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The Pony Ride

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It wasn't just the horses that got rode on this pony trek.
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"Are you sure this looks ok", asked Kate nervously, "the jodhpurs are so tight that I couldn't get knickers on underneath."

"You look fine," giggled her friend, Felicity. "I just want you to meet everyone. You are going to love horse riding.

"I don't know, Felicity, you can see every fold of my pussy. And I'm sure I should be wearing a bra under this white blouse."

"You look perfect, like you were born on a horse."

The girls walked into the yard, Felicity stifling more giggles as Kate grew more uneasy and self-conscious. Her embarrassment grew more acute as heads turned and she drew increasing attention from the stable hands and other riders milling around the stables.

"Who is this," bellowed a rotund middle-aged woman in a Barbour waist coat and flat cap she clearly wore regardless of the season, "a friend from university?"

"Yes, Margaret," replied Felicity, "this is Kate from uni. Vic, this is Margaret. She owns the stables"

"Are you a rider, Kate?" asked Margaret.

"No. This will be my first time."

"Really? You have the ass for horse riding" she said, slapping Kate's ass like it was the hind quarters of a prize-winning racehorse. She snorted loudly as she did it.

"Felicity said this pony trek would be the ideal way to start." replied Kate after regaining her composure.

"Indeed, young lady. You will have lots of fun", she reassured Kate.

They made their way across the yard, past the dozen or so other trekkers, toward three beautiful ponies being prepared by a stable hand for their ride. The stable hand had his back to the girls as he positioned the last bridle, but his ass, poured into his own riding britches could not be ignored.

"Kate, this is Greg. He taught me to ride", explained Felicity.

"Nice to meet you, Kate" he said, turning to face the girls.

Kate's eyes, already locked on Greg's ass, remained staring at waist level as he turned, and she was momentarily mesmerized by the impressive bulge that ran down the side of his leg. He clearly noticed her staring, and the realization that she was visibly enthralled by his cock was mortifying for her. It only got worse as her nipples grew erect by her arousal and clearly caught Greg's attention through her thin white blouse.

"Is that supposed to be like that?" asked Kate as she was introduced to her pony.

"You mean its cock?" replied Felicity with a broad smile, pointing at the pony's very visible member. "Sure, that's normal...... for a horse." Causing both girls to laugh.

Kate leaned over and whispered in Felicity's ear, "it's almost as big as Greg's!"

Kate didn't find mounting the horse easy, with Greg having to give her ass a hefty push. Vic was almost sure that he was taking advantage of the situation and doubted that he needed to put his hand so close to her pussy, but she wasn't going to complain.

Greg was riding at the front, and the other trekkers fell in line behind Felicity and Kate as they made their way to the fields beyond the stables.

Two things struck Kate as they trotted through the yard to the bridle paths beyond the gates.

The first was that Felicity had played a prank on her as her unfettered tits bounced wildly even at this gentle pace. She was clearly quite a spectacle as everyone was stopping the activities that had previously engaged them to watch her breasts bounce around uncontrollably instead. Kate couldn't help but feel more aroused as the attention on her grew, with people openly smiling and one young woman even pointing at them as she passed. The disapproving glare of Margaret as they left the yard was further mortifying and arousing in equal measure.

The second thing that struck her was how her already sensitive vulva and clit felt as her hips lifted off the horse and then slammed back down on the saddle with each step. She had been on the horse for less than 50 meters but already knew she was making a mess of the inside of her borrowed britches.

The jodhpurs really were too tight and creaked with every movement now she sat akimbo the horse and every stitch was stretched to its limit. The inevitable happened and Kate's humiliation was intensified as the seam running down the back of her jodhpurs split along the entire length of her butt crack, opening widely as it did.

The rider behind burst into laughter and continued to giggle for at least a minute until he decided to move past Kate and let the next rider get a good luck at Vic's exposed ass. One by one, each of the other twelve riders, some snapping images with their phones, passed Vic and enjoyed the view.

Exposed and humiliated, Vic lost focus on the riding and became rather more interested in the sensations being sent through her groin as the pace increased. She resisted climaxing, but she knew she could have had she wanted. Edging and releasing was building the intensity nicely until she lost all focus and slipped out of her stirrups and fell to the floor, drenching herself as she landed in a large muddy puddle.

Victoria sat on the floor, at the feet of her pony, with mud squelching between her exposed buttocks.

"Oh, what a mess you have gotten into," said Greg. "We had best get you back to the stables."

Any disguise her blouse had provided to Kate's nipples was now gone as the now see-through wet material clung to her chest.

Margaret saw Kate and Greg arrive back at the horse yard and knew something had happened for them to return without the group. One look at Kate was all she needed to know.

"Look at the mess you are in girl," she began. "Strip off those clothes right now."

"Here, in the yard?" replied Kate.

"You aren't dragging those muddy clothes into the house. Off with them now. Greg will fetch you some dry clothes from the office."

Margaret watched on as Kate removed her blouse and then bent over to remove her boots.

"Good god girl," exclaimed Margaret, "I can see your asshole."

And it wasn't only Margaret that got that view. Greg had returned with a large t-shirt and was enjoying the view of Kate's anus. Neither helped Vic with her boots preferring instead to stare at her exposed ass, apparently enjoying her discomfort.

She eventually managed to remove the boots, but she only managed to pull the tight wet jodhpurs down to her knees. Standing there in the yard, naked from the knees up, tits, pussy and ass exposed, she had to ask Margaret and Greg to help pull them off, which they eventually did.

Margaret examined the rip in jodhpurs, and was going to offer to fix them, until she saw the gusset.

"You've creamed your britches. Dirty little bitch," bellowed Margaret, showing the stains to Greg, and further revelling in Kate's humiliation

Kate wrestled the jodhpurs from Margaret and demanded, "where is the shower?"

"That's ok," replied Greg. "We can hose you down here like the horses."

Vic stood naked in the open yard as Greg sprayed her down with the hose pipe, directed by Margaret who ensured no spot was missed.

"Bend over and spread your ass... again," Margaret ordered.

Kate was still standing naked in the yard when the rest of the group returned, with nobody hiding their interest in the sight of Kate's naked body. As much as the attention from the crowd was titilating her, it was the specific attention that Greg was paying to her, demonstrated by his now clearly erect penis, that was arousing her.

"I don't have any knickers to wear with this," explained Kate as she took the t-shirt being offered my Margaret.

"You weren't wearing any underwear when you got here, no point pretending you're shy now," replied Margaret to much laughing from the other riders, including Felicity.

Felicity and Kate were instructed to return their ponies to the stables and for Felicity to show Kate how to groom the horse. Together they used buckets of soapy water to remove the mud from the horses and then brush them clean.

Felicity left the stable to find to look for an old friend, and now alone in the stable, the erotic humiliation that Kate had endured all day became more than she could contain and she was unable to resist reaching beneath her t-shirt and begining to masturbate.

"What are you doing, you frightful slut?" screamed Margaret from behind her.

Kate had no response.

"The dirty bitch will frighten the pony," Margaret screamed, dragging Kate by her hair back out into the yard.

"Greg," shrieked Margaret. "Take this filthy whore to the tack room. We are going to teach her what we do to filthy sluts in my yard."

Greg pulled off Kate's t-shirt and dragged her across the yard to the tack room on the other side.

Every wall of the room was adorned with leather harnesses, crops, saddles and on one side, rosettes. In the centre of the room sat a pommel horse, mounted with saddle and stirrups, normally used to measure new riders before introducing them to real horses.

"Tie the filthy bitch to the pommel, Greg", ordered Margaret.

Kate struggled, but there was enough assistance from the other riders and stable hands to ensure she was easily hauled onto the pommel, her feet tied into the stirrups with extra leather bindings and her hands also secured. The pommel was high, short in length, but broad. It forced Kate's legs wide apart, and with her hands bound to the pommel's front legs, her head hung over one end and her elevated buttocks were raised at the other, stomach flat down.

"There we go, slut. We can all see that asshole you so enjoy showing off" chuckled Margaret.

"Please, Margaret", began Felicity, "I am sure she meant no harm. It was my fault for leaving her alone."

"If it was your fault, I presume you want to take her place?" asked Margaret. Felicity remained silent, staring at her feet. "I thought not. Make yourself useful and pass me a crop."

Kate braced herself, but the stinging pain of the crop still shocked her with each slap. She screamed out with each stroke, each of which was accompanied by cheers from the various onlookers.

Margaret was grunting with exertion and eventually invited the crowd to select crops themselves and take a turn punishing Kate's bare ass and thighs.

The pain was disorienting for Kate and the next sensation she remembered clearly was Margaret grabbing her hair, lifting her head, and then spitting in her face. She continued to hold her head up, spat in her face again, and then took the handle of her crop and jammed it into Kate's mouth.

Kate was desperate to appease Margaret, and despite being distracted by the beating her buttocks were taking, was able to focus enough to demonstrate her expert fellating skills on the handle of the crop. Even Margaret was impressed, but without warning pulled the crop out of her mouth and proceeded to insert it into Kate's anus.

"Greg, fetch me a gag bit and reins" barked Margaret. "We are going to ride this filthy filly hard."

"Please, Margaret", begged Felicity, "she has been punished enough."

"Are you telling me how to train a disobedient mare?" yelled Margaret. "If you want to be a good friend, you will prepare her asshole for Greg's cock."

Felicity paused for a moment, but like a good friend, removed the crop from Kate's anus and replaced it with her soft wet tongue. Margaret placed the metal bit in Kate's mouth and Felicity worked Kate's asshole with her spit, tongue and fingers, gently opening the sphincters and dilating her quivering nervous anus.

"We know you like big horse cocks, bitch. Let's see how you handle Greg's."

Felicity was pushed aside and Greg, standing on a box, entered Kate roughly and deeply, causing her to rear up in discomfort. He sodomized her with zeal for several minutes, but the tightness of Kate's asshole, and the excitement of all in the room, ensured that he did not last long. He removed his cock from deep inside Kate and ejaculated, with every bit the volume and ferocity as the pony, over her back.

The assembled crowd cheered every stroke until Greg exploded on Kate which was then followed by a round of applause and back slapping congratulations.

"Who else wants to take this filly for a ride?" asked Margaret, and half a dozen hands shot up.

Each of the would-be jockeys took a turn, determined to show they could ride the unbroken mare harder than the previous. These cocks felt puny and insubstantial compared to Greg's mighty penis.

The crowd was enjoying Kate's continuing sodomization, but her mind was drifting to thoughts of bigger, more challenging, and more rewarding insertions. Kates apathy to this brutal ass fucking was sensed by Margaret who decided that this degenerate slut needed to be taught a harder lesson than these weak men could inflict. She had something in mind.

The cheering continued for each new jockey until Margaret returned with Kate's final punishment.

Margaret stood naked, except her boots, flat cap and Gillet, holding a monstrous horse cock shaped dildo and harness, Margaret began to explain, "This is the Stallion. I had it crafted to perfectly replicate the penis of my favourite horse, Goliath."

The dildo was huge. Considerably larger than anything Kate had accommodated before.

"I can't tell you how much I enjoyed riding Goliath, and how much more I enjoyed when he rode me," continued Margaret. "Fasten me into this contraption."

Greg helped Margaret into the heavy leather harness as she struggled to hold the massive cock, even with two hands. Felicity did her best to slather the gargantuan dong with Vaseline before Margaret introduced it into Kate's already brutalized asshole.

Margaret wielded the degenerate strap-on without mercy or concern for Kate. Deeper she drove her weapon, with Kate's screams of pain, then pleasure, drowned out by the loud and enthusiastic cheers of the crowd.

Margaret sweated profusely as she pounded Kate's ass, breathing heavily as her ruddy face turned increasingly more violent shades of red, then purple. She was clearly determined to teach a harsh lesson, but Kate's asshole lasted longer than Margaret's stamina and the sodomy ended. The crowd cheered its final approval and began to disperse.

"We will make a fine horsewoman of you yet," whispered Margaret into Kate's ear. "It took me years to develop the capacity to accommodate Goliath."

"Thank you," whispered Kate. "I certainly enjoyed been ridden more than riding."

"Of course you did, slut," replied Margaret. "And after a few more sessions with this dildo, you will be ready for the real thing."

"I hope so," smiled Kate.

The only thing left was for Margaret to remove a rosette from the wall and affix it to Kate's broken ass.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stupid and sounds more like rape to me

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Interesting writing style, I enjoyed the story, but then the sex part felt rushed, then was really extreme.

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