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The Pretenders

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A fantasy fulfilled for my girlfriend's mother.
750 words
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Judith's mother, Margot, was spending a few days with us and on that Sunday evening we were watching some crappy US drama series on TV:

The bad guy burst into his cheating girlfriend's house to find only her mother there, a vocal exchange ensued, during which Mom refused to divulge her daughter's whereabouts and concluded with the intruder taking out his frustration on her: 'For what I want, the bitch will serve just as well as her whelp!'

Mom got dragged into a bedroom, where a clothes-ripping tussle ensued, concluding immediately before a commercial break, with the perpetrator walking out of the door, leaving a dishevelled and weeping Mom sprawled on the bed. It was typical mid-evening, programming so nothing graphic, but you got the idea.

As the adverts began Judith leapt up and headed for the kitchen, speaking to Margot as she crossed the room: "How about it Mum, can I rely on you to surrender your virtue to save mine?"

In the moment's pause it was me who answered; with a slap to Judith's bum as she passed, I growled: "A bit late for that babe; this bad guys taken yours long ago."

Judith laughed and continued to the kitchen while I turned towards Margot to gauge her response to my quip; our eyes met and held, Margot's expression was surprisingly serious when she eventually spoke: "True enough... but we could always pretend."

Nothing more was said, but our shared gaze only disengaged when Judith re-entered the room and I spent much of the night contemplating Margot's words.

Returning from work the following evening I found Margot in the hallway and greeted her with a growled enquiry: "Where's Judith... tell me where she is!" Anna was at her Pilates class, as we both well knew.

There followed a few seconds during which my heart raced - Had I guessed wrong? - before Margot replied in what to me at least, sounded a very believable New York-American accent "Fuck you ass-hole, I wouldn't tell ya even if I knew."

That accent allayed my concerns; grabbing Margot roughly by the hair I pushed her into the adjoining bedroom and threw her onto the bed as I snarled "Then you'll have to do instead, bitch!"

Dropping atop Margot I pulled her arms high above her head, secured both her hands in my right, then used my left to rip open her blouse; a moment later I'd scooped those long admired boobs from her bra and clamped my mouth around Margot's bloated right nipple, I didn't suckle so much as bite, but her squealed response spoke of more than just pain.

When my left hand dropped to her knee Margot screamed "God No Mike, you mustn't!" and she clamped her legs together; they got no closer than my intruding knee permitted and my hand slid unencumbered beneath Margot's skirt and along her thigh. Margot's panties were soaking and provided but a fleeting barrier to my advance, with those pulled aside I plunged two fingers deep into the juicy pussy that lay beyond.

Margot's scream of "No Mike... Stop you Bastard!" was somewhat undermined by the licentious moan which followed and perhaps even more so by her bucking pelvis; that strove to press harder against my invading fingers rather than escape them.

Surprised by how easily I'd penetrated Margot, I drove those fingers into her again and garnered a similar wailed response; four more incursions saw Margot surrendering to a vociferous orgasm.

In the lull that followed I stripped off my pants and climbed back onto the bed; while Margot still writhed and begged for release, her now unrestrained hands remained submissively above her head and it needed little effort to part her legs.

Once guided between Margot's labia my cock plunged into her with the same violence as my fingers had earlier; it penetrated just as easily, but far more deeply and Margot's febrile moan suggested it was equally welcome.

I'd intended to repeat the metronomic pounding that my fingers had delivered earlier, but rising excitement overtook me and I was soon ploughing into Margot wildly. While Margot's commentary remained lurid, it now encouraged rather than dissented; I guessed that her excitement too had overturned our pretense?

Margot was quickly achieved a second orgasm, but I pounded through it without respite and when I too climaxed, depositing gouts of semen deep inside Margot's receptive channel those too were greeted by yet more wails of encouragement: "Yes Mike, fill my cunt with cum!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great! Every husband out there should be allowed to do his mother-in-law whether she wants him to or not!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Too short

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