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The Reluctant Warrior


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I opened my eyes the next morning to find the most beautiful creature alive lying fast asleep in my arms. She looked so pretty that I was almost afraid to touch her lest I break the perfection therein. I reached over and gently kissed her ruby lips, making her eyes begin to flutter open.

"Mmm," she stretched, throwing her arms back around me, "Good morning, baby," she sleepily smiled, "How do you feel this morning?"

"Madly in love with you," I replied, burying my face into the crook of her neck, rubbing my hand down her back and onto her perfectly succulent ass, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Good answer, my love," she sighed, "And I love you, too."


Taking a shower with Carly was an experience I'll long remember until the day I die. It was even more fun when she backed up to me and grabbed the towel rack to let me do her doggie style. I once thought her eyes were her best feature until I saw her naked ass for the first time in broad daylight, oh, my God, what a vision.

After our shower we cooked and ate breakfast in the nude, and then climbed back in the bed again to simply fuck the day away, stopping only when Carly complained that she was beginning to get a little sore.

"Do you feel like going out tonight?" I asked, around four that afternoon.

"Oh, Hell Yes," she delightfully giggled, "I want to show off my new boyfriend to all of my friends that I haven't seen since we started rehearsals a month ago."


I'd been out shopping for clothes for school last summer, and on a whim, I decided to buy a pair of black leather pants, which fit me like a glove I might add, and tonight was the night that I was going to wear them. Carly had mentioned that she wanted to go out dancing that night so; I thought that these pants would fit the occasion perfectly. Besides, it was nineteen eighty and the times were changing.

I had a pair of nice black roper boots that were polished to a very high gloss and a white long sleeved silk shirt that had been custom made for me when Dad was in Japan. With the combination of the white shirt, the black leather pants, and my black boots, I looked quite debonair, if I say so myself.

"Holy shit, you look hot, baby," Carly squealed, as I stepped out the bedroom to surprise her, "I'm going to have to watch you closely tonight to keep all the girls away from you, because you belong to me."

That's right," I grinned, "And you belong to me, you sexy thing."


When I took Carly to her apartment to get ready, I only had to wait for about thirty minutes until she stepped out of her bedroom. It was then that I realized that I had been blessed with the most beautiful creature that God had ever put a breath in.

She was wearing a black miniskirt, two-inch heels, and a loose white silk shirt, opened in the front to reveal her luscious breasts encased in a black tube top beneath it.

"Now who looks hot?" I widely grinned, "Mmm, damn girl."

"I take it you like the way I look" she replied, her make-up having been flawlessly applied.

"I don't just like it," I replied, "I love it, Carly."

"Good," she proudly smiled, "I always want my man to think I look good."

"Then you'll never have that problem with me..."


We went to a club that is now no longer there, a place off of Buffalo Speedway called "The Second Office Club". They had a live band that played there every Friday and Saturday night, and the bartenders were all well known for pouring rich drinks.

I knew from the moment we walked in, Carly was easily the most beautiful woman in the whole place. Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of really hot girls there, but there wasn't a single one of them that even came close to my girl. I liked the way that girl, damn, was I lucky, or what?"


We couldn't have been there for more than ten minutes and were sitting at the bar waiting for the band to get started when Kayla appeared in front of us.

"Hey, girl," Carly squealed, "I figured you might be here."

"Wow," Kayla grinned, "Don't the two of you look good."

"Thank you," Carly proudly smiled, "Doesn't my boyfriend look hot?"

"Uh oh," Kayla knowingly teased, "You got you some last night, didn't you? Don't try to lie; I can tell by the smile on your face, girl."

"Yes, I did," Carly grinned, "Last night, and this morning, and then earlier this afternoon, too."

"Uh huh," Kayla giggled, "And judging by the size of that wad beneath your man's hot ass leather pants, I can see why you're smiling like you are."

"Oh, my God," Carly loudly giggled, "Girl, you need to quit."

"Is Kevin here, too?" I asked, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Come on, cutie," Kayla giggled, taking both mine and Carly's hands, "He's sitting at our table with the rest of the gang."

"The gang," I said, "What's she talking about?"

"You're gonna love it," Carly giggled, as we followed Kayla through the club.


When we arrived at their table I was pleasantly surprised to find Kevin sitting there with Charlotte Brower and Dave Gavin, as well as two other girls, very pretty and both blondes, which I'd never met.

"These two," Carly smiled, pointing to the two girls I didn't know, "Are Kerry Marx and Twila Hanson, and they're going to be custom fitting your costumes for the play."

"Oh, my God," Kerry seductively smiled, "I can't wait to take his measurements."

"Ooo, girl," Twila giggled, "You said a mouthful there."

"I don't think so," Carly protectively replied, "He belongs to me, and I plan on being there when you do so; keep your hands...and your dirty little thoughts to yourselves, bitches."

"Would you listen to that," Kerry teased, "I've never seen her this worked up over a guy before so; she must be in love."

"Yeah, we are," I plainly replied, as I wrapped my arms around Carly from behind, "Does anyone have a problem with that?"

"Relax, Chris," Kayla smiled, "They're just messing with Carly. Hell, we've all known each other since freshman year."

"Oh, I didn't know," I apologetically replied, "Sorry you guys."

"You're forgiven as long as you sit down here between me and Carly," Twila smiled.

"Oh, I don't think so, Missy" Carly giggled, "I've heard that you've got wandering hands."

"God, what a stingy bitch," Twila playfully complained, "And stop calling me Missy."


We all had a great time that night, dancing and partying together, and yes, I was asked by every female member of our group to dance several different times. And Carly, because these girls were her friends, would playfully shove me toward the dance floor each time one of the girls in what was our gang would ask me to dance, wearing a wide grin on her beautiful face the whole time. Of course all of the slow songs were strictly reserved for Carly, and Carly alone. After all, she was my girlfriend and it was only right. That was also the night that I formed a bond of friendship with a wonderful group of people, which still lasts to this day.


For the rest of the weekend Carly and I simply enjoyed the newfound love that we shared, and it was also then that I realized that Carly was "The One" and that I would never be able to live without her ever again. Granted, I was only twenty at the time, but I knew exactly what I wanted out of life, and that Carly was going to be a part of it, regardless.


The following Monday night at rehearsal had to be the most embarrassing night of my life. It was because our costume department had been working practically non-stop and now the time had come to see how well they fit. I had already given Dr. Hatcher the sizes of my pants; shirt, and shoes and Kerry had been teasing me about measuring me. Still though, I never realized that I would have to try on the costumes to make sure they fit, and to make matters worse, I would have to stand in front of the whole cast in costume.

Needless to say, there really wasn't much to any of my costumes, save for the weapons and the gear worn by the ancient Gladiators. The rest of the time I was bare-chested in a half tunic and roman sandals.

I'll never forget the first time I walked onto the stage wearing my opening costume, a small, which seemed tiny to me; half tunic and sandals. The moment I appeared on stage, every single female there began making catcalls eliciting a crimson blush that spread across my body in a matter of a few seconds.

However, nobody was whistling any louder than my beautiful Carly, and I saw a look of pride on her face that made me realize just how much she truly loved me. But then again, I also saw a slight twinkle of lust in her eyes as she gazed at me in costume. Still though, I was glad that she had those feeling for me, because God knows I had the same feelings for her.


Over the period of time that we got to know one another, Carly would leave clothes at my house to wear on the mornings after the nights spent with me. And it was that night after rehearsal I made a decision which I've never once regretted since. I asked her to move in with me, and to say that she was delighted would've been the understatement of the century.

"I want you to meet my family," I smiled, "If that's okay, I mean."

"Of course it's alright with me, baby," she gently replied, "I love you, and I want to know where you came from, and see where you grew up."

"Good," I happily grinned, hugging her, "We'll go next weekend if you want."

"That sounds great," she giggled, "I can't wait to meet them."


The following week was spent going to class, rehearsals, and getting Carly moved in with me. And what made it all worthwhile was, with the exception of going to our different classes, that we spent nearly every waking moment together and every night asleep in one another's arms.


Bright and early the following Saturday morning found us heading down to my hometown, which was only about an hour's drive away. I hadn't called Mom and Dad because I wanted to surprise them.

"I'm so nervous," Carly said, as we drove.

"Don't be," I smiled, "It's just my family"

"I know," she replied, "But it's just that I don't want them to think badly of me because we're living together."

"Are you kidding me?" I chuckled, "My parents will be excited, especially my Mom, that I've got such a pretty girlfriend."

"Thanks, Chris," she smiled, "You always seem to know just what to say to make me feel better."

"I also know just what to do to make you feel better, too," I chuckled, reaching over and lightly tweaking her nipple."

"That's because you're pervert," she giggled, "Dirty boy."


"Damn, boy," Dad smiled, as Carly and I were getting out my car, "Don't you know how to pick up a phone and call us. Damn, it's good to see you."

"You, too, Dad," I replied, hugging him, "I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Miss Carly Banks."

"Holy Cow," Dad gasped, "She's beautiful."

"Thanks," I grinned, "I think so, too."

"It's nice to meet you, Mister Duquesne," Carly politely said, hugging Dad's neck.

"And it's very nice to meet you, pretty girl," Dad grinned, winking at me, "Come on, darlin, let me introduce you to Chris' Mom. She's gonna be excited to meet you. Get the bags, Chris," as he and Carly walked to the house.

"Hmph," I grumbled, "Some shit never changes, does it?"


"Oh, my goodness," Mom smiled, when she met Carly, "You sure are a pretty thing."

"Thank you, Missus Duquesne," Carly smiled, "But so are you."

"Oh, honey, please," Mom giggled, "My name is Brenda and my husband's name is Jake. Call us by our names, please. Besides; you're an adult now and us girls have to stick together."

"I have some news for you," I said, as I walked into the house, "Well, I have two pieces of news for you."

"Let me guess," Dad knowingly smiled, "You've landed the lead role in the upcoming play, Spartacus; and you two are living together?"

"How could you possibly know that?" I asked, amazed.

"You may not know this, Chris," Mom smiled, hugging me, "But I used to baby-sit your English professor, Doctor Bethany Howell, when she was little, and we've been good friends ever since."

"That's not nice," I laughed, "You guys have been keeping tabs on me, haven't you?"

"Not really," Mom giggled, "We didn't have to ask, because Beth has already told us everything."

"That's right," Dad said, his tone of voice making me uncomfortable, "And what's this I hear about you kicking two football player's asses?"

"It wasn't his fault," Carly spoke up in my defense, "They were trying to gang up on one of our friends."

"I know," Dad proudly smiled, patting me on the shoulder, "I just like watching Chris squirm."

"Now I see where Chris gets it from," Carly teased.

"Gets what from?" Dad asked, "What're you talking about, pretty girl."

"I see where he gets his brattiness from," Carly playfully giggled, "He gets it from his father."

"That's right," Dad teased, "So you'd better be on your toes while you're here, girlie," making Carly giggle as only she can.

"So, you two don't have a problem with Carly and I living together?" I asked my parents.

"Good Lord, no," Mom smiled, "I think couples should live together before they make any permanent decisions concerning their relationship."

"Thanks, Mom," I smiled, hugging her, "You're the best, and I love you very much."

"I know you do, baby, and I love you, too," Mom smiled, returning my hug and kissing me on the cheek, "And your father and I are so very proud of you, both of you."

"That's right," Dad smiled.


Because it was only about nine o'clock when we arrived that morning, Mom insisted that we go out for an early "brunch" as she called it, around ten-thirty. There was a brand new Denny's Restaurant™ in my hometown, and that was where we decided to go, which was just fine with Carly and me.


"Tell us, Carly," Mom smiled, as Dad drove us, "How did you two meet?"

"The guy that those football players were picking on is a friend of mine, his name is Kevin Welch, well his girlfriend is one of my best friends," Carly explained, "Well, after Chris kicked those jock's butts for trying to gang up on Kevin, he took Chris out that night to a place we all go to eat called, Pepper's Bar and Grill. And after I met Chris that first time, oh my God, it was all over with after that."

When I saw Dad snickering at me through his rearview mirror, I tried to covertly flip him the bird for laughing at me. However, Mom busted me on the spot, just like she's always been able to do, and with Carly giggling beside me, Mom looked at me and teased, "Jacob Christopher Duquesne Junior, did I just see you flipping you father the finger, young man?"

"Yep," I grinned, "He was being an asshole."

"Well, I guess I can understand that then," Mom giggled, "Sometimes your father pisses me off that bad, too."

Her comment was perfectly timed, and in a matter of seconds Carly and I were laughing like a couple of children. "Don't laugh at her," Dad playfully grumbled, "It only makes that mean old heifer act that much worse."

I knew that Dad had said the one thing that had always made the women in my family go off on him; he'd called Mom a mean old heifer.

"Uh oh," I quietly whispered to Carly, "Watch this, it's going to be funny as hell."

The look in Mom's eyes told me exactly what was about to happen when she glared at Dad and said, "Kiss my ass, old fucking dried up Frog. Just who in the hell are you calling a mean old heifer, son of a bitch?"

"Easy, honey" Dad began to laugh, "I was only teasing you in front of the kids, I'm sorry, baby."

Of course by this time I was in near tears from laughing so hard, and poor Carly was having one hell of a time trying to contain her own laughter at this point so; as opposed to getting angry; Mom, like she's always done, found the humor in the situation and began to giggle herself.

"If the two men in this family weren't so damn good looking," Mom giggled to Carly, "I'd throw both of those bastards to the sharks."

All Carly could do was laugh, and I was delighted to see this side of her. I even got to hear her snort for the first time, which only made me love her that much more. And I knew that my parents cared for her, too, especially from the adoring looks that Mom gave Carly and I as she watched us together.

"Are you alright, Mom?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay," she sighed smiling, a lone tear slowly making its way down her cheek, "I just can't believe that you're all grown up now."

"Aw, Mom, don't be sad," I softly replied, taking her hand, "You're always going to be my Mom, and nothing will ever change that. And I will always love you, and nothing will ever change that either."


Once we were seated, Dad took off to the restroom as the three of us awaited him at the table.

"I only have one question for you, Miss Carly," Mom sternly glared, and then melted into a smile, "Does my son make a handsome Spartacus?"

"Oh, my God, you should see him," Carly playfully swooned, "He's smoking hot, Mom...smoking hot!"

I don't know why, but all of a sudden I began to blush, especially when Mom softly grabbed my cheek, and as if she were talking to a baby, purred, "He's always been such a pretty little boy, yes he has."

"Come on, Mom," I whined, "Not in front of Carly," which of course made my father and Carly almost tumble off the table from laughing so hard.

"Don't laugh at him," I told Carly, "He's bad enough as it is."

"Aw, it's okay, honey?" she smiled, kissing me in front of my parents and embarrassing me further, "We just love you, that's all."

"That's right," Dad teased.

"Nobody asked you," I chuckled to Dad, "Did they, Pops?"

"Pops?" Dad smiled, "I'll give you some Pops, you little whelp."

"Now, now Jake, honey," Mom sarcastically teased, "You need to think about what you just said to our son."

"What?" Dad innocently asked, "What did I say?"

Mom looked at us and winked, and then she calmly turned to Dad and said, "If my son is a whelp, then that makes me a bitch...and I know you don't wanna go down that road with me again, now, do you?"

"Hell yeah," I cheered, "Get him, Mom," as my mother triumphantly grinned."

"Ha, ha, asshole," Dad playfully told me, "Shut up and eat your breakfast."


Chapter Four

After we got back home that morning, I was showing Carly around my family's property when she looked at me smiling and told me, "I absolutely love your Mom and Dad."

"Yeah," I smiled, at the thought of them, "They're pretty cool parents and I feel very blessed to have them, but you haven't met my sister yet so; be prepared. She's the one member of my family that likes to bust my balls the hardest, especially now that you're here."

"Uh oh," she giggled, "I have a feeling that this is going to be hilarious."

"Yeah, yeah," I groaned, "Just promise me that you won't make her worse by laughing at her."

"Oh, no," she teased, "I'm not making any promises about that."

"Oh, yeah," I laughed, goosing her in the butt, making her squeal, "Who's being a brat now?"


We hadn't been back at the house for more than ten minutes or so, when I heard my sister's voice at the front door asking, "Where's my Christopher Robin?" (Her pet name for me since we were both little)

"We're in here, Sara," I smiled, winking at Carly.

A moment later, Sara appeared in Mom and Dad's den with a smile on her face and her arms open wide.

"Hi, baby brother," she smiled, as I stood to hug her, "Gosh, look at you. You must've grown an inch or two since the last time I saw you, "and then noticing Carly, who'd been sitting next me, Sara looked at me and grinned, "And who is this pretty girl that you've brought with you?"

"Sara," I proudly announced, as I made the introductions, "This is my girlfriend, Miss Carly Banks."


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