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The Prom Date Ch. 05

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Twins' mom lends a hand.
15.3k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/02/2022
Created 03/01/2007
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"You're kidding!" said Dana, shooting upright on the bed.

"No," Cindy said, beaming wide from ear-to-ear. "We've got it! We can have a real downtown prom!"

Both girls began screaming loudly. Dana jumped off the bed and ran to where Cindy was standing, taking her hands and joining her in jumping up and down as they continued screaming. "We did it! We did it! We did it!"

At that moment, Sara came running back into her sister's bedroom. She was fully dressed in short-shorts and a tight white t-shirt. "What happened?" she said urgently.

"We did it!" Cindy squealed. "We got the money! We can have our prom downtown!" All three girls began screaming, embracing and bouncing up and down again.

After a while, Cindy became conscious that she was naked, still sweaty from an afternoon of strenuous lovemaking, and locked in an open embrace with both her twin sister and her lesbian lover, whom they both had shared. And even though she had allowed Sara to videotape her masturbating and even making love to Dana, she was suddenly embarrassed and awkward around her sister. -- Was it jealousy? Confusion? Was she still bothered by her sister's open-mouthed kiss? Was it Dana or Sara who had been pumping the dildo inside her snatch? Did she really care? Shouldn't she? Why didn't Sara care?

Cindy nervously backed away from the joyous embrace and began to dress while trying to maintain a nonchalant facade. Dana and Sara independently took notice and exchanged a brief glance, themselves trying to cover the awkward moment.

Dana joined Cindy in getting dressed as Sara moved over to the computer. "Ohmygawd!" Sara exclaimed. "That's a lot of money!"

"Yeah," Dana chimed in, looking over her shoulder, "but not enough. It's going to cost more than that to go downtown."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Cindy purred, "I have a plan. As long as we have this much, I can get the rest."

"How?!" Dana challenged.

Cindy smiled wryly. "I'm sure," she paused, "that given the number of hits we had on our webpage, and all of the servers that we crashed on this little project, that there would be enough people willing to spend $15.00 each to watch me lose my cherry that we could make up the difference, don't you think? Five bucks to burn a disc and to mail it, ten dollars profit on each one."

"You're going to film it?! How're you gonna do that? What if your date doesn't let you?"

"Dana," Cindy said matter of factly, "Do you really think that someone who downloaded all my videos, and who bid $18,000, for one date, with me and my sexy sister -- Sara looked up at her, and even though she knew that Cindy was exaggerating to make a point, she blushed -- wouldn't want a permanent record of him popping my cherry? I know I want a copy!"

"You don't mind, do you?" she asked Sara as an afterthought.

"No...I guess not," Sara drawled, somewhat disappointed. She had been secretly planning to 'lose herself in the heat of the moment' in order to seduce her sister in the midst of the inevitable threesome, but now, if it was going to be videotaped, she had to rethink her plan. She could have always denied any involvement to her mother and relatives in case any rumors had spread, but if it was going to be filmed and sold on the 'Net, she'd have to think of something else.

"Good. Thanks," Cindy said, taking silent note of her sister's reaction and attributing it to modesty. "Here, watch this," Cindy said abruptly, ushering Dana and Sara out of the way and sitting at the keyboard as she updated her website.


As you saw in my last update, the lucky bidder gets to take TWIN CINDERELLAS to the ball. Wouldn't you like to show up at the prom with me on each arm?

Neither of us have been with a boy before, but we promise to try and hold out until midnight of the prom! You better rest up! Keep the bids coming! The bidding closes at the end of next week. We will be in touch with the winning bidder!

P.S. My sister is a really good kisser (Believe me, I know!)

[end typing] "Okay," Cindy continued, "If that doesn't get us all the way home, then we'll decide whether or not we have to sell a video. Sound fair?"

"Sounds fair," Sara agreed, relieved that she still had a chance at seducing her sister after the prom.

"Good. Okay then, it's settled. Now all we gotta do is sit back and wait for the money to come rolling in." The three girls laughed and high-fived each other, then Cindy and Sara walked Dana downstairs, ushering her out the front door before their mother came home. The three girls promised to keep each other updated about the status of the bids, even though they would each find themselves checking the eBay auction every few hours.

Overnight, Cindy's web page had seen a four-fold jump in the number of hits usually following her regular updates, no doubt mostly local traffic from her classmates (and perhaps teachers). All across town, peoples' e-mail, IM, and cell phones were incessantly alerting each other to the breaking news: Cindy and Sara, the hottest twins in the history of the small town, were up for grabs. And they might even have sex with each other.

At school the next day, the campus was buzzing with a level of excitement that hadn't been seen since the news of Cindy's initial offer hit the school. In the halls, classrooms, cafeteria, locker rooms, and restrooms, everyone was whispering about the videos of the girls making love, and of Cindy and Sara kissing passionately. The three girls loved the attention, but none more than Sara, who for the first time, felt as popular as her sister.

As the week wore on, Cindy and Sara followed through on Dana's idea that the two twins should dress alike and spend more time together. Dana was the first to discover that some of their classmates (and some hack pornographers) had started posting cropped video images and candid pictures of Cindy, Sara and herself all over the internet. After her initial outrage, Dana soon realized that Cindy and Sara could take advantage of the situation by encouraging the free advertisement to create "buzz".

So, the three girls went clothes shopping for matching outfits for the twins. White tennis outfits, plaid schoolgirl uniforms, form fitting blouses and loose flowing skirts straight from the 50's, and skin tight "Daisy Duke" denim shorts from the 70's. Whenever they had free time at school, they would spend it together, whether eating lunch, in study hall or just cruising the halls while holding hands. They split their time between Cindy's "in" crowd, and Sara's intellectual elites, bringing an odd sense of cohesive unity between the two normally competitive twins that soon spread across the whole school.

The entire campus was constantly abuzz about what the two twins would do next. Occasionally, again at Dana's suggestion, Cindy and Sara would brazenly kiss each other goodbye as they went to their separate classes. Dana had fallen into the habit as well, trying to draw some of the spotlight to herself. She had even volunteered her boyfriend, Steve, to sit between the two girls at lunch outside in the courtyard to show that Cindy and Sara weren't exclusively attracted to other girls. And Steve loved every minute that he was sandwiched between the two hotties with very eager hands. They loved to lean up against him and slip their hands between his thighs, giving him an instant boner which they couldn't stop touching and rubbing through his blue jeans. Over time, he grew bolder by slipping his own hands between the twins' legs, but they would never let him go further than just stroking the creamy soft skin of their bare inner thighs. He also secretly started to leave his underwear at home, but he had to remember not to do it while wearing pants with zippered fronts.

Dana didn't really mind all the extra petting that Steve was getting. After all, not only was she in the worst position to criticize, having had sex with both twins herself, but she was the one who suggested putting her boyfriend in the middle in the first place. Besides, she consoled herself, what trouble could he get into with two girls who had publicly sworn to abstain from sexual intercourse until the stroke of midnight at their senior prom?

"We are definitely going to have to do a foursome when this whole thing's over," Dana told them matter-of-factly, after watching Cindy's and Sara's delicate hands wandering all over her boyfriend's obviously hard cock while they sat on an outside bench during lunch. The two sisters smiled at each other and laughed, before leaning in to kiss Steve on both corners of his mouth. The two sisters kissed each other again, this time quite lustfully, just inches in front of Steve's face. It seemed that each time they kissed, they got more and more into it, shedding their natural inhibitions. Steve leaned forward, joining them in a three-way, then Dana jumped in, and they all shared in a hungry four-way kiss. Cindy would later link to a video clip of the captured event on her webpage. She even downloaded and saved a copy for herself. It was too bad the quality wasn't better. Whoever took the video at school would have to upgrade his camera phone.

As the days passed, the twins' notoriety around campus -- and around town -- grew to epic proportions, much like the cocks of all the boys on campus. There wasn't anyone who didn't know what the twins were planning. Including their mother. But, as it turned out, the twins' mother was a bit of a spitfire when she was growing up. In fact, she had become pregnant with the twins in the waning months of her senior year in high school, which is what had ironically led to Cindy's promise to her father not to have sex until she turned 19. So, other than providing subtle guidance and comfort from the sidelines, Cindy and Sara's mother knew she wasn't in a position to judge her daughters. At least they're still virgins, she comforted herself. She had had strong doubts about Cindy for quite a while, especially because she hung around so much with her friend, Dana.

When the other parents first started to take her aside to warn her about what was going on, their mother had to feign shock and disappointment, but when they saw that nothing was happening and began to criticize her parenting, she found herself forced into the position of being her daughters' biggest defender. Even though she didn't approve of what her daughters were doing -- basically promising to sell their virginity to the highest bidder -- when she heard about their supposed incestuous tendencies, she had to suppress a laugh. Those two?! They can barely stand to be in the same room without fighting! It was then that she happily realized that the twins were most likely planning some sort of scheme. Cindy's videos might have been explicit, but she was smarter than people gave her credit for, and no way was Sara stupid enough to do something like that. They were probably planning to chicken out at the last moment, and have Dana take their place.

She had her occasional doubts, especially because Dana was somehow certainly involved in the whole matter, but resolved to back her daughters, as any good mother would. Besides, she told herself, even if it is true, they're old enough to have thought it through, and make their own decisions. It's natural to be pre-occupied with sex at that age. I know I was, she admitted to herself, fondly remembering her own outrageous escapades at that age. Just to be sure, she slipped a box of condoms into her daughters' underwear drawers, sending a not so subtle message that she knew what was going on at school.

"Hi, Mrs. C," said Dana cheerily. "Are Cindy and Sara at home?"

"Hello-o-o, Dana," Mrs. C. answered, rolling her eyes as she held the door open for Dana, "Yes, they're home. Come on in. They're upstairs."

"Thanks," Dana said, stepping into the house and trying her best to ignore Mrs. C.'s latent displeasure lying just below the surface. As she passed in front of her, Dana saw that Mrs. C. was giving her the once-over behind her back. Oh, I wish I had dressed more conservatively, Dana scolded herself. Dana had always admired Mrs. C. for being such a "cool mom" and was inwardly upset that Mrs. C. always seemed to have such a low opinion of her. She knew that Mrs. C. had gotten pregnant right out of high school, drastically limiting her opportunities, but she had been able to raise two girls, manage a husband and family, while working as a secretary down at the bank. Then, after her wayward husband left them to be with his recently impregnated girlfriend, she struggled to put herself through college at night so she could give her daughters better access to the opportunities that she had given up.

"Uhm, Dana," Mrs. C. said hesitantly, "before you go upstairs, can we talk for a little while in the kitchen?"

"Uh, sure, Mrs. C.," said Dana, with even greater hesitation. -- Shit! She's going to ask about the prom! What am I supposed to tell her?! -- As she followed the twins' mother into the kitchen, her mind reeled for an appropriate, yet evasive, answer.

"Thanks, Dana. Have a seat." Mrs. C. walked around the kitchen counter and motioned to one of the tall round bar stools lined up around the outside of the long counter top. Dana passed behind her as Mrs. C. stood at the end of the counter and reached for her coffee mug.

As Dana struggled to climb up into the elevated seat backwards, a feat made all the more difficult by her plaid micro mini-skirt, Mrs. C. caught sight of Dana's baby blue panties with a cute little white kitten licking its paw on the front, just above the words, "happiness is...." and snorted, nearly choking on her coffee. Dana was instantly embarrassed and a little ashamed.

"What's that?!" Mrs. C. said, laughing out loud and pointing in the area of Dana's crotch.

"Sorry, you weren't supposed to see that," Dana said, demurely crossing her long legs and putting her hands on her knee.

"Well, who WAS supposed to see that?!" Mrs. C. laughed some more, taking a long, calming drink from her coffee mug. "Oh, don't be so embarrassed, it's not like I haven't seen more of you than that."

Dana's eyes flew open in shocked realization that Mrs. C. had visited her daughters' website and had probably watched her making love to Cindy. Even worse, that meant that she probably already knew about the whole plan to hold the prom downtown.

"Not in person, mind you, but certainly under my roof," she added cryptically, looking over the lip of her coffee mug as she drew another sip of coffee into her mouth. Dana could tell that Mrs. C. wasn't upset. In fact, she was fighting to control the edges of her mouth from turning up into a broad smile.

Dana began to let down her guard, knowing what Mrs. C. already knew, and that she wasn't upset by it. But even so, she eyed her warily, wondering what Mrs. C. wanted to talk to her about. "What did you want to talk about?" she asked, trying to change the subject.

"I'm glad you asked," Mrs. C. replied, taking on a more businesslike tone, and putting down her coffee mug which clinked on the ceramic tile countertop. She took a deep steadying breath. "Obviously, I know about the whole prom thing. I can't walk ten feet outside without some goody-two-shoes trying tell me about it," she muttered, mostly to herself. "What I want to know is -- well, there's a few things I want to know -- but first, I want to know, Is it for real? Or are you three planning some sort of stunt?"

Dana hesitated. She wasn't sure if she should answer truthfully. The twins' mother had already seen their web postings, and probably already knew that it was for real, but she was probably just looking for some reassurance. Dana knew that even if she lied, Mrs. C. would find out the truth, especially if Cindy followed through with her plan of selling a video of the whole thing, and would never trust her again -- even if she probably didn't even trust her now.

"I'll take your hesitation as a 'yes'."

"No, wait, Mrs. C.," Dana interrupted. "I know you don't think very much of me, and the way I dress, and the way I behave sometimes, but you should know that your daughters are really good girls. Cindy wouldn't have stuck to her promise all these years, if she wasn't, and you already know about Sara. She's really smart, and a good person, too. She wouldn't have gotten involved if..." Dana hesitated, then decided to make a full disclosure, "...if she wasn't in love with my boyfriend, Steve. She didn't want to ruin his prom, so she jumped in and took my place after I volunteered to join Cindy."

"I know, I saw that part," Mrs. C. said. "I didn't know about her being love with your boyfriend, though."

"Please don't say anything," Dana interrupted again. "I overheard Sara and Cindy when Cindy was trying to talk Sara out of it, and I promised Cindy not to tell."

Mrs. C. rolled her eyes dramatically. "Teenagers. Everything is so secretive and dramatic." She chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't say anything. But thanks for telling me, Dana, that sounds like Sara, and it makes a lot more sense than Sara being an oversexed lesbian with a thing for her sister!"

Mrs. C. was laughing heartily, and Dana nervously joined in, having decided not to tell her the whole truth. There are just some things you can't talk to a mother about. "So, is there anything else you want to know?" Dana asked, starting to ease herself off the high bar stool so she could make a break for it. As her right leg reached for the ground, her knees parted and Mrs. C. began to chuckle again.

"That's pretty fancy underwear," she said, completely distracted and not realizing that Dana had not answered her questions whether the girls were actually going to go all the way with their "prom date". "You must be very popular at school with all the boys," she paused, "and the girls," she added, smiling coyly.

"Listen, Mrs. C.," Dana said matter-of-factly, "I know you don't really like me, or the way I dress, or like the fact that Cindy and I are best friends, but I'm a good person, too. At least I try to be. And just because I like to have a little fun, doesn't mean that I don't have feelings or that I don't deserve your respect. I know right from wrong. I set limits. They're just a little unconventional. I wish people would stop judging me, and I don't need another mother." Her voice grew louder as she got further into her argument.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Mrs. C. said, holding up her palms, trying to calm Dana down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, and I certainly wasn't trying to judge you, or come down on you. But maybe I did a little, and I'm really sorry if I did. I didn't mean to."

Dana began to calm down, and sat back down on the bar stool, still in a bit of a huff. She was too upset to leave without correcting Mrs. C.'s low opinion of her.

"I totally understand what you're saying," Mrs. C. continued, "I used to walk along the knife's edge myself when I was your age." Dana looked up at her quizzically. "Believe me, I know what it's like to be legal with a hot young body, eager to take it out for a spin or two. All you can think about is sex. You're playing with your pussy more and more, even in semi-public places, just 'cuz it's an added high. All you think about is feeding your pussy fingers, tongues, cocks, dildos, vibrators, or maybe even your fist, just to see if you can. And it doesn't help that when other people look at you, that's all they can think about, too. It's an endless cycle, and pretty soon, before you know it, it starts to become a self-fulfilling prophesy. You want it, and they want to give it to you."

Dana was taken aback by her insight and her frank discussion. She had never really thought of Mrs. C. as being in high school once. She didn't think of her as being "old" either, being 10 years or so younger than her own parents. Instead, she only always knew her as Cindy's "mom". Of course, now, looking at her, Dana could see that Mrs. C. was still quite attractive, a true MILF, and that in her younger days, she must have turned more heads than a Stanley screwdriver.

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