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Shannon's Little Princess

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Cameron's girlfriend dresses him up after he makes a mess.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 05/27/2014
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Cameron was sitting at his desk in his apartment, working on his thesis when his cell phone started ringing and vibrating across the desk. Happy for the interruption - the writing was not going well - he glanced at the phone and smiled when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling. He and Shannon had only been dating for a couple months, but things were going exceptionally well, especially compared to Cameron's past relationships. He had always struggled to lead and take charge of a relationship the way most of his prior girlfriends wanted, so he tended to get dumped for more confident guys. Things were different with Shannon: She had a confident, assertive streak a mile wide and didn't mind taking the lead with Cameron at all. He answered his phone.

"Hey beautiful, what's up?"

Shannon laughed, "You're a sweetie. What are you doing right now?"

"Working on my thesis," Cameron sighed.

"Aww, honey, you sound stressed out. Come over here and we can hang out. Take your mind off things."

Cameron glanced down at himself and winced. "I look like shit right now Shan, haven't even taken a shower yet today."

"You know I don't mind, just come on over," Shannon said, "I miss my Cammy"

Cameron sighed again. He really needed to work on that thesis today, even though it was a Saturday, but he wanted to see his girlfriend more. Hopefully even fool around a little. They hadn't had intercourse yet, but they did engage in other sex acts from time to time. Mostly Cameron eating her out, but he had given him a couple of stellar blowjobs before bed in her apartment. Even though they hadn't had regular sex, Cameron loved sleeping with Shannon because she insisted on being the big spoon and though he would never admit it to anyone but her, he loved being held.

"I can never say no to you. I'll be over in a few," he said, with a smile.

Cameron threw on some clean basketball shorts and a v-neck shirt, and slipped his sandals on before heading out the door. He hurried a bit, knowing that his girlfriend would be impatient if he took too long. On the short walk across campus to her apartment - they were both students at the state university, though he was a master's candidate and she was a junior in undergrad - Cameron thought to himself how lucky he was. Shannon really was a great girl, and though he was immensely worried about finishing his thesis in time, he knew that even if it didn't work out, she'd be supportive. And that helped.

Cameron knocked on the door.

"Come in, Cammy!" Shannon hollered from inside the apartment. Cameron let himself in and found her in her living room, laying on the brown leather couch. He grinned at her.

"You look good," he said. And she did: Shannon was laying on the couch looking like the quintessential college sweetheart. She had on a pale green sundress with a oversized belt around her waist, accentuating her slim figure. Her hair was in a casual ponytail and she had just a hint of makeup on to put a little extra color in her cheeks and her lips. The dress was hiked up a bit from her position on the couch, showing plenty of her beautiful, long legs. Though you couldn't really tell when she was laying down, Shannon was tall, and all of it was in those legs. At an even six feet, she was even a couple inches taller than Cameron, though at 5'10" he was by no means short.

"Come lay down by me, baby, and we can watch some TV and relax." Cameron agreed and flopped down next to her on the sofa, facing away from her so that their position was more or less the same as spooning on a bed. She wrapped her arms around him - one under his head to act as a pillow for him and the other over his side - and intertwined her long, smooth legs with his shorter, slightly less-smooth ones. Cameron loved the feel of her perky B-cups pressed against his back. She leaned her head next to his and kissed him sweetly on the earlobe. He grabbed the TV remote and flipped the channel to some documentary or another, and they relaxed.

After a while, Shannon started lightly running her fingers up and down his side and Cameron sighed. It felt good. Shannon smiled to herself, and slowly started working her sensual touch closer and closer to his crotch. First she rubbed his lower abdomen, then gently stroked his inner thigh, pulling the leg of his athletic shorts up as she went higher, and then she finally slipped her fingers under his waistband and teased him a bit by rubbing him over his underwear, but just short of his semi-erect manhood. The feel of his underwear gave her pause, though, and she squealed out in delight.

"Cammy! You're wearing the undies I bought you!" Cameron usually wore boxers, but Shannon hated them and had recent purchased him a few pairs of stylish briefs. Cameron hadn't even realized he was wearing them, but he quickly took advantage of the situation.

"You know I'd wear whatever you want me to, babe, anything to make you happy."

"Someone's been such a good boy today, I think you deserve a reward!" Shannon said, cheerfully. She pulled Cameron's cock out of his undies and shorts and began to stroke it with one hand, while rubbing and pinching one of his nipples under his shirt with the other. Cameron went from semi-erect to a full hard-on quickly. He also started squirming around the couch a bit and letting out those high-pitched moans and squeals of his. He sounded a little like a girl when they fooled around, but Shannon didn't mind. She thought it was cute, and endearing.

"You look good enough to fuck, Cammy," Shannon laughed. She started thrusting with her hips, grinding her crotch into his ass. She held her hand still around his cock, "fucking" it into her hand by pushing his hips forward with her own, and then letting him thrust his ass back against her to complete the stroking motion. Cameron was in heaven. She had always been a little dominant toward them when they were fooling around, but nothing like this. It felt like she was fucking him from behind.

"Just let me know when you're about to finish, sweetie. I just got this rug and I don't want you cumming all over it." Cameron grunted his assent, too turned on to speak, and she kept fuck-stroking him for several more minutes. Under her sundress, Shannon could feel dampness spreading into her panties. This was getting her hot, too. Shortly after, Cameron's climax built suddenly and violently and he barely managed to squeak out a "Shannon" in warning before exploding all over the floor in front of the couch, including her new rug. There was spunk all over the floor; Cameron couldn't remember ever having an orgasm that big before.

"Goddamnit Cam, I told you not to cum on my rug!" Shannon shouted, pushing him away from her and off the couch. Cameron fell right on top of his own cum, and thanks to the volume and pattern of his load, he got plenty of it on himself. He had some on both his shorts and his shirt, and his face even landed in a small puddle of it. When he sprang to his feet, the cum was obvious on his clothes and a little dripped off of his right cheek.

"I'm sorry Shan, it just happened all of a sudden." Cameron said, ashamed of himself. Shannon let out a mean laugh.

"You look like a little sorority slut with that cum on your face." Shannon sat up and grabbed her phone off of the end table and snapped a picture of Cameron before he could react. "Go clean yourself up. Throw your shirt and shorts in the washer, and then come clean up the floor. There's cleaning stuff under the sink." Cameron nodded and did as she said. He had never really seen this side of Shannon before, she was usually all sunshine and rainbows. Since they hadn't been dating long, the two had never really had a disagreement before and Cameron was a little worried. He hated the thought of fighting with his girlfriend.

After cleaning himself up, Cameron threw his shirt and short in the washer and grabbed the cleaning supplies, returning to the living room in just his briefs. He knelt down in front of the couch and started cleaning. His spunk came off of the hardwood easily, but he really had to srub on the rug, on his knees, with both hands.

"Look, Shannon," he started, still scrubbing, "I'm really sorry about -"

"Just be quiet and finish cleaning," she interrupted, "You'll get your punishment when you're finished." Cameron closed his mouth abruptly and kept scrubbing. Shannon was still mad - she doubted the semen stain would come completely out of the rug - but she had to admit that Cameron looked awfully cute cleaning up in just his briefs, his skinny little butt sticking up in the air. Cameron was worried, wondering what his "punishment" would be. What did she even mean by that? He didn't think she could punish him, he wasn't a child. He finished a few minutes later, and stood up.

"Come here," Shannon said, "sit down next to me." Cameron did as she said and took a seat next to her on the couch. In a quick motion, she grabbed him and pulled her over her lap, ass in the air, and started spanking him like a child before he could resist. "I said" smack! "Don't" smack! "Cum" smack! "On" smack! "My" Smack! "New" SMACK "Rug!" SMACK! Each smack was harder than the first, and she added a few more at the end for good measure. She figured his ass was nice and red under the thin material of his briefs. Shannon had always been the more dominant one in the relationship, but it had never really been a sexual thing until now. Today, though, she felt a tingle of sexual pleasure when spanking her boyfriend's ass and completely controlling him.

Cameron, on the other hand, felt differently. He was humiliated that his girlfriend had overpowered him, but when he felt his cock twitching, he realized that it turned him on a little. That only added to his shame, and that embarrassment combined with his enormous stress over his thesis caused him to start sniffling and crying. This didn't escape Shannon's notice.

"Oh please, you big baby. I didn't even hit you that hard!" Shannon said. This wasn't the first time she had seen him cry - he was the sort of sensitive boy that would occasionally tear up at a sad movie or book - but this was the first occasion that it had been caused by her.

"You didn't hurt me, Shan, I'm just upset," said Cameron.

"Yeah, you're upset and crying like a little girl."

"I'm not a little girl!" Cameron shouted.

"No, you're just acting like one, sweetie," Shannon replied, taking the edge out of her voice. Looking at her still-sniffling Cammy standing there in his undies, she was starting to get an idea. "You need to put some clothes on, sweet pea, before you get cold. Come with me into my room."

Cameron sniffled. "I don't have any other clothes here, I can just-"

"Shhh..." she interrupted, "It's okay, come on, sweetie." She grabbed Cameron firmly by the hand and led him into her room, ignoring his protests. She led him into her bedroom and had him sit down on the edge of the bed. He was still crying a bit, just a few sniffles now. "Sit there for a minute, I'll be right back with something for you to wear." Cameron was puzzled, not sure what she was talking about. There's no way his Shannon was going to have anything he could wear. He knew that his girlfriend's wardrobe was extremely feminine; she barely even wore pants. He certainly wasn't going to wear any of her dresses or skirts, but maybe she had some sweatpants and an old oversized t-shirt somewhere?

Shannon left him on the bed and went into her oversized walk-in closet. She smiled to herself, excited about dressing up Cammy in girly stuff and tilting the balance of power in the relationship even farther toward herself. It wasn't just power stuff, though, she knew he'd look very cute all dolled up and the thought of him in her clothes turned her on. What to have him wear, though? She was confident that a lot of her panties would fit him, because even though he had a bigger waist than her, she was a little taller than him and knew her bigger hips would make up the difference. The rest of the outfit would be trickier. Though they were both slender people, he didn't have anywhere near her lithe feminine figure, so anything form-fitting was out.

She had a few things that fit her a little too loosely, though, so it wasn't a problem. In the end, she chose a yellow empire-waist dress with a ruffle around the neckline and and hem, and several layers of ruffles on the little drape sleeves. To go underneath, she selected a pair of white cotton bikini panties with the word "Princess" on the butt in pink, and with a pink ruffled trim. The pink-and-white panties didn't really match the yellow dress, but they had similar ruffles and she decided to go with the ruffled motif. She didn't bother with a bra; the chest of the dress would be a little loose but not drastically so.

"One more sec, Cammy," she called. She hung dress on the hook on the back of the closet door and bunched up the panties and held them behind her back before going back into the bedroom. She stood in front of Cammy and noticed that he was still crying. "It's okay sweetie, I've got some clothes for you. Go ahead and stand up." Cameron complied and she took the panties out from behind her back and held them in front of him. "Take off your undies and put these on, Cammy." Cameron recoiled.

"Those are panties! I'm not wearing those! I'm not wearing any girl clothes!" he said, starting to shout.

"Don't raise your voice to me, Cammy! When I spanked you, you started crying like a little girl. If you're going to cry like a little girl, I want you to dress like one. Besides, it's just until your clothes get through the wash and nobody's going to know except for me."

"Can't I just wear my own underwear under girl clothes, then? Come on Shannon, they're panties..."

"No, the material of your underwear is too rough. It will mess up my clothes." This was a lie, she just wanted him in panties very badly. "Besides, earlier you said that you'd wear anything I want to make me happy. Don't you want to make me happy, Cammy, sweetie?" Cameron looked unsure.

"I don't know..." he started to say, but Shannon interrupted him.

"Well, honey, your options are to wear what I want you to wear, or you can walk home right now in your underwear. What's it going to be?" He sighed and held out his hands for the panties and she handed them over.

"Ugh, these say 'Princess' on them," he said, after holding them up and getting a better look. Shannon beamed and clapped her hands gleefully.

"Of course, sweet pea, they're little princess panties for my little Princess Cammy." She helped him put them on, crouching down and holding them open near the floor for him to step into the leg holes. She then slowly worked them up his legs, giving him sweet little kisses on his lower legs and thighs as she slowly stood up. She pulled the seat of his panties up snugly around his butt cheeks, and then gave the tip of his cock a little kiss and a teasing flick with her tongue before pulling the front of the panties into place. She stood back to admire the whole effect so far and noticed that Cameron was blushing.

"Aww, sweetheart, you look adorable." she said, giggling.

"I feel stupid," Cameron said, embarrassed. He couldn't believe he was wearing ruffled panties. And they said 'Princess' on the butt! How shameful.

"Aw, honey, you're not stupid. You'll feel better when you have the whole outfit on. Let me grab your dress."

"Dress?!" he said, alarmed.

"Shhhhh, Cammy, one second." Shannon skipped back over to the closet and grabbed the dress off of the hook. "Ta-da!" she said, holding it front of him. Cameron groaned, but didn't object this time as she helped him into the dress, letting him step into it. She pulled it up his body slowly, like the panties, and repeated the act of kissing his body, this time working her way up his back instead of his legs. She draped the frilly sleeves over his shoulders and zipped up the back. The dress was just barely too small for him; it zipped all the way up but she couldn't quite get the hook at the top of the zipper closed. Didn't matter. She walked around to view him from the front and made a few adjustments, centering the dress around his shoulders and tugging the skirt into the proper place. Cameron started to turn toward the tall mirror in her room.

"Can I see myself?" he asked.

"Not yet, Princess," she giggled, "Let me do your hair and makeup real quick." She noticed him starting to object. "Shhh, cutie, I'll take it off before you leave." She sat him back down on the bed and looked at him critically for a second. "Your hair's not long enough. We'll have to do the best we can." His blonde hair was a bit shaggy and longer than some men's, but not long enough to do anything especially feminine. She considered giving him a quick pixie cut, but didn't want to push her luck this early and ended up just putting it into two pigtail-esque bunches with a couple of yellow hair ties. It was cute enough and sort of looked like what you'd do with a toddler girl's hair when it wasn't long enough yet. For makeup, she just applied some mascara to give him pretty lashes, a little bit of eyeliner to bring out his baby blues, and a dab of color on his cheeks. She finished it off with some adorable pink lip gloss.

"Can I see yet?" Cameron said, still feeling embarrassed and wondering how ridiculous he looked. Shannon laughed.

"Aren't you an impatient little princess! Come on, then, sweet pea." She took him by the hand again and led him to the mirror. She heard him give a cute little high-pitched gasp as he got a good look at himself.

Cameron was shocked by what he saw. He expected to look completely ridiculous. You could still tell he was a boy in a dress - he didn't pass as woman or anything - but he was an astonishingly pretty boy in a dress. She did excellent work on his face (and as well as possible on his hair) and though he was stil noticeably male, he looked cuter and more feminine than any boy he'd ever seen. The dress seemed to fit him well. The frilly, ruffled drape sleeves camouflaged his slightly-wide shoulders and the skirt poofed out below the empire waist, hiding his lack of feminine hips and butt. The ruffled hem hit him about mid-thigh. He hadn't shaved his legs, but he was not a very hairy guy to begin with and the fine blond hairs were not noticeable. Cameron couldn't believe how cute and girly he looked, and he felt so feminine like this, too. He swished the skirt around his legs a bit, savoring the sensation and shuddering as little thrills of feminine energy darted through his body.

"How about a curtsey, Princess?" said Shannon, laughing. Her voice brought him back from his little trance. Cameron's face went crimson and he could feel his cock starting to grow in his princess panties. The embarrassment, combined with the new feminine sensations, was really starting to turn him on. Shannon couldn't see his growing erection through the dress's poofy skirt, but she was incredibly aroused too. Both because of how girly she had made her boyfriend and the rush of power she got from dressing him like a sissy. Shannon was just beginning to realize how much power and control turned her on, and she was soaking wet.

While Cameron was trying to process whether or not his arousal at being feminized meant that he was gay, Shannon turned on her bedroom stereo and set it to some slow, romantic song he didn't recognize, and slipped on a pair of wedge sandals. She was already taller than him, but since Cameron was barefoot, she had him by about four inches now.

"Dance with me, Cammy," she said, not really giving him an option. Shannon put his hands on his waist and Cameron put his hands on her shoulders, but she moved him closer so that he had no choice but to rest his forearms on his shoulders and let his wrists kind of dangle behind her. They were dancing like high-schoolers at prom, just swaying back and forth to the music. It felt nice. Cameron caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and was astonished at how absurdly feminine he looked this way, even more than when he was just standing in front of the mirror. They kept dancing. Shannon pulled him closer and was able to feel his erection through his dress, poking her in the leg. She gave him a devilish grin.


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