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The River and the Moon

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Horny cousins do a lot more than kiss under the stars.
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[This is a quick, standalone incest romance that expands on a brief scene in my earlier story Waterfalls. You can read it on its own without any knowledge of that story. The characters may reappear in future stories, though no distinct series is currently planned.

Be aware, this story features cousin incest, drunk sex, exhibitionism and some pissing. Avoid if any of that troubles you.

All characters involved in sexual situations are aged over 18.]


It wasn't the best seat in the house; a tight wood-panelled alcove with barely enough room for a small round table and two creaky, long-legged wooden chairs. At least it offered a little privacy. The sun had just gone down, and the pub was packed to the rafters. Already warm with the pervasive summer heat, the interior was getting ever hotter and more humid as more people kept turning up. Every table was occupied, with newer arrivals leaning against the walls and spilling out onto the street outside. It seemed like half the town was queuing up at the bar.

Luke savoured the cold bitterness of his lager amid the close heat. It felt oddly like being back home in Brisbane, where ice-cold beer was a true lifesaver in the summertime. But he was in better company here.

Sitting opposite him, smiling over her half-drunk beer, was Sadie, his first cousin. She was eighteen, a year younger than him, petite with long golden-brown hair that flowed over her shoulders and framed her sweetly delicate face. Her big hazel eyes sparkled with a playful energy, animated and mirthful. Every time Luke looked into those eyes, he felt an intense urge to kiss her.

They'd been drinking and chatting here in this cosy nook for a couple of hours now, as the place grew steadily noisier and more crowded around them. Luke was three pints down already and well into his fourth, while Sadie was working on her third. Both cousins were on the fine line between tipsy and drunk. Luke's head buzzed enjoyably, and the clamour and bustle of the other drinkers seemed very far away. Right now, the beer in his hand and the girl in front of him were his whole world.

"What are you thinking, right now?" Sadie asked abruptly, leaning forward over the rickety little table. "Don't try to make something up. Just tell me what's on your mind this exact second."

It was the kind of question Sadie liked to ask, Luke had noticed. Something out of left field, more of a dare than a request. And always delivered with that lovely mischievous look on her face.

"I'm thinking, it's weird seeing you with your clothes on," he replied. "What are you thinking?"

Sadie took a long drink of her pint. She always surprised Luke with her ability to put the beers away. He'd assumed a skinny thing like her would be a dainty wine drinker, but she could keep up with him as well as any Australian girl he'd known.

She showed her teeth in a cheeky grin. "I'm thinking, it's weird being this close to you without having you inside me."

Hearing that made Luke's cock stiffen instantly in his jeans. His mind whirled with heavenly memories of what they'd done together, and the giddy anticipation of lots more to come.

The last time he'd been here, years before, the two of them had been shy, pimply high schoolers, both well aware of their mutual attraction but too nervous to act on it. In the intervening time, he'd seen on Sadie's social media how beautiful she had become. It had been like watching the slow blossoming of some exotic summer flower. Their occasional video calls, her cute smile beaming at him from the other side of the world, had only fuelled his frustrating long-distance crush on her. He gradually got over his adolescent awkwardness and started dating, but his mind kept going back to Sadie, even during sex. No Aussie girl, however gorgeous, could excite him the way she did. When he planned out his gap year, he made sure to schedule an extended visit to her side of the family. He didn't have any idea what he was going to do, beyond a vague intention to seduce her, and a hope that she still wanted him as much as he wanted her.

What he hadn't expected was her newfound confidence and flirtatiousness. It turned out shy little Sadie had been having plenty of sex, and she was keen to have more. She'd been the one to make the first move, a couple days after Luke landed. It had felt like winning the world's greatest lottery.

Since then, they'd been going at it insatiably, unable to keep their hands and lips and tongues off each other. They had to act platonic at Sadie's house, but the sweltering summer weather gave them a good excuse to roam outdoors. Day after day, they headed out into the cedar forest behind the house, laid down blankets in a sun-soaked clearing, got pleasantly drunk and stoned together. Then their clothes would come off, Sadie's tipsy laughter turning to gasps and moans as Luke's fingers and tongue caressed her pussy. When she was good and wet and pleading for his cock, he would generously slide himself into her. And the two of them would fuck and fuck and fuck in the shade of the trees, their cries of joy rising into the cloudless sky above, until they were too worn out to continue.

Sometimes, they went skinny-dipping in a nearby millpond, or rambled further out into the countryside for a picnic. Luke didn't really mind where Sadie took him, as long as it was secluded enough for them to fuck. Each afternoon, they headed home sore and tired and radiantly happy, contentedly holding hands, with his fresh cum seeping out of her pretty little cunt.

So far, Sadie's parents and brothers seemed cheerfully oblivious to it all. Luke intended for them to stay that way. His own parents -- both devout Anglicans -- didn't need to hear that he'd been fucking their favourite niece.

But she was so gorgeous, he was happy to take the risk.

"I was thinking that, too," he told her. "Feels like way too long since I was in there."

"Luke, we had sex, like, four hours ago," Sadie said sardonically.

Luke widened his eyes in theatrical shock. "Four whole hours? Wayyyy too long."

"Is this why you're trying to get me drunk?" Sadie nodded at the empty glasses awaiting collection on the tabletop.

"Is it helping?"

Sadie sipped her beer with a thoughtful smile. "Totally. I can feel myself getting easier by the second."

"Lemme know when you're ready, I'll fuck you right here on the table for the whole place to see."

"Luke! Keep your voice down," Sadie giggled, glancing around at the other patrons. "My parents could be in here somewhere. This is their local."

"I'll fuck you gently, then," Luke quipped, receiving a playful kick under the table in response.

"Seriously, though, be more gentle next time. I'm actually kinda sore."

Luke's cock twitched at the memory. He hadn't meant to fuck her so hard that afternoon, but she'd moaned so loudly, and cum so messily, that there was no question that she'd enjoyed it. "Hey, if I was hurting you, you should have said something. Other than 'oh, yes, fuck me'."

She gave him an annoyed look, which quickly turned salacious. "It was a pretty good fuck," she allowed. "I was worried they might hear us back at the house."

"Yeah, you were pretty noisy, cuz."

"You seem to have that effect on me." Sadie looked into Luke's eyes, smiling, biting her lower lip. "Also, I just realised something. I haven't sucked your dick yet today."

Luke's mouth was suddenly dry. His cock was starting to throb. Perhaps the only thing it liked more than being in Sadie's cunt was being in her throat. "I wasn't gonna say anything, but..."

"I miss having it in my mouth," Sadie went on. Her sweet filthy smile grew wider. "It tastes so nice."

"Wanna get out of here?" Luke said, inwardly cheering for joy.

Sadie drained the last of her beer. "Fuck, yes."


Grinning impatiently, tingling with drunken desire, the two cousins left the nook and dodged through the noisy crowd, jostling their way out into the warm moonlit night. Sadie led the way, pulling Luke along by the hand. Only when they were safely around the corner, in a winding shadowed alleyway barely wide enough for them to walk through side-by-side, did she spin on her heel to kiss him on the lips.

Her breath was hot and sweet in his mouth, her lips wonderfully soft. Her tongue stroked over his, nimble and searching. Her hand caressed his cock through his jeans, grabbing it and squeezing it affectionately, as if thanking it for how well it had pleased her earlier that day.

"Oh, wow, he's getting so big and hard," she whispered through the ongoing kiss, affecting a cutesy voice that was irresistibly arousing. "Does he want a nice long suck from cousin Sadie?"

"He definitely does," Luke replied hoarsely.

"Is he gonna ask me nicely for it?" Sadie cooed. Her fingertips massaged Luke's cockhead through the denim.

"Does he have to?"

"No." With one more quick kiss, Sadie sank down to her haunches and reached to unbutton Luke's jeans.

She gazed up and gave him the loveliest smile as she pulled out his uncut cock. He was well on the way to a full erection already, his long shaft curving up to greet her. She kissed it hello and ran her tongue halfway along its length, making him grunt with impatience. She nibbled his foreskin, sucking it with teasing savour. A kiss on the very tip of his thick glans, then she took him lovingly into her mouth, into her warm and waiting throat.

Luke tilted his head back against the alley's worn bricks and groaned in pleasure. His cousin was such a good cocksucker. She blessed his shaft with her tongue, working him deep in her throat, looking up at him with those beautiful hazel eyes the whole time. He didn't dare ask how much she'd practiced to have such effortless skill. The local boys were some lucky bastards.

He stroked her silky hair with one hand, resisting the natural urge to grab her head and force her to deepthroat him even further. She'd told him he was the biggest guy she'd slept with; judging by how she'd whimpered the first time he fucked her, he believed it. He didn't want to choke her.

She sucked him in slow, gentle, teasing pulls, taking her time to worship his thick hard length from root to tip. More than once somebody walked past the alley's entrance, close enough for their shadow to pass across the bricks opposite Luke, but the bend in the alley shielded the cousins from view.

Sadie started to quicken her rhythm, bobbing her head eagerly back and forth on Luke's cock. She didn't break eye contact for a second. Her tongue flicked delightfully over his cockhead. Her saliva dripped off his shaft on each out-thrust. She made little muffled noises of concentration as she took him in her throat again and again, obviously enjoying herself almost as much as he was.

Luke was feeling the first stirrings of his climax when Sadie suddenly stopped her lovely work. Wiping the drool from her lips, she released his gleaming-wet cock and straightened up with a discomfited look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked, trying to conceal his disappointment. He was hard as a rock, balls aching to loose their load. He loved it when girls swallowed his cum, and even more so when Sadie did it.

"Sorry. I know you were close, but I've really, really gotta pee," Sadie said, crossing and uncrossing her legs in an exaggerated fidget.

That didn't do anything to soothe Luke's mighty boner. If anything, it made it harder. A few days earlier, he'd watched Sadie casually relieve herself after sex by the millpond. It wasn't the first time a girl had peed in front of him, but this time was different. Maybe because she was so open and unashamed about it, or just because she was so goddamned beautiful. Whatever the reason, the glittering stream flowing from her pussy had awakened some wicked new lust in him. He'd fucked her senseless as soon as she finished.

Now that she knew it got him going, she let him watch pretty much any time she pissed. And, maybe it was just the heat, but he'd noticed her drinking a lot the last few days.

"You can go here," he suggested, earnestly hoping that he could get her to piss and suck him off at the same time. But almost as he said it, the footsteps and slurred voices of several men began to echo down the alley, quickly getting closer.

Luke cursed, awkwardly tucked away his erect, well-sucked cock, and hastily buttoned his jeans up. He motioned for Sadie to move along quickly before they were spotted.

The two cousins burst out of the alley onto a gravel path that ran parallel to the riverbank, fronting a row of old brick boathouses. There were fewer streetlights out here, creating long stretches of darkness between pools of light. Wooden jetties were spaced along the path at irregular intervals, a plethora of sailing boats, low-roofed houseboats and sleek speedboats tied to them, rocking gently in the water. Luke and Sadie walked fast along the path, away from the indistinct voices, until Luke was sure the drunks had turned off into another street.

"Oh, fuck, Luke, I'm leaking," Sadie complained. "I have to pee soooo bad." Desperate though she may have been, she was smiling; she knew that was exactly what he wanted to hear.

"I gotta piss, too," Luke told her, which was true enough after all that beer. Also, he wanted an excuse to get his cock out again.

"Where are we gonna go?"

"How about there?" He nodded towards the nearest jetty, a haphazard wooden affair which stretched maybe ten yards out into the dark river, a single small sailing boat moored to it. "Take a good old piss in the river."

Sadie looked up and down the path with a nervous smile. "That's right out in the open. Public indecency."

"Sadie, you just sucked my dick in an alley," Luke pointed out, grinning at her. He knew the risk would be turning her on just as it was him. Deciding to lead by example, he crossed the gravel and strode onto the jetty. The weatherbeaten old wooden boards creaked underfoot, but they felt sturdy enough.

"Luke, no, we shouldn't," Sadie laughed, though she hurried after him all the same. "Someone will see. I know people in this town."

"It's dark. It'll be fine," Luke replied. He walked to the end of the jetty, looking out at the dark water, the low waves washing against the riverbanks in a steady soft procession. The boat bobbing silently at its moorings had the name NAIAD painted in black capitals on its white hull. The stars and crescent moon shone in the clear night above, and a warm, pleasant breeze blew in from the far shore. He unbuttoned his jeans.

Sadie came up to stand beside him, giggling nervously, glancing over her shoulder at the riverfront. "We're still near the main road. Someone's definitely gonna come past," she said.

"Piss quick, then, cuz," Luke teased her, fishing out his cock once more. He was still semi-hard from the blowjob, feeling the faint slickness of Sadie's saliva on his shaft.

Tugging her shorts down her slim legs, Sadie squatted on the boards next to her cousin. She steadied herself with one hand and gave Luke a wicked drunken smile. "Let's try and cross streams," she dared him.

Luke sniggered. "Okay. Show me that freaky aim of yours." He began to piss a long arc into the river's dark waves. The intense relief made him shiver. The breeze scattered the droplets around the base of the jetty.

"It's not freaky, it's a skill!" Sadie retorted. She spread apart the pretty lips of her bared cunt and, without a moment's hesitation, urinated into the darkness. Her piss was a focused, laserlike stream, impressively strong and noisy; she really had been desperate. Luke stared, enthralled, and angled his dick to slash his piss across Sadie's. She pulled back on her clit to adjust her aim, until her stream and his formed an elongated X, their twin impact points foaming in the moonlit water.

Sadie's delicate shoulders shook with tipsy laughter as she peed. Her urine sprayed into the tranquil river, each barely-suppressed guffaw making her gush harder. Facing out into the night, she was only half-illuminated by the moon and the glow of the riverfront, but in that soft light the fine contours of her face looked even more beautiful. Her mouth, which minutes before had been busily sucking her cousin's cock, was open in a wide smile of mischievous delight.

She was so utterly perfect. Luke almost blurted out loud that he loved her.

Despite Sadie's warning, nobody walked past the jetty while the cousins were in full flow. Which was lucky, because they'd both had plenty to drink, and they pissed like waterfalls. They slashed their crossed streams gently from side to side, the steady trickle of urine into water merging with the placid slap of the waves on the shore. It was somehow both excitingly naughty and deeply soothing, a moment of shared happiness and peace.

Sadie gave a hot little "Ohhh" of relief when she finally ran dry. Luke caught her staring expectantly at his dangling cock as he wiggled away his last few drops.

"What you looking at, cuz?" he asked her teasingly, turning to face her. The warm night air breezed over his shaft, which was quickly stiffening back to a full erection. The sight of Sadie's bare pussy, her spectacular piss and the sluttish intent in her smile, it was all too much.

"Don't put it away," Sadie said.

"D'you wanna suck it some more?" Luke placed a hand on his hard cock. His heartbeat quickened with arousal. He longed to feel that delightful mouth on him again.

Sadie shook her head. She glanced at the little sailboat at its moorings -- NAIAD. The moon's reflection gleamed faintly on the polished deck.

Looking directly into Luke's eyes, Sadie rose up from her squat, and instead of making herself decent, pulled off her plimsolls and stepped out of her puddled shorts. She stood barefoot and bottomless on the jetty, her gorgeous runner's legs and the neat fuzz on her young vulva fully on show under the hem of her tee shirt. She didn't seem so worried about passers-by any more.

"Fuck me on that boat," she said softly. It sounded like both a dare and a plea.


Sadie nodded, with a smile that was shy yet eager. She planted one small, nimble foot on the boat's hull and hoisted herself up onto the deck in a single quick motion.

Laughing, made brave by lust and booze, Luke followed her, his exposed cock flopping about awkwardly with every step. The boat rocked slightly in the water when he climbed onto it -- he was a lot bigger than slender little Sadie. The varnished wood was more slippery than he'd expected. He half-stood up to check there was nobody coming along the riverfront, and almost lost his balance, grabbing for a railing just in time while Sadie sniggered at his clumsiness.

"If you fall in, I'm not coming to save you," she taunted, laying herself back on the moonlit deck. "We just peed in that water."

"If I fall in, I'm taking you with me," Luke shot back with a grin. He knelt between his cousin's outstretched legs, lowering himself down to kiss her warm lips. The night breeze gusting in from the river set Sadie's long hair dancing around their faces, fine strands catching the moonlight as the kiss grew deep and lustful.

Luke's hand roved up Sadie's flank under her shirt, caressing her flat little belly with the surprisingly hard muscle beneath, slipping higher and higher until he felt the warm swell of her breasts. They were so lovely, not large but soft and shapely and upswept, and he thrilled at the way she sighed into the kiss when he stroked her erect, sensitive nipples. After a moment, still curling her tongue against his, she hiked the shirt up past her collarbone, fully baring her pale beauty to him.

"Luke, fuck me," she whispered. "Please." She undulated her hips, stroking her naked body up against him. He grunted in yearning as her bare leg brushed his hard cock. There was a slick wetness on her inner thigh, some of it probably her piss, but definitely not all of it.


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