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The Ride

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Who got ridden?
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The Ride: What got ridden?

I'm Janet Jeffries. My husband John and I run the seventeenth most profitable CPA firm in Chicago. We met in graduate school where we were fourth and fifth best in our MBA class. Surprisingly, it was as torrid an affair as you could get between two accountants. That would be mildly warm for normal people. We would be celebrating our 25th anniversary. While I was brought up in Chicago, as a teenager I was horse crazy. My parents enrolled me in a riding school, and from the ages of 14 to 17, I spent eight hours a week riding and grooming horses. Somehow the demands of college ended that, and I have been on a horse only six times since we were married. John's parents were financial advisors in Boise Idaho. Our kids took after John's parents and are working on Wall Street. With the kids gone, I have been in a bit of a funk.

John picked up on my mood, and found a solution. It was not hard for him pick up, I made sure he was suffering from my discontent. He booked us for a couples 4 day dude ranch riding trip in Montana. It included riding in both the prairie and the foothills of some large mountains. The scenery would be lush and varied. John assured me that it was not full roughing it. There would be a cabin to sleep in at the end of each day, and the cabin would be stocked with food and our luggage, so we only had to carry a single day's provisions on horseback.

Our guide, Matt, was in his mid thirties, darkly tanned, rail thin and muscular. They were livestock working muscles, not gym weight lifting ones. One look at him and I was thinking thoughts that no married woman should have, and I never had before. Okay I had those thoughts about the Toms, Cruise and Seleck, but seldom about anyone I could get near enough to touch.

I was surprised at how well John could ride. He laughed, my parents worked in Boise but we lived on my paternal grandfather's ranch. He was one of the pioneers who built Idaho. Horse and truck were our main form of transportation. I even brought a few souvenirs from my grandfather on this trip.

I was surprised at how quickly I adjusted to horseback. I expected to have a sore behind the first day, but it wasn't a problem. The issue was my vagina. I was overstimulated, but I didn't know if it was the saddle or Matt. Somehow I didn't think it was John. I was thrilled when Matt offered to massage John and me to remove any kinks from our first day in the saddle. John was really happy with his massage. My massage was proper, his hands touched a lot of my breasts and were awfully high on my thighs. I was not sure if I thought it was too sexy or not sexy enough. I was leaning towards that his hands should have been higher on my thighs.

On the second day, we were in the foothills and the scenery was gorgeous. We must have seen seven waterfalls. Matt was careful to position us to get the best views. His arms were around me for most of the time. It was just for the scenery, right?! Matt again massaged us when we reached the cabin. I insisted that my thighs needed work. He did the whole of my thighs and even worked the flesh above them. Of course it was just to keep me fit for our next day, right?!

On the third day we were higher in the mountains. The scenery was even better than the previous day, but the riding was tougher. We were really tired when we reached the last cabin. It was in a woodsy part of the mountains. Matt and John went to see to the horses.

Matt came back and started my massage. He said that this was the last day that John could relive his childhood. So John wanted to take care of the horses himself. It would take an hour. I reveled in Matt's touch. Somehow all my clothes disappeared, and Matt's tongue was in my mouth. I was shocked and pushed him away, not! I returned the kiss with interest. I spread my legs and he entered with one stroke. I was never this wet.

His third erection was in me, when I heard, "So this is my anniversary?" John was watching us while holding a Colt revolver. "This is my grandfather's gun. He taught me to shoot when I was 13. We had shooting contests. He stopped the contests when I beat him the fifth time in a row. He never could take losing. Some people like water boarding, some like sodium pentathol, but I think the Colt is the best truth serum. Matt, how many orgasms did you give her?"

"Three I think."

The gun was now pointed at me.

"How many?, Janet."


"Damn it, Janet, you just cost me $50. Matt, your tip is $200 above your fee."

"What?, you set this up? What is going on?"

"Matt is our anniversary present. Are you out of your funk?"

"Yes, it was such a wonderful present, even the thriller ending with the Colt. How will I ever match it."

"You don't have to. It was not your gift, but our present. Matt saw to me while we were doing the horses. You are not the only one with illicit urges."

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SauercloutSauerclout4 months ago

I mean, think about how profitable that business would be

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I can just imagine the phone call. “Yes, hi, I’m calling to find out more about your trail ride packages. Hmm, four days…all meals included…cabins to sleep in…..sounds great. Let me ask you something, do you have a trail guide that will fuck my wife and also suck my dick?”

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Oh that’s funny, good one

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

Loved the twist. Good husband

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