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The Race: Fallout

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The aftermath of Mary's actions.
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I had originally written The Race merely to try writing some erotica, I'm kind of new to that style of writing. It had been intended purely as a means to try flexing a little naughty writing muscle and see how and what I could write. Basically, just starting off small and simple. Which is why it ended the way it did, and was as short as it was. It wasn't meant to be a nuanced, original, or particularly in-depth read.

After submitting it, I was kind of happy with it, but thought that I could probably write a follow up. So here it is.


Geoff Greenfield heard his phone go off, again. Absently he picked it up and accepted the call, but said nothing.

"Geoff, I'm..."

He ended the call.

A minute later, the phone started ringing once more. Again he silently answered.


He ended the call.

How many had that been? Fifteen, Twenty? He'd lost count after ten.

This time, it was a text message that set his phone off. He glanced at it, to make sure it wasn't important, and grimaced when he saw that it was his wife, Mary, again. He ignored it like the others that she had sent, trying to justify, or apologise, he didn't know, he didn't care.

He'd also gotten some calls and text messages from a few of the other sluts, he treated them the same way.

He was busy getting his children ready for the day. They were young, they didn't understand what was about to happen to their previously sheltered little lives. Wouldn't understand for years to come, maybe they'd never understand, hell Geoff was nearing forty and he couldn't understand it either.

Another text message appeared, and he glanced at it once more.

Plane arrives at 4:15 pm.

He shook his head. Could she not understand what 'DON'T COME HOME' meant? Did one of the dicks she had in her face cause her brain damage? He shook his head again and muttered to himself.

What a stupid cunt.

Did she think he was going to pick her up from the airport? What a dumb bitch. But, he thought harder. If he didn't pick her up, she'd end up coming here in a taxi. And then he'd have to deal with her anyway, and in front of the kids. No, that wouldn't do.

His phone rang once more. And again he answered it.

"Please, Geoff..."

He disconnected. He wished at that moment that he'd been keeping a tally. He could have made a game out of it.

This time though, instead of putting the phone back down, he hit his speed dial #9.

It started ringing, he waited, he had time. Suddenly, the beeping of call waiting came across his line. He grimaced slightly and shook his head again at her audacity.


He heard his mother-in-law, Debbie, answer the phone. Good she wasn't out.

"Hi Debbie, Geoff here." He rarely called her, he had no need to call her, she was Mary's mother, and Mary spent at least thirty minutes a day on the phone to her. It was kind of weird that she spoke to her mother that much, given that they also saw each other at least once a week, and only lived about 30 minutes apart.

"Hi Geoff, is everything ok? Has Mary gotten home yet?" She had an edge to her voice now, as the call waiting beep stopped, which he was thankful for. It was clear that Debbie assumed something was wrong for him to be calling her. How right she was.

"No Debbie, she's not back, and that's what I want to talk to you about. Mary and I are going to be getting divorced, and she's not welcome here, not for the foreseeable future anyway."

He heard a sharp intake of breath. "What do you mean a divorce? Now just hold on there a minute."

"Debbie, shut the fuck up, ok. We're getting a divorce, and nothing is going to stop that. She just sent me a text a couple of minutes ago, saying that her plane lands at 4:15. I would suggest that you need to go and get her and take her back to your place. If you can come here before you head to Tulamarine, I'll have a couple suitcases of her clothes for you to take with you."

Debbie was stunned. She couldn't remember the last time someone had talked to her like that, least of all a family member. Sure Geoff could be a bit brash at times, but never like this. And the divorce he was talking about.

"What did you do?" she demanded.

"Me? Fuck you Debbie. Your daughter has been slutting around fucking god knows how many guys on this hen's do. So no, I didn't do anything."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, before Debbie launched back in. "Bullshit Geoff, Mary wouldn't do that. She's respectable, not a tramp..." She didn't get any further as Geoff disconnected.

The phone started ringing again.

"Please Geoff, don't..."

He disconnected. What a dumb bitch she was turning out to be, how did he never notice it before.

He started thumbing through the photos and video he had gotten from the night before, until he found the one that he wanted. A short, nine second clip of Mary on all fours, a big guy fucking her from behind as she sucked and jerked two other guys, her face and tits already covered in cum. Around her a crowd was clearly visible, and the music and chanting of suck suck suck really drove home the depravity of the situation.

He attached the video and sent it to Debbie.

He received another text message, this time from the slut whose party weekend it was, Amanda, soon to be married to some guy that Geoff had only met once or twice. He seemed nice, but Geoff couldn't remember his name.

Geoff it was all fake dont do anything stupid

The stupid thing would be to believe that it was all fake. He laughed and then called Debbie back.

She answered in tears.

"Come here on the way to the airport, but don't, I repeat don't bring her back. She isn't welcome."

He heard a mumbled ok, and then he disconnected.

Right, now that was done, he'd have to go about telling all the other guys what had happened, in case their sluts were fucking around on them as well. He went to the fridge and took down the sheet with all the names and numbers of the husbands and boyfriends, that all of them had been given in case of an emergency.

This is Geoff Greenfield, Mary's soon to be ex-husband. I don't know if my wife was the only one fucking around on Amanda's party weekend, but you might want to find out what your girls were up to. Attached in the proof that some of your partners graciously sent me at 11pm last night.

It was a long winded text, but it explained what he needed.

He then sent a couple of the photos and videos to the group text he'd created, then went and got himself a beer. It wasn't even 9am, but fuck it. It was 5pm somewhere.

As he drank, he got the kids settled in front of the television and handed the remote to his eldest, Marcus, who was 8. "You can watch whatever you like, but make sure your sisters can watch what they want as well. Don't make me disappointed in you buddy, look out for them, ok?"

"Sure dad," said Marcus, happy to have the remote. It was rare that he got trusted with it, especially so early in the morning.

Geoff then went and grabbed the two largest suitcases that he could find, and stuffed a bunch of Mary's clothes into them. He wasn't particularly careful with the packing, but he didn't really care.

His phone chirped a text message. It was one of the husbands responding to the group.

"FUCK!" was all it said.

Fuck indeed he thought.

It was followed up suddenly by another and another text message and then a phone call.

He answered the call, it was one of the sluts, not Mary.

"You bastard, you..."

He disconnected. "Reap what you sow bitch, reap what you sow."

He continued to pack Mary's belongings into the suitcases. And when he was satisfied that he had jammed enough clothes and shoes into them, took them out to the front steps and left them there.

His phone rang again.

"Geoff, what the fuck...."

He disconnected. Then he remembered the other text messages. There were a bunch of them now, some from the guys, some from the girls. The guys were expressing shock and concern, the girls were expressing a lot of anger and rage.

He laughed. Stupid bitches. What did they expect would happen?

As he was heading back inside, he heard his kids arguing over the TV. Great he thought, just fucking great.

"Marcus, I told you to let them watch some things they want to watch."

"They only want to watch Angelina Ballerina." He said with dismay.

"Fine, they can watch that, you can play on the iPad."

Marcus cheered and raced off to find the tablet.

Geoff's phone rang again, and again he answered it.

"Why Geoff?" He disconnected from Mary again. Why? Was she delirious? Why? She fucked a bunch of other guys, in a crowded bar, bareback. Her so-called friends sent him the photo and video proof late last night, breaking his heart. Why? Or was she wondering why he informed the other guys? Because it was the right thing to do, and he'd do it again if he had it over.

He made another call, this time to his brother who was a carpenter that did kitchen upgrades. Jason was handy where Geoff wasn't, well not as much. And anyway, this required going out, something that Geoff couldn't do with the three kids.

"Jason, do me a solid. I need all my locks changed on my house before 4pm today. Do you think you could get to Bunnings and grab some and then install them for me? There's a carton in it for you."

"Problems with the missus?" Jason asked with a laugh.

"Fucking oath, the slut is banging half of Queensland, and I don't want her getting back into the house." His voice was quiet and serious, causing Jason to alter his tone to match.

"Fuck, I'm sorry mate. I'll get right on it. See you in a couple of hours."

No sooner had he hung up, then he got another call. He answered, the game was kind of fun now.

"You fucking...."

He disconnected.

The phone chirped again, a text message came through, from one of the sluts that he didn't know.

Hey cuck U gon fkd up Mary said non of kids Urs.

Hmmm, that was a good point. He needed to get DNA tests done. He actually responded to that message.

Thanks for reminding me to check paternity. He followed it up with a smiley emoji and a thumbs up.

Dumb bitches.

His phone rang again, by the caller ID, he saw it Mary once more

"No they're yours, Megan was venting."

He didn't hang up, and he could tell from the sudden lack of squawking on the other end of the line, that it took her by surprise.

"Geoff... Are you still there?"

He disconnected.

He'd probably get tired of this shortly, but for now, it was keeping him sane.

He heard a car pull up out front. Curious, he moved to the front door, and saw Debbie and her husband, his father-in-law, Robert, moving towards the house. He quickly moved to the door, flicking the latch on the security door.

"Debbie, Robert," he said with an air of diplomacy, "Have you come to get the whore's luggage?" He dispensed with the diplomacy almost immediately, smiling inwardly.

"Don't be crass, Geoff", said Robert with a stern and argumentative bluster. Debbie was sobbing, holding onto her husband's arm for support. "It doesn't suit you. No, we've come to talk. To work this out. To keep the two of you together."

"Keep us together?" Geoff laughed out loud. "Are you for real? Did you see the video, Robert?"

"Yes Geoff, I did. And I didn't appreciate you sending that to my wife." He had his back up, he was raring to go. Robert was a big man, and in excellent physical condition for someone on the higher side of sixty. He worked out twice a week, doing free weights, and walked everywhere. He was certainly fit and could take care of himself or at the least, he used to be able to if the stories he spun of his bouncer days had an element of truth. But Geoff was not intimidated by him, not in the least.

"You know what I didn't appreciate, Bob?" He said caustically, Robert hated being called Bob, "I hated the fact that my wife fucked a bunch of strangers in front of a crowd, in a public place, in a club, and then all her friends thought that I needed to see about 20 or so videos and photos. They sent them to me around eleven last night. That's what I really appreciate."

Robert had the decency to look down at this, and Debbie cried more.

"Just take the bags and go, please. There is no working this out. Not a chance in hell."

"Geoff," Debbie cried to him, pleading. "She loves you."

"No," he pointed to the bags, "She doesn't."

He closed the wooden front door.

Just then Marcus came into the room "Was that Nana and Pop?" He was excited. They, especially Debbie, always spoiled him.

"They were just picking up a few things, but they couldn't stay, but they said to say Hi." Geoff said, pushing Marcus back the way that he had come, back into the family room.

"You can play the iPad, but you need to look after your sisters, I have things to do, ok?"

His phone went off again, it was one of the guys, Brian. But he didn't know which slut was his.

Wedding is off.

Ah, now he did. The groom to be. Well, fuck. That escalated quickly. Still, Brian was lucky, he'd headed this off before the altar. Not like Geoff, with a messy divorce looming, three kids under 10, a house and mortgage, and God knows what else he'd have to deal with.

The phone went off again, another text message.

"Fuck you Geoff!"

Ah, Amanda. What a treat she'd be. Well, what's the old saying, 'if you play with matches, you're going to get burned', a bit of a cliche, but here it was. Geoff didn't ask for his wife to fuck around, didn't ask for her friends to bombard him late at night, so fuck them all. Figuratively though, he wouldn't fuck them with his worst enemy's dick.

He moved into the study, and started sifting through paperwork. He'd started it first thing this morning, but then the kids woke up, and the phone bombardment started. Bank details, insurance details, his will. He was starting to collate a pile of things that he needed to work through. Fuck, why didn't he listen to his mate, Dougie, back when he got married. Dougie had been married and divorced three times before his 30th birthday, and he was telling all and sundry, anyone who was interested, "If you're ever going to get married, have a divorce checklist made out day one. It'll save you in the end."

But Geoff had laughed at his mate, and told him that having a divorce checklist was planning for failure, something that he didn't intend to do. His and Mary's marriage would be rock solid, he wasn't a pussy hound like Dougie.

"Men aren't the only ones that cheat, Geoff, and more than half of marriages fail, even without someone getting a bit on the side."

If only he had listened to him. Fuck you Doug, you and your prophetic words of doom.

His phone rang once more. He answered, but this time, he spoke.

"You've called Geoff's hotline of marital disintegration and no second chances."

There was a sudden inhalation of air on the other end. "Geoff, what's going on?"

It was his mother. Ah shit.

"Hi mum, nothing much. Just starting the process to remove a cheating wife from my life."

"What do you mean? What's happening? Jason called your father and told him that something's happened. Debbie called me, to try to talk to you. And Mary called as well, she's heartbroken, I could barely get a word out of her. What did you do?"

"Really? You're going to instantly assume I did something are you? You're my mother, aren't you supposed to be on my side? Aren't you? But no, you jump to the conclusion straight away, that I've done something wrong. Did Debbie tell you anything? Did she tell you that Mary has been having sex with half of Queensland? And her friends sent me the photos and video to prove it? Do you want to see some of them?"

His mother was quiet. Very quiet.

"Mary wouldn't..." He cut her off.

"She would and she did. This conversation is over. I love you mum, but if you call back here about this, you'd better be on my side, or you can frankly, get lost."

He disconnected. How could his mother assume he had something to do with this? Why would she immediately leap to that conclusion?

Fine, if people were going to be like this, then it was time to start really fighting. He'd had enough of the games, it was now time for war.

Quickly he got onto Facebook, and suddenly saw he had heaps of messages there as well. Well fuck that he thought.

He went straight to his profile, unfriended Mary. Set his status to single, and then started typing on his wall.

To anyone who is interested. My wife Mary went to a hen's party this weekend for her friend Amanda. They had flown to the Gold Coast for a few nights and days of partying. Well they certainly partied alright. Mary decided that she would start having casual, unprotected, public sex with multiple men at the same time. Her friends that went along with her were happy to send me photographic and video proof of her multiple infidelities, thank you ladies.

So I am in the process of commencing the start of divorce proceedings. Mary and I will no longer be living together, nor will she and I live together in the future. There are no second chances. Our marriage is over, and Mary is the one that killed it.

I will not accept anyone attempting to discuss reconciliation. If you want to do that, please unfriend me now.

He posted it, set the privacy settings to public, and pinned it to his wall.

He then changed his profile and wall photos to remove Mary from them, and started the process of deleting any photo that had her in it.

His phone rang again.


He disconnected.

Fuck some people are dumb. Really, really dumb. How did anyone expect this would end?

Or, was this the plan all along? Did Mary want to publicly humiliate Geoff, publicly cuckold him? Did she want the divorce? He stopped what he was doing momentarily.

"Fucking Bitch!" he swore out loud, before remembering his children were still in the house, and nearby. "Fuck you Mary, fuck you." he said to himself, under his breath.

He finished deleting the photos, he didn't have many, not being much of a social media user, before he returned to the paperwork. Damn it Dougie, why didn't I have that divorce checklist?

He'd had enough of the phone games now, so he switched his phone off, and went and played with his kids, Marcus, Jennifer, and Gabrielle.

Just before midday, Jason arrived and after a brief hug with his brother, and some words of support, he started making the changes to the locks. It didn't take him long to change all of them. The good thing was that the garage was detached. But he took Mary's car out to the curb and then cursed himself for not getting Robert or Debbie to drive it back with them. Now the bitch would probably have to come over here to get it.

Geoff started making the changes to what he could online. The rest he'd have to do during the week. It was a painful process, both due to the hoops some required to jump through, but all held emotional pain. He hadn't really processed the destruction of his marriage until this point. He'd been almost on autopilot, because of needing to be stalwart for the kids, but then playing his stupid phone game to keep him from screaming.

Now, he no longer had the phone game anymore. He contemplated turning his phone back on, but couldn't be bothered. He checked his Facebook on his laptop. The post had garnered quite a bit of attention. Including from some of Mary's friends. Mary herself had posted a response to it, claiming that it was a misunderstanding. Fuck, he forgot to turn off responses when he set it to public.

He looked through those who had responded, there were a bunch who were trying to counsel for reconciliation, and none of them had unfriended him. He made the decision for them, culling them from his friends. It felt good, it felt cathartic, and he felt strong.


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