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The Pool Hustler's Wife

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Wife is forced to cover her husband's gambling debt.
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Bobby and Geri had been married for less than a year and they were blissfully in love with each other. They both attended college in Madison, Wisconsin, however they did not meet there. Rather, during her junior year, Geri had gone with some of her girlfriends to a bar near campus that featured several pool tables and attracted a regular crowd of casual players as well as a few very accomplished ones on any given night.

Geri had closely watched one particular player that night, Bobby, and was impressed by his confidence and skill. He was better by far than any of the others at the tables and had pocketed several hundred dollars in winnings by the evening's end. He too had watched one particular person that night, Geri, as she was the most attractive girl in the place. Replacing his pool cue in the rack, he walked up to her and asked, "I've been watching you watching me all night. May I buy you a drink?"

"I've been impressed by your skills, and yes, you may buy a drink for me if you like," Geri replied matter of factly.

That evening lead to several other dates over the next few weeks. Most of them were to bars with pool tables or pool halls with bars. Geri learned that playing pool for money was very different from the friendly games she had seen in the past. Skill was important, of course, but a lot of it was about attitude and confidence. The player with the best skills did not always win, rather the player with a mental edge had the best chance of coming away with the spoils. Subtle tactics were frequently used to disrupt an opponent's game.

On one particular night, Bobby asked Geri if she wanted to be a part of the action. "What do I have to do?" She asked.

"Not much," Bobby explained. "Just wear the shortest skirt you own and a tight tank top minus a bra. During the games, be unladylike and careless with your posture. Watch what happens to the other guy's attention to the game."

Geri thought about his request for only a moment or so before agreeing. She found it exciting to watch Bobby play and got off on watching him win, even more. When they left for the bar, she was wearing a very short denim skirt, thin white tank top - sans bra, and sneakers. Under the skirt she wore a pair of pale green lacy panties. She pulled her brown shoulder-length hair into a ponytail and applied pink lipstick to her luscious lips. A touch of mascara to accent her light brown eyes completed the look. At 5-feet, 7-inches tall and 130 pounds, she would stand out under any circumstances. Now, however, she was impossible to disregard.

"Damn, baby. You are going to distract me as much as the other guy. You look fucking hot, Geri," Bobby assessed.

"Thanks, honey. I must admit that I am very excited by this. Watching you play always turns me on and being a part of your game is a thrill for me," Geri told him as she grabbed a light, waist-length jacket. "No need to look slutty until we get to the bar," she thought.

The ride from her apartment in the suburbs near Madison Wisconsin to the bar took 20 minutes, during which Bobby explained what she was to do during the game, "be a little subtle about it at first — then escalate what you do as the games progress. Don't be obvious about it unless I signal you to up the pressure."

"Up the pressure? How would I do that, exactly?" She asked.

"Well, you could look him directly in the eye and open your legs for him. Maybe even pull your panties aside and show him your pussy, if need be," Bobby suggested.

"Show him my pussy?! Are you fucking serious?"

"Only if I signal you that I need you to. Are you OK with that?" Bobby asked.

Geri considered what Bobby was saying for a few moments. Other than him, only two other men had seen her private parts. Her high school boyfriend and a guy she dated during her sophomore year of college. The thought of showing it exposing herself to a stranger was having a odd effect on her — she liked it.

When they arrived at the pool hall, Bobby led the way to a back corner of a large room that contained a dozen pool tables. There were several high bar stools against the wall for spectators and he directed Geri to sit on one. She kept her jacket on and sat modestly while the game began.

Bobby and the other player, Lance, lagged cue balls to see who would break first. Bobby won the break and began sink ball after ball. They were playing nine ball, the rules of which required that, on each shot, the first ball the cue ball contacts must be the lowest-numbered ball on the table, but the balls need not be pocketed in order. If a player pockets any ball on a legal shot, he remains at the table for another shot, and continues until he misses, fouls, or wins the game by pocketing the 9-ball.

Bobby ran the table — never missing once and won the first game. Geri remained as she was, thinking that her boyfriend did not need her help at this point. The games went back and forth for the next half and hour, with each player winning three. When Lance broke the next rack, she decided it was time for her to help — beginning by removing her jacket, which revealed her tight tank top, 34D breasts, and rigid, pink nipples straining against the thin material.

The move had its desired effect. Lance took immediate notice of her newly exposed top and promptly missed his next shot. Her breath was coming rapidly as her excitement grew while she watched her boyfriend return to the table and clear it once again. Her nipples were remaining erect, but she rubbed the cold glass containing her drink against them from time to time for effect. Over the next forty-five minutes, Lance won only one game and Geri was beginning to feel sorry for him. He was down about $300 and desperation was beginning to show on his face.

He rarely took his eyes off of her, so thinking she would give him a little thrill, she reached to her left and stretched to put her drink on a table next to her. As she did this, her legs spread widely and provided Lance with a nice, prolonged view of her little panties. She looked him in the eyes and then followed his gaze to her crotch as she sat back up on her stool. Smiling, she closed her legs again.

Lance was toast after that. He seemed to be focused on waiting for her to open her legs again and was simply going through the motions at the pool table. To his chagrin, Geri never let him get another look at her panties and the game finally ended when Bobby won all of the $500 that Lance had on him.

They were laughing as they got back into their car for the return drive home. "What did you do to him?" Bobby asked Geri as they drove away.

"Not much, actually. My nipples stayed hard the entire evening and he seemed to enjoy that. He fell apart, though when I gave him a nice peek up my skirt and looked at him when I did it," Geri related.

"Well, I could have beaten him anyway, but it is very cool that you did that. Did it turn you on at all?" Bobby inquired.

"Hell yes, it did! Which is why you need to pull this car over somewhere and fuck me, right now!" Geri exclaimed.

Bobby desperately searched for a place to stop while Geri rubbed her pussy through the fabric of her panties. A small road off of the county highway that they had been traveling on provided an adequate location for them to stop. As soon as he brought the car to a halt, Bobby reached over and replaced her hand with his on her crotch.

"Shit, baby. You are soaking wet. This really did get to you, didn't it?" He asked as he stroked his girlfriend's pussy.

Pumping her hips up to meet his digital manipulations of her sex she answered, "I wanted to pull my panties aside and show him my pussy, but I chickened out, because I wasn't sure you would have really been OK with it, despite what you told me before we got there."

Bobby slipped his fingers under the crotch of her panties and inserted two of them inside of her, "I would have been fine with it, baby. I think it is so sexy that you liked showing off for the guy and I love the effect it has had on you."

"So do I, honey. Now fuck me!" Geri ordered as she reclined her seat back all the way.

That was two years ago...

Since then, the couple were married and had moved into their first house together in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin. Bobby had leveraged his engineering degree into a position with one of the top firms in the area, while Geri applied her degree to a job with an occupational therapy clinic in town. Being only 15 minutes from the shores of Lake Michigan, they spent a lot of their time there when the weather was favorable.

Bobby continued to enjoy his passion for playing pool and Geri would accompany him to his games on many occasions — sometimes dressing sexy to again serve as a distraction for his competitors. However, Mount Pleasant is not a very large city and the couple quickly became known in most of the bars and pool halls where Bobby went to play. This served to put a damper on Geri's teasing and made it harder and harder for Bobby to get a money game with any of the locals, as his reputation as a highly skilled pool hustler was legend.

One evening, as they were cruising on a rental sail boat on Lake Michigan while sipping a nice Napa Valley Cabernet, Bobby made a suggestion, "Why don't we drive down to Chicago this weekend? There are tons of places where I can get a game and no one knows either of us there. You can be a little more naughty, like you used to be, and I can make some money off of those big city players."

"I love that idea," Geri said without hesitation. "Let's do it!"

So, the next Friday night, the couple packed their bags and hopped into their car and began the one-hour, fifteen-minute drive to Chicago. After checking into their room, Bobby laid down for a nap before they headed out.

Geri used that time to shower and get herself ready for the evening. Bobby had picked her outfit, which included a short, pleated navy blue skirt topped by a thin cotton button-up cropped blouse with long sleeves. A lacy white bra and matching panties completed her clothing ensemble, and navy blue five-inch heels completed the look. The skirt fit low on her hips, which showed off her belly button diamond stud, and she left the blouse completely unbuttoned, tying the two halves together just under her bra. The result was a variation on a school girl uniform with a definite slutty touch, showing lots of chest, lacy bra, and long legs.

She was applying the finishing touches to her makeup when Bobby woke up, "Pink or red lipstick?" She asked him.

"Pink. Makes you look younger," Bobby suggested.

"Younger? I'm only 24!" she countered indignantly.

"And a hot 24-year old you are, my darlin. But with a look like that, you can look like you are barely legal, which will add to the distraction we want," Bobby explained with a wicked grin. "While you are at it, pull your hair up into a ponytail. Maybe you won't even look legal then."

"Yeah, right. What is it with guys that they always want younger girls? I am much better at sex now than I was in high school," Geri lamented.

"I am sure you are, baby, but we are not concerned with them knowing how good you are at sex, we just want them to be distracted by your astonishing good looks and rampant sexiness —which they absolutely will be," Bobby clarified.

Bobby drove them to a bar that several players back home had mentioned to him. It was owned by a man named Roy, who was a very good pool player as well. The bar was appropriately named "Roy's."

The building was on the outskirts of downtown Chicago and was situated below street level, necessitating patrons to descend a flight of stairs to get inside. Inside, it was darker than most bars and had a hint of stale beer and liquor in the air. There were ten stools at the bar and five booths across from them. Toward the back of the room, was a much more brightly lit area that contained eight pool tables. The sound of plastic balls colliding could be heard from the bar over the rock music playing on the jukebox.

Bobby ordered double tall gin&tonics for both of them and then moved to the tables in back. As was usual in most places, there were tall stools against the wall so that spectators could watch without interfering with the players. Bobby and Geri sat on two nearest the first table and sipped their drinks while they watched the game progress.

Two men were playing 9-ball at the table and it quickly became obvious that one was far more talented than the other. After a couple of quick games and an exchange of winnings, the lesser player retired. Looking at Bobby, the winner inquired, "Are you here to watch or do you want to play?"

"I can play a little if its my turn," Bobby answered.

"Great! My name is Roy," the man said. "What's yours?"

"Bobby. So, Roy, is this your place?"

"Yep. I used to play here in my younger days and I bought the place about 15 years ago, after I retired from the CPD," Roy answered.

"Oh, a retired Chicago cop? That's cool," Bobby offered.

"Homicide detective. Got myself shot when I went to arrest a perp that had killed his wife and her boyfriend. It ended my career earlier than planned, but ten 9mm slugs center mass ended that asshole altogether — so it all worked out OK," Roy explained.

"Remind me not to piss you off," Bobby kidded.

"Good plan, kid. You can break," Roy said.

Before he struck the cue ball, Bobby asked, "what are we playing for?

"Can you handle $50 a game?" Roy asked.

Bobby had brought $1,000 cash for the trip, so the stakes were no problem for him, "Sure, lets play." With that, he smashed the cue ball into the nine balls that were in a diamond formation on the far side of the table — sinking two of them on the break.

"Nice break," Roy observed.

Bobby went on to win the game and collected $50 from Roy at its conclusion. The next ten games went back and forth — both players seeming to be fairly evenly matched. As the balls were being racked for their twelfth game Roy spoke up, "neither of us is gaining any ground. Want to change the stakes?"

"What do you have in mind?" Bobby asked.

"Best out of ten games. Winner takes all at $100 per game," Roy suggested. "If we are tied after ten games, then the first to play to a two game advantage wins."

Bobby had been holding back just a bit until this point, employing the hustler's go-to tactic of suckering a mark by making the mark think he was as good or better than the hustler. The escalated bet was more than he had expected to suggest, but it meant a quick $1,000 for the evening when he won, so he quickly agreed to the terms.

He saw Geri looking at him with an incredulous look on her face, so he walked over to her to talk before play began again.

"Hey babe, what's up?" He asked innocently.

"Honey, that's a $1,000 bet. That is all the cash we have with us. Do you really think this is a good idea?" She asked.

"I've got this guy, Geri. I haven't been playing my 'A' game yet, so he has misjudged the competition," Bobby said confidently. "I've got this."

"Another drink, pretty girl?" Roy called to Geri. "This may take a while."

Roy had been providing gin & tonics to Geri on the house since he and Bobby started playing. Bobby had wisely declined anymore alcohol since his first drink, but Geri had consumed four doubles to this point.

"Sure, why not?" She replied with a shrug. "It's not like I'm busy."

Moments later, the bartender arrived, this time with a 5-ounce gin martini, which Geri studied for a moment and then accepted. Roy smiled and returned his attention to the table.

After six games they were all even 3-3. After seven, Bobby was up 4-3 and his confidence was brimming, but then he missed a tough shot during game eight and left Roy with three easy shots to win that game. To Bobby's horror, at the start of the ninth game, Roy sank the nine ball on the break — blind luck to go up 5-4. Now, Bobby had to win the tenth game to force a tie. Fortunately, Roy missed after sinking four of the nine balls. Moving to the table, Bobby began to methodically sink the last five in order until only the nine ball remained. The ball was nestled along the rail near the far corner pocket with the cue ball all the way on the other side of the table against the rail — a tough shot to be sure, but one Bobby knew he could make.

Geri was on her third martini and was feeling no pain. During the last nine games, she had flashed her panties toward Roy, although not with the subtlety she intended due to her level of intoxication. Roy, however, had shown no interest in what she was doing, much to her chagrin.

Employing all of his experience and skills, Bobby lined his shot up and smoothly stroked his cue stick, striking the cue ball exactly where he wanted to and watched as it rolled steadily toward its intended target. He exhaled as the white ball impacted the nine ball, but sucked his breath back in as he watched it hit a hair off target, resulting in the nine ball moving away from the rail and missing the corner pocket by and inch.

"Tough break, buddy," Roy said as he quickly sank the easy shot Bobby's miss had left him.

Bobby was dumbfounded. How could this have happened? He could make that shot 99 times out of 100. His mind was in a fog as he reached in his jeans pocket to retrieve all of his cash to pay Roy.

"You are a hell of a player, kid. That could have gone either way," Roy offered. "We will have to play again sometime."

"How about now?" Bobby asked. "Best of five for $500."

"Are you sure, kid?" Roy challenged. "It's late and your little lady is feeling those martinis."

"I'm sure," Bobby shot back. "I can beat you."

Bobby walked over to Geri again and noticed that she was definitely feeling the effects of the martinis, plus she had a worried look on her face. "Baby, we don't have anymore money," she pleaded. "You need to stop now."

"I don't need any money. I'm better than this guy and I can beat him. Have you been doing your part to distract him?" Bobby said with a slightly accusatory tone.

"Yes, of course I have," Geri answered. "Maybe he is gay, because he hasn't shown much interest in anything I have been trying."

"Try harder," was all Bobby said as he turned and went back to the table.

Roy had walked to the bar to talk with his bartender and so Geri took advantage of the break to go to the ladies room where she reapplied her makeup and reached under her skirt to remove her panties. "Ok, you want me to try harder? Let's see how this works," she thought as she returned to her stool. There was another martini waiting for her when she got there and she took a sip before she positioned herself on the seat. This time, her skirt was pulled higher than it had been all night — most of the way up her thighs. She positioned her heels on the metal crossmember that held the stool legs in place. This put her knees level with the seat and she left them about 12-inches apart — providing a clear view of her pussy and neatly trimmed brown bush.

This time, when Roy returned to the table, he made a point of looking at what she was showing him. Looking her in the eyes, he smiled and moved his index fingers apart — indicating he would like to see more. Pleased that she had gotten his attention at last, Geri complied, moving her knees several more inches apart which caused the lips of her pussy to open a bit and provided a tantalizing view of her pink inner folds and clit.

The two men resumed their game while Geri kept her knees where they were and was pleased to see that Roy was checking her out between every shot now. She was so focused on him that she took no notice of the several other men that had moved from the bar and the other tables to watch the game as well as the slutty brunette showing off her cunt. At one point, she pulled the hem of her skirt as high as it would go, spread her knees even wider and used her thumb and index finger to spread the lips of her vagina even more, much to the delight of not only Roy but the considerable audience that had gathered to watch.

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