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The Prince's Birthright Pt. 01

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The prince learns about the King's power and his birthright.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/28/2023
Created 07/26/2022
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Everyone in this story is over 18 years old. The main characters of this story did not meet until after everyone was 18 years old. There is a part of the story where a young woman (over 18 years old) is objectified for a man's pleasure by his authority over her. If you want to really enjoy the full story please read from the beginning. The story progresses from erotica to full on kink. If you are here for the most naughty parts, skip on to part 5; however, you won't enjoy the story as much.


The Prince was was named solely by the Queen's personal physician. The Queen died minutes after the Prince was birthed and the King was elsewhere. Therefore, the task of naming the Prince fell to the physician. The physician, master Arne, chose a name that was of the Queen's bloodline. The Prince was suitably named Viggo and it was officially accepted by the church. Upon the King's return months later, the physician was promptly hanged. The King showed no sign of bereavement with regards to his deceased wife, and Viggo was abandoned to the clergy to be raised in isolation from the crown.

So, it was a surprise to the Prince when he was summoned to the castle one week before his twentieth birthday. He knew that he was the son of the King, but he didn't know that the King had any knowledge that he even existed. For the past nineteen years, Viggo had spent each day working as member of the clergy and in service to the crown but with no contact with the nobles of the court and no contact with his father.

The summons to attend the castle came from a messenger that found him working in the castle stables. The messenger notified Viggo that there would be a banquet in his honor to celebrate his twentieth birthday and that he should report on the Monday before his birthday.

"The Prince shall attend His majesty's castelan, in his office, Monday next, at the first chime of the first watch bell," announced the messenger.

That was but one week from today! The messenger left the written notice with the instructions in Viggo's care. Viggo read the notice several times. There were advantages to being raised by the church. One advantage was that the clergy took literacy very seriously. Viggo knew that he must finish his work in the stables before he could return to the church dormitory to tell Brother Frigg of the summons. Many times, Viggo had left before his task was complete and he was rightly punished for his disobedience.

The stable's head man was Jorlaug. Jorlaug enjoyed a privileged position and had worked hard to reach this rank in the castle hierarchy. He had worked his way from a common stable boy to the castalen's trusted man. Jorlaug would not hesitate to punish anyone working in the stables that did not satisfy his expectations, least of all Viggo. Viggo was assigned to work in the stable when he turned eighteen years old. Since then, he had been the focus of Jorlaug's anger for his lack of attention to detail. No one knew that Viggo was really the King's son. They only knew him as a orphan that was picked up by the clergy.

Viggo didn't mind the constant pressure that came with working under Jorlaug. Jorlaug had a daughter that was only a few years older than Viggo. Viggo believed that Jorlaug's daughter had the most beautiful name, Tawny. Since his assignment to the stables he had developed a close relationship with Tawny and considered her to be his best friend in the whole world. They spent hours together in the stables. A countless number of times Tawny had snuck out of her father's house to help Viggo finish his chores so that he would not be punished by her father.

As soon as Viggo had finished his assigned chores, he ran back to the church dormitory to look for Brother Frigg. Brother Frigg would know what to do. This was big and important news. As usual, Brother Frigg was in his cell in prayer. It was not uncommon for brother Frigg to pray for hours at a time.

"Brother Frigg! Brother Frigg! I got a message from the castle!" exclaimed Viggo.

Brother Frigg put up one finger while keeping his head bowed. This told Viggo to wait. Brother Frigg was deep in prayer. After a few more minutes of impatiently waiting, Viggo saw Brother Frigg slowly raise his head and look at him in the eyes.

"What is your haste my son?" questioned brother Frigg.

Viggo relayed the events of the day and the actions of the messenger. He presented the scroll to Brother Frigg for his review.

"I knew this day would come. Please follow me to Brother Agnar's office," instructed Frigg.

Brother Agnar was the head of this sect of the Brotherhood of Discipline which was attached directly to the affairs of the castle. Brother Agnar attended the castle in many religious events and services. Brother Agnar was frequently summoned to the attend the King and his court. Viggo heard around the stables that Brother Agnar was, in fact, a eunuch. It was some time before Viggo learned what that term meant. According to some of the other stable hands, Brother Agnar's balls had been cut off. Brother Agnar looked different that other men, too. He had soft features with no sign of developed muscle, and his face was round like the moon.

Brother Agnar was in his office when Viggo and Brother Frigg arrived with the news of Viggo's summons to report to the castelan in one week's time.

"Yes, I knew this day would come. Viggo, you are the son of the King. That means that under the Gods' law, you must be recognized as the Prince and allowed certain rights. I have been in counsel with the King and he is fully aware of your birthright. He does not intend to withhold it from you. You are his only son," said Brother Agnar.

"What does this mean?" asked Viggo.

"Well, there will be a banquet in your honor. At this banquet you will be recognized as heir to the throne by His Majesty. From that day forth, you will be a recognized member of the royal family with all the rights and privileges that affords you. Your life is about to change, Viggo," said Brother Agnar. "We must get you prepared to meet with the castelan and do what we can to prepare you for the banquet."

Viggo couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was going to be a part of the royal family? He was going to meet the King...his father?

"Brother Frigg, you must prepare Viggo for his audience with the castelan. He needs new clothes and a bath. Please see to it personally and make sure he attends his appointment on time. We have been preparing him for this his whole life and the time has finally arrived."

Brother Frigg began the preparations for Viggo's meeting. He procured new clothes in the modern style of the day but nothing too over the top. He also made sure that Viggo had a full bath. This was the first time Viggo had been in a full bath. Most of the brothers took baths by washing off with a damp cloth in their cell before bed, and Viggo had followed along with the practice. Brother Agnar had described to him the enormous baths in the castle, but Viggo could not image what a bathhouse really looked like or why anyone would need that much water. Viggo also thought it was strange for groups of people to bath naked together. It wasn't something he could imagine himself ever doing.


The morning of his meeting with the castelan, Viggo went back to the stables to see Tawny and tell her why he had not been working in the stables. Tawny was in the tack room cleaning a saddle. Viggo stood at the entrance to the tack room and watched Tawny from afar. Tawny had all the same features of her mother, but her father's genes had given her a striking appearance. Unlike the other women in the castle, Tawny was raised by her father to train horses and care for them. She wore men's work pants and a shirt. The other young women in the castle would laugh at her for the way she dressed. The other women were always wearing dresses. Tawny wore what fit best for her work with in the stables.

Viggo noticed how the man's work pants hugged her hips and thighs. She was bending over the saddle applying saddle conditioning soap when he noticed the heart-shaped roundness of her hind quarters and how well it fit into her work pants. Viggo could not help but compare Tawny to a young filly. Her toned, strong rear end was highlighted by the tight fitting pants. Viggo shuffled his feet to let her know he was there. She stood up straight and turned to face him with a big smile on her face. She wore her beautiful blonde hair pulled up in a long ponytail. Viggo had never seen it worn any other way. He was sure that her hair would come down to her lower back if it was let down. Her pony tail was thick, and her hair had a healthy sheen just like the tail on a healthy filly. Viggo imagined that Tawny's breast were pretty large for her frame. The work shirt she wore every day hid the size of her breast from casual observation. Viggo had, on occasion, had the luck to catch an angle down the top of her shirt. Unfortunately, he had never seen much more than the outline of the tops of her breasts. What he did see was soft, smooth skin that was enough to keep his imagination busy when he was alone. Tawny's smile was infectious and Viggo couldn't help but smile as Tawny walked over to him.

"You been sick? What's up with the new clothes?" she probed.

"No, I'm fine, but I do have some interesting news to tell you," Viggo said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I don't know how to tell you this...," Viggo trailed off. "Do you remember how I told you that I am an orphan that was taken in by the brotherhood?"


"Well, that is true but there is more to the story than that. My mother died shortly after I was born and my father didn't want me, or at least, that is what I thought.

"Go on."

"Well, it is true that my mother died shortly after I was born and that my father didn't want me. However, he contacted me recently and wants me to come back to the family."

"How did your father find you after all these years?"

"It is interesting. He has always known where I was."

"Really, but you didn't know where he was?"

"No, I've always known where he was, too. I just didn't think he wanted me to be a part of his family."

"Does he live around here?"

"Yes, he lives in the castle."

"Wow, right here in the castle? Have you ever met him? Would you know him if you saw him in the courtyard?"

Tawny was starting to get excited about the new information and her smile brightened even more with the new revelations about Viggo's father.

"Yes. I know who he is and I have seen him a few times at a distance."

"Do you think I know him?" Tawny asked.

"Yes. You know him, but I don't know if I should tell you who he is."

"We have been best friends forever. You have to tell me!"

Viggo turned away from Tawny. He couldn't look her in the face and not obey her every request. She was a true friend and she had become his best friend in two short years since he starting working in the stables when he turned eighteen. He didn't want anything to change between them if he told her that his father was the King and that he would soon be recognized as the Prince. Viggo knew that this would change everything.

"I will tell you, but you cannot tell anyone about this. Not even Jorlaug or your mother. I mean it. You can tell no one."

"I won't tell a sole. I promise! Please tell me."

"Ok, but I don't think you will believe me even if I do tell you."

"Yes, I tell me!" she demanded.

"Ok. My mother was Queen Astrid and my father is King Harald."

Tawny stared Viggo directly in his eyes as the smile faded from her face.

"That is some story, Viggo. Don't make up stories like that. You don't have to tell lies for me to like you. We are best friends, right?"

"It isn't a lie, Tawny. My father is the King. He is going to recognize me as the Prince on my twentieth birthday. Please don't think I'm telling you tales. I would never do that."

"I don't know if I believe you, can believe you, want to believe you. This changes everything!"

"It won't change anything. You'll see. I'll still be Viggo."

"Once you become the Prince, you'll never talk to me again. You will have your choice of any maiden in the kingdom. You will be royal and I'll be a stable maid."

Tawny started to cry and her face turned into a mask of anger.

"I thought we would be together forever! I thought you loved me," she yelled at Viggo between sobs.

Viggo had never heard Tawny talk about their relationship like this. She was usually emotionally as hard as a horseshoe and never expressed her feelings. Viggo was assigned to work in the stables when he turned eighteen years old. Tawny was a few years older than him and was a full woman grown. He had sprayed his seed in the straw in the horse stalls many times since then thinking about Tawny as their friendship developed and his infatuation, or was it love, for her grew. Once he had hid in the last horse stall to relieve his painful hardness after watching Tawny ride astride a large stallion. Watching Tawny bounce up and down in the saddle, her most intimate region grinding against the saddle with the big animal between her legs, was more than he could handle. The stud horse was somehow aware of the beautiful female creature on his back. The stallion's penis hung crudely out of his sheath for most of the ride. When Viggo finally relieved himself, he shot ropes and ropes of his seed across the empty stall into the straw as he played back how her feminine parts bounced and giggled as she rode the excited stallion. Her beautiful hair streaming behind her when she galloped atop the creature.

Tawny wrapped her arms around Viggo and pulled him in close while she continued to sob on his shoulder. This was the first time Viggo had felt any part of Tawny's body other than when he held her gloved hand to help her down from the hay loft. Viggo felt Tawny's breast press against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in closer. They fit together like a hand in a glove. Everything felt right except for the fact that Tawny was balling her eyes out.

"I will not forget you," he promised.

She looked up at him with tears on her cheeks. Her perfect face was only inches from his.

"Do you promise, really?"

"Yes, I can never forget you. You will always be a part of my life. You'll see. Have I ever lied to you?"

"Well, no. I don't think you have," she said slowly staring into his eyes.

Viggo looked down at Tawny's perfect face, flawless skin, perfect lips, and could not help himself. He leaned into Tawny's embrace and pressed his lips against hers. Her mouth parted slightly. Viggo inhaled her scent through his mouth and nose. He had never kissed anyone before. He felt his tongue slip past her lips and into her open mouth. Her tongue met his softly at first and then with more passion. Viggo was keenly aware that Tawny's body was pressed against his and she could feel him growing in his pants as she pushed her body closer. Their kiss ended and Tawny pulled back into Viggo for another kiss. This time she invaded his mouth with her tongue. Viggo could feel the passion and wantonness in her kiss. Viggo heard someone else just outside the tack room door and quickly withdrew and stepped back from Tawny. The loss of her made his arms and body ache.

A few seconds later another stable hand named Branson walked into the tack room to pick up a bridle and pad for the horse he was saddling. Tawny made her way back to the saddle she was cleaning and resumed her previous work. Again, she leaned over the saddle and presented one of her finest assets to the Viggo and Branson. It was not lost on Branson because he took his time looking at Tawny while he slowly found a suitable bridle and pad. When Branson eventually left the tack room, Tawny turned one last time to look over her shoulder at Viggo and mouthed "I love you. Good luck," before she resumed her work.

Viggo had a few minutes before he had to report to the castelan's office. It was only a ten minute walk from the stables, but he didn't want to chance showing up late to the appointment. The only problem was that Tawny had left him with a raging hard on in his pants that he couldn't take with him to the meeting and was clouding his thoughts. Viggo quickly moved down the stable to the last stall in the building. This was the same stall that he had relieved himself in many times before. He undid his pants and fished out his rigid member. It was throbbing from the intense sexual experience he had just had with Tawny and it was rock hard for having been pressed right up against her body. He knew she must have felt him against her. He definitely felt her breast against his body. He stroked his shaft quickly thinking about Tawny, their kiss, her breasts against his chest, and how she had confessed her love for him. He could remember the soft but firm skin he had glimpsed down the top of her work shirt and how much he wanted to touch her breasts. He imaged squeezing the soft mounts through her work shirt; kneading them with both hands. He imagined sliding his hands down to her back to her buttocks and squeezing her firm behind. These mental images threw him over the edge and he came like he had never cum before. He pumped and pumped his blood engorged member. Each orgasmic pulse rose up from deep in his loins and resulted in a spurt of hot seed with tremendous force. His legs went weak when he thought of sliding his hands under Tawny's shirt to access her perfect breasts when he pumped out his last tremendous, ball wrenching spurt of cum.


After a few minutes, his cock deflated so he could comfortably return it to his pants and start to make his way to the castelan's office. Viggo arrived at the castelan's office a few minutes before the first watch bell chimed. He noticed the castelan's daughter, Selby, was busy chatting with a young noble lady in the hallway just outside the castelan's office door. Viggo didn't know the other lad, but he had spoken with Selby a few times. Selby was always around the castle performing tasks for her father related to castle caretaker business.

The two young women noticed Viggo enter the hallway and began to talk in hushed voices as he approached them. The women where dressed like many of the other women in the castle. Selby wore a gown with a tight fitting bodice that opened up into a full flowing skirt down to her ankles. Unlike Tawny's work shirt, Selby's bodice was overflowing with flesh. Selby's breasts were pushed up under her chin and were on full display.

"Hello, Viggo," Selby called from down the hall. "I heard from my father than you would be stopping by today. This is my friend Eydis. She will be presented to the court in a few weeks on her twentieth birthday."

"Hello, Selby. It is nice to see you again, and it is nice to meet you, Eydis," said Viggo. "Do you know if the castelan is in his office? Should I go in now?"

"Your in such a hurry," said Selby. "My father is already in there but you shouldn't be so eager to talk to him. I want you to meet Eydis."

Selby grabbed Viggo's arm and began to slowly escort him down the hall toward the castelan's office. Viggo could feel the side of her breast on his arm and he thought she was pushing against his arm on purpose. Eydis lead the way, adding a noticeable sway to her hips as she glided down the hall towards the door. Viggo saw Selby smile out out of the corner of his eye. She had caught him admiring Edyis' back side.

"Here we are," said Selby. "Good luck in there. Eydis and I will wait here for you. I don't think you will be long."

Edyis did a low curtsy, slightly bending at the waist toward Viggo. Viggo got a perfect look at the top of Edyis' breasts and down her cleavage. Viggo felt his loins stir.

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