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The Proposal

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Lucy is lonely. Until she meets Wil and Alice.
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I did this occasionally. Perhaps once a month. A bit of a waste of time in truth, but it got me out of the flat. And who knows, possibly one day it'd pay off with a chance meeting with someone nice.

What generally happened was I sat around, had a couple of drinks and played CandyCrush on my phone. Then, I went home alone.

It'd been two years since I'd had a boyfriend. Not that he'd been a great catch. A bastard that'd been cheating on me with some whore at work. The last I'd heard, they were shacked up with a baby on the way. I didn't hold out much hope he'd stick around long.

And before him, there had been precious little to write home about. A one-night shag with a co-worker in the back of his car was my only other experience. He was a twat who made me all sorts of promises until he popped my cherry. After that, he hadn't been interested. Thankfully we didn't work together for long after that. He'd left for a better job.

Sadly, my sex life mostly lived in my bedside drawer, and romance was renting Pretty Woman through Amazon Prime once a year.

As for friends, I didn't have any of those either. I was pretty and quite clever but circumstances had stopped me from fulfilling any of my dreams.

Like many children, there had been a time I'd harboured fantasies about being a ballet dancer. I had even taken lessons for a while. That morphed into more general dancing as I hit my teens, before dying when puberty came along. A suddenly expanding chest and the realisation I would be quite big put paid to anything as energetic as dancing.

Next, I'd thrown myself into my studies, excelling at the GCSE level. I saw a profession in the medical world. A nurse or perhaps even a doctor. But then a tragedy had seen my education end abruptly with the sudden need to earn cash. All my ambitions had come crashing down on me with one fateful knock on the door.

Now I was just another twenty-two-year-old trying to survive on a shop worker wage. The only job I could get. And the icing on the cake was that I'd found myself all alone in the world. I worked as many hours as I could for the money and followed that with alone time. No family and all the friends I'd once had had long since moved on.

Sometimes it felt like an abyss I couldn't climb out of. And if I didn't at least make this tiny effort to escape occasionally it could become nauseous.

More than once I'd had a sudden wave of negative emotions. A feeling of not wanting to be around anymore. I told myself I'd meet a man. Someone who would love me and fill the void. Then everything would be alright again. I'd be how I used to be.

And so, I sat in bars alone and hoped for a miracle. I waited for that one special young man who would see me and be captivated. He would ask me out and we'd date. He'd become a lover who would cherish me and take my constant worries away.

I'd thought Karl was that person. Turned out he just liked sticking his dick between my tits while as happy poking it into that skinny bitch he worked with. I'd just been too naive and too desperate to see it until I'd caught them at it in my bed. We'd lasted four months. That was it. All the while he'd been doing the dirty on me. He'd even had the cheek to suggest we carry on a sexual relationship after I'd thrown him out.

"Friends with benefits." He said.

"Fuck off." Had been my response.

I might be desperate. But I would never be that desperate.

So here I was again waiting while another Friday evening passed me by along with all the couples my age who were off to nightclubs and parties. The few single lads around didn't even notice me. That dream of someone special remained as elusive as ever.

I was already getting close to the bottom of my second drink and as with every time previously, I was resigned to going back to my little flat alone and seeking solace with my only companion. A cheap clit stimulator I'd bought on Amazon.

"Can I buy you another drink?"

I looked up slightly shocked at the voice. A man ten or so years older than me. Well-groomed, dressed in an expensive suit and open-neck shirt. I looked around expecting him to have been talking to someone else.

"Gin is it?

What's it mixed with?"

Nope. He was looking straight at me. And smiling warmly.

"Cranberry juice," I answered, assessing him.

"Wait there. I'll be back."

I felt a little buzz at his attention. Much older than I'd had in mind, but he was showing an interest in me. No one else was, so should I be so picky? And he was fit. What harm could it do to see what happened? And if nothing else, I wouldn't be alone for a while.


He put a fresh drink in front of me and sat down.

"How come you're here all by yourself?

The prettiest girl and you're the one with your head buried in your phone. Long distance relationship?"

I laughed.

"No. No relationship." I said.

"I'm single. Have been for a while."

"Wow. That's a surprise. I mean. Look at you. Stunning."

I reddened.

"I'm okay. Not that special."

My hand went to my hair and kinda pulled it over my face to hide the blush.

I liked that he wasn't just staring at my tits. I'd worn a loose top that gapped in the hopes I'd garner some attention with my best assets, but it was nice that his eyes stayed on my face when he spoke. And it was those eyes that captured me. They were kind. Attentive.

"I disagree. And I love your hair. It's sort of a mixture of colours. Highlights?"

I smirked. Being complimented wasn't something I was used to and I felt embarrassed. Again my fingers went to my hair, drawing through its length.

"Thank you.

No. It's natural. Depends how the light catches it."

"Well, it looks nice. Suits you."

I looked down finding it hard to just accept that he liked me.

"The name's Wil by the way."

"Lucy," I answered quietly.

"It's nice here. A decent bar. Not too noisy."

He was looking around when my eyes came back up.

"I think it's a popular meeting place. Before they move on to the clubs."

"What about you? That where you're going later?"


I laughed again.

"No. I'm just having a drink and then going home. "

Then I added sadly.

"It's what I always do."

"Really? Why would you do that? I'd have thought you'd love to go dancing."

I would have. I still had that urge in me even if I wasn't ever going to be performing at the Royal Ballet or backing some world-famous singer on tour.

"No one to go with," I admitted.

I saw the realisation in his eyes. That moment he grasped I was quite a sad figure. I wished I hadn't said anything. Now he'd probably walk away and look for someone who promised to be more fun. Once more my inner thoughts were putting a barrier up that made me seem unapproachable. Sometimes I was my own worst enemy.

But then something else happened that made me feel even more like I was going to be cheated.

A blonde woman his age appeared from nowhere and put an arm around his neck. Who the fuck was she? A girlfriend he'd forgotten to mention. I was pissed as I glanced her up and down. She looked like a fucking model. I was about to be pushed out without any help from my self-defence mechanisms.

"Hi. I'm Alice." She announced cheerfully.

Now I was confused.

"My wife," Wil said as if that explained everything.

I drew myself up preparing for an awkward exchange as I extricated myself from this situation. Instead, she grabbed a chair from the next table and sat down.

"You're stunning." She said staring at me."

I pulled a face as I tried to figure out what the game was.

"I'm not trying to steal your husband.

We were just chatting." I said.

"I know. I told him to. I was talking to an old school friend and he looked bored. You know how men are."

I looked from one to the other.

"You told him to?"

I didn't understand that at all. No wife ever in the history of the universe had ever said 'Hey, why don't you go chat up the pretty girl with the big tits'.

"So what's your name?"

I glanced at Wil again. Not a hint of discomfort. He was just sitting, watching us.

"Lucy," I answered.

"Lovely name."

Had she just moved closer? This was confusing.

"And you're on your own?"


What was going on? I knocked back my drink deciding I needed to get out of here.

"I'll get you another," Wil said.

"No. Please don't."

He wasn't listening. What could I do now? I was feeling trapped. A need to stay and be polite.

"So Lucy. What are your plans for tonight?" Alice stared straight at me.

"I er... don't have any. I was about to go home."

"Well, that's a waste.

Friday night and you want to go sit on your own?"

No. I didn't want to go sit on my own. But that's what I did. It's what I always did.

"Stay and have a drink. Let's get to know each other a bit."

Wil was served quickly. He came back with another gin and whatever it was they were drinking.

"We were out to dinner." Alice chatted on as though I were an old friend.

"Then we came for a drink in here. Thought it'd be nice to make new friends."

"New friends? Aren't I a bit young for you?"

"Age is just a number." Wil smiled as he toyed with his glass.

"And with it comes experience," Alice added.

"It could be nice to share experiences."

I looked from one to the other. A married couple. Both were seemingly intent on chatting me up. What the fuck was going on here?

"So, sorry. I'm a little confused."

I leaned forward finding an inner strength that generally evaded me.

"You're married and yet I feel like I'm being... picked up."

"You are."

That was Alice. Bold as brass. I sat back and laughed.

"What the fuck?"

I gulped my new drink to find some courage to tell them to fuck off. My third drink. It had the opposite effect.

"We're staying in the hotel along the road. Why don't you come back with us?" Wil said just as confidently.

I quivered at the thought as with a shaking hand I lifted my glass again. I was being offered sex. Something my pussy was suddenly reminding me I badly needed. My head on the other hand was horrified.

Wait, no. Not offered. Being asked for. I was the plaything here. Not them.

More alcohol was probably not helping me make sensible decisions. It only served to numb my brain as I sunk back more of it and set fire to my already excited clit.

"I can't."

"Why not?

Boyfriend?" Alice asked having missed my already telling wil I was single.

"No. No boyfriend. Precious few of those."

"All the more reason to."

I sniggered and sipped yet more of my drink. I already knew it was a mistake, but for a few seconds, it hid my embarrassment. I started giggling.

"This is weird. I'm sure you're intent on seducing me."

"Would that be so bad?" He asked.


You're married. A couple. I don't do threesomes."

"Why not?

Twice the fun."

"No. It's not."

"How do you know if you haven't tried?" Alice asked.

"Jesus. You two."

I looked around wishing someone would rescue me from the weirdo's.

"What's wrong? You came here to be picked up didn't you?"

"Yes. By someone my age. Not Fred and Rose West."

"Oh come on," Wil interjected.

"We only had the patio laid last year. I'm not paying to have it done again already."

That did make me laugh.

"And... I'm sorry." I looked at Alice.

"I'm not that way inclined."


Neither am I."

"So... what? You're just gonna watch?"

Did she have some kind of voyeuristic kink? Did she just like watching her husband fuck other girls? Is this what they did? Scour the bars looking for vulnerable girls like me who were desperate.

I had visions of inadvertently starring in a Porn Hub video.

"Oh don't be silly darling. I'm not going to miss the opportunity to make love with someone as pretty as you."


I don't know if you're familiar with how it works. But two girls together is lesbian."

"Technically. Or it's just two horny people having a little fun before the main event."

Her hand went to Wil's shoulder.

"And it is an event.

I promise."

I gasped nervously.

"I'm sure it is but..."

"What else are you going to do? Go home alone? You were weren't you? Before I sent Wil over, you were getting ready to leave.

A pretty girl like you on a Friday night sitting at home watching Netflix movies. Why?"

That hit home. It was accurate. That's what I did. And I hated it.

"Playing with yourself is fun. But it's just not the same." Alice winked.

"For fucks sake." I was horrified and amused by her cheek all at once.

"Just come and have a drink," Wil said.

"A bit of company. We don't have to do anything. Not if you don't want to."

Yes, I did. If I went with them they wouldn't relent no matter what I said. But then it did sound better than an empty flat.

"I don't know."

My barriers were slipping in the face of their jokey but relentless barrage.

"Come on. It'll be a laugh. You don't want to be alone do you?"

Alice had her hand on my leg. I stared at it. A woman. Touching me. But no. I didn't want to be alone.


I went with them. Meek and feeble. A moment of madness that I'd never repeat and never reveal. I cursed how much I'd had to drink as I walked along the road to their hotel with Alice looping my arm. I couldn't decide if it was affection or to make sure I didn't escape.

But after two years of abstinence, I was desperate. I needed shagging before I went mad and he was fit as fuck. Alice? Well, that was a big question. One only her warm personality and the alcohol were keeping the door open to.

The thought of riding his cock was making my pussy water. What she would want me to do was another matter. New territory. A curiosity that in a more sober moment belonged as a fantasy. And not even one I'd ever had.

I knew the hotel. I'd never been in. Too expensive for me. It was where business people stayed. Not your run-of-the-mill Sales Reps or couples meeting for illicit liaisons. This was for real business people. The kind who made important decisions.

I distracted myself as we went through the foyer looking over the glittering chandeliers and the snug-like nooks fitted with comfy leather sofas. It was Victorian with a modern bright twist. I almost expected to be taken for a whore by the staff and asked to leave. Perhaps that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

All the while Alice was saying sweet things to me. Telling me how lovely I was and how beautiful. All I heard in my head was how she was going to play with my tits even though she didn't say those words.

"Here we are."

I heard the door catch click as Wil ran the room card through the slot. My stomach churned at the noise as it struck me how much it sounded like a death sentence being handed down. Or was it the swing of a trap door on the gallows. Oh fuck. As the door opened I was gripped with a need to run. That's when I knew Alice was holding me to keep my focus.

"Come in."

My feet were heavy, struggling to carry me forward as she kinda tugged me through the doorway.

Wil was at the minibar immediately.


Of course, he was. He was plying me with more drinks. And against the advice of any sensible voice in my head, I downed it willingly to quell the evil demands of my personal devil.

Alice was behind me all the while, her hands on my hips, around to rub my belly. She stroked my legs, lifting my skirt to go just high enough that it excited me, but not enough to cause panic.

"U... uhh."

"You're so smooth. So soft. Skin like a baby." She muttered.

Her lips brushed over my neck as she lifted and played with my hair.

"You're frightened aren't you?"

"Yes. I've never done anything like this before."

"Don't be. Just relax. Go with the flow."

Wil lay on the bed minus his jacket. He looked like a film star relaxing in his white shirt and bare feet. When did he lose his shoes?

"Oh god."

Alice had found her real target. Female hands squeezed my tits, lifting and tweaking my nipples through the material. I went weak, almost falling into her.

"Ooh. These are so gorgeous."

I closed my eyes putting away thoughts that she was female. It felt so good to be played with after so long. It felt even better when her hands slipped under my blouse and lifted them from their hammock. So gentle. None of the roughness Karl had treated them with. This was sensuous. She knew just how to touch me.


Somehow the clip at my back was released and my mounds sprang free. Fuck. I was too drunk.


I was delirious as she opened my blouse and her mouth closed over a nipple.

"Oh my god."

I stared down at the mass of blonde hair at my chest. But that mouth felt so good. It was nice when my nipple was sucked proud and gently flicked by a wet tongue.


I was shaking. Nerves. Fear. Desire. I couldn't pick one emotion from another. All I knew was I liked it. And I liked her hand when it went around my back to caress and hold me. I let a hand go to her shoulder. I couldn't bring myself to caress her in return. I just let it rest there on her bare arm.

It wasn't until Alice moved away to join her husband that my head started working properly. Suddenly I saw them as groomers. Unfair because I wasn't some silly child, but what else could I excuse my behaviour by?

Every part of my being told me to leave. Not to sit on the bed near them. At that moment their attention seemed to be on one another and I was too drunk to make my legs work. Besides, I was taken by watching. They were beautiful people and I liked the caring touches and kisses. I was jealous of what they had. Even in my days with Karl, I hadn't enjoyed that gentle intimacy.

We'd been more like brother and sister only with me dropping my knickers when he demanded it now that I thought about it. But with these two. I saw another level. I saw affection.

"Do you want to see his cock?"

Alice was staring straight at me kinda doe-eyed as though what she'd asked was normal. My alcohol-sozzled brain made me giggle, unable to take my eyes off the bulge in his trousers where her hand continued to rub him.

"Let me show you."

He helped as she pulled his clothing away, down his legs just enough to release his beast.


"Isn't it nice?"

I was wide-eyed. I knew this was one slippery step after another towards my being drawn into their game. But when I hadn't seen a cock in so long that I'd forgotten what one looked like I couldn't stop myself from just staring.

"Imagine how nice it'll be when it slips into your pussy, Lucy.

How much it'll fill that tight little hole."

It was beautiful. Sleek. Big. Bigger than Karl or that other twat at least. I looked at his deeply coloured crown as she rolled his foreskin back. My mouth watered.

"It's so hard and hot." She said caressing his shaft.

I was mesmerised. Gripped by a desire I couldn't control. A primal desire to touch it, to smell and taste his musk. To have that thing penetrate me.

"I can't describe how nice it is to be fucked by this beautiful thing. You have to feel it for yourself."

Perhaps I should stay. No one would know. Just one night I would behave badly. One night I would cum at someone else's hands. And importantly, I wouldn't be alone.

I moved closer, sitting on the bed like an interloper who didn't quite know how to join in. I was quivering uncontrollably. I just wanted him. I wanted to be fucked.

Alice saw my need. She helped me by putting her hand on the back of my head and guiding me down.

"Put your lips on it. Taste it."

The closer I got, the more horrified at what I was doing I became. But also, the sight of it, the musky smell in my nostrils became hypnotising. I wanted to get closer still.

The pressure on the back of my head was gentle, but also relentless. I let it guide me until I had to open my mouth. It felt good as my lips rode over him.

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