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The Prophecy Ch. 01

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Coming home from vacation, she finds her town abandoned.
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Hello my readers. This is my very first submission. As English is not my first language, I'm sure there will be some mistakes. I would enjoy some constructive criticism and take it into consideration. It is rather long, but there will be some form of sex in it. I hope you enjoy it.


I drove back into my lovely green town. After two weeks of wonderful vacation in Mexico, I felt rested like I never had before. Every day had been spent gazing at the trimmed Latinos walking the beach, showing their abs, while I lay enjoying the sun tanning my pale skin.

Just thinking of it now made me want to go back. However, when I looked out the window of my SUV, another restful feeling took over. Looking at the green forest that surrounded our town, all the small roads, the dark houses that should be lit, it made me feel at home. I definitely had missed my small town. Also its children running around laughing with their neighbors' children and playing silly games, the teenagers smoking in the woods where they thought nobody could see them, the old people telling stories of when they were young. So coming back into the town made me really happy again.

At the outskirts I drove by the sign stating "Welcome to Bonne, a small town in the big Oregon." Every time I drove by I thought "Thank you." I had done that since I could read.

I looked around, anticipating to see the flushed faces of the happy children running in the winter's gloomy and cold weather. When I saw them, they reminded me of my own glorious childhood in Bonne. I knew I was never getting out of here, of Bonne, but that I really didn't mind; I really liked this silent and happy life. Of course it could be dull every now and then, but hell, I loved that. But as I stared out, there was nothing. Every-thing was dark, and if possible, even more silent that be-fore. The only thing lit outside, were there old lamp post that had been here for ages. It looked omi-nous.

Surprise hit me. How had I not realized that all the houses looked abandoned? And this was sup-posed to be the time when the children had gotten home from kindergarten and started playing out-side, even though it was cold. The sun wasn't shining, but that was because it was winter. Every day was like that in Bonne during winter. Actually I didn't mind it much. To me, winter was the whitest season. My mood was always higher during winter, especially around Christmas and when we had snow. But even though it wasn't more than late afternoon, it was dark. And I was starting to freak out. No one seemed to be around. Everything looked empty. If I were to find anyone, it would be at the market. Since it was a small town with approximately 400 people, perhaps they were gathered there.

I stopped outside and turned the car off. I couldn't see anyone. It seemed very unusual to me. The market was never empty, never. I got out of the car and looked around. It was utterly empty. I walked over to the doors. I heard steps behind me and turned around to see who it was.

There wasn't anyone. Maybe my nerves had made me hallucinate them. I walked inside. The an-noying song came out of the speakers as they had done the last many years. Do-wi-do-wi, do-wi-do-wi. But this time I actually enjoyed listening to it; as a first.

I walked aisle by aisle, looking for someone, just anyone. I never saw a single soul. Had the entire town disappeared in those two weeks I had been gone? It seemed silly to think so, but every aisle lined up with the normal everyday things, seemed different to me. They seemed frightening and lonely. In every aisle something could be; something I didn't know of and probably didn't like. I walked slower now, more aware, goose bumps rising on my skin everywhere.

Now I also noticed that the music had stopped, altogether with my breathing. I took a deep breath trying to steady myself, but just making me more afraid. And now I started freezing. I was sure it was the air conditioner, which went wild, but I could feel some-thing creeping up on me from be-hind. I turned around, but saw nothing. I stopped entirely in aisle 13. I stayed there for a while try-ing to calm myself. But to make me even more horrified, I heard footsteps everywhere. Again I turned around. Still nothing. My breath hitched and a small, frightened squeak came out.

But now I could manage to figure out where they came from, and it was right behind me. I turned again. There still weren't anything. "Who's there?" I wanted so badly to ask, but my breathing just got heavier and I could not make any sound. The footsteps were closing up from the next aisle, coming closer, much closer. I wanted to run, but my feet felt like they were glued to the floor.

A person walked into the aisle I was standing in. First I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but when I saw who it was, I sighed of happiness. But as she walked closer, my happiness turned to horror. My best friend, Emily, walked towards me. First I had only seen her shape and could recog-nize her from that; she was very petite with red curly hair, no one else in town was that way. But when she came close enough for me to see her for real, I could see that from her neck and down to her waist she was totally covered with blood. Now my feet weren't glued to the floor anymore and I ran over to her, taking her hands.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I kept asking without any answer in return. I looked her in the eyes; my eyes had before been occupied with the blood. They were not her normal hazel color, they were a shocking crimson. Like the blood from her neck had also come to her eyes now. She opened her mouth.

"Hurry away, get out of town," someone whispered. I looked around. There weren't anyone. Who was praying this prank on me? They were really annoying me. I looked back at Emily. It seemed real enough though.

"Hurry away, get out of town now," the voice said again and I finally noticed that it actually came from her. I released her and staggered a few steps back. That hadn't been her normal voice; she had a small, vulnerable but pleasurable voice. The voice coming out of her now was dark and rough, and mostly filled with hate. I noticed that I had blood on my hands, her blood.

"I can't go," I whispered panicked. I looked at her neck again. It looked like something had bitten her. My panic rose to a higher level as I heard footsteps coming from the direction she had come from. Another person came and walked towards us. I screamed. It was my ex-boyfriend and though he had dumped me, I had never thought such a horrible ending for him. He was also bleeding from the neck, but he seemed like conscious. He ran over to me and grabbed my hands.

"Vanessa, get out of here now, go home before they get you," he said to me.

"What happened, James? What's happening? What's wrong with the town?" I panicked.

"Get out of here," he repeated and fell on the floor. I heard someone scream, it could easily have been me, but I wasn't sure. I ran towards the doors as fast as I could. Behind the cash desk I could see John, the owner of the market. He was trying to find something behind him. I ran over to him, not caring what James had told me.

"John?" I asked and he turned around. I sighed and closed my eyes for just a second. I looked back at him.

"Thank God you're okay," I said.

"What are you doing here, Vanessa?" he asked.

"What's happening with the town? James and Emily are over there and they're bleeding. Why are they bleeding?" My short second of happiness was gone, and horror was back.

"I know, I don't exactly know what is happening, but I have a theory. Just come back again after nine am tomorrow and never stay outside after four pm. If you need anything, just come to me."

"You don't know what's happening?"

"No, they have all disappeared. Only sometimes I see a few, but I can never be sure that it is some-one I know." He pulled a shiny gun from his shoes and looked at it. After a minute of thought he gave it to me and I took it, my hands shaking.

"What?" I asked. I had never held a gun, and I was very opposed to them.

"I have another one in my other shoe. Keep it if you're getting attacked, okay? Now I have to get them out of here and you go straight home. Again come between nine and four and never before or after. Stay inside at that time. I have food if you need. That is all I can tell you for now." He took another gun from his shoe.

"What are you going to do to them?" He wasn't going to shoot them right? Right?

"I have to," he said at my look. "It's for the best, I'll tell you tomorrow. And I have bullets if you need that. Now go, hurry home and no matter what you hit with the car, drive straight home and don't go out and look at it," he said and ran between the aisles. I ran towards the doors again, tears streaming out of my eyes. How could I let him kill my best friend and my ex-boyfriend? I was a horrible friend, but something was totally wrong with them, that I knew. I ran straight to my car as he told me to, but I didn't like it. I turned it on and started driving.

It was dark and the lamp posts started getting weaker and weaker. They turned off entirely. Now the lights from my car lightened the road. I put long lights on. I winked for only a second, but I hit something with the car. I opened my eyes and the car was lurching to the left, but I righted it and came to a stop. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw something lying in the side of the road.

It ached not to go out, but John's words echoed in my head. I looked away immediately and drove to my house, trying to forget what just happened. But it didn't make me any better that I could feel something or someone watching me. I just hurried home.

It seemed like the entire town was empty, not counting the thing I drove into. I only saw a few shadows, but that might be animals roaming. I definitely didn't plan to stop and look at it.

I finally got to my house and parked the car in the driveway. I ran to the door and unlocked it. As I was inside, I locked the door again, and leaned against it. My hand reached for the plug and turned on the light. Happy to be back in my own house, I sighed. Here I felt safe, and my intuition told me that nothing was going to get me as long as I was in here. I looked around in the entrance. Every-thing looked like it did when I left.

Damn, I thought and looked around. I had forgotten my bags in my car. And I had to get them; I didn't want them to be out there the entire night. I had all my important things in them. I took a deep breath. I opened again and ran to my car. The wind started to blow fiercely as I opened the door in my car. My hair was all over my face and it was like it was freezing so immediately I started shaking.

A high screeching started and then stopped in the matter of two seconds. The sound came only a few yards from me. It wasn't like a car, but metal... like iron bending. I turned around.

How stupid could I be after all those times today? I could see nothing at all; hadn't I learned from my mistakes? That I could see nothing today and that everything was black?

"Who's there?" I yelled. Of course I received no answer. I heard someone run away, but it wasn't like normal human steps, it was very quick steps. Something with inhuman speed. Something in-credible fast was haunting the town? But as I heard the footsteps fade away I felt completely safe.

I grabbed my bags and hurried inside again. Though I knew I couldn't afford to feel safe, that was exactly how I felt. I locked the door and walked around my house, turning every light on. The last room was my bedroom, my beloved bedroom. I turned on the lights. I'd missed my room and my huge, soft bed a lot.

I started unpacking, putting my used clothes in the bag with laundry and my unused clothes back into my closet. It was nice to be back in my old surroundings again. Every-thing felt normal, when I didn't think of the pictures of James and Emily, bleeding from their necks.

I was ready for bed and I could really feel that I needed to sleep. I stripped down and lay down in the bed with the gun in my hand. I put it under my pillow, but kept my hand on it – it made me feel better. I let every light be on – they comforted me.

I walked forward. I was inside the forest, wandering around, not sure where I was. But the longer I got, the lighter it became. Every step I took forward was important. It meant something, I just didn't know what. I heard something crack behind me and I started running without even looking back. I didn't know what it was, but I knew I had to be afraid of it. Very afraid of it.

I ran through bushes, trying to get the branches away with my arms, though they cut me and I start-ed bleeding. The strange thing was that my wounds healed again almost immediately and that fasci-nated me. I never looked back, that would slow me too much, and I had to run for my life. But it was getting closer and I could run faster than I did. I ran between two huge oaks. The sun hit me in my face and I couldn't see a single thing for a moment, so I stopped in fear of falling and hurting myself. The thing hunting me would surely get me because of my pause, so I closed my eyes and waited for it to attack.

Nothing happened. Everything was silent. I slowly opened my eyes, scared of what I would see. I was standing on a tiny island. It wasn't bigger than a few square meters. I turned around just to see no forest, but other tiny islands. Now when the forest was gone, I felt safe. It was like those two oaks had been a portal to safety. The only thing I was scared of now, was where the huge forest had gone? And also why I was on a tiny island. It made no sense in my head.

I turned around and everywhere there were tiny islands. But not far away a bigger island was. On that one there was a tiny red cottage with thatched roof. Smoke was coming from a little chimney and a window was open. I was a really cute cottage and I wanted to see it closer. I could see that behind the cottage there was a flagpole with Stars and Stripes. It was flapping a bit from the wind. I jumped over the water to another island closer to the big island. I was scared that the island might tip, but neither of them did. I jumped over to the next and the next again. Then I finally could jump to the big island. I walked over to the cottage and looked at the door. It was a small door, but I could come through it.

As I opened the door I gazed inside. Everything looked happy, literally. It seemed like things were smiling, though they didn't. In the closest corner a small couch were surrounded by chairs in differ-ent colors but of same kind. I laughed when I saw the couch and I didn't know why. Something about it just seemed familiar, but also made me blush. The kitchen was in the same room as the couch and chairs, but separated from a half wall. It was a very small kitchen, but it was cozy. There was a door close by. I opened it and walked into a gloomy hallway. There were two doors and the walls. I walked in the closest door and entered a bathroom. There were only white thing and that made the bathroom very bright, everything reflecting around. I closed the door, my eyes tired by seeing all those white things.

I hesitated by the next door and then opened. As I had expected it was the bedroom. There was a closet and a huge bed. The thing that I had not expected was that someone was lying on the bed, his arms behind his head, staring at me. I gasped. He was the most beautiful person in the world. I had never seen anyone as beautiful as him. His black hair was bristling at every side, his deep, black eyes were staring into mine and a sexy smile was spreading on his lips. He jumped up with inhuman speed and was immediately in my face. I was scared of him, but his eyes told me that he would not hurt me at all. They also told me that he belonged to me, that I could do everything with him. I then felt the ring on my finger. I took my hand up and looked at it. I gasped as I saw it – it was a silver ring with a huge diamond on it. He took my hand and his lips gently touched it. He had the softest and coldest lips I had ever touched.

I looked up at him again. He leaned forward and his lips touched mine. His lips also tasted wonder-ful. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but my arms wound around him, pulling him closer to me. His hands grabbed me around my waist and lifted me up. He carried me to the bed and lay down on me. My tongue came into his mouth and I could feel something very sharp. He had fangs. I licked them, feeling how hard they were. They didn't repel me, no; they made me come closer to him.

Then I noticed that not only were his fangs hard. His erection was digging into my abdomen. My muscles all tightened at the excitement. The cold tongue that had been playing with mine, moved towards my ears. As it reached behind my ears, the cold along with my arousal made me shiver in anticipation. My arms wound around him, pressing him closer to my chest. He gently rubbed his erection against my mound and I gave a slight moan.

"Oh God Vanessa," he whispered, his breath against my neck. Again I shivered. He untangled us and put his hands underneath my shirt. My smooth skin became even hotter under his cold touch. His piercing black eyes kept mine as his hands slowly massaged their way up my body, dragging my shirt with them. They stopped right under my breasts and my breath stopped. Gently he shook his head, while still holding my eyes. I took a deep breath to steady myself. He was barely teasing me, and yet I could feel myself seeping. Then he continued, barely touching my breasts as he removed my shirt. He threw it to the side. Before he reached back for me, he quickly got out of his own clothes, only leaving his boxers on. He was creating a tent with them.

He scooted down my body, opening my jeans and dragging them down my legs. Then I was only in my bra and panties. When he had thrown my jeans on the floor, he straddled me around my hips. He leaned over me and started kissing me again. Our tongues connected and it send a signal down my spine, going straight to my core. His hands wound around me, searching for the opening of my bra. He reached it and clasped it open. Soon it joined the other clothes on the floor. Now my breasts were bare for him to see. Just his gaze made my nipples hard. He touched the outside of my breast, gently massaging them. Our eyes met again, and his eyes were impossibly darker than before. Slow-ly his thumbs moved over my nipples, making me moan in delight. He leaned over me and scooped one of them into his mouth. Gently his teeth grazed over it and then he sucked on it. It was utterly wet when he let go. He blew his cold breath on it, and it turned even harder than before. My moan-ing got louder as he did the same with the other nipple. During all this, my eyes never let him go. However when he moved down to my abdomen, I looked away embarrassed. As much as I loved being eaten, it always felt embarrassing.

"Vanessa," he whispered over my panties. I could feel his cold breath through them and it made me shiver again. I looked at him. "I love you," he gently promised as he drew down my panties.

His fingers searched for my opening. "You're very prepared more me," he moaned as he entered feeling my ridiculously wetness. Two fingers stroked the insides of me and pushed forward. I arched my back as I groaned in pleasure.

"Oh yes," I whispered through my teeth, closing my eyes.

He sat with his fingers in me, stroking in different ways, just feeling me. They were thrust in and out. Sometimes he only entered them an inch, while other times he plowed them in as far as he could. Then suddenly I felt his tongue enter along with the fingers. Again the coldness overtook me and I could feel the pressure building inside me. His tongue stroked towards my clit and then it swirled around it, not really touching it. The fingers pushed upwards and his tongue stroked over my clit. Then I was gone. My body arched as pleasure swelled over me.

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cindyp1976cindyp1976over 4 years ago
Really good

This story was really good why haven't you written more

transrmutransrmuabout 11 years ago
love it

cant wait for the next chapter :)

KittybalooKittybalooabout 11 years ago

Great start. Can't wait to read more.

Found all the hyphenated words a bit odd though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Amazing start

I would love to read more of your stories. Keep them coming!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I love it!!! You are a great writer!!! Keep it up!!!!

MsTaylorMsTaylorabout 11 years ago
great start

I can't wait to see where this story is going to go. I'm curious to see what happened to everyone

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
good start

you need to get an proof read and help with promblems....with english not being your first language more then less..but good start...

XxEarBudsxXXxEarBudsxXabout 11 years ago
Love it!!

There are so many questions and possibilities of what could happen in this story that I am excited for it. Please keep going. If you need an editor I would love to help. Keep it coming!!!

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