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The Ride

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Katie goes for the surprise ride of her life.
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Katie stepped through the door into the small office, looking around noticing the small framed man sitting behind the desk in a sharp looking black pin-striped suit. It was accented by a bright green tie, which was wrapped around a deep black suit shirt. As the door closed behind Katie, the man looked up from his computer. "Hello dear, how can I help you?"

Katie looked around the office, trying not to make eye contact with the man, who Katie thought, seemed to be giving off many signs that he might be gay. While looking at the various pictures on the wall Katie replied, "I um. I'm here for, ah. I have an appointment for 4:30 pm." "Oh?" said the man in the green tie. "Let's see." as he looked at a calendar on his desk. "Ah, yes, right here. Miss Gregg?" Katie nodded in confirmation. "Very good!" said the man as he began to shuffle through papers on his desk.

A moment later, Katie was sitting in a chair, filling out the various forms. Liability releases, medical information, the works. After about ten minutes Katie had completed all of the forms in the small stack of paperwork, and she returned them back to the man in the green tie. Flipping through the paperwork, to make sure that everything was there and signed correctly, he placed the paperwork in a folder and put it in his desk.

"Very good! Are you ready to begin your next phase of your experience?" Katie nodded that she was. Still trying to hide her bright red face because she was embarrassed, she followed the man in the green tie, to the door at the back of the office. Stepping through, the man in the green tie whispered to Katie. "It's ok, I went through this experience as well, when I first started here, I think you will find it very exciting."

Katie followed the man through the door and down a long hallway. After a little distance, the man in the green tie came to a door and stopped. He proceeded to unlock the door, and motion Katie into it. Katie stepped through as requested. Stepping into the room, Katie noticed that it looked very much like a doctor's office exam room. This confused Katie, because the brochure she had flipped through didn't say anything about a medical exam. Though the brochure didn't really give much detail as to what would happen in general either. Following Katie into the room, the man in the bright green tie, motioned to the closet against the far wall. "Please take your clothes off and put them in there.

Your technician will be along in a few moments to take you to the next phase of your experience." with that, the man in the bright green tie, vanished behind the closing door. Katie was left to herself, winding what was going to come next. After a moment of random though, she realized that she should get out of her clothes as she had been instructed to. First Katie removed her coat and pants, hanging the coat, and folding the pants and placing them on the shelf. Next came her shirt, which was hung along with the coast. Finally she was left with just her bra and panties. She reached behind her back and undid the clasp that held her bra together, letting it fall, she folded it and placed it on the shelf, and she then stepped out of her panties. A skimpy little thong her boyfriend very much loved to see her in.

She guessed her boyfriend Michael had a panty fetish, as he was constantly buying her skimpy new underwear any chance he could. This didn't bother Katie, but she felt she wasn't attractive enough to wear the skimpy things he brought home, though he insisted that she did.

After placing the last of her clothes into the closet and closing the door, Katie realized that it was a bit cool in the room she was in. Looking around, she noticed a towel lying at the foot of the exam table. She picked up the towel and wrapped shelf in it, to protect the little bit of modesty that she had left.

A couple of minutes passed, then there was a knock on the door. "Miss Gregg, may I come in?" came a female voice. "Come in." replied Katie. With that, the door opened, and entered a pretty looking Brunette. "Hello Miss Gregg, I am Sarah, I will be your technician for the next step for the experience. I see you found the towel that was laid out for you. Now, if you could please follow me to the next room, we will start the process." Sarah motioned towards the door, and led Katie out into the hall again. Katie followed Sarah down the hall till Sarah stopped at a door and unlocked it. "Please step inside Miss Gregg."

Katie stepped inside the room, followed by Sarah. With the click of the door behind her, Katie took in the room. I was quite bare, with only a small counter and cabinet in one corner of the room, and a platform in the middle of the room with ramps on all sides of it. "I'll take your towel now Miss Gregg." Sarah said as she held out her hand to take the towel. After reluctantly handing over the towel to Sarah, which she placed, folded on the counter in the corner of the room. Katie hadn't been naked in front of another woman since high school during gym, when she would shower and change with the other girls in the Locker room, and that had been about, ten years ago now.

"Now Miss Gregg, if you could please kneel on the platform over there, we will get started. There is padding for your knees and legs, so you will be comfortable." Sarah stated as she pointed to the platform in the middle of the room. Katie hesitantly made her way over to the platform and knelt as she was asked. The padding was slightly uncomfortable until Katie leaned forward putting her weight on her hands and the fronts of her knees.

Right as she found the most comfortable position for the pads, she felt metal slide around her wrists, and click into place. Katie also felt, bands wrap around her ankles and just below her knees. Katie, panicked, let out a scream, "What is going on!" from the corner where the counter was Katie heard Sarah say, "Don't panic Miss Gregg, everything is OK, you are perfectly safe. It is just part of the experience."

Katie didn't know what to do, she was trapped, and her mind was spinning. Then Sarah came around to face Katie with something in her hands. "Here, this is a breathing tube, it feeds 100 percent oxygen, it will help you calm down." Sarah said, as she slipped the oxygen tube around Katie's ears, and slid the two nose pieces into Katie's nose. "Now for the next part." said Sarah as she slipped a black sleeping type mask over Katie's eyes. Katie didn't like not being able to see what was going on, she felt even more vulnerable.

"Now, if you could open your mouth wide please." asked Sarah. Before Katie could connect the dots as to why Sarah wanted Katie's mouth open, she found out. Somehow Sarah had tricked Katie into opening her mouth, and fastened a gag or sorts in her mouth. It felt like a metal ring, with and open hole in the middle. "What the hell is going on?" Katie thought to herself. She tried to protest but the gag made that a futile attempt. "Now for the last part, I don't want to startle you Miss Gregg, I am going to put some underwear on you." Sarah announced.

With that, Sarah started putting a pair of latex feeling panties on Katie. However what Katie wasn't expecting was the large dildo that slid into Katie's pussy. "Don't worry Miss Gregg. It is attached to the underwear." Sarah said, trying to relax Katie. "Just one more to slide in." Sarah said nonchalantly. "Just one more!" thought Katie. With that, Sarah slide another large dildo into Katie's ass. Katie winced as the large cock like object slid deep into her tush. After Sarah finished tying the sides of Katie's underwear together. Katie heard what sounded like panels being locked together.

After the fourth lock clicked into place, Sarah spoke. "Now Miss Gregg, I am going to fill the container with the molding gel, I don't want you to panic, you are completely safe." with that, there was one more click, which sounded like the lid of the container was being locked, then Katie felt the Luke warm goo start to flow in around her. Up over her knees, around her stomach, over the tops of her shoulders, then finally around her head. Katie started to panic, the thought she was going to drowned. A moment later she could hear Sarah yelling. "Miss Gregg, it will take about 15 minutes for the material to harden and solidify. I'll check back with you then."

Katie struggled, unable to get free, after some time had passed she heard Sarah's voice again. "Ok Miss Gregg, you have completely hardened, and we have cut a hole to your mouth for you. We are going to wheel you to the next phase of your experience." Katie thought to herself, "Oh god, there is another phase? What else could there be?"

A moment later, Katie could feel her molded form being wheeled along a hall of some kind. It felt long and straight. After a few moments of the vibrations of the container moving, she felt the vibrations stop. Katie then heard Sarah's voice again. "Miss Gregg, you are all set up, and before I forget, there is button on the floor near your left index finger. If you, during your experience get overwhelmed and need a moment to breath, press the button once, and it will give you a moment to catch your breath." with that, Katie's dark world went silent.

After a couple of minutes, and to Katie's surprise, a video screen came to life in front of her. The inside of the eye mask was a video screen of some kind. And Katie could start hearing a voice outside her compartment, it was a woman's voice. After a moment of listening, it sounded to Katie like a porno of some kind had started playing. As Katie was trying to listen to the voice, some words popped up onto the screen in front of her.

'Time served: zero hours.'

'Time remaining: twelve hours.'

'We hope you enjoy your experience.'

After a few seconds, the words disappeared, and the video changed to a security looking camera, that was facing what looked like a dirty alley, and was focused on a woman on her knees, wearing only a skimpy G-string and bra. "What is going on?" thought Katie. Then she noticed a man come into view from the corner of the camera. He walked up to the woman on her knees, and slid a bill into a little podium beside the woman. After the bill was accepted, the man started undoing his pants. Katie thought to herself. "So I just have to sit here and watch porn for twelve hours? I can't be that bad?"

Katie watched as the man put his hands around the woman's head, and then slide his visibly hard cock into her mouth. What Katie wasn't expecting, was to find her mouth filled with a cock at the very same instant. "OH MY GOD!!!!!!" thought Katie, as she tried to scream, but it was no use, the man's cock had filled her mouth so much she could barely breathe. She watched terrified, as the man thrust in and out on the video screen. Each time he pushed his hard cock into the woman's mouth, Katie's mouth was filled with the same thing. After a moment she connected the dots.

She was the woman on the screen, or at least, in the woman on the screen. The man trusted in and out for another moment or so, then Katie felt something she hadn't anticipated, she felt the man shove his cock deep into her mouth, and his cock stiffened, just before he squirted a large load of sticky hot cum into her mouth. Katie had no choice but to swallow the cum; and before she could even get it all down, Katie watched the man pull his pants back up and walked away.

Katie sat there, mortified that she had just been forced to give some stranger a blowjob and forced to swallow his cum. what would Michael think of her? She thought. She had never given anyone a blowjob before. And she had promised Michael that she would allow anyone to touch her without first discussing it with him, and having him present. While Katie was distracted in thought of what had just happened, she did not see another man walk up to the woman on the screen, and insert a bill into the feeder beside the woman. Again to Katie's very startled surprise, she felt another hard cock shove its way into her mouth. The man shoved in and out a few times, that is when Katie notice the man didn't seem very happy, as he pulled his cock out and started stroking it. That was the same time that Katie noticed a sign hanging over the lady on the screen.

'Cock sucking cum slut for your enjoyment'

'Use her; abuse her as you see fit.'

'If she is being a bitch, try flipping the switch.'

'Cost is $5.00 per blowjob.'

Katie could feel her face get very hot from the embarrassment, she had unknowingly offered herself to become a cock sucking slut. Katie then watch the man look at the sign, then down at a small button on the podium. The man pushed the button and continued stroking his cock. As soon as the button was released, Katie felt the dildo that was in her pussy spur to life. Vibrating, and flexing in her pussy, pushing all the right buttons, and within moments Katie was dripping wet, and moaning in pleasure. The noises that Katie was unknowingly making apparently pleased the man, and he slid his still hard cock back into the woman's/Katie's mouth. Katie was slightly startled by the cock again, though this time she was visibly distracted with the cock in her pussy, having its way with her. She had orgasmed at least three times by the time the man had released his load into her mouth. This man wasn't as long as the previous, and couldn't reach as far back into Katie's throat when he came.

Katie got the full load and ample time to taste the man's juice, as he let his cock go limp in her mouth before pulling it out. It was a salty taste though not unpleasant to taste. Once the man had removed his cock from her mouth, he pulled up his shorts and left. Katie continued to hit another orgasm, and cum once again. Katie notice a third man, very large and well-built step up and insert his money, then remove his pant. Katie's eyes got wide as she saw how large this man's cock was.

He started to slide his cock into Katie's mouth. Deeper and deeper, cutting off Katie's access to air, he pushed far enough in that he had hit the back of Katie's throat. Katie didn't know what to do and started panicking. And write as she started panicking she was struck with another orgasm.

Katie was getting overwhelmed, as the man started cumming in her mouth. The man had such a large load of cum, he started filling up any open space in Katie's mouth, with his hot, sticky, goo. Katie could only remember one thing, what Sarah had told her earlier, that if she needed a moment, to press the button by her hand. Katie moved her finger over, and felt for the button, and pressed it. A second later, the man's cock was out of her mouth, and she felt a device moving about her mouth. Like the suction devices that dentists use.

It was sucking up the entire load of cum, and giving Katie a chance to breath. However to Katie's surprise, the dildo in her ass began to flex, Katie recognized the type of flexing that it was doing, it was the same kind of flexing that Michael would do just as he was about to cum. Then it hit her, "Oh god, please don't cum in my ass! Michael will never understand!" Katie thought as the device fired the hot sticky load into Katie's ass.

Just as the device was done release its load into Katie, another man was on the woman in the screen and shoving his cock into her mouth. The process continued and the man came and Katie was again forced to swallow. This happened at least twenty more times. Exhausted Katie was watching the screen hoping that no one else would show up. Then some words flashed on to the screen.

'Time served: one hour.'

'Time remaining: eleven hours.'

'We hope you are enjoying your experience.'

The words flash off the screen shortly after, but Katie's mind was in a whirl. "It couldn't have only been an hour, it had to have been longer than that." Katie thought. However to Katie's dismay, and breaking her train of thought, she noticed a man walk into view. "Here we go again." she thought. But to Katie's surprise, she saw four other men walk into view as well. "Oh no, this is going to be a long one." she thought. She watched as all the men stripped down from the waist down. The first man shoved his cock into Katie's/the woman's mouth, while the other men watched and stroked themselves.

The man thrust in and out for a moment, then pulled out to let another man go. At this same time, one of the men, pushed the button on the podium, making the dildo in Katie's pussy increase in speed and flexing, as well as cause the one in her ass to come to life too. The men proceeded to swap out overt few thrusts, till they each got a couple of turns face fucking. Katie/the woman in the screen. Then finally it happened, the first man shoved his dick into Katie's mouth and came, but before Katie could swallow his large load, another man jumped in and took his place, and came in Katie's mouth as well.

This continued till all five men had cum in Katie's mouth. Katie was panicking very ad at this point, she couldn't breathe, and her head was starting to get fuzzy from the lack of oxygen. She smashed the button down over and over with her finger. Finally the device came down and started sucking out the sticky hot juices. Then the dildos in both her ass and pussy started pumping as if they were going to cum. And a moment later both dildos came at the same time.

However this time, they kept squirting and squirting, over and over, it felt like the squirting lasted for 10 minutes. Katie's pussy was completely full of cum, and her ass was very full as well. Katie thought to herself through embarrassment, "where did that all come from?"

As Katie caught her breath, she saw another man come into view, and the process started all over again. This continued, over, and over, and over. Man after man kept cumming, fucking Katie's mouth, sometimes there were groups of men that would take turns, and sometimes there were single men. All the while Katie had the dildos in her running at full speed, fucking her. Cum filled holes.

*Hours later*

Katie's looked on as the man was pulling up his pants and walking away, she was filled with cum, and she was thoroughly exhausted. As the man walked out of view, some words flashed onto the screen.

'Time served: twelve hours.'

'Time remaining: zero hours.'

'We hope you enjoyed you experience.'

The message fade and Katie was again returned to her black surroundings, all she could do was sit in silence waiting to find out what would happen next. After a couple minutes passed, she felt the vibrations like she was being moved again. The vibrations continued for a couple minutes more, then they stopped. Katie figured they had come to wherever they had planned to take her. A moment later Katie heard Sarah's familiar voice. "Don't worry Miss Gregg, we will have you out momentarily." and sure enough, a moment or so later, Katie felt the cool air of the empty room she had been in before, breeze across her glistening skin.

Sarah continued to remove the material around Katie, till Katie was once again left bare naked, strapped to the platform. As Sarah was disposing of the last of the material, there was a knock at the door. Sarah moved to open the door. "Ah, excellent timing, I was told to be expecting you." Sarah said to the unknown individual. Katie couldn't tell who was there, because she was still blinded by the mask over her eyes. Then she heard Sarah again.

"Well I will leave you to examine her. I hope everything will be satisfactory for you." she said to the unknown person. And with that there was the click of the door closing, leaving Katie all alone with the unknown person. A moment later she felt the person undoing the sides of her latex panties. Katie had become intrigued by those, they had been cool to the touch when they were first put on her, but soon after grew warm as they absorbed her body heat. The warmth had felt very good against her pussy. Now the person was removing them from her, as well as the two dildos from her ass and pussy.


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