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The Retreat Day 03

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My wife, my daughter and the incomprehensible.
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/11/2016
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My wife, my daughter and the incomprehensible

Author's note: This is Part 3 of a 4 part story arc. As with all my stories, this one starts slowly with background and character development. Please vote -- it is the only way I can see if I am pleasing you, the reader.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"Jesus Christ! Not again!"

It was Eddie's voice from the doorway, waking me up again. And waking Sherry, who was on one side, and Beth, who was on the other.

"Oh, man..." I moaned and rolled over, trying to at least sit up. "What time is it?"

"It's damned near noon," Eddie told me. "I thought I better come up and check on you before I bring up Linda, Maggie and the horse trailer. Good thing I did, too. They showed up early this morning and were raring to go. I made an excuse of needing to check the road before I brought up the trailer and told them I'd be back to get them. So get your sorry ass out of bed, get dressed and come on back with me in the Jeep to load up the horses. We'll have to take them across the ford."

"Oh... and good morning, Sherry... morning, Squirt."

"Morning, Eddie..." and "Morning, Uncle Eddie" were the greetings he got, followed by two eye-popping naked women standing up and stretching.

"Coffee?" Sherry asked.

"Water," Beth answered her. "Kitchen." And she walked past Eddie, proud as a jaybird, in search of water to make coffee.

"I am not getting used to that," he mumbled, but I caught it. I think the women did, too.

I pretty much put it on autopilot, not wanting to handle any questions from Eddie, and managed to hit the head, get dressed, get coffee and some Danish which Eddie had brought along, then told him I was ready to go. The women pretty much did the same thing and announced they were ready to go help, also. We shinnied our way across the bridge and piled in the Jeep. Sherry decided to leave the Suburban. We drove back in to Eddie's and my next encounter with Fate.

It is not possible to describe how twisted my guts were at the thought of having to lie to my wife. Some guys can do it like second nature. I can't. But there was no way I was going to tell her about what happened with Beth and then Sherry. I got to Eddie's and despite the feelings of extreme guilt, my heart did a little happy-dance when I saw her, followed closely by Maggie.

She sped up a little as she approached me and held out her arms. I wasn't going to miss that opportunity -- I took her in a bear hug and lifted her off the ground. She kissed me hard.

"Damn, I'm glad to see you in one piece!" she told me as we eased up. "I know Eddie said you were alright, but that storm did some severe damage across the area. I take it you've been roughing it?"

"Yeah, love, and we still are," I told her. "If you come up now, we're on backup power and mostly wood fire heat. For now, we're cooking in the fireplace and can use the microwave if we're careful. At least the indoor plumbing works."

"I don't care what shape the cabin's in," she told me as I let her back down to the ground. "I'll be with you anywhere, anytime -- Maggie's college trip excepted."

"How'd that go?" I asked as I let Linda down and took the patiently waiting Maggie in my arms.

"Fine, Daddy," Maggie told me. "It was mostly administrivia and a sales pitch. I applied last year and got accepted on my GPA and ACT scores. And now that I've seen the campus, they're in the running. Do I get to use a chainsaw?"

"Uncle Eddie, Beth and I already got the tree cleared yesterday," I told her. "Sorry."

"Damn! She got all the fun!" Maggie virtually pouted.

"Hey, we've got a bunch of wood to split, so you can use a chainsaw on that if your want. And the ram-splitter." She definitely brightened up at that.

"Look, let's get the horses loaded," I told her. "We can sort the rest out once we're back up there."

She figured that was a great idea and ran off to find Eddie. I turned to walk towards Eddie's stables. My wife caught up with me and took my arm as we walked along.

"So," she asked conversationally. "Did you deflower Beth?"


"Jesus Christ!" I stopped in mid-stride. "Are you in on this, too?"

"You don't expect something like that to happen without us women being on the same page, do you?" she asked.

"It would've been fucking nice if someone had told me about it," I told her. "I've got so much guilt, I'm sweating it out my pores!"

"Nope," she informed me. "If you'd known, you would have avoided her like the plague."

She was right -- I would have. But still...

"Baby, this really fucks with a man's mind, you know?" I asked. I wanted her to know I wasn't just some kind of horndog.

"I didn't think that was the part you fucked with," she smiled and I realized I needed to let it go. But still, a conspiracy between my wife, my sister-in-law and my niece to take her cherry... I still would have liked to have been in on it. Maybe it would have spared me a lot of guilt.

I shut up, but I must have looked pretty sullen.

"Honey, you're fine," she told me. "It's nice to know you can feel guilty. But you don't need to. Sherry told me Beth had all this angst about picking the right guy to deflower her, and that you were her top choice but no way was she going to screw up a loving relationship. She and I reminisced about the times you, me, Tom and she got together and how the fun was the important thing, not the incest. I told Sherry that Beth needed to wait until she was eighteen, but after that, I was okay with it. I trust your moral compass."

"You shouldn't," I pointed out. "I'm as much of a horndog as the next guy, fully capable of lying to his wife about an extramarital affair."

"No, you're not," she informed me. "You are a kind, considerate man who tries to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do. And yes, I understand field-expedient ethics and how you need to use them from time to time. But overall, you're not out to hurt anyone. And besides, you can't lie worth shit."

Nothing quite like being put in your place.

"In the interests of being straight with you," I told her, "Beth did seduce me -- raped me, actually -- and when Sherry came up, they double-teamed me. And yes, I enjoyed the hell out of it and hopefully gave as good as I got. And now that you're here, it's done. I'm not going to go down that path anymore. I've got what I want." And I gave her waist a squeeze as we walked.

"Well, that's being stupid," she informed me.

"What?" I was well and truly confused. A little slow on the uptake, I guess.

"It's stupid to cut off your nose to spite your face," she told me. "Since I don't have a problem with it, there's no reason for you to stop having Beth and Sherry as balling buddies -- and God knows, Sherry needs one. Just keep it discreet and for Christ's sake, don't spread it around."

I walked along in silence for awhile, thinking.

"Okay," I finally decided, "I'll let it ride for now... see what happens. But you are always first in my heart, love. I will never do anything to intentionally hurt you."

"I know, silly..." she told me. "That's one of the reasons we're married."

* * * * *

We got the four horses loaded and I elected to ride with Eddie in the pickup. That F-350 Supercrew should have been classified as an armored personnel carrier. On the way up, we got into discussing the bridge.

"I've got a buddy that runs a construction company," Eddie told me. "He's got temporary bridging equipment and he'll put one in for $400 plus $20 a day, or $100 a week. He can be out there as soon as tomorrow."

"Fine," I agreed. "Drop $600 on him for two weeks and let's get it done. That buys us some time to figure out how to repair the old one. Take it out of the trust we set up for the cabin."

"Roger that," he told me. "I'll call him when we get to the cabin."

"The phone lines are down, Eddie," I pointed out.

"Satellite phone," he told me, pointing behind my seat. "Be Prepared."

When we got to the ford and unloaded the horses, I pointed out that the river might have crested, but it was still flooding. Each of me, Eddie, Sherry and Beth took a horse and forded the river at the gravel shallows, thankfully without incident. Linda asked if I wanted her to try to bring the Jeep across and I decided we could wait the day for the temporary bridge.

We got the horses up to the barn and stabled, then adjourned to the Great Room.

"Well, that looks cozy," Linda commented on seeing the king-sized mattress in front of the fire.

"It was," Sherry told her before I could say anything, "but now that you and Maggie are here, we should probably put everything back and start fires in the heater stoves in the bedrooms."

I noticed Beth and Maggie huddling over near the kitchen in some kind of animated discussion, and prayed it wasn't Beth telling Maggie about me and her. I shook it off and turned my attention to helping put everything back. We got the bedroom stoves lit and it didn't take long for them to warm the place up. We went back to the Jeep and horse trailer and pulled out those essentials we'd want for tonight and tomorrow, including food and drink, and hauled them back up to the cabin.

I got told to go be lazy while the women straightened out the kitchen. I decided it would be a good idea to bring in some more wood from last year's pile, which had already been split and dried. Then I found other maintenance chores to keep me out of the kitchen until dinner was called.

Our routine fell into place, adjusted for the lack of power, and we had a great time chatting about what had been happening -- Sherry's jewelry business, Linda and Maggie visiting the college, my travels as a consultant, Eddie's experiences at the Spa... overall, a very pleasant meal and evening.

Linda and I had taken the master bedroom suite since we were the only married couple. Not my idea, somebody else decided. Anyway, we were lying in bed cuddling and talking story about nothing in particular when Beth knocked, then walked in.

"Hi, Aunt Linda, Uncle Jim," she greeted us. "I just have a quick thing to put out there and then I'll leave. Aunt Linda, you know Uncle Jim was successful in deflowering me. The follow-on problem is, now I'm horny all the time and I want him, badly. But I'm not going to interfere with you guys, so I just want somebody thinking about how I can get some alone-time with him so I can get laid again -- by a lover with consummate skills. Without interfering with you." She looked relieved to have said it and a little anxious waiting for the answer.

Linda looked at me for moment, then turned to Beth.

"Come here, Squirt," she told her, patting the space in the bed between us. That confused me but I sure wasn't going to argue with her.

Beth tentatively moved forward, then climbed into the bed between me and Linda. Linda flipped the covers down.

"Have at him," she said. "I'll just be over here, ignoring you."

I am absolutely certain that Beth and I both had the same feeling of panic hit.

"Um, Aunt Linda, I can't..." Beth started. I was keeping my mouth shut. "He's your husband."

"Yep, and a damned fine one," Linda agreed.

"This is your bed..." Beth went on.

"Yep, but I think it's big enough," Linda pointed out.

"And you're here..." Beth almost whined.

"I'll just be over here, reading a steamy romance novel," she told Beth. "You'll just provide some background noise for me."

Beth stared at my wife. Hell, I was staring, too. This was so not like her, I couldn't believe it.

"Oh, hell," she muttered, moving over to Beth. "Might as well get this over with..." and she kissed her. Hard. Deep. Pull-out-the-stops deep, and I watched as Beth melted into my wife. The panting, wild-eyed look on Beth's face when Linda broke the kiss spoke volumes.

"Okay, so go jump him," my wife told my new balling buddy. And I was just the casual observer, the object of Beth's lust, a toy to be played with as she wished, with the full consent and cooperation of my wife. Beth slowly moved over to me and tentatively kissed me, but that didn't last long.

In minutes, Beth was bobbing up and down on my incredibly turgid manhood, while my wife occasionally looked over to see how she was doing. That was when the next weirdness happened.

"That looks nice..." I heard Maggie's voice in the doorway. "Can I join you guys?"

Now, there are some things that a brain simply can't process. There is no reference, no anchor point, no way to make sense of it. My daughter asking to join in with the sex Beth and I were having in the same bed where my wife was reading a trashy romance novel was one of them.

Beth came off my cock long enough to tell Maggie, "sure", then went back at me. I don't remember agreeing. In fact, I don't remember anybody asking my opinion. This was my daughter, for Christ's sake. My niece I could rationalize... not that close a relative, and avuncular marriage was good enough for Leonidas of Sparta, Claudius of Rome, and most of the houses of European nobility, not to mention currently legal in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, France, Russia... hell, it's even legal in New York!

And my sister-in-law? Well, we had a history and it included her husband and my wife, and it had always been a caring relationship between adults. That was a no-brainer.

But my daughter??? Oh. My. God. And there's Linda, reading her book, kibitzing on Beth's technique and acting like there's nothing unusual about it.

Maggie walked around to the side of the bed where Beth was going down on me.

"Here, hold this," Beth told her, offering my phallus. Maggie took it and started gently stroking it, and I know I'm damned for all time, but Jesus Christ! She felt incredibly good. In the meantime, Beth stripped off her clothes.

"I'll take it back, now," she told Maggie, and Maggie relented so Beth could go back to her most excellent oral ministrations. As soon as she did, Maggie stripped.

Now, I've been around her all her life. I was there when she was born. I was there, helping her grow up. I had my share of "Doctor Daddy" moments when dealing with injuries or sunburns or pinworms resulted in rather intimate contact. And as she got older, and strong enough, we would trade massages -- mostly neck, shoulders and back, but sometimes lower back, butt and thighs, and things got a bit intimate there, too. And I have to admit, I did have my share of fantasies. But it never went anywhere.

Now I was seeing her in a whole new light. She had blossomed into a damned attractive young woman, just like Beth had, but I couldn't see the forest for the trees. Now I had a very good look at the forest.

Maggie was about Beth's height, 5'6"-ish. She was little heavier, maybe 130-140 lbs. with curves and padding in all the right places and a rack that was bigger than Beth's, maybe 36D-26-36, although she could have been a double-D. She had red hair like her mother and she wore it to the middle of her back like Beth, but in a single braid. She had weird green/blue eyes, kind of like a turquoise and to my surprise, she was shaved. I hadn't noticed that she'd started doing that. Maybe all the young ladies did that these days, I don't know.

I do know that she got my attention, especially because the randy animal part of me was now seeing her as a potential sex partner. After she got her clothes off, she sat on the edge of the bed and started playing with my balls.

I will never be the same. There just won't be any going back.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" the rather guilty part of me asked Maggie. "I mean, I don't want you feeling like you have to do something you don't want to do."

"Oh, no, Daddy, I'm fine," she smiled. "I've wanted to fuck you since I was thirteen."

The way she said it, so matter-of-fact, caught me completely off-guard. And rendered me speechless. I had no idea where I was going with this.

"Do you mind if I fuck you?" she asked next.

Thinking seemed to disappear from my brain's agenda.

"I have no idea," I told her. "I love you and I want the best for you and you're sexy as hell and I'd love to be buried balls deep in you, and I have absolutely no idea how much permanent brain damage would result from doing that."

Maggie nudged Beth to move out of the way, and with a look that was half disappointment and half wild curiosity, Beth obliged. Maggie knelt over me and started rubbing the tip of my cock between her labia, getting me even more wet than Beth had.

"You don't have to worry about deflowering me," she informed me. "That's been gone for a long time now." Then she impaled herself on me, all the way down.

"Oh my God!" she moaned. "Oh, fuck, you're deep! Jesus Christ, that's good!"

For my part, it felt like someone had wrapped my cock in a blast furnace.

Not the Flames of Hell. That would probably be later, when the Almighty caught up with me.

For now, it was my beautiful, charming, witty (yeah, I know I'm prejudiced), sexy-as-hell daughter and she was rocking me with pleasure of the purest kind. While her mother and her cousin looked on, kibitzing.

"Oh, my God, that feels so good!" I think is what came out of my mouth.

"Like mother, like daughter?" Linda asked, barely suppressing a smile.

"Christ, baby!" I answered her as Maggie started this pelvic-thrust-hip-roll thing that felt like she was giving me a blow job with her cunt -- uh, make that pussy. Apparently cunt is politically incorrect (as if I was caring about PC right then).

"Very much like mother, like daughter," I told her. "I don't believe this is happening to me!"

"Who likes mother and daughter?" Sherry's voice came from the doorway -- followed almost immediately by, "Finally!" as she walked on into the room. I just moaned.

"Maybe we should have just left the mattresses in front of the fire," I tried to jest, but honestly, I was severely distracted by the fucking I was getting from Maggie.

"No," my wife pointed out, "then we would have had to deal with Eddie being around."

"Eddie won't be a problem," Sherry informed us.

"Where is he?" I managed to ask with a bit of lucidity.

"Snoring away," she told me. "I screwed him into next week."

There is an argument to be made that the male of the species should just shut up, schlep shit around when it needs to be and provide stud service when desired. In terms of social evolution, it probably has garnered a lot of credibility. At that point, I was becoming an ardent supporter. But I just had to ask.

"You fucked him?"

"Yep," Sherry smiled. "Like Tom and you, he didn't get shorted in the gene pool. I didn't want him feeling left out and I figured he'd accept me or Linda as a balling buddy long before he could cope with Beth or Mags. So I get the fucking I want, he gets diverted from the rest of what's going on and it's a win-win. And I'm glad you finally nailed her. Maggie's wanted you for longer the Squirt."

"I didn't..." I started.

"Don't tell me she had to rape you, too?" Sherry asked.

I just lay back and shut up. The women were running this show.

"Okay, there's four of us and one of him," Sherry pointed out to the other women. Girls. Whatever.

"I'm taken care of, does anyone else need taking care of?"

My wife eased out of bed, putting down her book. "I'll be back later," she told me, then she and Sherry walked out, leaving me in the hands of two young nymphs who didn't have "quit" in their vocabulary.

I was a walking corpse.

No, scratch that. I was on my back, screwing my daughter while my niece made out with me.

I was a fucking corpse.

[to be continued]

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Cute, comical and sexy!

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 7 years ago
5 stars

This chapter is a little too "we all fuck hump hump hump" but it's still good.

A bit more depth like chapter one would be welcome.

peebeeandrollopeebeeandrolloover 7 years ago

Oh man all that could have made it better was wife and daughter doing him, wi9th beth and mother doing each other along side.

Comentarista82Comentarista82over 7 years ago
I love

the fact Maggie's a redhead and wanted Jim, but I'm disappointed the ending interrupted or didn't finish her coupling with him.

I'm not too keen on the multiple females wanting one guy shtick so I'll refrain from voting. I would like to see Maggie finish with him though and please don't rush that description. I think it would be nicer for them to take turns rather than it degenerate into a full-blown orgy. The voyeurism to me is borderline a turn-off, although the idea of so many females wanting one guy is a turn-on. All of them knowing is a kind of major mind game.

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