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The Reluctant Warrior


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"Oh, my God," Sara sweetly smiled, as Carly stood, "You're beautiful."

"Thank you, Sara," Carly smiled, "So are you."

"Yeah," Sara teased, "Where do you think Chris got it from?"

"Gimme a break," I chuckled.

"Hell no," Sara laughed, "I ain't giving you shit, Christopher Robin."

"Sara," Mom scolded, "Watch your language, please."

"Why, Mom?" Sara giggled, "I've heard you talk a hell of a lot worse than that," Dad began chuckling in the background.

"Hush that laughing, Jake," Mom said to Dad, "You're the reason that these kids talk the way they do to begin with."

"Don't pick on Dad," Sara giggled, "He's just a man and you know how they are, huh, Mom?"

"Hush, girl," Mom giggled, "That's not nice."

"So, tell me, Carly," Sara teased, "Does my baby brother treat you right? If he doesn't, call me and I'll come to Houston and kick his ass for you."

"He treats me wonderfully," Carly smiled, placing her hand on my leg, "And I love him very much."

"Aw, I'm so glad," Sara sweetly smiled, tears beginning to form in her eyes, "I worried about him so much when he was high school."

"Hey, hey, it's okay, Sis," I gently soothed smiling, "I was okay in high school."

Maybe so," she sadly smiled, "But I always wanted you to have somebody who cared for you besides us."

"That's very sweet of you, Sara, and I love you for it," I smiled, my arms around Carly, "But as you can see, good things come to those who wait."

"You've got that right, Chris, "Sara replied, smiling proudly at Carly, "She sure is a pretty thing."

"I think so, too," I chuckled, "I think I did rather well, even if I say so myself," as Carly brightly blushed.

"Yeah, right," Sara teased, ruffling the hair on top of my head, "I think you got lucky, Christopher Robin."


I took Carly out that night to a place near the beach called, "Pat's Place" to hear some friends of mine that Sara had told me were playing out there. I used to go out there by myself before I started college. It was a great place and they always had really hot bands that played in there.

"Goodness gracious," Pat smiled, from behind the bar as she saw us walk in, "If it isn't Chris Duquesne, home from the big city."

"Hi, Pat," I smiled as we took a seat at the bar, "This is my girlfriend, Carly Banks."

"And such a pretty girl, too," Pat sweetly replied, as she reached across the bar to pat Carly's hand, "Welcome my place, Carly honey. What can I get you kids to drink?"

"I'll have the usual," I devilishly smiled, "And from what I was told, my girlfriend fell in love with rum-runners her freshman year in college."

"Oh, my God," Carly gasped, blushing profusely, "Kayla told you that, didn't she?"

"I promised that I'd never tell," I laughed.

"You don't have to," Carly giggled, "That bitch is the only one who knows about the rum-runners incident, wait till I see her."


When the band took the stage, I smiled at seeing the band "Tigerclaw", which consisted of the Hayes triplets, Rick, Randy, and Roland, on bass, drums and rhythm guitar; then there was Michael Gibson on keyboards, and Chuck Peterson on lead guitar and vocals.

These guys had been playing music together since were all very young; and to hear them that night made me proud to have had them as friends growing up. Of course three years later, they got a deal with Capitol Records, but that's another story.


"Wow," Carly smiled, as she listened to my friends playing, "These guys are good."

"Yes, they are," I knowingly grinned, "They're gonna do great things one day, I just know it."

"I agree," Carly replied, "These guys sound like someone you would want to hear on the radio."


When we got home that night there was a note from my mother on the kitchen table that read:

Hey Babies,

I've all of things into your sister's old room, Chris. Besides she has the queen

sized bed and you two will sleep more comfortably. I'll see you in the morning,

Sweet Dreams,


"Holy shit," I gasped, "I can't believe that my parents are giving us permission to sleep together in their house."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Carly said, "Besides, it's not like they don't already know that we live together."

"Yeah, I guess so," I smiled, kissing her lips, "Come on, baby, let's got to bed."


I woke the next morning to an empty bed, and could immediately hear the sound of female laughter emanating down the hall from the kitchen, followed by an aroma I knew all too well, Mom' pancakes.

Needless to say, I was out of bed, threw on a pair of shorts, and a short pause in the bathroom, I headed down the hall to the kitchen.


I came into the kitchen to find Mom and Carly having coffee and talking. The moment I appeared in the doorway, Mom looked smiling and said, "Well good morning, sleepyhead."

"Good morning, Mom," I sleepily replied, leaning down and wrapping my arms around Carly, kissing her neck, "Good morning, sweetie."

"Hi, baby," she giggled, as I nuzzled her neck, "Sit down here and I'll get you a cup of coffee."

"Okay," I grinned, "That sounds like a good deal to me."

"Your father wants to see you in barn once you're awake, sweetheart," Mom told me.

"Let me guess," I grinned, "Dad probably said, and I quote "Send Chris out to the barn after he gets his lazy little ass out of bed", didn't he, Mom?"

"That was pretty close, Chris," Mom giggled, "Damn close."


During my junior year in high school Dad had found an old beat up Nineteen Sixty-Seven Ford Mustang with a convertible top, which he wanted to restore back to its original condition. However, when I left to go to college I remember that there was still plenty left to do before the restoration on the car was complete.


When I walked into the mechanical bay we'd built within the barn when we first brought the car into it, imagine my surprise when I found that Dad had finished what he and I had begun a couple of years before.

The once dull and primer gray colored body of the Mustang now sported a sparkling bright candy apple red finish. Beautiful chrome bumpers accented the smaller chrome side pipes that were mounted on each side of the car. But the icing on the cake was the brand new custom-fitted black leather interior, with red piping along the seams of the two front bucket seats and along the outside of the back seat And as a sign of the time back then, the leaf-springs in the back had been adjusted so the rear end rose slightly higher than the front enhancing the chrome duel exhaust pipes and brand new custom tires with classic slot mag wheels.

"Holy cow, Dad," I said, upon seeing the car, "When did you do this?"

"I started right after you left for college and didn't stop until I was finished," he proudly replied, "She sure is a beauty, huh?"

"Are you kidding me?" I grinned, "This is incredible. Man, you and Mom are gonna have a blast cruising in this thing with the top down."

"That's the thing," Dad cryptically replied, with a knowing smile, "Your Mom and I have been talking; and we're both very proud of you, Chris."

"Thanks, Dad," I humbly replied, "I want you and Mom to be proud of me."

"We are," he said, placing his hand on my shoulder, "That's why I've decided to give this car to you to drive back to school."

"Holy shit," I gasped, while Dad laughed like a schoolboy at the expression on my face, "You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope," Dad happily grinned, raising the hood to expose a brand new factory built Two Eight-Nine A engine, with chrome valve covers and steel mesh reinforced hoses, "She's all yours, kiddo. The keys are in the ignition, start her up."

In less than a nanosecond I was sitting behind the wheel and turning the key, the engine starting up immediately. It purred like a kitten as it began to idle, and as I pushed the gas pedal slightly; I could feel the raw horsepower quietly rumbling at my feet, just waiting for the chance to be set loose.

Dad must've been reading my mind just then because he looked me in the eyes and told me, "You be careful in this thing, Chris...and you know exactly what I'm talking about, too."

"Yes, sir," I replied, remembering a friend that I went to high school with, who'd been killed in an accident while street racing.

"Good," he lightheartedly replied, "Now let's back this thing outta here so you can take that pretty girlfriend of yours for a ride."

"You got it, Dad," I smiled, lowering the hood while Dad opened the barn doors.


"Oh, how beautiful," Carly gasped, when she saw the Mustang sitting in the driveway of Mom and Dad's house, "And you and your father built this?"

"At first," I replied, and then I explained to her what Dad had told me, "So, you wanna go for a ride beautiful?"


"This is so beautiful," Carly smiled, as we were riding down the road in the Mustang with the top down, "I can't believe your Dad gave you this car."

"I know," I proudly smiled, "Dad's a great guy."

"Mmm," Carly swooned, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek, "Like father, like son."

"You're silly," I grinned.

"Maybe a little bit," she sweetly giggled, "But I love you with all my heart."


"So," Dad smiled, gazing at the car as we pulled back into the driveway, "How did she do?"

Not bothering to turn the car off, I looked at Dad, and motioning my head, grinned and said, "Why don't you hop behind the wheel and find out for yourself?"

"I'd love to," he grinned, as I moved out his way.

Dad got into the Mustang looking like a little boy on Christmas. Then after a quick wink at me, he put it into gear, pulled around and out of the driveway...and then took off down the road like a shot out of a cannon, smoking the tires in his wake.

"Damn him," Mom suddenly laughed from behind us, "He's always been a crazy son-of-a-bitch...Mmm."

"Yeah," Carly giggled, "Like father, like son."

"Hey, wait a minute," I protested, while Mom and Carly giggled like schoolgirls, "I'm not wild like Dad."

"Maybe not in public," Carly smiled, lightly smacking me on the butt, "But behind closed doors? Mmm!"

By this time Mom and Carly were howling with laughter at my obvious embarrassment, until, after regaining her composure, Mom put her arm around my neck and said, "Don't be embarrassed, baby. Being half assed wild sometimes is a good thing."

"Yeah," I replied, my face still red while Mom and Carly were still laughing, "Whatever you say, Mom."

"Aw, poor baby," Carly teased, "Don't be embarrassed, sweetie, we're just teasing you."

I simply laughed and shook my head, realizing that Mom was showing me, in her own sweet and precious way, that she truly cared about not only Carly, but my choice in the girl I'd brought home to meet her and Dad.


"Man, what a ride," Dad panted, looking wild eyed as he got out of the Mustang once he'd pulled back into the driveway, "Holy shit, this thing hauls ass." Then he handed the keys back to me and added, "Remember what I told you, Chris."

"Yes, sir," I smiled, "I'll be very careful, I promise."


That night, as Carly and I lay down to go to sleep, she snuggled against me and sweetly but sleepily said, "I really love your family, Chris."

"I'm glad," I grinned, "Because I can sure tell that they love you."

"I know," she cooed, "But not nearly as much as I love you."

"I love you, too."


After transferring all of the things from my old car into the Mustang, I put Carly's bags and mine in last. I'd not told my father about the incident involving Kevin and those assholes that were trying to rough him up, nor did I intend to do so. What I did do, though, was make sure that all of my hand weapons were packed to take back to Houston with me. And as Carly and I were preparing to leave, Mom placed her arms around Carly's neck, gently hugging her and said, "You make sure that Chris brings you back here, pretty girl, and often, too."

"I will, Brenda," Carly sweetly cooed, hugging Mom in return, "And thank you for everything."

"You're welcome, honey," Mom smiled, "You two be careful going back now."

"Relax, Mom," I chuckled, "I'm driving the whole way back."

"That's why she said to be careful," Dad suddenly said from behind me, teasing me by poking me in the ribs, "Don't be such a hard head."

"Whatever," I teased, winking at Dad as Carly and I got into the Mustang.


Carly and I fucked in the shower that next morning after our run, and although I've already said this once, she has the tightest, hottest, most beautiful ass I've ever seen on a woman, bar none. Even now when we fuck it's still the...damn, I'm getting ahead of myself...again! Sorry about that.


We received several looks as we drove the Mustang onto the campus that morning, all from people admiring the classic beauty I drove, as well as the classic beauty who sat by my side. I can't remember feeling more proud of anything in my life as I did that day, and it was all because my father had given me the car, and God had given me Carly.


"Holy shit," Kevin smiled, upon seeing the Mustang at play practice that afternoon, "Where did you get that car, man?"

"My Dad and I have been working on this thing for a couple of years now," I proudly replied, "He went ahead and finished it while I've been here."

"It sure is a beauty," he teased, "Man, think of all the pussy you can get with that thing."

"He'd better not," Carly poisonously told him, "I'll cut his dick off and feed it to the ducks."

"Jeez," Kevin laughed, "Relax, Carly. You know was only kidding."

"What's wrong, baby," I chuckled, "You're not jealous of this car, are you?"

I began to laugh and suddenly Carly glared at me, and with tears beginning to form in her eyes, she cried, "Laugh it up, shit like that happens more often than you think, you asshole," and then she turned and ran into the theater, her hand over her face to hide her tears.

"Shit," I cursed, "I think I just fucked up."

"She'll be alright, Chris," Kevin replied, "But you need to go see about her just the same."


I walked into the theatre and was met at the door by a slightly perturbed Kayla, who said, "What did you do to Carly to upset her, Chris? She's my best friend and I want to know what's going on, right now, dammit."

"Look, Kayla," I said, "I don't have time for this right now. Where is she?"

"Wait a minute," she tersely replied, "You haven't answered my question."

"NO, you wait a minute," I angrily replied, "I love Carly with all my heart and soul; and it's up to me to make things right between us. Furthermore, I will not stand here and be cross-examined by you. Now either tell me where she is, or get the hell out of my way so I can go find her myself."

Suddenly I heard the familiar sound of female laughter emanating from some where within the darkened theater and I knew that I'd been had.

"You were right, girl," Kayla giggled to someone unseen, "He is even more handsome when he gets pissed off."

"Aw, Man," I laughed, "Alright, Carly, where the hell are you?"

"I'm right here, my lover," she breathed into my ear, pressing her body against my back, "And I love you with all my heart and soul, too, baby."


Chapter Five

Rehearsals went great that afternoon and Dr. Hatcher couldn't have been more pleased. We'd all been working very hard trying to get everything perfect. Carly and I performed our love scenes perfectly, and why not, we truly were in love and it showed in our performances.

"Oh, my goodness," Dr. Hatcher praised, "You two couldn't be more perfect if you tried."

"Thanks, Doc," I grinned, placing my arm around my beautiful Carly, "But we're not trying, we live together and already love each other."

"I know, Chris," Dr. Hatcher smiled, "And it shows, too...good work, you two."


"Doctor Hatcher thinks that you're the most gifted actor she ever saw, Chris," Kevin and Kayla excitedly told me after play practice that night, "She said that you're going to really turn some heads this coming Friday when we open."

"I don't know about all that," I humbly smiled, "I just enjoy doing this stuff, that's all."

"Well, you do it very well, baby," Carly purred, as she stood proudly beside me, "Besides, it's not every day that a girl has her boyfriend playing her leading man."

"You're silly," I chuckled, gently kissing her lips.

"Yeah, but you love it," she giggled, Kayla giggling right behind her.

"Hey, you guys," Kayla suddenly exclaimed, "Let's go to Pepper's and have dinner."

"I've got a better idea," I smiled, "Why don't you and Kevin come with Carly and I to our place for dinner. I'll even cook."

"I don't know," Kayla knowingly giggled to Carly, "Can he cook, sis?"

"Aw, he's not too bad," Carly teased, "Or should I say that I haven't caught food poisoning...yet."

"Oh, really?" I replied smiling, lightly smacking Carly on her beautiful ass, "Just for that you get to do the dishes, Miss Smart Ass; and I'm making Mexican food tonight, too."

"Oh, Chris," she sweetly smiled, "Really?"

"Yes," I grinned, "Why don't you and Kayla go to the house while me and Kevin go to the grocery store to get the stuff I'm gonna need, okay?"

"Okay, baby," she grinned, "I'll see you at the house," and after quickly kissing my lips, she looked at Kayla and said, "Come on, girl, we'll take your car," and with that they were gone, leaving Kevin and I just standing there.

"Come on, Kevin," I laughed, "We've got to go to the store, man."

"Lead the way, bro," he chuckled.


"Man," Kevin grinned, as we rode to the local grocery store in the Mustang with the top down, "This car is so fine."

"Thanks," I simply smiled, "I appreciate it."

"Can you really cook," Kevin laughed, "Or are you gonna make the girls do it?"

"I'm offended sir," I regally announced, teasing him, "I'll have you know that I was taught by one of the finest Mexican cooks this side of the Rio Grande as well as this side of the Pecos."

"Okay, John Wayne," Kevin grinned, "I still won't believe it until I see it."

"Then hang on, my friend," I chuckled, "Cause you're about to take the culinary ride of your life."

"Yeah, yeah," he laughed, "Whatever."


I went all out and made Chicken and Beef Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, and I even made some Tostadas, two for each of us. It only took me about two and-a-half hours to make everything. I did enlisted the help of Carly and Kayla to help chop up the tomatoes, onions and peppers. Carly stopped by the store on the way home and picked up a case of Dos Equis to go with the food, God, what a woman. And once the table was set and all the food was ready to serve, we all sat down to eat.

"God," Kayla smiled, inhaling through her nose, "This all smells so good, Chris."

"Shit, woman, dig in," I teased, "The food's not gonna jump into your plate by itself."

"Smart ass," she giggled, helping herself, "This better be as good as it smells."

"I know it smells good going down," I impishly replied, "But I'm not real sure about when it comes out, though."

"Oh, Chris," Carly scolded, "That is so gross."


We ate until we could hold no more, and as we sat back away from the table with full bellies, Kevin looked at me, and while patting his stomach, smiled and said, "I've got to hand it to you, Chris. This is the best Mexican food I've ever eaten."

"Good," I happily smiled, "I'm glad you liked it."

"Why didn't you ever tell me that you could cook like this, silly boy?" Carly teased, giggling; "Now I'm definitely going to have to keep you around."

"Is that a fact?" I chuckled, reaching over to squeeze her ass, "Cooking is not the only thing I do well you know."

"You are so bad," Carly giggled, her face turning a bright shade of pink, "You silly boy."


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