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The Reluctant Warrior


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"Tell me about yourself, Chris," Carly sweetly smiled as we sat together on her couch, "I want to know everything there is to know about you."

I told her everything that there was to tell about me, and then in turn; she told me everything I wanted to know about her. I found out that we were within months of being the same age, her being a couple of months older though.

I also found out that I couldn't keep my eyes off of her either. God, was she built great. However, her best feature is her eyes, as I found myself getting lost in them several times as we talked that night. She was beautiful, thrilling, and exhilarating all in one. And when the time came for me to leave arrived, we stood together just inside of the front door.

"Will we see each other tomorrow?" she hopefully asked.

"Are you kidding?" I smiled, "I sure hope so."

"Good," she purred, then lightly kissed me again, "I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night, handsome."

"Bye, Carly," I softly replied.


I drove home that night with a smile on my face and the hopes of something new in my heart. I really liked Carly and I couldn't wait until I got to see her again. I still remember how that felt, too, as it remains when you love someone that deeply...but I'm getting ahead of myself...again.


When I got to class the next morning I was met by the head coach of the football team, Coach Tom Meyers, angrily demanding that he and I talk immediately.

"I'm sorry," I replied, "But I've got class in a couple of minutes."

"I don't give a shit," he spat, "You drummed two of my players and now you're going to pay for it."

"I'm not paying for anything," I loudly replied, "Did those idiots tell you that they were ganging up on some poor kid behind a building here on campus?"

"That doesn't matter," he said, grabbing me by the arm," You're coming with me."

"Take your fucking hands off of me," I loudly said, wrenching my arm free of his grasp, "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"What's going on out here?" Dr. Howell loudly interrupted.

"He assaulted two of my players," Coach Meyers spat, "I'm going to file charges on him."

"NO, he didn't," Kevin said, suddenly appearing beside me, "He was defending me from three jerks who were giving me grief and trying to chase me away from my girlfriend. Besides, they started it, and I'll testify to that in court."

"I guess that settles it, Coach Meyers, "Dr. Howell, pointedly said, "Unless Mister Duquesne, or Mister Welch want to file assault charges against your players, and they will stick, I assure you, my husband works for the District Attorney's office."

"This isn't over," Coach Meyers grumbled, as he walked away.

"I suggest that you leave these young men alone, Coach," Dr. Howell viciously replied, "Remember what I said about my husband?"

Meyers said nothing but turned and walked away, grumbling something inaudible but stupid, I was certain of that.

"Thanks, Kevin," I grinned, "I really appreciate it, man."

"Don't worry about it," he teased, "I was just saving your ass for saving mine so; we're even now."

"Whatever," I began to laugh.

"Uh, Mister Duquesne," Dr. Howell smiled, "I believe it's time for class."

"Okay," I grinned, "Thank you, too, Doctor Howell."

"You're welcome, you bad boy," she giggled, closing the classroom door behind us as we walked in.


I walked to my next class past the building where the fracas with Kevin and those three assholes had occurred, and thought to myself how perhaps maybe I might've gone a little overboard on them, but like I said before, I absolutely hate bullies so, I quickly found justification for my actions.


After my last class that morning, Carly met me at my house for lunch, which she brought. It might've been leftovers from last night, but it was just as good then, if not better than the night before.

"I'm taking you out for dinner tonight," I smiled, as we ate lunch, "It's the least I can do."

"Oh my goodness, Chris," she giggled, "Are you asking me out on a date."

"Yes," I replied, after a moment's thought, "I believe I am."

"I would love to go out with you," she happily grinned, reaching across the table, taking my hand, "Thank you."

"Anytime, beautiful..."


There was a restaurant a good ways from campus that my father used to take Mom and my sister and I to, one that I still go to, called, Guiseppie's Italian Restaurant. I knew how good the food was there and I decided that that was where I was going to take Carly on our first date.

I wore some dress pants and boots with a nice shirt. My long dark brown shoulder length hair was down and out of the ponytail I usually kept it in. And when Carly met me at the door, I thought I was going to faint right then and there.

Her long shiny dark hair flowed gently down her shoulders, contrasting the white silk blouse she wore, and a tight mid thigh length shirt. Her eyes were dancing like candles in the wind when she looked at me and softly purred, "Hi, handsome, are we ready?"

"As ready as we'll ever be," I smiled, taking her hand, "Come M'Lady, your chariot awaits you."

"You're so silly," she giggled, briefly kissing my lips as I helped her into my car, "But that's one of the things I love about you."


"Wow," Carly commented, after her first bite, "This is so good, Chris, how did you find out about this place?"

"Dad used to take Mom and my sister and I here when we were little," I smiled, "I've been coming here ever since."

"Thank you for sharing this with me, sweetie," she smiled, "I really like being with you, Chris."

"I really like being with you, too," I replied, reaching across the table and taking her hand, "I need to tell you something though."

"What is it?" she sweetly asked, "You can tell me anything ya know."

"I've never been with a girl before," I blurted out, "I mean, I've never had a girl like you that liked me before."

"Aw, don't you worry about that one bit," she tenderly replied, "I'll tell you a secret, too, I've never had a boyfriend as gorgeous as you either so; why don't we learn together, okay?"

"Boyfriend?" I excitedly asked, "Does that mean that you want to be my girlfriend?"

"I knew you were smart," she giggled, "Yes, silly, I want to be your girlfriend so that I can have you all to myself."

"I've never had a girlfriend before," I quietly replied, "Not really, I mean, I went out with a few girls in high school, but that was it."

"I only dated one guy in high school," she told me, "And he turned out to be a real horse's ass so; after that I quit dating until I met you."

"My God, you're beautiful," I said, "You could have any guy you want."

"Maybe I don't want just any guy," she replied, "Maybe I just want you."

"And that's okay, too," I grinned, "At least I think it is."

"Good," she softly replied, "Because your opinion is the only one that matters from now on, baby."


"Would you like to go somewhere else?" I asked Carly, on the drive back looking at my watch to discover that it was still fairly early.

"No," she purred into my ear, as we drove, "I want to go back to your house so I can make out with my new boyfriend for a little while."

"Okay," I smiled, chills racing down my spine, "My house it is then."


We sat on the couch that came with the house and talked for a few moments until Carly, who was practically sitting in my lap by this time, finally said, "Enough talk, baby, kiss me."

I didn't really have that much experience when it came to kissing girls, but Carly made up for it. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Then very gently her lips touched mine, exploring at first before she opened her mouth and slid her tongue into mine. As our tongues began their sensual dance, my body began to react to Carly pressing hers against me. And before long, we were laying on our sides, face-to-face, mouth-to-mouth, our tongues interlocked and oblivious to anything but one another.

She began to press and grind her body against me, corporeal moans emanating from somewhere deep within her, making me hold her more tightly against me. I could feel her shiver as I kissed her neck, and I heard her whimpering as my lips grazed the underside of her throat.

"We need to stop for a little while," she smiled, panting as she gently pulled back and gazed into my eyes.

"God," I breathed, "You are so beautiful."

"So are you, Chris," she smiled, gently grazing my cheek with the back of her soft hand, "I think you're the most handsome man that I've ever seen, and I could fall in love with you very easily."

"I could, too," I told her, "But...just don't hurt me...okay?"

Aw, Chris, baby," she softly replied, "I promise to always be good to you."

"I'm going to hold you to that," I smiled, sitting up and pulling her with me, "And even though I don't want you to go, I think it's time to get you home."

"Yeah," she almost sadly smiled, "You're probably right."


I'm going to audition for the play," Carly told me on the way home, "I wish you'd think about Doctor Hatcher's would be so much fun."

"We'll see," I smiled, already knowing that I was going to grant her wish.


After my Psychology class that morning, Carly and I met for lunch at "Pepper's", and as we ate, I had a knowing smirk on my face, making her ask, "What?"

"Well, I did some thinking last night after I took you home," I replied smiling, "And I think you're right about auditioning for the play so; I'm gonna do it."

"Oh my God," she squealed hugging me, "We're going to have so much fun together."

"Whoa," I laughed, "We haven't even auditioned yet."

"I don't care," she smiled, "I've still got you."

"Yes you do," I replied, kissing her lips, "And you'll always have me."


That afternoon Doctor Hatcher entered the theater and said, "Alright ladies and gentlemen, this afternoon we will hold final auditions for the upcoming performance, are there anymore people who would like to audition?"

"I'm pleased that you changed your mind, Mister Duquesne," she smiled, as I stood up.


Dr. Hatcher handed me the script, giving me a few moment to peruse the lines I would be speaking, and I'll be damned if she didn't want me to audition for the lead role, Spartacus himself.

As I read through the lines during the audition, I saw Dr. Hatcher sitting there with a content little smile on her face, which grew wider with every line I spoke. Carly, Kayla and Kevin all wore the same looks on their faces as well, and I can't remember feeling more nervous than I did that day, but I refused to let it show.


When I was finished with the audition Dr. Hatcher stood up and began to loudly applause, the whole class following suit. "Well, Mister Duquesne," Dr. Hatcher pleasantly smiled, once the applause had died down, "I think we've found our Spartacus."

"Thanks Doc," I smiled, "I'll do my best."

All of a sudden, I heard a loud "HELL YEAH" emanating from the back of the theater where Kevin, Kayla and my beautiful Carly were sitting, making me just shake my head and chuckle.

She handed me a copy of the script and a rehearsal schedule, and with a bright smile on her face Dr, Hatcher said, "Congratulations, and welcome to our troupe."

"Thank you very much," I proudly smiled.

"You're going to enjoy this," she smirked, "Your girlfriend will be playing the female lead role of Varinia."

I looked up to see Carly wearing a knowing smile while blowing me a kiss and giggling.

"Rehearsals start tonight at seven o'clock, Chris," Dr. Hatcher grinned, "I'm looking forward to working with you."

"We're going to have a lot of fun," I replied smiling.


"You tricked me," I playfully scolded Carly after class, "Didn't you?"

"Well, maybe just a little bit," she teased, "But it turned out okay, didn't it?"

"You knew she was going to cast me," I said, "Didn't you?"

"I hate to tell you this, baby," she giggled, "But you did that one all by yourself, handsome."

"I can already tell that we're going to have a lot of fun together," I smiled. "A whole lot of fun."


And so it began, we started rehearsals, and for the next four weeks; we worked long and hard hours after class. However, not even once did my grade point average drop, nor did I cut any classes. Carly and I made time for one another whether we were studying together, or running lines for the play. Everything was going as planned until it came time to practice the fight sequences.


A senior named David Gavin, who was pissed off at me for "stealing his role", as he called it, and had also been cast as a co-star as opposed to the lead, was going to be the fight sequence coach.

As he began to show us how to use the swords, I noticed that his movements seemed forced and unstable. The way he was using his weapon looked like a couple of kids playing Cowboys and Indians. And after he was finished showing us what was expected, I simply shook my head.

"What's the matter, freshman?" he spat, "Can't you pull off a simple fight sequence?"

"Is that what you call it?" I asked

"Yeah," he venomously replied, " you have a problem with it?"

As a matter of fact I do," I boldly replied, "It looks fake."

"It's called stage fighting," he sneered, "But then you're big and dumb aren't you? You probably never had a real fight in your life."

As Kevin was also part of the cast, I heard him begin to laugh and say, "You're about to get your ass whipped Dave, old boy. If I were you, I shut up and back down."

"Bullshit," he spat, and then made a parry toward me with his wooden sword, trying to thrust it into my gut to knock the wind out of me. I simply side stepped him, disarmed him, and then held his sword to his throat while restraining him with an arm lock behind his back.

"Would you care to try that again, old boy?" I cockily smiled, pushing him away from me, "I'll be than happy to oblige you, Davey."

He turned around with a smile on his face and excitedly said, "Show me how you did that."

I began to explain the proper use of the sword in a combat scene, using the knowledge I had learned from my father, as he also taught me the proper use of the Ninja weapons, including the Tanto Sword.

And when I was done, Dr. Hatcher looked at me and said, "You've been trained in the martial arts, haven't you Mister Duquesne?"

"Yes, ma'am," I proudly replied, "My father trained me."

"If you don't mind my asking," she said, "What belt level did you reach?"

"Does it really matter? " I asked, "I mean..."

"Relax, Chris," she gently smiled, "You're among friends...please, tell us."

"I'm a second degree black belt," I said, "I've been studying Togakure Ninjutsu since I was little."

"Ah, Togakure, the spirit of the shadow warrior," Dr. Hatcher, excitedly said, "Did you know that there are only a small handful of Togakure Ninjas left in the world."

"Yes ma'am," I quietly replied, "That's why I've only ever used it for defense."

"I can vouch for that," Kevin chuckled, "I saw him kick the shit out of two football players...big ones, too."

"Come on, man," I replied, "That's different, they were about to rough you up."

"But they didn't," Kevin said, now standing on the stage with his hand on my shoulder, "Because you wouldn't let them. If that's not defending someone, then I don't know what is."


It was Friday night that night and there were no classes until Monday. And as Carly and I rode back to my house, she looked at me and said, "There's something I need to tell you when we get back to your house."

"My house," I replied, "I thought you wanted me to take you home."

"Not tonight," she purred, "But I'll wait until we get to your house, baby."

"I guess I'll have to wait then," I teased, "But I guess you're worth it."

"You guess," she giggled, "You're a being a brat tonight, silly boy."

"Maybe so," I smiled, as I gently placed my hand on her leg, "But there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now."

Oh yeah?" she grinned, "And just what would that be?"

"I love you, Carly, " I told her, "I've loved you for a while now."

"Oh, Chris," she began to cry, "I fell in love with you the moment I met you, baby."

I guess that settles it then," I happily replied, "I'm yours until I die, or until you find somebody better."

"Oh, baby," she sniffled, clinging tightly to my arm, as I drove, "I'll never leave you...not ever."


Chapter Three

When we got back to my house Carly led me straight back to my bedroom, turned on my bedside lamp and said, "I'm not exactly a virgin, Chris, but I don't know what to do."

"I've got a secret for you," I smiled, tenderly pulling her to me, "I am so; why don't we learn together."

"I love you," she softly replied, tenderly kissing my lips, "I love you with all my heart."

She began to take off her clothes, one piece at a time, and when she was totally naked, I thought my heart would stop. She looked like a brunette version of the medieval Lady Godiva.

Her body was trim with just the right amount of feminine curves to make me harder than I can ever remember being. Her 34B breasts were delightfully round with the most beautifully full nipples that I've ever seen. Her legs, while not long, were perfect for her hot little body, with an inverted triangle of black hair at the juncture covering her pussy.

I let her take my clothes off of me, kissing each spot of bare skin as it was revealed, and when my pants finally came off, I never wear underwear, and my hard eight inch cock obscenely stuck straight up, Carly grabbed the shaft with her soft hand.

Leading me into the bedroom, she leaned down and licked off the precum that was dripping from the head of my cock.

"Mmm," she purred, "We're going to have a lot of fun tonight baby."

She lay back on my bed spreading her legs, and then gazed into my eyes and tenderly said, "Come, make love to me, Chris."

I lay down on the bed gently resting my groin against hers, between her beautiful legs. And as we began to kiss, my beautiful Carly wasted no time, reaching down between us and placed the head of my cock against her soaking wet vaginal lips.

Looking up into my eyes with an impish grin, she giggled and said, "I know your big cock is gonna hurt at first so; push it in, baby," and then she thrust her hips up at me, slowly taking the entire length of me inside of her.

"Oh, my God," she groaned, "I feel so full."

"Do you want me to take it out," I asked, "I don't want to hurt you."

"Oh no," she sensually purred, "Don't you dare take that beautiful cock out of me. Just give me a minute to get used to it, baby."

"I love you," I said, as I began to slowly move in and out of her. I pulled out agonizingly slow, wanting to feel the inside of her velvet walls, and then I'd push back in, making sure that my pubic bone ground against where I knew her clit was.

Ungh, ungh," she began to groan, "Ungh, yes, baby oh yes...Faster, harder, Chris, fuck me harder, baby...ungh, ungh...oh, oh, oh, OHHHH, YESSSSS, YES, NOW, BABY...NOW...I'M CUUUUMMMMIIINNNGGGGG, OH GOD, FUCK ME, CHRIS, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH."

I wasn't far behind her, and moments before I was about to cum, I asked, "Where do you want it, baby?"

"Inside me, baby," she urgently replied, "It's okay, I'm on the pill so; let all go, ungh," she moaned, as I began to unload what seemed like gallons of hot scalding sperm, deep inside of her.

"Oh, God, I love you, Carly," I groaned, feeling better than anything I'd ever experienced in my life.


"Oh, my beautiful Chris," Carly began to cry, "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you, too," I happily smiled, "And I always will."

We slept the whole night long, waking up to make love and then falling back to sleep, embraced in the love we now shared together, but also in the security of knowing that we'd formed a very special bond, one that would never be broken.


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