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The Reluctant Warrior


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"Okay, Chris," she replied, her face lighting up, "I'll be right here."


"Would you like to tell me what you think you're doing with her," Carly pointedly asked, holding me against the wall around the corner from where I'd been talking to Paige, "I heard every word so, don't try to lie to me, Chris."

"Oh my," I chuckled, "I believe you're jealous."

"No, I'm not," she giggled, letting go of me, "Well, not too much anyway."

I told her of the conversation I'd had with Paige, ending it by telling her, "I think that God has given us the opportunity to help someone regain the life that seems to have been taken from them a long time ago."

Í believe you're right," she smiled, kissing me, "And that's why I want to help."

After nodding my head to where I'd just come from, I looked back at Carly and said, "Good, go out there and keep Paige company while I get out of this costume and change clothes, okay?"

"Okay, baby," she cooed, "But don't take too long, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," I playfully grumbled, "I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Silly boy," Carly giggled, after me, playfully swatting my ass, "But damn if you don't look good in that costume."


When I returned I saw Kayla and my sweet Carly talking and laughing with Paige. She was a pretty girl, but it was hard to tell by the way she not only dressed, but also carried herself. And it was almost as if she were trying to hide her beauty as opposed to accentuating it. I decided right then and there that Carly and I were going to help her overcome whatever demons were torturing this poor girl.

"Hi, baby," Carly smiled, kissing my lips as I walked up upon the group, "I need you to do me a favor."

"Uh oh, what is it now?" I teased, "Do you want me to cook again or something?"

"No, silly boy," she giggled, "Mom and Kimmy are going to meet with your parents and sister at Pepper's. I need you to go and meet them there while Kayla and I take Paige over to our house for a little bit, and then we'll be along shortly, okay baby?"

"Okay, sweetie" I smiled, "I'll see you guys in a little while then, I love you."

"I love you, too," she cooed, "Bye, baby."


I pulled into the parking lot at Pepper's Bar & Grill to find an almost full parking lot. And not thinking anything about it, I got out of my car and went inside.


The moment I walked through the door I was greeted by the sound of every person there standing and rendering me a very loud round of applause. As I looked through the crowd I saw Mom and Helena standing in their seats whistling and clapping just as loud, if not louder than anyone else. Dad, Sara and Kimmy were sitting in their seats also clapping their hands, wearing bright smiles on their faces.

"You did a great job tonight, baby," Mom smiled, hugging me as I got to the table, "We're all so very proud of you."

"Good job, son," Dad excitedly smiled, "Damn good job."

"Thank you, sir," I smiled, Thank you all for coming."

"Where's Carly?" Kimmy asked, "Why isn't she here, too?"

"Don't worry, sweetie," I knowingly smiled, "She and Kayla took a friend of ours to the house for a few minutes and then they'll be right along."

"I sure liked the show tonight, Chris," Sara grinned, "I especially liked all the tights that the guys all wore. Man, you need to get some sun on those chicken-white legs of yours."

"Shut-up," I smiled, kissing her on the forehead as I sat down next to her, "Wait till your belly gets big from carrying around that baby. I'm gonna bust your chops real good then."

"I'd watch out if I were you, little brother," Sara teased, using a holier-than-thou tone of voice, "You think I was a bitch when we were growing up? I've heard that pregnant women can be the most evil of all bitches when they're mad."

"So, what else is new?" I teased back, "You're already like that so, what would be different?"

My parents had always stayed out of any argument I had with my sister unless she got out of hand, which she did a lot when we were younger; but this time I thought that both of my parents were going to pee their pants from laughing so hard. It was definitely the hardest I'd ever seen my father laugh.

"It's not funny, you guys," Sara pouted, "You're such an asshole sometimes, Chris."

"I practice," I chuckled, "What's your excuse?"

Sara said nothing, simply flipping me the middle finger as she sarcastically smiled and winked.


We hadn't been sitting there for very long when once again; the crowd inside Pepper's came alive with applause. I stood and looked at the entrance to see my beautiful Carly come in and courtesy, followed by Kayla, and a very beautiful version of what had to be Paige. My God, it was like I was looking at a totally different woman.

Carly and Kayla had created a masterpiece, and it apparent in how beautiful Paige looked that night. And as the y appeared at our table, Carly smiled and said, "Everybody, I'd like you all to meet a new friend of ours, she's a correspondent for "She Magazine", and her name is Miss Paige Easley."

"Hi, Paige," Dad chivalrously replied, as he stood," Welcome to our group. Chris, get the lady a chair."

"It's already taken care of, sir," replied a gentleman behind where we were sitting, (Whom I later found out was the Manager) "We've reserved a private room in the back for your party. Please follow me."

"Please, Paige," Dad smiled, offering his arm, "Allow my and my wife to escort you to our private room,"

"Puh-leez," Mom laughed, taking Dad's other arm, "Don't pay any attention to him, Paige, honey, he acts this way every time he gets around a bunch of pretty girls."

"Come on, you two," Sara smiled, at Kimmy and Helena, "We'll follow "His Majesty" up there so as not to be mistaken as mere commoners."

"If you please. My dears," I smiled, offering an arm each to Carly and Kayla.

However, before they rose from their seats, the crowd cheered again as Kevin made his way toward us. "Sorry I'm late," he smiled, taking Kayla's hand and kissing her, "Hi, beautiful."

"Hi, baby," Kayla giggled, blushing, "I'm glad you made it."

"Come on, you guys," I smiled, as I took Carly's hand, "There's a party going on in the back room with our names on the door."


Much to my surprise, the entire cast and crew were already in the back room awaiting our arrival. And I can't begin to tell you what it felt like to have everyone on the room, all of my peers, applaud me while chanting me name over and over again.

"SPEECH!" someone yelled, as soon as the applause died down.

"Thank you," I humbly replied, "This has been a great honor for me to perform with everyone here; and I hope that you've learned as much from me as I've learned from all of you. Once again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

"Not bad, kid," Dad smiled, patting me on the back from behind, "Not bad at all."


Throughout the night I saw more than several nice guys approach Paige. I could vouch for the sincerity and integrity of every guy there, and they were all nice guys. She responded well, I'm happy to say.

"Doesn't she look great," Carly said from behind me, coming around to stand next to me.

"Yes, she does," I smiled approvingly, "You guys did an amazing job."

"There's something about her that I think you need to know, Chris," Carly told me, "Paige was a journalism major right here three years ago, and was gang raped at a frat party. The poor thing had been brought up with a strict Baptist background and was too ashamed to press charges so; she took her pain in silence and has been afraid of guys ever since."

"Oh, my God," I gasped, "That's terrible."

"I know," she replied, "But for some reason you touched her in a way she hasn't been touched in a long while, baby. I don't know what you said to her, but she thinks you're one of the nicest guys she's ever met."

"Poor girl," I teased, "If I'm the nicest guy she's ever met, then she's starting at the bottom of the barrel."

"Oh, shut up," Carly giggled, smacking me on the butt, "I happen to agree with her ya know."


The next morning we were all over every paper and in every magazine in town. All of the articles talked about the show, and being more than pleased, I smiled when I read all the compliments that the critics had given me. It let me know that I had done a good job.

What thrilled me the most was seeing Carly's name and reading all the praises she received. One article said, and I quote, "Carly Banks finally came into her own last night in her portrayal of Varinia, in the U of H Players production of 'Spartacus', starring Chris Duquesne and Carly Banks. The relationship between Varinia and Spartacus was as real as anything I've ever seen. This reporter has seen great shows in the past, but now I can't recall seeing anything greater than what I witnessed last night. Good job, U of H Players!"

"What're you reading, baby?" Carly knowingly smiled, from behind me.

After she leaned in and kissed me on the lips, I smiled and said, "I take it you've seen the papers this morning."

"Yes," she cooed, happy tears forming in her eyes, "I can't believe all the things they said about us, can you?"

Showing her the article of which I just spoke, I smiled as she read it, and when she was finished, I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and softly replied, "It was very real what they saw on stage last night. We didn't try to, but we fooled them all and made them believe there was something real between our characters. Do you see what I'm saying?"

"No," she giggled, "But I love you anyway. Come on and get up, because Mom and Kimmy are leaving this morning, and your Mom wants you to call her at home around one o'clock this afternoon."

"Yeah, yeah," I playfully grumbled, "I'm getting up."


"It was so nice to meet you, sweetheart," Helena giggled, as she hugged me at her car, "You make Carly bring you home soon. God, I can't wait to show you off to the girls in my garden club."

"Mom," Carly playfully scolded, Kimmy giggling alongside her, "Ya'll are gonna be late."

"Oh, hush up, girl," Helena giggled, "Come on, Kimmy, let's get out of here before your sister accuses me of trying to steal her man."

"You'll have to forgive her," Carly ashamedly said, as her mother and sister drove away, "My mother act like she's fifteen sometimes."

"Oh, leave her alone," I smiled, "I think she's a sweetie."


The moment we walked back into the house, Carly led me straight to our bedroom, peeling her clothes off along the way.

"What're you doing?" I knowingly smiled, taking my clothes off as well, "I think somebody's a little horny."

"It's more than just a little," she giggled, falling backward onto the bed, naked, with her legs spread wide, "Now get down here and give me that big beautiful cock, you good-looking son of a bitch."

We didn't take our time, nor did we make love that afternoon. We fucked...with wild abandon not caring who knew, we fucked all afternoon and on until it was time for us to go get ready for our performance that night.


Again we did well; playing to packed house and enjoying every moment of it. We were even more pleased when Dr. Hatcher informed us after the show that night, that the city of Houston had decided to invite us to perform in the main theater of The Houston Center for the Performing Arts.


After the show that night was again, a night of celebration, only this time we all dressed up and went out dancing at several of the local clubs. Carly looked even more beautiful than I could ever recall seeing her.

"I love you," I told Carly, as we danced together during a slow song, "And I'm going to marry you one day, I just wanted you to know that."

"I know, baby," she softly purred, kissing my lips, "And I love you, too."


The next morning, Sunday, was a quiet one, and Carly and I simply lay in bed together, enjoying the comfort of one another.

"It sure is a beautiful day," Carly smiled, looking out of our bedroom window, naked, "What would you like to do today, baby?"

"You," I smiled, gently running my fingers trough the soft groove between her legs.

"Mmm," she purred smiling, "That sounds like a good idea, you nasty boy."

We made slow and gentle love that morning, looking into one another's eyes with every movement until, while we simultaneously reached our peaks.


"I love you so much, Chris," Carly happily wept, "And I thank God that we met."

"I love you, too," I softly replied, as I gently kissed her lips, "And I would die for you."


After enjoying a leisurely "Sunday Champagne Brunch" at Pepper's, which to this day has become a weekly ritual, Carly and I decided to spend the afternoon down south in Galveston. Of course this was before those assholes at the Texas Game and Wildlife Agency dumped an artificial reef offshore, and the surfing was still good.

Kayla and Kevin came along with us, and when we'd finally found a place and settled in; she held up that Month's edition of "She Magazine" and said, "You're not going to believe the article that Paige wrote about us; or should I day, you, Chris."

"Oh really," Carly knowingly smiled at Kayla, "This sounds interesting, let's see it, Kay-Kay."

Kayla handed the magazine to Carly, and while she was perusing the magazine, searching for the article, Kayla smiled at me and said, "You really are a good guy, Chris. I thought you should know that."

"Thanks," I smiled, blushing profusely, "That was nice of you to say."

"Why do you always blush when any one of us girls gives you a compliment, Chris?" Kayla sweetly asked, "Are you embarrassed or something?"

"He's just like his Dad," Carly giggled, from behind the magazine, "He gets nervous around pretty girls."

"No, I don't, Carly," I complained, "I don't get nervous around you, and you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

Looking from over the top of the magazine, Carly devilishly winked at Kayla and then said, "That's because I've had your big cock in my mouth, and it's hard to be nervous around someone who enjoys drinking your cum, baby."

Needless to say, her remark elicited a cacophony of laughter from the whole group, except me, as I stood up, then picked up my surfboard and angrily said, "That was awful, Carly. I'm going to go surfing for a while."

"Aw, baby," she playfully cooed, "Don't be mad, I was just teasing you, sweetie."

I simply said nothing, other than giving her an angry glare right before I headed toward the surf.


As I put my board into the water and was paddling out to the break, I thought about what Carly had just said. Had it been only she and I there when she said what she did, I would've laughed about it. But to say something like that in mixed company was a little too much to suit my tastes at the time...you'll notice that I said, "At the time?"

Anyway, as I sat out about a hundred and fifty to two hundred yards offshore on my board waiting for a good set to roll in, I saw Carly making her way toward the water.

As she grew accustomed to the temperature of the water, she began to wander into deeper water. And after a few moment of this, I knew from her position that she was swimming in water that was not only way over her head, but full of riptides as well. Dad and I used to surf the shores when I was about fifteen so; I knew these particular waters well. And I was watching her, a wave suddenly a wave came crashing over her as her head disappeared and didn't come back up once the wave had passed.

"CARLY!!!" I yelled, beginning to panic, "CARLY, HANG ON, BABY, I'M COMING."

I swiftly paddled to where I last saw her and then dove off of my board into the water. I swam around looking for her until I could no longer hole my breath. I went up to more air, and as I came descended back down into the water; I felt something brush my leg.

I turned around and there was Carly's body floating mid depth, between the ocean floor and the surface of the water. After immediately grabbing hold of her and rapidly ascending to the surface, I swam as fast as I could to the shore, carrying her in a classic water rescue hold.

After sitting and watching in terror, Kevin and Kayla helped me drag Carly's lifeless body onto the shore. The moment we had her laid onto the sand, I began to try to resuscitate her.

I know that God had his hand over us that day, as after breathing only one breath into her lungs, she began to cough, expelling the seawater forth from within her. The moment she began to breathe regularly, her eyes opened, and in sheer terror, Carly began to scream, "CHRIS, CHRIS, WHERE ARE YOU?"

"Shh, I'm right here, baby," I cried, "I'm right here and I'm never going to leave you."

"I wanted to tell you that I was sorry for what I said," she cried, "And I..."

"Shh, it's all forgotten now," I gently soothed her, "Let's get you home. I don't know about you, but I've had about all the excitement I can stand for one day."

"I love you, Chris," she cried, clutching tightly to me, "I love you with all my heart."

"I know you do," I smiled, "And I love you with all my heart, too."

I carried my beautiful Carly in my arms, all the way to the car, with Kevin and Kayla carrying the rest of our things, my surfboard included, with them. And when we got home I carried her from the car and into the house.


Chapter Seven

The moment we arrived home, I took Carly's clothes off of her, as well as my own, and then pulled her into the shower in order to let the soothing warm water help bring her back around. After I fished washing and drying her, I put her in bed and then lay down next to her in case she needed me.

This whole time she'd been awake she was only semi-responsive, and I wouldn't have known she was aware until my stomach growled, making her ask, "Are you hungry, baby?"

"Hi, beautiful," I softly spoke, "How're you feeling?"

"Like I've been run through a clothes wringer and hung out to dry," she softly giggled.

"Do you want something to eat," I asked, "Neither of us have eaten anything since this morning so; I'm know you've got to be hungry."

"You're right," she smiled, "I want some Chinese food from Ming's, down the street and around the corner."

"That sounds good," I replied smiling, while getting out of bed to get dressed, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay, baby," she sweetly smiled, "I love you very much, Chris."

"I love you, too, and I always will..."


When I returned back to the house, Carly was up and about and looking more than beautiful. She'd even set the table for us, uncorking a bottle of wine that I'd been given as a congratulatory gift from, I don't remember who.

"Hi, baby," she chirped, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her body close to mine, "Mmm, that food smells great."

"I'm glad you like it," I chuckled, "I got you some Kung Pao Chicken, Pork Fried Rice, and Egg Drop Soup, with plenty of hot mustard and soy sauce...all of your favorite stuff."

"Let me have this," she giggled, taking the bag of food from me, "You sit down while I fix our plates."

"Of course, your majesty," I teased, "Your wish is my command."


"You saved my life today, Chris," Carly nonchalantly commented as we ate.

"I love you," I passionately replied, "What was I supposed to do, let you drown?"

"According to the Chinese," she replied, tears beginning to form in her eyes, "When you save someone's life, you belong to them."

"Aw, sweetheart," I soothed, reaching across the table to take her hand, "I belonged to you the very first time I ever saw you, don't you know that?"

"I do now," she smiled, squeezing my hand, "I love you."

"I love you, too..."


We pent the rest of that day and all of that night simply cuddled in one another's arms. And when we went to bed, this was the first time that we didn't sleep naked together. Instead, Carly wore a long tee shirt while I slept in my boxers. I knew she needed some down time to deal with her near death experience earlier that afternoon so; I simply held her while she slept, safe in the arms of someone who would never let harm come to her ever again.


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