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The Repossession Ch. 02

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A ghost and her boy struggle to resist a hypnotic witch.
5.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/05/2022
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Everything felt very, very good to Ben right now.

Ben was in heaven. He moaned and drooled and stared open-mouthed up into Moira's beautiful eyes as the lovely witch petted his hair--like he was a favored but rambunctious pet that had just learned to heel. She leaned in close with a wide, triumphant smile. "Yes," she murmured smugly, caressing his cheek, "you'll be such a goooooood pet for Moira now, won't you? It's just you and me."

"uunnhh... Moira..." Ben's head lolled, and he would have swooned if he could, but the swirling colorful mists around them seemed to prop up his limp body, wrapping around him and keeping him safe and warm in Moira's clutches.

"Aw, so eeeeasy!" Moira exclaimed, and she laughed, a low, throaty laugh that sent tingles up Ben's spine and down to the tips of his fingers. "Your will's just dripping away like batter on my fingers, my sweeet~"

"gguhh... yess..." Ben's voice was slurred and incoherent. His tongue felt like a sticky weight. his lips felt like they weren't his own. He felt utterly powerless. His chest continued to rise and fall, immersing himself deeper and deeper in Moira's scent, her voice, her intoxicating power...

"Yes?" Moira giggled, and her smirk widened. "Yes, you're easy for me? So you agree?"

Her taunting coo sent shivers through Ben's whole body, made his cock twitch and stiffen against its confines. He felt so embarrassed, so small, but he just couldn't fight. Moira was too powerful. Too beautiful. Too... too...

As her grin widened, her eyes began to spiral inwards again, deeper and deeper, slower and slower, as if she were drawing the words right out of him, like a spider pulling at a strand of her web to bring close the fly...

"yesss," he moaned, barely remembering the question. Nonetheless, his cheeks burned. He knew it had to be something degrading, something shameful, from how Moira's grin widened at his helpless response. "yess, you're... you're s-so right, Moira..."

"Of course I am!" she cooed. "Moira is always right. Moira is so very much smarter than dumb, silly boys."

Ben moaned and drooled, cursing his weakness but helpless to those eyes, helpless to that husky, velvety purr. And beautiful girls had been controlling him an awful lot lately... it almost felt like it must be true.

"Sooooo easy," she whispered with a big, arrogant grin--a grin Ben wanted to be frustrated with, knew he ought to be infuriated towards, but oh, gods, it felt so good to lose to her again...

"easy," he whimpered. As Moira leaned in closer, her scent became overpowering, driving all thoughts away but those of her beauty, of her husky voice dripping with lust, of her tight and yet silken-gloved grip upon his will. His eyes sank helplessly to her luscious lips, her massive, glimmering breasts...

"Just imagine," she purred, unbearably pleased at where his gaze had descended, "how easy everything will feel..."

Ben gasped. His eyes shot back to Moira's spiraling depths, and his whole world shimmered and melted as if staring through terrible burning heat. "M-Moira," he whimpered.

Her fingers had sunk below without him even noticing.

He quivered and whined and licked his lips, heart beginning to race as her finger



through his trousers

along his throbbing, pleading erection.

"... when you are under Moira's thumb," the witch said sweetly.

The magical world around them began to bend and warp--not just in Ben's imagining. The mists of Moira's subspace were swirling to delicate peaks like freshly whipped cream, and Ben felt himself being plucked from the ground by a sloping reclining armchair chair, an impossibly soft grip that eased him onto his back, that hugged him tight and encouraged him to go totally limp.

Every ounce of Ben's will was squirming in Moira's grasp like a little serpent, and he tried so hard not to yield. The awareness sounded like incessant bells in his mind that if he surrendered now, if he lay back in her domain, she would make him hers. Maybe forever.

But her fingertips coaxed him, tamed him, stroked his will like a little kitten. He whimpered and mewled in helpless pleasure as he melted into the warm embrace of her magic and settled back onto the chair.

"You know where you are now," Moira purred, "don't you?"

"Y-Your... su... subspace..." Ben's voice was like molten goo, dripping from his lips as his tongue lolled, slurred and nearly incomprehensible.

"That's right!" Moira gave a sinister chuckle. She descended over him, straddling his hips. Her fingers lingered between their legs, continuing their wicked, tantalizing stroking along his cock. Up and down. Up and down. "You're in Moira's domain now, little pet. It's just you and me. And do you know what that means?"

Ben trembled and whimpered. He couldn't look away from her breasts now--they hung over him, jiggling, enticing and irresistible. His whole world lay between them, bounced and squished between them as his mind went softer and softer, as his cokc went harder and harder...

"I control everything in here," Moira cooed, "don't I? " Her finger stroked up to the base. "And that means Moira controls you," Her finger stroked down, slowly, achingly slowly, to the tip, and swirled slowly around it, "doesn't it?"

"guhh... yesss, hhmmmoirrraa...."

Ben couldn't fight it. He never could have fought it. He was Moira's. He was in her domain, trapped beneath her. Trapped beneath those gorgeous, angelic tits...

"Here, I can conjure whatever pleases me," Moira purred, leaning in closer, giggling as he brainlessly ogled her breasts without any capacity to stop even as he blushed and squirmed beneath her touch. He knew he was drooling. He couldn't stop. "Whatever. Pleases. Moira~"

"ppleeeasse Moirraa..."

"Please?" Moira smirked. "Please what, my sweet boy?" She leaned in closer and reached down, tugging down the neckline of her dress, allowing her breasts to come spilling out--full and jiggling and soft, yielding, inviting, their scent blanketing Ben in an intoxicating cocktail of surrender.

Ben's eyes crossed. His tongue lolled. A trail of drool dripped down his chin. He could only stare in simple, hopeless, helpless, utterly subdued desire. "gguhh..."

"Please what, little toy?" Moira sang, and she reached down and slipped her hand under his trousers, wrapped her hand around his cock. "Please Moira? Is that what you want to do? My, my, such eagerness!"

Ben moaned brainlessly. He gawked at the flawless, heavy, cushiony tits, drooling, panting, feeling them filling his mind with soft, pillowy perfection, squishing every other thought into limp submission...

... and Moira gave his cock a long, indulgent pump, and he came.

It was humiliating. Ben couldn't help it. Even as he felt his pants vanishing away into the mists, he moaned and mewled, red-faced with the heat of wonderful, embarrassing pleasure. He drowned in it, his cock spurting so early, his eyes locked needily on Moira's breasts. He bucked in senseless bliss, unbearable ecstasy pouring into his mind and briefly incapacitating it.

He sank into afterglow, drooling and moaning. Every now and then his cock twitched and dribbled weakly, and he could instinctively tell it was already ready to go again.

He was so deep under, not even his docile, Moira-puppeted mind had the strength to push Lucy out anymore.

~ ~ ~ ~

"F-Finally!" Lucienne burst out. She glared and shoved Moira off of her--the witch floated up into the air, looking startled--and sat up abruptly. She felt Ben's head swimming a little from the sudden motion, but she wasn't letting him drive anymore, not for a long time, with how easily he'd clearly given in. Her heart was pounding. "Nice try, Moira! You can't--"

Her eyes fixed as Moira swung back upright, causing her fat tits to bounce and wobble. "--take--"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Moira's smile return, wider and smugger than ever. The breasts jiggled and slowly settled. "--me down--" Lucienne squeaked.

Moira drifted closer, and Lucienne scooted away, only to find violet twine wrapping around her and Ben's combined form's legs from the enchanted chair, loosely entangling them. The breasts drew nearer, quivering with every motion. "... that..."

Her voice trailed off to a whisper. Moira's tits hung before her, so heavy, those pert nipples just below her eye level.

"Eeeeasy?" Moira cooed.

Lucienne squirmed.

Moira descended back towards her, her smile widening as she drew out a stick of pink chalk. "So sweet of you to join us, little specter," she purred, eyes sparkling with delight. "There was no need to be in such a rush, though! I did say I'd take care of you." Her voice rose to a sultry, condescending coo. "Were you feeling left out?"

"N-No," Lucienne stammered, "I-I was... was..."

"... wondering how it felt, perhaps," Moira murmured silkily, as she landed to straddle Lucienne--precisely, Lucienne thought, biting her lip, just as she had Ben a moment ago.

Lucienne felt her heart fluttering in her chest, and cursed that she suddenly had one that could be so easily won. Moira's tits bounced up and down before her eyes, keeping her vision firmly fixed no matter how she implored them to look away. They were so beautiful, so... shimmery...

Why should she need to look away, anyways? She told herself it was silly. She was fine. Moira couldn't... do anything to her, really. Ben was the one in trouble. And now Ben was safe. Following Ben into the subspace was always tricky--the place was so suffused with magic, it always took a minute to find its frequencies and manifest properly, to keep the inherent magic from miring her like sticky syrupy quicksand--but now that she'd made it, Ben was safe.

And since she was only borrowing this body, she was safe, too. A soul catcher couldn't do anything to...

Her mouth watered as Moira leaned in close, smirking, her hand reaching around to stroke Lucienne's hair--her hands were so soft--and guide her head down towards Moira's beautiful tits...

...couldn't...... do... anything... to her... as long as she was safe in Ben's body...

... right?

"I'm not surprised you followed us in, cute little specter," Moira whispered, as Lucienne unthinkingly licked her lips. "It pleases Moira to have you here."

Lucienne panted and wriggled. These bindings were nothing. They were just for show. Lucienne was strong. She could... break free easily.

She could break free anytime.

And if she could break free anytime, she reasoned to herself dumbly, admiring those perfect, flawless dark royal-purple nipples and half-wondering if Moira had milk to taste, surely... surely there wasn't any hurry...

"And everyone," Moira cooed, "wants to please Moira, don't they?"

She took Lucienne by the chin and tilted her head up to meet Moira's eyes. Lucienne whimpered as her gaze was dragged from Moira's chest, but the sound melted into a sigh almost instantly.

For now she found herself gazing straight into those beautiful, irresistible, inescapable spiraling eyes.

"Even you~" Moira said sweetly. "Especially you~"

Lucienne gulped.

Moira was still holding the chalk in one hand. Lucienne would have wondered why, but the tiny piece of her mind not drowning in those lovely whirlpool eyes was a little too busy wondering what Moira was going to do with that other hand creeping between Lucienne's legs.

"Such a pretty form you two take," Moira was cooing, her fingers toying along Lucienne's length. Lucienne whimpered--this body had already cum, but in Moira's world, with Moira's magic... oh, fuck, the living sensations were always so intense, she was never ready for how they surged into her like this... "I love this pretty toy you've brought toy! Such a good girl."

Lucienne shivered. "Th-Than--" She bit the words back, blushing. What are you doing? Don't thank her!

But Moira's eyes widened slightly in recognition, and she licked her lips with a big, arrogant smile. "My goodness, pet, you're giving in even easier than he did!"

"Wh--buh--" Lucienne flushed and squirmed, as much from the stroking as from her own embarrassing degradation. She gasped as the stroking sped up a little, breathed in more intoxicating pheromones. Her whole mind was turning into goo.

"Why don't you come out," Moira cooed, "and face me yourself? Since you're sssooooo confident." Her finger twirled and swirled around Lucienne's tip.

"I--you--" Lucienne's tongue was leaden in her mouth as she watched Moira's eyes spiral, the swirls taking Lucienne deeper and deeper...

"You can't resist me." Moira smiled as she leaned in close. "But maybe you just like to try so you get the exquisite pleasure of losing."

"I--I--" Lucienne tried to shake her head, but Moira's right hand held her, and Moira's left hand tormented her, stroked up and down her cock, and she felt her head bobbing senselessly, drunken with pleasure...

"Or," Moira added sweetly, "maybe you're just pretending for his sake, so he won't think you just gave in."

Lucienne whimpered. Moira's words seemed to trickle into her ears and straight into her mind, her deeper mind, her deepest and most secret desires. She squirmed and bit her lip, desperate not to drool like Ben had, but those held her, made it so hard to control her own body, so hard to resist... those... eyes...

"But you don't need to worry, pet." Moira smiled wickedly, caressing Lucienne's cheek, her every sung word echoing around Lucienne and washing over her like warm syrup, smooth and sweet and heavy and so, so easy to get lost in. "Becausse sooner or later, you will give. You will break."

"g-give... bbreakk..." Lucienne's tongue lolled as the spirals deepened, pulling her further in, deeper down into the beautiful whirlpools of green. She knew she was wearing a stupidly happy expression, a humiliatingly eager glaze in her eyes, a big, dumb smile spreading across her blushing cheeks, and that was so embarrassing, but but it also just... felt... so good...

And up and down the fingers stroked, delicate, teasing, tormenting Lucienne with exquisite pleasure as they ran over her tip. "And if you're going to give in eventually," the witch cooed, "who's going to suspect that you let yourself give in a little early?" Moira's voice was relentless, ringing in Lucienne's ears, her sugary tones intoxicating, irresistible. Inescapable. Merciless. "It would feel so good to just give in and be mine, wouldn't it?"

"yyourssss," Lucienne moaned.

And as that word swirled around her dumb, hypnotized mind, she felt her head becoming heavier and heavier--heavy with Moira's words and suggestions, heavy with Moira's scent, heavy with Moira's control. She was sinking down, down into Moira's arms, and she couldn't fight it anymore.

She didn't need to fight it.

She'd done her best, hadn't she? Surely she had. Surely she couldn't fight anymore. And...

... and if she did, who... who had to know?

"That's it," Moira was hissing, "give in. Break. Good girls get to feel good~"

As Lucienne's body sank into obedience, as her will sank into docile, pliant slumber, she dimly noticed Moira drawing letters in the thin air of the subspace with the chalk. She almost wondered what that was.

And then Moira's hand wrapped around her cock and started to pump.

Lucienne mewled and bucked, her mind too molten to even think of any other response. She cooed brainlessly as the hand sped up, as Moira smirked down at her, every motion delicate, deliberate, indulgent. "Aw, does that feel good?" she asked silkily.

Lucienne was panting, moaning, nodding in desperation. It was like Moira was determined to drown her in ecstasy. Her cock was twitching, dribbling, and her cheeks burned at how soon, and yet she heard herself wordlessly pleading for more, yes, more, more, more--

--and Lucienne felt a pull.

Her eyes widened. Moira's smirk widened, as if she knew that Lucienne knew.

And the hand sped up.

Lucienne tried to fight. Surely she did. Surely she was thrashing like that out of an effort to escape. Surely these cries and gasps were pleas for mercy, moans of defiance. Surely her clinging to Moira was out of an attempt to wrestle the witch to the ground.

But as Moira pumped up, and everything in Lucienne melted and dripped and poured out with it, her squeal echoed and reverberated with ghostly delight.

And as she felt herself be drawn out of Ben's body, Lucy's eyes lingered within Moira's endless spirals. They were like gravity wells, the waves of pleasure weakening her like hot, molten whirlpools of honey. Moira's fingertip stroking over her glans might as well have been a leash and collar round her neck.

With a gasp, Lucy found herself flying right out of Ben's captive pleasure-subdued body.

And no sooner was she out than she was caught.

She could feel it immediately. Those four symbols Moira had been drawing in the air flickered and sparked whenever she moved towards them, fuzzing her form and causing her involuntarily to drift back. They barred her path in all directions save one.

The only direction left open to her was towards Moira.

And like the magnet of a compass, Lucy so, so longed to drift north.

Moira's smile was that of a cat accustomed to winning that had just pinned the mouse by the tail. She leaned back to admire her prize, cooing in delight. Lucy whined and tried to tear away, but she was trapped--not even by the symbols, but by how heavy her head felt, how beautiful Moira's eyes were.

"Now," Moira purred, "Moira has you." She crooked one finger and beckoned with a smug smile. "Now... come to Moira~"

"M-Moira," Lucy whimpered, as she heard Ben slumping behind her. Cumming at Moira's touch did that to people. If she'd still had a body, her heart would have fluttered at the thought. She cringed away from the witch with what space she had, feeling her ethereal form buzzing with the sigils as she pressed a little too close to her barriers.

"Oh, are those bothering you?" Moira's lashes fluttered innocently, a strobing effect on those gorgeous glowing swirling eyes that made Lucy feel weak inside. "Why not join me in the flesh? I would love to feel you quivering at my touch."

Lucy felt panic now, panic dulled by unbearable pleasure. Looking into Moira's eyes felt so easy, and good girls got to feel good, and she already felt so good... and that was with the muted pleasure of her intangible form. Her pleasure would be that much easier easier for Moira to enhance if she went physical here. She'd be totally at Moira's mercy. She absolutely, positively could not allow herself to do so.

"okay," she said compliantly.

Wait, what? Stop! Stopstopstostop!

And yet those eyes continued to spiral. Lucy's whole mind felt molten and gooey, thoughts sticking to thoughts. That nagging little voice was little more than a nuisance as Lucy felt herself drifting right into Moira's arms.

And then Lucy looked up, her blue form as tangible as Moira's and Ben's, pressed against Moira's wonderful softness, and whimpered as she realized just how screwed she was about to be.

Moira beamed down at her. A finger stroked Lucy's chin, and Lucy gasped, delectable sensitivity coursing into her body from Moira's magic. Moira had total control in the subspace, and they both knew it, and Moira seemed to relish Lucy's dawning realization of her own doom. "Yes," the witch purred, "you're going to beso good for me now, aren't you?"


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