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The Princess and the Pod

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Three princesses are captured by a very unusual monster.
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Author's Intro: As with many stories, this could be placed in several different categories. It's built around a decidedly nonhuman encounter, so I went with that category. But it's really far more about the human responses to the encounter. One could also easily classify it as fantasy and perhaps even nonconsent (albeit in an unusual manner), so it's got those elements if that interests or dissuades you. I hope you enjoy it!


Princess Sela's eyes popped open. She looked at the stars above her campsite for a moment, trying to remember where she was, but it didn't really matter. That type of thing was for others to worry about.

She had other things on her mind. She lolled her head to her right.

"Honnie," she whispered, then raised her voice a notch. "Honnie!" She poked a finger sharply into the girl's ribs.

Her servant girl, sleeping next to her, jolted awake. Sela could tell that the girl was annoyed about being awakened in such a manner, but Honnie's preferences mattered not.

Honnie's shiny dark eyes blinked in the night as she too wondered where she was. She turned toward Sela. "Yes, mistress?"

"I desire your attentions."

Honnie's eyes were incredulous. "Now?"

"Yes, now. In the front. Lick me."

Sela had no idea why she was so aroused, why she had awakened this way in the middle of the night, but she wanted attention and Honnie was skilled at providing it. Sela knew that the dark-haired girl found her position of forced servitude humiliating, but that made it all the more pleasurable to demand it. Honnie's tongue was one of Sela's favorite possessions.

Sela turned to her left. "Zeeta," she whispered.

The blonde next to her slept soundly, her breathing slow and deep. She didn't stir.

Sela's temper pulsed. She traced her hand up the blonde's toned body until she located one of Zeeta's ever firm nipples. Gripping it hard, she twisted it savagely. Girls from the Ice Kingdom had very sensitive nipples, and Zeeta was no exception. Sela enjoyed tormenting them even when punishment wasn't deserved, and Zeeta's tender breasts were two of Sela's favorite possessions.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" Zeeta abruptly jerked and twisted, her pale white skin practically glowing in the moonlight as her blanket fell away.

"Wake up, titty girl," Sela whispered, releasing her grip with a final wicked twist. "I desire your attention."

Zeeta hissed in pain, cradling her victimized nub. She took a moment to register the request. "Now?" She looked up and out at the night.

"Now. Suck my nipples, and use your finger in my rear."

Zeeta glowered at the dark stillness. Sela knew that the ice girl despised her, despised the turns of fate that led her to this position of servitude, but that made it all the more pleasurable to see her bow her head in defeat.

With no choice but to submit, the two servant girls set to their task. All three women were nude on the warm summer night, nestled together under the smooth fur-trimmed velvet of the royal blankets, and they repositioned themselves for their assigned roles. Honnie, the delicate dark-haired nymph, dove under the blanket and dutifully nuzzled her way to Sela's copper-furred crotch. Zeeta, the robust curvy blonde, melded her warm body against Sela, lowering her mouth to suckle Sela's already erect nipple. With delight, Sela felt Zeeta's hand slide softly down her back, and a finger began to push into Sela's tiniest of holes. As she flexed her hips, Honnie's mouth and tongue found her lower lips and clit, and the pleasure was underway.

"Mmmm." Sela spread her legs wide enough to accommodate Honnie's narrow shoulders, then clamped her thighs on the servant girl's neck. For several minutes she let the two servants do their duty, Honnie licking and sucking and kissing her most sensitive areas, Zeeta pleasuring her everywhere else. With the night sentries out on the perimeter, and the other members of the traveling party sound asleep, she had no hesitation in allowing her hips to respond to their attentions, dancing an ancient rhythm of pleasure.

The two girls were long experienced in what Sela enjoyed, and they did their work effectively. It paid off well. Sela's breathing deepened and accelerated, her hips moving more quickly. Her nipples grew and peaked as Zeeta fondled and nibbled them, and she found herself at the precipice of ecstasy more quickly than she expected.

She kept her voice low so as not to attract the guards. "Nnnnnh!" she breathed through her teeth. "Yes yes yes!" The girls rode her up and down, up and down, their tongues and fingers working furiously to bring the royal redhead to climax. With a large exhalation she exploded in pleasure, bucking and thrashing, then collapsed down into the blankets and ordered her slaves to caress her in afterplay.

Why was she so aroused tonight? After a few moments of recovery, she suddenly felt as if she could cum again, and pondered telling the girls to start anew. They had clearly failed to fully satisfy her. Princess Sela clenched her inner muscles, feeling desire wash over her anew. Maybe she should touch herself while watching the two servant girls pleasure each other. It was always delightful to watch the two captured women sixty-nine each other, and to wonder which would humble the other first.

But no, not tonight. Sela's mouth curled into a cruel grin. "Zeeta, go get your girl-penis. I want you to put it on and take Honnie up the ass."

Honnie's voice was small and plaintive under the blankets. "Oh, please, your highness. Not that. We have a long carriage ride tomorrow. May I please lick you again instead?"

"Do it, Zeeta. Honnie, get on your knees, face on the ground. Zeeta will take your ass." Sela grinned in anticipation. She loved the small brunette's groans and squeals when she was being impaled by the more powerful blonde.

There was movement beneath the blanket, and then Honnie spoke.

"Your highness? Something is wrong."


The camp was alight with small nighttime fires, but otherwise silent. Rokal strode toward the middle of the illuminated area, where he could distantly see figures huddled under a blanket. "What is the precious princess's problem this time?" he growled under his breath.

His sergeant of the watch was just as irritated. "She won't say. She just ordered me to get you, and said that it was very important."

"Important." Rokal humphed through gritted teeth. "There's probably a mosquito bothering her, or she wants a cup of water. What gods have I angered to deserve this fate?"

"You're the most famous soldier in the land," the sergeant grinned. "Your reward is to protect the crown princess, the future of the kingdom. And bring her a cup of water when she wants it."

Rokal had known this sergeant for decades, had trusted him with his life more than once. He offered a strained smile. "I fear for that future when this little terror gets crowned next week."

The two senior soldiers stepped into the firelight and walked up to the blankets. Princess Sela lay underneath, recognizable by her brilliant aura of red hair and her fine aristocratic features. An angry expression dwelt on her face, a look that Rokal knew all too well. Tucked into the crook of her shoulder was Zeeta, her royal service aide. Rokal recognized Zeeta clearly, a former princess of the ice kingdom in the northern mountains. Her capture had come at the price of a full battalion of Rokal's men, and now she was used as a bed warmer. He swallowed his disapproval for the sake of his own survival.

"What is the problem you are having in the middle of the night, your highness?" Rokal maintained his professionalism, working hard to conceal his undertone of contempt.

Princess Sela spoke petulantly, as was her wont. "Something's wrong, you idiot. We're stuck."


"We can't move. We're stuck in something. You set up this camp wrong."

Oh, great. The precious princess got some mud in her blankets or something. Rokal took a deep breath before speaking. "Open your blankets and let's see."

"I can't. We're not proper."

"We're in the field, your highness. We must sometimes make compromises to propriety."

The princess's eyes flashed with anger. "I'm not even close to proper, General Rokal."

Rokal looked at the blankets. There was a large bulge below the princess's waist, and he could hear muffled noises. He had difficulty stifling his anger.

"Where is your other royal aide?"

The princess's porcelain face went red. "She is stuck, too."

Rokal pointedly stared at the bulge in the blankets. "Stuck in what?" He heard chuckling behind him, and the redhead princess's jaw clenched in her all too familiar rage.

"I am the next queen of this kingdom, and don't you forget it!" she hissed. "You live at my feet and breathe at my will. Now fix this problem right now!"

She was right, of course. With the death of the king, she would be crowned the queen as soon as the caravan reached the capital, and she would inherit all of the unchecked power it entailed. Rokal dialed up his professionalism again, as he had no wish for his severed head to be placed atop the palace walls. "Well, I can't help you unless I can see the problem, your highness. Would you like me to have some female soldiers come over to serve you?"

"I don't want any filthy peasants to see me like this."

"Well, I'm a filthy peasant myself, so your options are few." The future queen's contempt for the people of the kingdom made Rokal's blood boil. "The only royalty in the area appear to all be stuck in the mud."

Princess Sela wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Make the soldiers turn around. Zeeta and Honnie, cover my modesties or you will spend the rest of this journey in a cage."

Rokal looked around. Some of the sentries had turned and were staring at the scene, and he discreetly signaled them to turn away. With that, Sela reluctantly pulled the blanket away, and several things happened in short order.

First, Rokal discovered that the princess's aide Honnie indeed lay under the blanket, looking up in embarrassment and fright. Honnie was a gorgeous little dark-haired thing, small and tan and lithe, a princess who was taken into servitude when Rokal's troops invaded her father's island realm. The young woman was captured as valuable political capital to quell the rebellion of her people, but for now, her face was positioned directly between Sela's legs, her chin at precisely the level of the princess's royal vulva. The tiny brunette was struggling to keep her back arched up to keep the obvious from being so obvious.

His eyes met hers, and he felt the depth of her shame. Even greater, he felt his own. His actions had led her to this miserable fate, and it was the opposite of what they both wished. The world froze for a moment as their eyes told stories to each other, her pain and pleading so evident that he trembled in frustration.

He swallowed and pulled back his gaze, and his eyes widened. All three women were stark naked, each breathtakingly beautiful in a different way. He let his eyes drag quickly across their bodies, bouncing from Honnie's adorable slightness to Zeeta's breathtaking curves to Sela's porcelain perfection. Zeeta and Honnie were frantically trying to hide the princess's most secret of areas, though with mixed success. Given the small movements and fidgeting of the princess, he could see eye-popping glimpses of neatly trimmed copper fur and pale pink areolas.

His inspection traced downward with military discipline. And then -- oh, DAMN!

He leapt backward with the split-second recognition of extreme danger. "Back! Back! Everyone get back!" He frantically waved the other guards and servants and workers away from the huddled women.

"What is it?" Princess Sela looked down toward her feet.

"No one gets within twenty feet of these women, starting now," Rokal ordered with authority. "Set up a perimeter. No one approaches, no one touches."

"What is it?" Sela repeated. A large lime green glob enveloped the women's lower bodies to various degrees. Honnie, positioned the lowest, was absorbed up past the knees in the thing, stuck fast. Zeeta, positioned a bit higher, was taken to the mid-shin level. Sela, positioned the highest, had been absorbed just to the ankles, though it still immobilized her. The glob was approximately three feet in diameter at its widest, relatively translucent so that he could see the murky shadows of the women's legs and feet within.

Rokal stared at the organism. "I've never seen one of these before," he murmured. "It's very, very dangerous."

The three women looked up at him in unified terror. "Kill it!" Sela ordered. Rokal saw the tragic pleading eyes of Honnie, large and lovely on her angular face, and the beautiful Zeeta, whose determined frost blue eyes seared into him.

"I can't," he said. Turning to his sergeant, he issued an order. "Canvass the camp. Find someone, anyone, who has dealt with a Secondskin."


The anger boiled inside Sela. She was lying naked before the entire camp, her breasts and her fur mound easily visible to all who dared look. Further, the world now knew that she used her servant girls for her personal pleasures, as opposed to her public image of noble chastity. And of course, her feet were stuck inside this ... this thing ... that prolonged the first two humiliations.

She slapped Honnie hard on the cheek. "Keep your face down to cover me up," she ordered in a guttural voice. "And you!" She looked toward Zeeta the blonde. "Do not dare let anyone see my bosoms." But even that was problematic. The petite dark-haired servant girl had her lips and mouth pressed against Sela's clitoris, and the blonde's fingers and face were pressed upon her breasts and nipples. And somehow, despite the humiliation of the situation, she was very highly aroused by this contact. Her hips rocked of their own accord, and her voice was breathless. "Rokal! Do something about this! I command you!"

Her senior palace guard, the general of the army who was transporting her to her coronation, crouched down a safe distance away. "Your highness, we have a major problem. Do you know what that is?"

"No. And I don't care. Just get me out." Honnie's breath against Sela's slit was highly distracting. Under the guise of modesty, she pushed the back of the girl's head down tight between her legs.

Rokal shook his head warily. "It's a very unusual creature called a Secondskin."

Sela looked down at the large oval-shaped blob. It had a name now, but she wasn't sure if that was good or bad. Her anger began a metamorphosis to fear. "Is it going to kill us?"

"If you were alone, it certainly would. But as long as we can keep it isolated to you three, we can eventually kill it and free you. I've read frontier accounts about these things. We're looking for camp members who have experience dealing with this creature."

Sela tried to pull her feet out of the thing, but she was held fast, as if her feet were encased in stone. It held her up past the ankles, creeping very slowly upward, while Zeeta was now held almost to the knee and Honnie to mid-thigh. It didn't hurt at all, and actually felt quite pleasant, making her feet tingle in a wonderful way. But it seemed like it was growing larger, and that was alarming.

And why was Honnie surreptitiously lapping at her clit? She knew she should slap the girl, but ... it felt so good.

Rokal addressed his attention to Honnie. "Honnie, tell me, how do you feel?"

The slender woman arched her neck up from Sela's pussy, her face red with shame and her lips shiny with Sela's arousal. "I'm embarrassed and ashamed, sir. Can you help us?"

"No, I mean how do you feel physically?"

"I'm not hurt. I feel fine. Good, actually."

"Honnie, I will ask you directly. Are you sexually aroused?"

The question made the servant cringe. "Oh, sir. Please don't make me answer that."

"It's an important question. You must answer."

Honnie hung her head for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Yes, sir. I'm very aroused."

"Zeeta? Are you sexually aroused?"

The blonde who lay nestled in Sela's embrace nodded. "Yes," she said, her voice strained. Sela noted that Rokal's gaze lingered on the Ice woman's large erect nipples before he moved on. The military man licked his lips without thinking about it.

"Madame princess?"

"That is none of your business, General." Sela's clitoris was throbbing in need from Honnie's subtle lapping.

The general shrugged as if he already knew the answer. "Here's the problem." He pointed to the green glob. "That, my royals, is a Secondskin. Do you know why it is called that?"

Sela shook her head.

"It's going to eventually envelop you. All three of you. It will form a "second skin" around you, swelling as it goes to encapsulate you in a big pod the size of a large boulder. It will hold you immobile inside it. You have no chance of escaping on your own."

"Is it going to eat us?" Sela tried to jerk her feet free to no avail.

"If you were alone and trapped, it would eventually kill you, but it wouldn't eat you," the general explained. "It exists by consuming reproductive energy -- sexual energy - and that is why it found you and trapped you."

The three trapped women looked at him quizzically.

The general appeared to take some sadistic pleasure in explaining. "It would appear that the three of you were exuding significant sexual energy tonight, which attracted the creature. Its method of hunting is to find a person who is exuding sexual energy, trap them, and then envelop them while keeping them sexually aroused. If feeds and nourishes itself on that energy. Its attack instinct is to enshroud you so that you can't move, and then hold you in a high state of persistent sexual arousal. It then feeds off that energy for its own subsistence."

"Wha ... what?" Sela's thin eyebrows rose in concern.

"It has a crystalline structure that vibrates at a nearly imperceptible level. You're all likely sexually aroused right now, and it's because the creature is emanating vibrations through your body. Left to its devices, it will trap you so that you can't move, stimulate your body to keep you highly aroused, and then nourish itself from that energy."

Honnie looked plaintively up, her delicate face and small chin framed between Sela's slim thighs. "Are we going to die, General Rokal?" Her small voice was melodic even in distress.

Rokal took a long time to answer. Sela noted the long gaze between him and her servant girl, the twisting of his lip. "Not as long as we can isolate it to you three. We can eventually get you out, I think." Rokal didn't sound overly confident. "We're working on a solution."

"Get it off!" Sela yelled through gritted teeth. "I'm the princess! I'm about to be the queen! I command you! Sacrifice one of your peasant soldiers to lure it away from us."

She saw Rokal's face darken momentarily, and he took a moment to answer. "We can't help you right now. Anyone who gets too close will also get pulled into its grip, and it won't let you go. It'll just keep getting bigger. It's inescapable in its current attack mode."

Sela was beginning to get frightened now. "So what do we do?"

"That's what we're figuring out now. Just stay calm and we'll solve it. I know that people have been extricated from Secondskins in the past, but I don't know exactly how."

"Well, figure it out! And do it fast!" Sela hissed. She was frightened and she was humiliated, but most of all, she was becoming more and more aroused, and she couldn't keep still. She squirmed at every soft touch of Honnie and Zeeta.

A soldier came to Rokal and spoke in a low voice. Rokal nodded. "We've located some people in camp who have experience dealing with Secondskins," he said to Sela and the two captive princesses. "I'll be back shortly."


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