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The Reunion

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Man and woman reunite for different purposes.
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Man: So, thanks for coming over. I've really missed you, you know.

Woman: What is it that you want? I took time out of my life to come all the way over here, just because you happen to be in town.

Man: Like I said, I've missed you. I find myself thinking of you at the most random times. Like when I'm taking a shower, I'll remember the feel of your skin when it was wet with soap. When I'm fucking another woman, the way you would moan and your pussy would clench around me. When I'm at the beach, how you use to always kid about sunbathing nude in front of everyone. Things like that.

Woman: So, pretty much all you remember about me is the sexual stuff? Gee, should I be flattered, because I'm not.

Man: Can you tell me that you never think of me? That you never remember how we used to be?

Woman: I've got a life now. A life apart from you and what we used to be.

Man: Can you forget this? Or this?

Woman: Keep your hands to yourself! You always were touching me at the most inappropriate times. Like at my parent's house while we were eating supper. Or that night down at the waterfront. You never had any manners at all.

Man: Can you honestly tell me that you came here today looking for just conversation? That you haven't missed the heat we used to generate?

Woman: Why can't you get it through your head? We were over a long time ago. We have nothing in common now. And, I'm leaving.

Man: Wait just a minute! You're not going anywhere.

Woman: What the fuck? You can't –

Man: I can and I will. You came here for a reason, even if you don't know what it is.

Woman: Ok. You're really starting to scare me. Regardless of what is going on in that little demented mind of yours, I came here purely out of curiosity. No! Let me finish! You and I were once important to each other, very important. But, that was a long time ago. I came only to see what was going on in your life and obviously, it isn't much.

Man: I remember how you used to cream all over my hand when I would fuck you in the ass and use your favorite toy on your pussy.

Woman: Can't you think of anything else? Is your life so shallow that all you think about is the sexual exploits from a past relationship?

Man: The time you got drunk and fucked me and a couple of my buddies. Whoa, that was a site to see. Geoff lying on his back with his cock in your pussy, your tit in his mouth. Robert reaming your ass open and me stuffing your mouth with meat. Good times.

Woman: Once again, that was a long time ago and this meeting has gone on for too long. Come on, please let me go? You know you don't want to hurt me; you're just trying to –

Man: You're here and you'll do as I say. Stupid bitch, always thinking that you were better than me and smarter when you're nothing but a slut.

Woman: I resent that. I may have enjoyed sex, but I was never a slut.

Man: You don't think having all your holes filled with cock and then taking a cum-bath after makes you a slut? You must have a really special definition of "slut".

Woman: Hey! This shirt cost –

Man: Shut the fuck up before I make you shut up! You're good for only one thing and that is fucking. Your ass is still as firm as ever, you know.

Woman: Please, I don't want this...

Man: You're not pushing me away though, are you? Mmmm, I see that you still hate wearing panties also. Your pussy is soaking my pant leg, you know.

Woman: Involuntary response to danger. Nothing more, nothing less.

Man: Don't lie. You're aroused and you know it.

Woman: Get off me!

Man: No! I'm gonna fuck you one last time and trust me, baby, it'll be something you never forget. Your tits still look as perky as they used to. Nipple so hard I could just bite them off like candy buttons.

Woman: Stop! That hurts!

Man: Your pussy is wet and hairy. You always used to keep it shaved. I wonder what changed? Maybe mister husband likes the au natural look, I don't know.

Woman: Stop, please. Man: Interesting, you're not as tight as you used to be either. Must be the constant popping out of kids. That does have an effect on one's pubic muscles, you know.

Woman: Just use protection, please? That's all I ask...

Man: Protection? Hell no, bitch. I will fuck you without protection. Maybe I'll even knock you up and you'll have to pass off my baby as your husbands as you know he would never take you back after this encounter. He knows what a slut you are and wouldn't believe this was against your will at all.

Woman: No! Stop it!

Man: Stop hitting me! I'll just have to use these pretty stockings of yours to restrain you, won't I? Here, I'll shove one in your mouth too, just to keep you quiet for now. I don't need your mouth yet. But, you know, your pussy just isn't doing it for my cock. Time to flip you over, slut. Maybe your ass will be tight enough for me. Now, that's nice. Your hubby doesn't like backdoor love, does he? I think you need something in that loose pussy though. You like that? You like the way my cock fills your ass and that wine bottle fills your cunt? Oh yeah, fight all you want, but your body betrays you. Your pussy is soaking the bed beneath you. Here bitch, let me come all over that pretty face of yours. That's nice. My cum looks so nice covering your face, rather like Vaseline on a lens, it just smoothes out all the imperfections. If I take this out of your mouth, will you be a good girl and clean my cock? After all, it's been in your pussy and ass, dirty, dirty places considering that you're a dirty, dirty whore. Ah...that's it. Your mouth looks so pretty stretched wide around my cock. That red lipstick smearing all over my messy cock. Suck it, you bitch!

Woman: I'll never forgive you for this; I'm going to the police. You won't get away with this.

Man: You loved it, you know it. And you'll be back for more next time I'm in town.

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TheTrapperTheTrapperabout 19 years ago
I liked the story

This was not a rape story. It was a story of a very sexy woman taking a voluntary journey back to the days when she was very sexually active. Yes, the story was about force, but I got the feeling she would not have been where she was if she was not looking to liberate a little of her past. Great little story. Don't stop writing, keep it up (pun intended).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
A fine example..

Of the contempt some men hold for women. I agree with the last person, rape is never erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

is never erotic.

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