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The Plan Pt. 03

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The plan continues.
3.5k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 02/01/2023
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Chapter 1 - The Training Begins

Alex awoke after a few hours feeling slightly chilly. Getting out of the chair, he tentatively made his way around the space. There was a red glow emanating from the tv power units and a small display on the wall threw a green shadow that allowed his eyes to adjust sufficiently so that he didn't bash into anything.  The green display was a thermostat.  It was locked inside a clear case.  The temperature in the room was 77f.  That explained why it had taken so long to feel chilly.  Over on the bed was a blanket which he pulled around himself.  Looking round, he spotted security cameras with blinking little LED indicators. He was being recorded. 

He made his way over to the door but couldn't  work out how to open it. There wasn't a control panel like the one outside the room.  Moving back to the accommodation area he realized there was a fridge near the desk. Upon opening it he was relieved to find it stocked full with water bottles.  The piercings were started to hurt a little so he went over to the bed and crawled under the duvet. It smelled fresh and clean. Alex slept.

The following morning he was awoken by Maya who was busying herself by the desk. She had brought a trolley in and the smell was making him realise how hungry he was. Alex took an opportunity to really look at Maya. She was probably in her late 40s, exceptionally well put together, extremely attractive, hair pulled back. She moved like a dancer and emanated grace, poise and athleticism. She radiated health.

"Good morning One",she said, sounding cheerful and business like at the same time.


"The doctor never told you?  We can't keep on calling you Alex.  We need a new identity for you, and since you are the first non-compliant Butler, well, 'One' is a cool name.".  She laughed as she explained herself.  "So from now on, One it is.  Ok, before breakfast let's have a look at the piercings.  Oh, before I approach you I need to explain that whenever only one of us is in here with you, another member of the team is viewing us through the security cameras. If there is any chance that you mean us harm you will receive a shock.  Watch"....  And with that Maya held both her hands out, palms up, as if to say 'look, I'm unarmed'.  Suddenly the single beep emanated from his collar and the rather loud voice of Ken boomed out of speakers in the ceiling caused 'One' to jump....

"Good morning One!  Hope you slept well!"

 Casting an expert eye over each piercing, Maya retrieved a tray with various ointments and wound cleaning paraphernalia. She spent the next 20 minutes explaining how he was to clean and disinfect each site to ensure the adornments weren't rejected. The only ones that were difficult without a mirror were the ears and tongue, but she said they could easily be done by feel.  When it came to his penis she seemed to be hell-bent on arousing him.  The fingers of one hand were caressing his shaft while her other hand massaged his scrotum.

"You'll notice we removed your foreskin because it's a lot easier to see the glans.  We need to make sure you get erect a lot during the recovery so that the piercing gets used to being stretched.  "You'll be inspected every day to ensure the recovery is going well.  She also provided One with pain medication to help deal with the healing process.  Upon completion she presented him with his breakfast which was primarily protein.  Eggs, turkey and some asparagus.  Maya left him to enjoy his meal and exited the room, ensuring the door was secured behind her.

The next stage was essential.  Lucy needed One to defecate, so they had added some psyllium husks to the eggs.  Sure enough, despite wishing for privacy, things reached a point where he simply had to go.

Shortly after he had just sat on the open toilet the door opened. Lucy came in dressed in a white lab coat, wearing gloves and carrying a box of equipment.  One was mortified.  This had always been a very private part of his life.  Lucy didn't seem to care one bit.  

"Good morning One", she gushed. "Hope you slept well and enjoyed breakfast.  Please continue venting your waste." She seemed to be enjoying his embarrassment. "oh don't worry One, we all do it. Anyway, we have your morning procedure to demonstrate.  You'll probably not enjoy it the first time but I promise soon it'll be something you'll wonder why you didn't ever do before!"

As he continued to finish she told him that as soon as he had finished he was to step immediately into the shower area.  At the base of the shower was a faucet with a strange looking device attached. It consisted of a hose leading into a clear bag, with another hose exiting the bag and  a nozzle on the end.  The whole contraption was hanging on a hook.    

 "Okay, turn the shower on and get it up to an acceptable temperature.  Watch how the bag on this contraption also fills up."

Sure enough, not only was there water cascading from the overhead unit, but the bag had inflated. 

"So pick up the nozzle and turn it to position 1.  This is the spray mode.  Spray around your anus until you feel clean.  Good... now move the nozzle to position 2". Water stopped flowing from the nozzle, and the bag stayed inflated.   "Now this is the part you're going to dislike to start with.  Take the nozzle and insert in your anus until the collar is tight up against your skin...you may need lubricant from that dispenser, yep, the one marked lubricant!"

One was utterly mortified, but nevertheless complied.  Once he had speared himself Lucy told him to select position 3. His eyes opened wide in trepidation as warm water entered his bowels. The level in the bag began to lower.  

"Whilst the bag is emptying you can wash the rest of yourself.  You will need to do this enema twice.  We need all excrement to be gone from your rectum.  When you can no longer hold yourself together, step over to the toilet and expel your waste. Simple.,It is in our product description that the butler will be clean and available for whatever purpose the client wishes".  

"Look", said One in an agitated way.  "I am not in any way going to accept anal play.  I can't. It's not......normal and it hurts!"

"Well you've been doing it all wrong," laughed Lucy.  "You will do it, and I guarantee you will enjoy it.  Now hurry up.  We have much to do. Any decision to not follow our very simple instructions will result in punishment until you do comply".  And with that she exited the shower area and moved over to the desk. 

When One finally finished his task he stepped from the shower with a towel around his waist. He definitely felt a little better now that he was clean.  Lucy looked up and walked over to a cupboard that blended into the wall.  Unlocking it she removed a box with twenty items of varying size.

"Okay One, this is a very small butt-plug.  You are going to insert it until the bulbous end slips past your sphincter. You'll feel it clearly getting sucked into your anus and the bent tip will rest on your prostate.  Each one works in the same way. Eventually you'll be able to take this one!"  And with that she withdrew plug  20, holding it up for him to gawp at it.

"No fucking way," he exploded. "That's enormous. It's impossible!"

Lucy laughed.

"It's the size of an average woman's clenched fist. You will achieve this. You body will adapt. Now get this tiddler in place and let's see how you react to prostate stimulation".

With the first plug in place the doctor pulled her remote from a pocket and turned on the machine.  Immediately One felt the finger like protrusion gently turning back and forth, applying what was in fact a very pleasant and entirely new sensation to his nether regions. Much to Lucy's delight his cock began to enlarge. About one minute later it was fully engorged, bobbing up and down a little as blood was pumped into the shaft. 

"You really do have a beautiful cock One".  Walking over to him, she reached down and casually wrapped her fingers around the shaft, giving it three long, slow strokes. Lowering her head, she flicked the slit with her tongue. As soon as he began to moan, Lucy stood up.  

"OK!  Moving on.  You'll wear a plug 12 hours a day.  Your day will start at 7am with weighing and measuring. Following that will be breakfast.  Your diet will be strictly controlled by us. You will find your bowel movements will be like clockwork, after which you will carry out the cleansing procedure that we showed you and insert the plug.  Your piercings will be examined and treated to ensure no infection occurs.  At 8am your exercise regime will start. This isn't like anything you've ever done before. It's relentless.  Every hour you will carry out the steps we have developed.  There is a rest period of ten minutes after each 20 minute session.  Your exercise day is 8 hours. Any questions?"

One had a lot of questions.

"What happens if I simply refuse to follow your instructions?"

"We will have to punish you.  I assure you that carrying out the routines will save you a lot of pain".

"Why do I have these cuffs around my wrists and ankles?

"Ahh, yes.  Clever devices.  Light but very strong.  They provide attachment points for restraining you.  There's also an amazing feature.  Put your wrists  together in front of you...that's it.  See how nothing happens....Now put your arms behind your back, wrists together.."

There was a buzzing sound and One could not separate his hands.  "This is the 'Display' position I was going to tell you about.  Anytime we need you restrained whilst stood up we will instruct you to adopt this position. We call it 'Display' since it ensures that your genitals are exposed whilst you are effectively helpless. Unless you have a black-belt in kickboxing...Joke!  We know you don't."

One's erection had subsided, perhaps due to the lack of stimulation coupled with the overwhelming sensation of hopelessness.

The doctor got down on her knees and took his flaccid cock into her mouth in its entirety. She reached for his testes and managed to pop both in, alongside his now stirring member.  Her tongue danced around, teasing his genitals until she could no longer contain his growing excitement. Releasing him, she stood back and watched it grow impressively hard once again.  "I won't be able to do that for much longer but it's an easy way to gauge how the growth plan is working. Plus it's nice to see that the pellets are kicking in. Seems like your sex-drive is building".

"I'm going to have blue balls if you keep doing that!"  

"We know, and you will be relieved of the pressure, but only when you reach certain criteria which we monitor very closely."

"Why do I have to be naked all the time? I mean, exercising with this"..he gestured towards his groin, "might result in an injury!"

"We also considered this. Our program is self-injury safe.  We ran tests.  Plus we have some ways of restraining your appendage, especially as he grows. But right now you'll be fine. Oh, and the reason you're naked is purely selfish on my part. I love the male anatomy, especially a strong, fit shaved one, and I especially love hard cocks. So that was my decision. Although Maya approved too." She giggled.

"Okay. Time to fit your cock sock, since you're nice and hard". She unlocked the cupboard and removed the device.  It slipped easily over his erect penis and she slid it all the way to his stomach. It was two inches deep, about the same size as a small woman's grip.  Using the remote, Lucy was able to force the sleeve to inflate.  One shifted uncomfortably as the exposed part of his cock grew, the veins standing out angrily. "Good, that's about right.  This will cycle constantly. It also measures a plethora of vitals, all which allow us to know exactly what's going on.  Should you lose your erection it will contract down with it..it can't fall off. Should it be removed without our permission we will know immediately and you will receive a warning jolt. Best to just leave it on".

The sleeve relaxed the pressure. One was puzzled. 

"How will you keep me erect?"

"That's the easy part.  Your daily cocktail of drugs will make you susceptible to arousal. Your testosterone will push your responses to the extreme. And during your workout we will be physically and visually stimulating you. It'll help us better understand what turns you on and how we can use that info to fine tune you as a final product. 

Ok.  Time to start your first day on the job.  Ken is going to talk you through each exercise programme to start with. They are very repetitive.  They typically run for a whole week. We don't believe in the popular muscle confusion. We work everything every day, 8 hours a day. You're going to be sore.  But you're in great hands. I genuinely believe you are going to be impressed. Just think, you get to turn yourself into a beautiful freak of male perfection with nothing to distract you from our goal. Enjoy..."

And with that Lucy simultaneously pressed a button on her remote and kissed One on the cheek. His wrists were suddenly freed. The doctor turned and left the room, the door swinging back into place.

Chapter 2

A few minutes later the voice of Ken came over the speaker system.  

" Good morning One.  Today we start the exercise regime for your first week.  The tvs are going to play a video that we expect you to mimic.   All the exercise equipment used is identical to what is in your room.  If you have any questions feel free to ask, but once we get going this will continue until you complete a full 8 hours or you pass out from exhaustion. That, by the way is not our goal. So please try your best.  Like we told you, each series lasts about 20 minutes, then 10 minutes rest and hydration, then repeat.  Don't worry if you think it's not the best way to exercise.  We have developed this system and proven it works.  Oh, once you have completed the first series half the screens will resort to entertainment we think you're going to enjoy."

And with that the man who featured in the infomercial appeared and began to step One through the wide ranging exercises.  This wasn't a program for weight loss.   It was designed to bulk up the glamor-muscle groups, concentrating on the biceps, triceps, deltoids, pectorals, abdominal group, quadriceps and gluteals.  The gentleman on the video was still sporting a raging erection, whilst One's phallus had shrunk to a normal, unaroused state.  As he began to copy the exercises he noticed a vibration through his nipples, penis and prostate.  Much to his surprise his cock stiffened, despite blood being needed elsewhere in his body.  

After 20 minutes the screen faded to black, then a message appeared.  'Rest and hydration break'.  A clock started a countdown from 10 minutes.  When the time was up the video screens lit up.   Of the 8 screens in the room, four had the routine being replayed but the other four were filled with what was obviously soft pornography.  Very beautiful women slowly stripping, then posing in provocative positions. One found the environment very conducive to maintaining an erection.  The vibrating hardware in his body changed patterns every now and then. His cock began to drip pre-cum.  It was hard to focus on the task at hand.  

"Stay with us  on the exercises One", shouted Ken over the PA system. " I don't want to remind you what happens if you are unable to comply with your instructions".

Unbeknownst to One, Lucy and Maya were also in the control room with Ken, keenly watching their captive follow the exercises.  In front of them a screen displayed his body's vitals.  The cock sock was able to tell them exactly what frequency kept him aroused.  Likewise, the videos gave them an excellent idea of precisely what sort of female body-type he preferred.  The actual routine was easy for him. He was certainly fit enough to cope with them. It was going to be later in the day when repetition would start to leave him exhausted. 

The day progressed as expected.  He had started to ignore the constant squeezing of his shaft by the sock.  After it became obvious that One had the routine memorized all the screens began to play the titillating models.  At one stage One complained that he needed to urinate, which was hindered by his aroused state.  Immediately all arousal ceased and the sock relaxed all pressure on his penis.  The screens returned to scenes of Mother Nature.  With his bladder emptied the screens resorted to the arousing porn and the vibrating appliances quickly helped his member reach a fully turgid state.  Every 4 hours all stimulation would stop and One's penis would shrink. The videos would resort to the nature scenes. This was obviously their strategy to ensure he wasn't permanently damaged. After one hour of this state the arousal would begin again.  He was still expected to continue exercising during these periods.

Suddenly the screens went blank.  The message, 'Workout Day One Complete' appeared on the screens.  One was utterly spent.  Another message appeared.  'You must now shower'.  

All he wanted to do was lie down, but a single beep from the collar left him hurrying to the bathroom area. The hot water felt wonderful.  Drying himself off, he sat down on the bed. At that precise moment the door opened.

"Display!" Lucy walked in as One stood up and put his arms behind his back, the collars locking his wrists together.

"Well done! That went better than expected.  We have so much data on how to keep you hard all day.  We may be able to reduce the periods when you are flaccid.  I don't enjoy looking at your tadger flopping around but safety is our number one priority." She laughed at her own play on words.  

"Ok.  This is the fun bit."  And with that she pulled out a mini magic wand from one pocket, and a sample cup from the other.  Kneeling in front of him she applied the vibrator to his frenulum.  He noticed that she was wearing a delicious fragrance. One stared down as her tongue tickled his slit, constantly worrying his ring piercing.  "You probably noticed today  that whenever you felt yourself reaching the point of ejaculation all stimulation stopped.  We were able to monitor your arousal with our equipment and stop it happening. It's called edging.  But now we need you to blow your load for us. Which shouldn't take long."

The cock sock was applying zero pressure as she held the wand against his knob. Her tongue was incessant. A few minutes later she took him past the point of no return. Lucy's plan had been to deposit One's semen into the cup, but as he neared orgasm her desire grew the better of her.  Keeping her lips over his cock she let him shoot the entire wad of cum into her mouth. Spurt after spurt, he jettisoned his hot white jism into her delightfully warm throat. Swallowing quickly, Lucy was ecstatic. "8 shots, and I can already tell it's a huge increase in ejaculate. Oh well done.  Well done. Well get the official measurements in the morning." She appeared almost giddy with excitement. 

One could barely stand. The relief at finally cumming was overwhelming.  He needed to sit down.  For no reason he could fathom, tears welled in his eyes. Lucy looked at him. "Are you ok One?"

"Yes. I'm not sure what's going on." He struggled to compose himself. "Thank you".  

"You're very welcome". She kissed the tip of his cock. "Day one complete. Feel free to remove the butt-plug and cock sock. Maya will be in later with dinner and to check for chafing under your restraints and choker. After that the rest of the evening is yours. Oh. One last thing. No masturbation. Your penis ring has sensors in it that will tell us if you are trying to satisfy yourself. I don't need to tell you the punishment should you decide to ignore our orders."

And with she left the room. The locks slid into place. The TVs started up with the pornography. One sank to the bed and sobbed. He had no idea what was happening to him.

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