminist, heh. Like, mm, a machinist fixes machines, a feminist fixes women, right? Actually, you look like you could do with some fixing yourself, if you think you're gonna get any serious answers out of this whole silly interview thing."

Klein grinned at his dreadful joke. Twilight didn't have the heart to tell him he'd completely messed up the definition of a machinist. Just have to get through this, Twi.

Klein let out a sigh as his eyes paraded up and down her body, wishing for just a moment she'd try popping all the way out of those stuffy, drab clothes. "Not to mention this is great tanning weather. What are you doing cooped up inside when you could be browning up and picking up dick?"

It was plain he saw this whole "interview" thing as a game, like they were playing house or something. Here she was, being the big, intelligent feminist with her clipboard and her pen, he couldn't help but wanna pat her on the head and tell her what a greeeaaat job she was doing!

"Feminism as a whole, feminism as a whole... Mmm, beats me~? Seems like all you chicks do is waste your time trying to get guys to notice how smart you are... I mean, I totally get that some dudes go for the brains angle, but if you're trying to get into my pants, why not just drop the act and get to the good stuff, huh? I won't mind if you wanna cut straight to the chase."

"We're not trying to-! Oh, forget it!" Twilight grumbled, her anger rising. She flipped through the clipboard, realizing unhappily she'd have to finish the entire questionnaire before she could conclude the interview. After all, to avoid bias, she couldn't simply write off opinions she disliked.

So reluctantly, the purple-haired honey wrote his answers down one by one, and continued with her questions. She crossed her legs beneath the table. "I wish you'd take this more seriously."

The oblivious young girl leaned back a bit, her partially-exposed cleavage taking centre stage. Needless to say, it easily drew Klein's eyes as she thumbed the paper before her. "All right," she sniffed, fixing her thick-framed glasses. "When I say 'Girl Power', what comes to mind for you?" She'd only just asked and she already wasn't looking forward to his answer.

Klein's phone let out a little bit. He glanced down at it and found some vulgar language and a suggestive photograph waiting for him, with a very clear intent that he should be making his way over to a certain co-ed's room ASAP. Once again, he regretted agreeing to this interview.

The thug's member pressuring the zipper of his pants got the best of him, and Klein temporarily forgot what little manners he had. "Hey, how many of these stupid questions are there, anyway?"

When Twilight indicated a whole sheaf of papers, he slumped back in his chair dejectedly. "Awww maaan~ You wanna know what I think of "Girl Power"? Hnnn, come on, I gotta get over to this girl's place before she remembers we didn't restock the condoms after last time."

In the end, he just showed Twilight the picture. He lifted his phone and shoved the vulgar picture/message combo directly in Twilight's face.

It began with a simple message that just read, "More, please?" The photo was a close-up of some hussy's pink-painted lips, with one of her forefingers resting on the plush swell of her mouth. They were big and soft, like gentle, cock-teasing pillows. "Now that's "Girl Power" right there. She has a mouth like a vacuum hose, something you wouldn't know anything about! Ffffuck, she wants me over there right now and I'm stuck with you."

He couldn't take another second of this nonsense. Twilight's important survey barely registered a blip on Klein's radar, sandwiched between the triple spectres of beer, meat and pussy. "Mm, hey, sorry, but I'm gonna walk. We'll, uh, do this later, 'kay? I don't have time to play with you anymore."

"This isn't a game!" Twilight protested in indignant frustration. Since they'd say down together, she was just now showing her real emotions for the first time. "I have to - "

But Klein wasn't listening. He began to stand in his seat, and the motion brought his cock to eye-level with Twilight's face, clearly visible as a strong, meaty shaft. The cutie with both brains and beauty cut off for a moment, seeing Klein's uncut dinosaur cock all but thrust into her face. The tenting bulge within was rather apparent, and her expression dropped blank as her blush rose. When she's noticed, the lesbian interviewer glanced away, tapping her clipboard.

Klein realized Twilight had been staring right at the big bulge in his pants. Now that gave him some pause, a cheeky smile rising to his features. "Mm? What are you staring at?"

"Nothing, it's nothing," Twilight asserted calmly. For the second time in the last few minutes, she had cause to fix her fogged-up glasses from where they'd slid down her nose.

Twilight thumbed through her papers, lamenting her lack of progress. They should be halfway done by now. She can't just tear out his answers! She'd look biased!

An ignorant opinion can't be thrown out just because she didn't like it, that was the whole point of a survey. With her cheeks still reddish from all of this cocky young man's intrusive comments, not to mention the up-close sight of his bulging pants, Twilight glanced back up at him.

Hesitantly, she gestured with her pen to his seat. "Come on, please. Let's finish the interview, shall we? We already came this far. What can I do to convince you to stay?"

Klein considered her pleading for a second, then slowly began to sit back down again. But his prick was still stiff as he hurriedly messaged his floozy back, rubbing his cock under the table with his other hand through his jeans. "Nnn... Well, shit, you can at least lemme look at some tit or something. Pop that blouse open, lemme see if your "Girl Power" compares to hers, heh."

His eyes fell blatantly to her wobbling, top-heavy chest. Unfortunately for Twilight, her assets were now the unwelcome focus of their conversation. "You're sure not racked like a dyke, goddamn. Those are some serious tiddies."

Twilight looks remarkably displeased by the request, but not entirely surprised. She glared at him, eager to keep the interview going for the interview's sake, even though she personally couldn't wait for him to leave. She grumbled under her breath and popped another button on her tight blouse. In response, her incredible rack shifted a little and relaxed. Now under a bit less restriction, it showed off the top of her low-cut black bra and the impressive curves and swells of those fat, heavy breasts. She blushed visibly at having to do so, but it was remarkable how little fight she put up. It said Says a lot about her potential to Klein.

Klein leaned forward a little bit to take a nice, long look at Twilight's tanned breasts. "Your skin's not bad for a nerd... But come on, pop a few more, I'm not a charity~ And neither is your shirt of yours. Kinda looks like it could come bursting off any second, heh."

While Twilight was busying skimming her notes, her hand absently wandered up to her blouse, unbuttoning the next two buttons. She didn't even seem to consciously realize she was doing it. At this point her breasts were rather visible, tightly clad in that heavy bra, with enough soft, luscious titflesh bared above those cups to really give him something to look at.

Klein was blatantly trying to get off now. He was rubbing his cock under the table, but at least his jeans were still zipped up. "What was the next question, anyway?"

Twilight glanced up, fixing her glasses like it was a bad habit. The co-ed seemed to notice Klein was doing something under the table, but she didn't focus on it much. "Alright, next question. If you could propose a new law to improve gender relations, what would you suggest?"

Klein considered her next question for a second, tapping his chin. "A new law, hmm, a new law... Oh, I know, how about we ease up on laws about groping? It shouldn't be a crime to get a little grabby with a hot girl just because you don't know her."

The horny pervert let out a little grunt. He was flicking a finger against the shaft of his member, keeping it throbbing hard within its tight confines. It was getting to the point where his member was seriously uncomfortable, and could really use something tight and wet to cool off with! But where would he find something like that~? "And besides, just look how some of the girls on campus like to dress. It's not fair at all to us guys how you girls can swan around in whatever clothes you want, waving your juicy tits and thighs and asses in our faces and expect us to not do anything about it."

Twilight was fuming. Her face was turning red as she forced herself to bite her tongue, doing the very best she could to tolerantly and peacefully let this disgusting pig have his say.

Besides, it wasn't like he could say anything worse than what he'd already said at this point, was it? She'd surely weathered the absolute worst he had to offer and it would all he downhill from here, right?

At least, that was what she thought until he opened his big fat mouth again. "Besides, girls generally stop complaining after a few thrusts anyway, right? When I see a hot slut in front of me, and I just, nnn, really wanna have some fun with her cunt, I know she'll get into the spirit after a few thrusts. So why keep me scared about prison, huh? Just lemme fuck her."

Twilight scowled visibly, dwelling on the response. She resentfully wrote down Klein's thoroughly offensive words, fuming internally at the outrageous suggestion. She grumbled under her breath, though surely he can't make out the intermittent words like "misogynist" and "idiot," as she scrawled down his response,

She uncrossed and recrossed her legs the other way under the table. "All right. Your answer has been noted," she murmured through her teeth.

"Now," she muses, noticing his hand motions under the table again but not thinking too hard about them, "Are you familiar with our club? If so, what are your opinions on it?"

"Nnn, Pink Circle is a pretty cool name, I guess. If you wanted to lure guys in, it definitely sounds like something they can stick their dicks in, heheheh. But, mm, lemme think..."

He did just that, and she took some smugness in how long he had to dither over his answer. But her smile faded when she heard his newest answer: "I guess it's real courteous of you girls to put so many big brains and big racks all in one spot!"

She could just faintly hear the sound of Klein's zipper coming down. The boy lifted his hips for a second, and as Twilight glanced down, her worst fears were confirmed. She could see his jeans had fallen to his ankles, and he was sitting his bare ass on his chair now. One of his hands was actually pumping up and down, touching off that fat, drooling tool of the patriarchy~

"Mm, hey, I had a fun idea, Twilight. Take your panties off for a second. Just get 'em down and pass 'em over here. I won't be able to see your pussy or anything, anyway, I just wanna, mmph, see what a stuck-up feminist bitch smells like. I bet that other girl would do it."

While Twilight was dawdling over that, he continued answering her question. "Actually, it's kind of exciting! You gals and your Pink Circle, you're kind of like a fort. Mm, you've built up all these defences, but imagine if a guy got in, heheheh."

He got more enthusiastic as he kept talking, his cock running a direct line to his mouth. "He'd start out small, just turning one feminist tramp into a little cock-loving bitch, but soon he'd see how much happier she was, how she'd look happier and more fulfilled slurping on my fat prick then she had in all her years as a feminist. Who wouldn't wanna spread his influence after that?"

"So he gets to thinking about it. You're all bunched up in your little club, it's like a breeding ground waiting to happen. You break a few girls, make examples of 'em, the rest would be so weak-willed and easily led, they'd spread their legs at the drop of a hat. Mmph. By the end you bitches would need your own damn maternity ward, I'd have rocked your shitty little bitch club so hard. Heheheh."

This time Twilight seemed more indignant than ever. She gave Klein with a look that could kill as she listened to his rambling, offensive, and intensely lewd suggestion about getting some guy into their club. Various phrases like "cock-loving bitch" and "spread their legs at the drop of a hat" only set her off more, a bright red blush rising to her face.

Twilight set her clipboard down against her legs and shakes her head. "Do you even have any idea how offensive your suggestion - " she began, only to stop dead when she considered his words more slowly.

"You mean you're the guy you think is going to "infiltrate" the club?" Twilight laughed out loud, covering her mouth quickly and adjusting her glasses. She had been so focused on her response that she didn't notice her body was basically on autopilot, reaching down to slip her hands under her long skirt and tug the hem of her panties.

Yet, despite her incredulity, she did seem to respond to his other request. "Tell you what, I'll keep the panties off and my lower half exposed if you promise not to look under the table. And agree to finish the interview to its conclusion."

The Pink Circle Club President lifted her hips, sliding those plain black panties down her thighs as she talked. Thighs that would look so much better spread. "Do we have a deal?"

Klein responded by snatching her black panties out of her hand immediately and lifting them to his nose. He took a good, long whiff of her female scent. It drove him wild and his cock left smelly, hot stains along the underside of the table as it released copious amounts of pre-seed. "We do, as long as you slip that top off and let me see some breast, mm."

Twilight faltered at that! The top-heavy teen stared blankly as he began to sniff one of her best pairs of panties. But her jaw dropped when she saw how he "used" them next.

Before her eyes, he lowered her panties under the table and lazily wrapped them around his shaft. He started using them like a pocket pussy as he began to jack himself off more roughly. "Nnn... That feels sooo much better. As I was saying, why not, huh? You get enough pussies in one place together, they're gonna end up talking about guys and cocks. Isn't that how it is, isn't that what feminists are for? You gals get together and start gabbing about dicks... just on the topic of how they gotta stay out instead of how deep you want 'em inside, heh."

He grinned and leaked more semen into the panties wrapped around his erection. "What was the next question?"

"I'm going to need those back when we're done!" Twilight blurted out. Luckily for both of them, she couldn't exactly see what was going on down there, and she took some consolation in knowing that his view was likewise obstructed when she slowly begins to spread her legs, hiking her skirt up to just above her knees. At least, that's what she thought!


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