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The Reluctant Warrior


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As I rose from the table and was heading into the kitchen to begin cleaning it up, I was abruptly stopped by Carly and Kayla, both of whom informed me that I was to take a seat and that the cleaning of the kitchen was their responsibility.

"You did all the work, Chris," Kayla sweetly smiled, "It's only right that we do the dishes."

"That's right," Kevin readily agreed, "What can I do?"

"And have you make a bigger mess than we've already got?" Kayla playfully scolded, "You sit down here next to Chris where you'll stay out of trouble."

"Aw, man," I laughed, "That's too funny."

"Don't laugh at her, Chris," Kevin chuckled, shaking his head, "It only makes her that much worse."

"I hear ya," I chuckled, while covertly squeezing Carly's ass again, "Mine acts the same way sometimes, too."

"Dammit, Chris," Carly fussed, stepping away from me, "What is it with your hands and my ass?"

"Sorry, sweetie," I grinned, pulling her back to me with my arm around her waist, "It's just that you're so beautiful," I paused for effect, "And so is your ass."

"You're terrible," my beautiful Carly giggled, "And I love you, too, baby."


That night after Kevin and Kayla left, Carly and I were lying together in bed, holding one another and talking.

"I'm really proud of you, Chris," Carly smiled, rubbing her hand across my chest, "I thought you should know that."

"I'm proud of you, too," I grinned, "And my family absolutely adores you."

"Speaking of family," she giggled, "That reminds me of something I wanted to ask you and almost forgot."

"What is it, baby," I replied, "You know you can ask me anything."

She had only spoken very briefly of her family up to this point in our relationship so; you can only imagine my surprise when she looked at me and asked, "Would it be alright if we had dinner with my Mom and my little sister the night before the play opens?"

"Sure," I smiled, "On one condition."

"Anything," Carly uncomfortably smiled, "What is it?"

"You've never spoken of your family," I began, "And on those few times it was very short. I want to know about them before I meet them, because I feel like you're either hiding something, or you're ashamed of something. Which is it, my love?"

Carly sat up and looked at me with tears beginning to pour down her cheeks. However, before I could comfort her, she pushed slightly away and began, "My father, or at least my real father, was killed in Vietnam when I was four years old, and my little sister, Kimmy, was still a baby. Mom remarried after I started school to a man named Charles Leboux. Charles's family was wealthy and they saw to it that both me and my sister attended only the finest girls school etc...."

"At first we all thought that Charles was a nice guy until I turned sixteen. I had just come home from cheerleading practice and was in my room changing clothes when, obviously drunk, Charles barged into my room, catching me while I was naked."

"Baby, you don't have to do this," I told her, her body trembling, "Please..."

"No," she abruptly replied, then gently took my hand and softly said, "I have to tell you this, Chris, because I love you, and I want you to know," and after an acknowledgement from me, continued, "Charles began to rant and rave, telling me that because of all that he'd done for my sister and me, it was time for some payback...and then he raped me."

"Oh, my God, Carly," I replied, pulling her into my arms, "You pressed charges against him, didn't you?"

"Yes, I was even taken to the hospital by the police to be examined by a doctor," she cried, "But because his family has money, the charges were dropped. Mom still divorced his fucking ass anyway though."

"I promise you that no one will ever hurt you again," I protectively replied, holding her tightly against me, "And I'll beat the shit out of the first asshole that tries."

"He's still around," she sniffled, "So, I'd be careful if I were you."

"Fuck him," I angrily spat, "He'll never touch you again...I swear by all that's holy."

"Still though," she tearfully replied, "You be careful."

"I will," I soothed, "I promise you I will."

However, what Carly didn't know at the time was that I stored that bit of information away in my mind, which of course I was going to use at a later date. And then after calming my beautiful Carly back down, I looked into her eyes, kissing her lips, and gently said, "I would love to meet your Mom and Kimmy. We'll even go to Guiseppie's to eat, my treat."

"Oh, no, Chris," Carly protested, "I can't let you do that."

"You know how much I love you, Carly, yes?"

"Yes," she grinned, "But that doesn't mean...."

"But, nothing," I tenderly interrupted her, "I love you, you love me, and that's all that matters, alright?"

"Oh, God, Chris," she cried, hugging me tightly, "I'm so in love with you."

"And I'm in love with you, too," I smiled, gently holding her naked body against mine, "But you don't have to cry."

"Oh, yes I do," she sweetly smiled, "Yes I do..."


The few days that followed were filled with a lot of hard work, as well as studying. One thing that Dr. Hatcher did not allow was for a student to let their grade average drop, especially if said student was one that was under her tutelage. But she was still a good person as well as a great teacher, and also someone whom I came to greatly respect in my time at college.


After following her daughter's directions, Carly's mother and sister came pulling up in my driveway at six o'clock that evening in her Mom's car.

"MOM, KIMMY," Carly squealed, as she dashed out the side door to greet her family, "I've missed you guys so much."


When Carly brought her Mom and little sister into the house, it was though I was looking at three sisters as opposed to a mother and her two daughters. Carly and Kimmy both looked exactly like their mother, who in no uncertain terms, immediately let me know that her name was Helena, and that was what she wanted me to call her.

"So, this is Chris," Helena said to Carly, "My, my, but he sure is a handsome thing, well done, baby girl."

"Thanks, Mom," Carly proudly replied, "All the girls here think he's gorgeous, too."

"I'll bet that you have to beat them away with a stick," Kimmy giggled, "Huh, Sis?"

"Not anymore," Carly lied, winking at me, "All it took was beating one girl's ass."

"You are such a liar," Kimmy giggled, looking me up and down, "But I would fight for him, too. Way to go, Sis."

By this time I was red-faced with embarrassment, and Helena, noticing it right away, smiled at me and said, "Come on, Chris. Let's go and eat so these two will stop embarrassing you, sweet boy."

"It would be an honor," I smiled, offering her my arm, "But if Kimmy is anything like her sister, they're not going to let up on me for a second."

"That's right, sweetie," Carly giggled, playfully smacking my butt, "He knows me too well, Mom."

"It looks that way, doesn't it?" Helena smiled, winking at me, "Thank the good Lord that you've finally met your match."

Of course I broke into laughter, making Carly smile and tell me, "Don't laugh at her, baby. It only makes her worse."


When we arrived at the restaurant, Guiseppie himself was there to meet us at the door, wearing a hearty smile and a handshake for me.

"Senor' Chris, Senora Carly" he said, his Italian accent very present, "Itsa so good to see you both again, and yousa bringa some guest to eat, good, very good, right thisa way, please."


"What a nice man," Helena smiled, as we were seated, "And this is a very beautiful restaurant, too."

"Chris' parents have been bringing him here, since he was a little boy, Mom," Carly told her, "He brought me here for the first time a couple of months ago, and I love it so much that we come here all the time now."

"You know, I'm coming here next fall, Chris," Kimmy teased, "Maybe you can bring me here, too."

"I don't think so, little sister," Carly venomously replied, "Find your own boyfriend, and you two stop trying to embarrass me around mine, thank you."

"I knew that would get her," Kimmy laughed, "She's always been that way, Chris."

I chose not to speak just then and wisely so. I could tell, by the look on her face, that Carly was getting ready to say something nasty until Helena promptly said, "I think you two need to hush your mouths right now.

As opposed to saying anything else, Carly and Kimmy simply pouted for a few moments while I laughed like a fool, which elicited Carly's ire.

"I don't see anything funny in the least, Chris," Carly spat, making me laugh even harder, "Just remember, you have to sleep next to me tonight, asshole."

"Hey, now," Helena smiled, "Just because you're showing your ass right now doesn't mean you have to take it out on Chris."

"Yeah," I teased, "That's right," and suddenly Helena and I both began to laugh like little children.

It wasn't long before the frown on Carly's face melted into a smile; and gently placing her arm around my neck, she grinned, after which she kissed me then said, "I'm going to have to keep you away from my mother. I can see you're beginning to pick up a few bad habits of hers already."

"Nonsense, young lady," Helena smiled, "I'm simply showing him how to keep from letting you and your sister push him around."

"Whatever you say, Mom," Carly replied, winking at me.


After we'd eaten and the bill had been brought to the table, I simply handed the server a fifty-dollar-bill, telling him to keep whatever change was left over; and fifty dollars more than covered the cost of the meal back then, I assure you.

"Hey wait," Helena protested, "I can't lat you do that, Chris."

"Don't worry about it," I smiled, "Besides, it's done."

"Well, at least let me cover the tip," she said, looking into her purse.

"That's taken care of, too," I gently replied, "Tonight is on me, because I wanted to welcome my beautiful girlfriend's family into our home."

"What a sweetie," Helena smiled, gently patting my hand, "He's the one, Carly honey, I can tell."

"I know," Carly quietly smiled, "I knew it the first time I ever met him."

Kimmy simply sat there smiling proudly and saying nothing.


When we got back home that night, I looked at Helena and said, "You girls can have the bedrooms. I'm gonna sleep on the couch."

"Bullshit," Carly pointedly replied, "Mom and Kimmy will be just fine on the king sized bed in the guest room. You're sleeping with me, Jacob Christopher Duquesne Junior, and that's final."

"I guess I've received my instructions then," I sheepishly replied, much to the laughter of every female in the house.


I had classes the next morning so; I left before everyone else was up. Of course I kissed Carly good-bye on the way out, letting her know that I wouldn't be back until right before noon.

"I know what your class schedule is," she sleepily smiled, "We live together...remember?"

"I love you," I smiled, "Silly girl."

"I love you, too," she grinned, quickly kissing me, "Now get to class, you bum."


Because the play was opening that night, I was given the rest of the afternoon off by both of my instructors. Little did I realize what awaited me when I got home?


"It's about time your slow ass got here," giggled my sister, Sara, the moment I entered the house. Mom and Helena were sitting together on the couch while Kimmy sat next to Carly, who was wearing the biggest smile of all.

"Hi, baby," Carly said, hopping up from the couch to throw her arms around my neck, "How was class?"

"Before you say anything, Chris, hear me out," Mom said, noticing the look of surprise on my face, "Your sister and I came into Houston because she had a doctor's appointment, which, from what the ultra-sound says, you're going to be an Uncle in about eight months."

"Oh, my God," I grinned, hugging Sara and twirling her around in the air, "Congratulations, Sis. Now you'll have someone else to torment besides me."

"Horseshit," she giggled, kissing me on the cheek, "I'm gonna have a partner in crime to gang up on you with."

"That sounds about right," I laughed, looking around the room, "So, are you all going to stay for the play opening tonight?"

"Of course we are," Helena smiled, "Brenda and I have children starring in the lead roles."

"Oh, my," Mom knowingly smiled, "That means we need to go shopping. Come on, Helena; come on girls...except for you, Carly. Sorry sweetie but you have to be here for the play." And then one by one, they were gone.


"Wow," I wearily smiled, "That wore me out just being here."

"I know," Carly smiled, snuggling into me, "Wanna take a nap for a little while?"

Knowing that was Carly's way of asking me if I wanted to make love, I simply smiled, and while gently squeezing her hot little ass, said, "Always, baby...always."


After Carly and I had made love we lay together basking in the afterglow and talking, something we always did as well as always made time for.

"Are you nervous about tonight," I asked, "You shouldn't be, you can do this standing on your head."

"Maybe I'm a little nervous," she smiled, "But what about you, Mister Star, are you nervous?"

"Nah," I grinned, "Not really."


"I'm glad you guys are already here," Dr. Hatcher smiled, when Carly and I showed up in the theater early that afternoon, "It's one less thing I have to worry about."

"Is there anything we can do to help, Doctor Hatcher?" Carly sweetly asked.

"No, sweetie, there isn't," Dr. Hatcher smiled, "But thank you for asking just the same."

"You're welcome," Carly replied, "We'll be back in the dressing rooms just in case you change your mind, okay?"

"Okay, Carly," Dr. Hatcher grinned, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, but I'm fairly certain that we've got everything under control."

"We're here just in case," I grinned, "Okay, Doc?"

"Thanks, you two," she wearily smiled, "I really appreciate it."


Chapter Six


The play began with Marcellus giving the speech to Spartacus and the other slaves who were sent to the Gladiator School, and from that moment on, we held the audience's attention until the last line was spoken at the end of the play.

We played to an audience that was packed to a standing-room-only capacity, as all of the major papers, magazines, and even the local television networks were all in attendance. And I saw the wisdom of Dr. Hatcher's request that we greet the press in costume almost immediately after the performance was over.

"Tell us, Chris," a reporter asked me, "How did you like performing in something bigger than a high school theater?"

"It was great," I chuckled, "And the girls are a lot nicer here," and of course Carly giggled, as she was standing right next me, which in turn made laugh, too.

"What about you, Carly," the same reporter asked her, "Did you find your first leading role to be more of a challenge than any or all of the roles you had last year?"

"Of course I did," Carly girlishly giggled, "There were a lot more lines and blocking, oh, and leave us not forget about the many different costume changes throughout the show; I think there were sixty-three in all."

A new publication in Houston, a feminist magazine called, "She" had been making headlines in the news as of late. And one of their correspondents, a mousy girl, skinny with stringy dark hair and black horn-rimmed glasses named Paige Easley, casually strode up to Carly and dryly said, "I think that this is nothing more than another Hollywood attempt at exploiting women on the big screen. What do you think, Ms. Banks?"

"First of all, it's Miss, and not Ms. And believe me when I tell you that you don't want to know what I think," Carly giggled, "Because if so, then your magazine will end up giving us a bad review. I don't think it's fair to judge a group of hard working young people just because the magazine's correspondent is biased to begin with. It makes for crappy reading, dear."

"And just why would you think I would give you a bad review?" Paige asked, "I'm not the person you think I am."

"I can find out what kind of person you are very quickly," Carly pointedly replied, "Chris, would you come with us for a moment, please?"

"Where are we going?" I unwittingly asked, as Carly led us, Paige and myself, off and away from everyone else. And after the introductions had been made, Carly smiled at Paige while rubbing her hand down my bare chest, and salaciously asked, "Tell me, Paige, from one woman to another, what do you think of Chris? Isn't he hot?"

"He's just a man, as far as I'm concerned," she snottily quipped, "I mean, if you like that sort of thing to begin with."

"So, you're a man hater, then," Carly impatiently asked, "It's okay if you are, but it doesn't give you the right to cast your opinionated conjecture upon us, nor does it give you the right to spout such trite bullshit either. Besides, we will refute anything you put in print, and then we will probably sue you."

"You can't do that," Paige angrily glared, "And the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States says that you can't so; fuck off. I'll write whatever I want."

"And if we were certain that you were going to print the truth," Carly said, "Then we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"So," Paige spat, crossing her arms, "What's your point?"

"There's printing the truth and making everyone happy," Carly politely warned her, "And then there's such a thing called slander. I would imagine that anyone who is trying to make a name for his or her column most certainly doesn't want to slander a major university. Think about the repercussions, maybe even some sexual misconduct charges against you might be in order, too. After all, didn't we see you in the news last week professing your undying admiration for the feminist movement?"

"That's downright prejudiced to hold someone's sexuality against them," Paige growled, "Just who the hell do you think you are?"

"You held Chris' sexuality against him only but a few moments ago," Carly pointedly told her, then threw her hands into the air, "Write what you want, Paige, I feel sorry for you, I really do..."and then she turned and walked away shaking her head.

"Can I say something Paige?" I asked, and when I got no response, I continued, "I'm really sorry that you got hurt, but not all of us guys are that way."

"What makes you think I got hurt?" she condescendingly asked, "And what on earth would make you think it was by a guy?"

"You do," I sadly replied, "You wear your heart on your sleeve like some kind of badge of honor or something," and then I gently took her hand and quietly told her, "I'll bet you that if you gave yourself another chance, you'd find the sweetheart that was once within you and is probably still there, just hiding, waiting for another chance to shine."

Up to this point in my life, I'd never seen anything so fragile as I did in what Paige did next, she leaned over so that no one would hear her, and with fear evident in her voice, she looked at me in an almost childlike frailty and sadly but quietly asked, "What makes you think I need a second chance...or even deserve one, for that matter?"

"We all deserve a second chance, Paige," I gently smiled, "All of us...even me."

"Not you, you're perfect," she suddenly blurted out, her face rapidly turning bright red with embarrassment.

I immediately knew that God was presenting me a golden opportunity that evening, but at the same time I also knew that I needed to get out of my costume. So, as politely as I knew how, I looked at Paige and asked, "Can you wait here? I've got to change out of this costume and back into my clothes. I swear, I'll be right back because I want to talk to you some more, okay?"


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