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The Pleasure Planet Pt. 02

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The Curse of the Hellhound.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/19/2015
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Note to readers: I'm new to this site, and part one of this series was my first ever submission. Comments are much appreciated, please tell me what you did and didn't like and what you'd like to see in future submissions. And please share with me any fetishes you have, I'll try and include them! I can't write good literotica if I don't know what turns you on ;)


The use of hellhounds was illegal on the pleasure planet XXX (usually said 'triple x'). So when outside of Master's estate Shadow had to remain in wolf form. He had three forms: natural, wolf, and man. His natural state was his preferred - when he was still wolf-like but humanoid, able to speak and use his hands, able to snap and bite and claw; the best of both worlds.

But for now Shadow sat loyally by his master's side, appearing to all the world like the faithful family dog, if a bit savage in appearance; not all dogs looked like a shaggy jet black wolf. Shadow yawned wide and lay down on the dusty floor. He was bored by all these tedious proceedings. Master's company, a group of slave traders called Tyrants Incorporated, were having a board meeting to decide the fate of their newest commodity.

The 'commodity' was hanging suspended from chains in the middle of the room where all could see her, a ball gag in her mouth to muffle the occasional whimper. "The grown-ups are talking now, sweetie." Master had said as he'd fitted the rubber ball into her mouth. "You're here to be seen, not to be heard." And he'd ruffled her long blonde hair and returned to his chair.

Angel swung gently in the cool air, goosebumps raised on her naked skin. She could hear the necromancer talking about her but was too dazed to make out what he was saying. Her jaw ached from being stretched wide by the ball gag. Her ankles and wrists had been rubbed raw by the chains wrapped around them. She was tied with her knees bent and her arms pulled behind her back and her ankles and wrists all chained together and attached to one big rope that hung from the ceiling. It was uncomfortable, her limbs were numb, and when she relaxed her neck and let her head hang down all the blood rushed to it and made her dizzy.

She was also horny. Very, very horny. It was the curse - what happened when one was tainted with hellhound cum. Her sexual desires were now permanently in overdrive, and she squirmed, trying to free her hands, desperate to touch herself.

"...should be sold now." One of the old men arguing with the necromancer was saying. "While she's still fresh. Nobody will want her once she's... oh..." And here he stuttered to a close, voice becoming strained, for halfway through the meeting the three old men had become bored and rung for slave girls, and now each of them had a girl kneeling before his chair, pleasuring them while they debated.

The man who had been speaking now grabbed his girl's ponytail and shoved her head forward until she gagged, then leaned back in his chair and twitched and moaned as he came.

The necromancer took advantage of the momentary silence to take up his side of the argument.

"I beg to differ, Sir!" He said swiftly. "She will be improved by further training! I see a lot of potential in this girl; once properly trained she'll be able to perform any task, satisfy any desire. We could auction her off to our richest clients and make thousands if they want her badly enough."

The grouchiest of his opponents was now happy and contented from his orgasm, and no longer seemed to care about the argument. He pulled his slave girl's mouth off his cock with a pop, and a mixture of creamy white cum and drool dripped from her mouth.

"Clean up this mess!" He snapped, pointing at the puddle of cum forming on the floor, and she obediently bent down and began lapping it up.

Angel's stomach twisted. Was that what they were going to train her to do? She struggled a little in her chains, and tried to protest around the ball gag in her mouth, but her muffled whimpers went unnoticed.

The necromancer was now in control of the debate, his opponents distracted and appeased by the slave girls. He paced back and forth just in front of Angel, gesturing wildly with his speech, Shadow pacing beside him. The old men were nodding.

"Observe." He suddenly spun and approached Angel, who regarded him with wide, fearful blue eyes. Gently he removed the ball gag, and Angel gratefully closed her aching jaw.

"Very soon," the necromancer claimed to the now curious old men, "this young girl will beg each of you to fuck her."

"I will not!" Angel snapped, outraged; she may have been bound and raped and abused, she may be feeling a deep burning desire between her legs, but she still had her pride.

"Your training begins now." The necromancer snarled, and he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so she was forced to look into his eyes. They were wild and fierce and frightening. She cringed.

"Every time you talk back to me," he whispered, his words like a malicious caress, "you will be punished."

A terrible burning pain suddenly sparked through Angel's nipple, and she screamed. The necromancer held up a device for her to see; a smooth black rod about the size of a pen. When he pressed a button blue sparks flickered at its tip.

"I call this the zapper." He said with a cruel smile. "It's a device of my own design. The voltage can be adjusted. You just experienced its lowest setting." He leaned close, and Angel could smell his musky aftershave. "You will not anger me again."

"Yes, sir." Angel whispered in a very timid voice.

"Yes what?" The necromancer cocked his head to one side. "I've told you what you are to call me."

"Yes... Master."

"Good girl." He kissed her softly and stepped back.

"I don't think the term 'beg' really applies when she's only asking us to fuck her to avoid being zapped." Said one of the old men, grey-haired and stern-faced. The others agreed, sounding disappointed.

"Oh, I quite agree!" The necromancer told them. "That is not what's going to happen. Angel," he turned back to her, "I'm not going to order you to beg them, and you will not be punished if you don't. Understand?"

She nodded with relief; thank god, she wouldn't have to have sex with these disgusting old men. There was no way he could make her genuinely want them.

"I'm ready to be impressed, necromancer." The grey-haired man said mockingly, and the others laughed; clearly they didn't believe it could be done.

"Just watch, have patience." He told them, and moved out of Angel's view. She tensed, waiting with apprehension. The touch of a warm hang on her thigh made her jump. The necromancer had moved around behind her, and was now standing in between her legs. He made an approving sound as he ran a finger between her legs. Then he returned to her head and held up the finger for her to see; its tip glistened wet. "What do you see?" He asked her gently.

She shook her head, not answering.

He grabbed a fistful of her hair and forced the finger into her mouth. Angel gagged, stomach heaving. She could taste her own juices.

"You're wet." The necromancer informed her. "Dripping, soaking wet." He wiggled the finger in her mouth. "Aren't you?"

She gave a sob.

"Shh, it's okay." He removed his finger from her mouth and wiped away her tears. "It's alright, it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"What have you done to me?!" She raged at him.

"Nothing bad, sweetheart. You need sex. That's all." His hand traced her collarbones. "You're horny as fuck right now, and unable to pleasure yourself. How frustrating that must be. But don't worry. I can help with that."

He moved around behind her again, between her legs. Angel's breathing quickened and her body tensed. She tingled with anticipation. There was the sound of a zipper, then strong hands gripped her hips, and slowly, the necromancer eased into her.

Angel let out a husky moan as she was filled. His cock was rock hard and warm and satisfying. He pulled most of the way out, then slid in again, slowly, over and over. Angel writhed on the cock impaling her, wishing she could push back against him. He increased his pace. "Oh." She breathed, "oh!"

"I think she's really enjoying that." The grey-haired man said, leaning forward in his chair, eyes glittering with lust.

Angel wailed and shook her head. "No! No! I don't want it; stop, stop!"

A stinging hand slapped against her ass, and she shut her mouth.

"Don't lie to me, Angel." The Necromancer hissed. He had stopped thrusting in order to reprimand her, and now his cock was still. Angel twisted and moaned, trying to get the pleasurable feeling to start again.

"Oh." The necromancer's cold voice was mocking. "Would you like something?"

She groaned in frustration and tried to struggle against the chains, to no avail.

"Could it possibly be this?" He rocked his hips, and Angel gasped, shuddering, as pleasure washed through her. She was right on the edge of orgasm.

"Please," she whispered, "please..."

He moved again, and she gasped. "Yes!"

Then he stopped. Pulled free, and stepped away, doing up his fly. Despite having just fucked a girl in public he appeared perfectly calm and composed. Angel wailed and squirmed, desperately horny. "Please, Master, please!"

"Don't ask me." The necromancer pointed at the three old men. "Ask them."

Angel shook her head, disgusted. The necromancer was young-looking and fit, with a sculpted body, seductive voice and pleasant scent. The old men were fat and unattractive, and she felt sick at the idea of having sex with them.

"Well," the necromancer sighed, "I guess there'll be no satisfaction for you, then."

Angel hung her head and cried. Her clit tingled in the cool air. Wetness coated the insides of her thighs. She tried to squeeze her legs together, hoping to somehow rub against herself, but the necromancer moved like lightning and pulled her legs apart with a growl. "None of that, now. You be a good girl." And he slapped her hard between her legs. Angel cried out; it had nearly made her cum.

Teasingly, he began to trace small circles on the insides of her thighs, coming within millimetres of her clit but never giving her any satisfaction. Angel couldn't seem to stop the small squeaking sounds coming out of her mouth. Shadow sat watching her, tail wagging, amber eyes glittering with sadistic enjoyment.

Angel swallowed hard, then lifted her head to peer at the three old men. The slave girls had left, and they sat there with their flies undone, all sporting hard erections. "Please... fuck me."

"A little louder, dear; they're a bit hard of hearing in their old age." The necromancer murmured, fingers brushing against her clit ever so lightly, making her gasp.

Angel licked her lips and cleared her throat and spoke a little louder. "Please. Please, fuck me!"

The old men looked at her with eyebrows raised, then switched their attention to the necromancer. "I'm impressed!" The grey-haired one said.

"She's all yours." The necromancer backed away, making room. "Have your way with her, gentlemen."

The three elderly men advanced on her eagerly. Angel struggled between contrasting emotions; she was at once horrified and delighted by the idea of what they were about to do to her. The grey-haired one grasped her jaw and lifted her face to his. Then he kissed her, hard, tongue forcing its way into her mouth. "It would be much too easy if we just gave you what you wanted at once." He murmured. "So first, I think I'd like to do it this way for a little while." And he pressed the head of his erection against her lips.

"No!" Angel turned her head away. "That's not what I want!"

"What you want doesn't matter." The necromancer said coldly, and he held up the zapper as a warning. "You will not refuse or reject them. You asked for it, now you will take it, and show some gratitude if you don't want to be punished." Angel whimpered, and reluctantly, slowly, parted her lips. The grey-hair man's cock plunged in at once, all the way to the back of her throat, and Angel choked in disgust and shock. He tasted overpoweringly musky. Drool dribbled down her chin as he thrust.

"I want you to swallow when I cum." He ordered. "You will swallow, or we won't satisfy you."

Another of the old men moved around between her legs, and grasped her hips. Angel hoped for a moment that he would give her what she wanted. But then his cock pressed against her tight anus, and Angel tried to scream no, but all she could make was muffled murmurs around the fat cock fucking her face. She had never been used that way, either, and knew it would hurt.

The old man pressed his hips forward, forcing the head of his cock into her ass. She whimpered in pain. He was too big, much too big. But he ignored her suffering and forced his way further in.

"Take it, bitch!" He snapped. "Take it all in."

"Mnn." The grey-haired man murmured in appreciation. "Yeah. That's it, baby." He gripped her chin hard and began moving faster, in and out, sliding against her tongue.

Now she was being fucked two ways. She rocked back and forth between them, her mouth and ass impaled. The grey-haired man was pulling her hair roughly and moaning. Suddenly he leaned forward, sliding all the way in until her nose was pressing into his pubic hair, with a savage cry he came, creamy goo filling her mouth. Angel shuddered in disgust. Then he pulled free and grabbed her face, one hand pressing hard over her mouth, the other pinching her nose so she couldn't breathe either way.

"Swallow." He ordered her. "Swallow or we won't satisfy you."

The taste was repulsive and she wanted to retch, but somehow, Angel managed to choke it all down.

"Good girl." The grey-haired man cooed. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" She stroked her hair as though she were his pet.

"Oh! Oh!" The man fucking her ass was becoming very vocal. "Ohhh god yes, she's-so-tight..." He thrust hard with each word. "Fuck yes! Good girl! That's it! Come on, baby!" He slapped her ass cheeks until they were red and stinging. Then he pulled out, with a suddenness that made her gasp, and strode around to her head and grabbed her by her hair. "I want to come in your mouth, too."

"No!" She yelled, horrified; he'd just been in her ass, she didn't want that in her mouth!

A cold, frightening voice sounded behind her. "I warned you."

Something cold and hard slid into her ass, then the necromancer pressed the button, and the zapper came to life. Angel screamed as jolts of searing electricity ran through her rectum. It was agonizing. She shuddered and writhed, and still the necromancer held down the button, merciless and unrelenting. Then suddenly the searing burning stopped, and the zapper was ripped from her ass. Angel hung limp, whimpering. The necromancer came to her head and slapped her, hard, her head snapping to one side, then backhanded her the other way. Shadow growled low, supporting his master's fury.

"I told you." The necromancer hissed, voice quiet and deadly. "That you were not to refuse them."

"I'm sorry!" Angel sobbed. "I'm sorry, Master, I'm sorry!"

The necromancer gripped her throat and forced her head up, lowering his face to hers. He glared into her eyes.

"That was still only on the lowest setting. Do you want to push me further?"


"Then do as they ask!" And with that he strode away, back to Shadow's side, arms folded and face like thunder.

Meek and obedient, Angel opened her mouth for the man who had been fucking her ass. She gagged as soon as the head slid in. It tasted rank. But she didn't whine or struggle, and she simply closed her eyes and let him come in her mouth and swallowed it when he did. She was beyond caring.

Then, delight. The third old man, the only one she had not yet pleasured, stepped between her legs and began gently rubbing her clit. "You've been a good girl." He murmured softly, and his voice was light and almost kind. "You deserve a reward, my dear." And he slid his cock gently in, and leaning forward over her ass he reached as far as he could and grasped her tits. Then, squeezing them, he began humping her, cock sliding in and out of her dripping pussy.

"You're a very attractive young girl." He told her, though Angel couldn't hear him over the sounds of her own gasps and moans. "Such nice, full breasts. Such smooth skin. You'll do very well in this business." He thrust harder and faster. A burning tension was gather like a vast tidal wave, her pleasure was mounting fast, and Angel's cries echoed around the small chamber. Then she and the kindly old man came together, and Angel screamed, this time with pleasure rather than pain. When it was over two of the old men laughed and called her a slut, and the kindlier one stroked her leg and thanked her, while she hung limp and exhausted from her chains. Then they left, telling the necromancer they were impressed with his training abilities and that he could do with her as he saw fit.

"Are you still angry?" Angel asked fearfully as the necromancer unchained her and pulled her into his arms.

"No." He breathed, and he actually smiled. "You've done very well today. You've earned a bath and a good meal and some rest."

Now that they were alone and safe from prying eyes, Shadow shifted back into his natural form, rising over his master like a hulking beast. The necromancer passed Angel into his servant's arms, and she snuggled against the silky furred chest of the hellhound and dozed contentedly as they carried her back to her bed chambers.

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Kinky_VelvetKinky_Velvetover 8 years agoAuthor
Part Three on its way

Part three is pending and will be available to you guys soon. There are, as requested, more 'maulings by the hellhound' and some more detailed descriptions of the main characters. ^-^

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
More maulings by the hellhound, please


kinkboikinkboiover 8 years ago

I really enjoyed the Hellhound's point of view.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Maybe in Sci/fi?

But here it was just silly.

FuzznfangsFuzznfangsover 8 years ago

I love it! But personally, I do NOT want to hear her parts described, or the size of the members. That gets SO trite and cliched. When I hear that she was 32 D and he was 9 inches long... I stop reading. Pert or thick or long? Fine. But still not necessary.

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