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The River God

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Mia has her needs met by someone unexpected.
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Texas looked the best during summertime. Sunlight reaches every leaf on the trees, and every gust of wind is most welcome. Mia watched the dance between Texas and the summer heat while she stood on the bank of the river. She sighed deeply and felt her swimsuit pull against her skin. It had been forever since she had been out in public with so little on. Her boyfriend began to call her from the water.

"Get in babe, it feels great!" Luke said while motioning to the stream. She and Luke began dating several months ago. He was tall, athletic and every bit of gorgeous a teenage girl could ask for. Mia thought that he seemed mostly indifferent to their relationship. At most he would hug her goodbye for class. Mia couldn't help but wonder if a boy his age would be wanting to... experiment more.

Even though the water was mossy green, in the shallow areas she could see clear down to her toes. Mia inched into the water, became still, and waited for the wildlife to continue their routine around her. The fish did just that, swimming around her ankles. Luke suddenly hopped towards Mia, scaring the fish away.

"Hey we're going to go check out the cave at the end of the river, wanna come?" He asked her. He brought her here, did she really have a choice? Slightly annoyed, she began to follow him anyway. She slowly lowered into the water, letting it envelop her as she followed him. The cold was relieving after standing out in the sun. They swam with the flow of the river before coming to the end of the river. Signaled by a group of trees towering over them, engulfing them in the shade. Mia felt cold, immediately missing the heat of the sun. The roots of the trees hung over the bank, almost hiding the opening of the cave Luke had mentioned earlier. "Do y'know what they say about this place?" Jimmy, one of Luke's friends from baseball, said. The three of them began to push into the cave under the roots.

"Just get to the point." Mia snapped with chattering teeth.

"They say if you survive getting to the bottom of the cave, a river god will grant you a wish." Jimmy said with a tone of mischief. Mia just rolled her eyes and said "It's obviously just an alcove and not a true cave." She looked around as best as she could in the darkness, not able to spot any opening that would indicate an underground chamber. The boys began moving side to side behind her, making the water level rise and lower. All three of them heard a sucking sound towards the back of the alcove.

"See! It leads somewhere." Luke said as he moved toward the opening in the wall. He took hold of the roof of the cave and squished his legs into the hole. Suddenly, Mia felt Jimmy behind her holding her hips. "What the hell are you doing?" She said, trying to move away.

"I'm sending a sacrifice to the river god." Both Jimmy and Luke started laughing in the dark. Jimmy began moving her to where Luke had located the hole in the cave. "Should we give her a proper goodbye, Luke?" Jimmy asked the other boy. Luke nodded and Jimmy sandwiched the girl between them. Jimmy's hands began to wander up to her breasts, squeezing them through her swimsuit. She felt his cock harden against her ass, when Luke picked up one of her legs and hooked it around his waist. Luke pressed into her crotch, rubbing her cock against her swimsuit bottoms. Mia could barely grasp what was happening.

After months of nothing between her and her boyfriend, this sudden sexual attention was overwhelming. Mia continued to struggle against the boys while trying not to moan. Luke bent down and began kissing her neck, and then gasped sharply as he bit into her. Mia felt heat low in her belly as the boys violated her. As sudden as the situation was she was almost enjoying it. Luke's fingers began to slip down her swimsuit bottoms in the water. His hand was warm compared to the water and she instinctively spread her legs wider. "Dirty bitch, I think she's liking this." Jimmy said to Luke as he noticed her reaction. Luke laughed into her neck and began rubbing her sex. Mia thrashed against them, realizing the situation had gone too far.

Jimmy yanked on her hair, lifting her head straight up. "Keep struggling and we'll only get rougher. Luke told me that you haven't been with anyone else so if you want your first time to be more pleasurable than painful, you'll act right." He said, growling into her ear. Mia could only gaze towards the sunlight framed by tree roots. She had to be more careful about what she wished for. Luke's fingers kept circling her clit at the same slow pace he started at. Gradually picking up speed and then swooping low to graze her virgin pussy. Mia kept feeling on the verge of orgasm, but Luke moved away each time. Jimmy began pushing down each strap of her top, and shimmied her top down, catching on her waist. Her breasts fell slightly and Jimmy reached back up to grip them. His fingers pinching her nipples and sometimes rolling them between her fingers.

Mia finally gathered herself and kicked Luke in the crotch, and elbowed Jimmy in the face. Both of them swearing in pain and falling to the side off balance. Mia, now released, realized she ended up towards the back of the cave. While the two boys stood at the entrance. "We're gonna finish what we started, slut." Mia's head was still reeling from the inappropriate pleasure. Mia grabbed her tits for modesty that had long been lost and slowly backed up against the back wall. Luke and Jimmy started moving closer to her, but she kept moving looking for the hole in the wall. Right as they were about to grab her, she found the entrance. She took a deep breath, slid her body into the hole, and pushed inwards.

Mia's body had no room to move as she moved down the tube. She had to keep her thoughts calm as she kept moving. Pleading with any god above to not let her die in this tube filled with water. Mia, with barely any breath left, finally collapsed into an open air chamber. Her head collided with the stone floor and she was knocked out.

------------------------------------------------Some time later----------------------------------------------------------

Mia awoke in a dimly lit room. She could feel heat on the side of her body from a fire nearby. She felt the rough fabric of a carpet beneath her as she moved her limbs to an awakened state. Her swimsuit top was still pulled down to her waist, but wasn't soaking wet anymore. Besides the light from the fire, the room was completely dark. She sat up and began gazing around.

"Hello there, I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Mia heard from somewhere in the darkness. The voice was deep and reverberated against the walls. Mia could not see who was talking to her, and she moved her hands to her breasts. "Who are you?" Mia squeaked into the darkness.

"I am Reka, god of this river." He said, moving from out of the shadows to stand before her. His skin was completely onyx, but it shimmered in the firelight. His legs were scaly like a fish, and his tongue was shaped like that of a serpent. Mia stood up alarmed by the being in front of her. The myth that Jimmy spoke of earlier stood just feet away from her now. "I see you survived your journey. Please let me know what you wish for, and I can grant it for you. After the wish is granted you will return to the surface." He said, his voice booming into the chamber. He wore only a sarong at his waist that was tied together by a gold belt. His torso looked strong and smooth and blacker than night. "This cannot be real." Mia said out loud, but more to herself. The creature smirked at her and moved forward. Reka now stood before her, gazing down at her body. With one hand he touched her hair that was beginning to dry and stroked it. "I am absolutely real." He said bending down and exhaling against her neck.

"How do you survive down here?" She asked in her shock. The creature took his other hand, that she now noticed ended in talons, and traced it up her back. Drawing random lines from her left side to the other, and slowly working his way up to her neck. "That's just it, surviving. I stay very, very hungry." He said, pulling back to look at her. His eyes were as dark as his skin, and Mia understood that if he wanted to be, he could be a predator. His meaning was not lost on her and the throbbing she had felt earlier returned to her sex. His talon traced it's way down to her breast, and Mia kept glancing down to see if he had cut her.

"What is your wish, human?" He said. Mia's heart skipped a beat. All that she had wanted was to fuck her boyfriend. Unfortunately, he turned out to be scum.

"I want to have sex." She blurted, surprising herself. Was she really asking this probably ancient being to take her virginity?

Reka laughed. "You want to fuck the river god? Do you even know what a cock looks like?" He asked her. No, but she got the gist of it from the rubbing earlier. She blushed and shook her head no. "Wish granted." Was all Reka said and his talon cut her swimsuit top off. He turned her around so that she was flush with his body, and cut her bottoms off. She had shaved her pussy that day since she'd be in a swimsuit. She glanced down at her smooth mons. It was framed by the tan sides of her stomach and thighs, leaving it bright white against the firelight. Reka's talons raked her pussy lips, eliciting a sharp gasp. She frantically looked for blood, but it seems he didn't cut her after all. Reka turned Mia around and pushed her to her knees.

He cut off his own garment. Revealing a fastly hardening cock. It looked more purple than black, and as it grew it leaned to the side. Mia could see the veins and the knots at the base of his cock. What have I done? Was all she could think.

"Open your mouth." He said. Mia dropped her jaw and he slid his cock into her mouth, going far enough to make her gag. "Breathe out of your nose, it makes it easier." Reka said. With her breathing more steady he pushed deeper, stopping when he saw the tears in her eyes. Mia nodded to him that she was fine and he began the real assault on her throat. With one of his black hands atop her head he began moving it up and down his cock. Reka made sounds that were more animal than creature and that only made Mia wetter.

Ulk, ulk, ulk came from Mia as she gagged on Reka's cock. Mia was locked into anticipation as she imagined what it would feel like to have his cock in her pussy. Finally, Reka pulled out of her throat and pushed Mia onto her back. He took her legs into each of his hands and pushed them up to her shoulders, holding her down with his strength. Mia could feel his long tongue licking from the side of her thigh and grazing her pussy. "Please!" Mia screamed out, not quite sure what to beg for. She heard Reka's deep laughter and then his tongue was on her again. Licking slowly between her lips and stopping at her clit. He licked up and down, over and over, in a lazy fashion that made Mia squirm. Her hips bucked trying to get more. More, more, more.

Reka gazed up at her from her sex, and winked. He slid his tongue inside of her, touching the depths of her that she was unfamiliar with. He fucked her, with short bursts of his tongue. Mia was moaning loudly into the cave, not capable of controlling herself whatsoever. Her hips moving in time with his tongue penetration. Reka removed one hand from her knees and pressed his thumb into her clit, rubbing at the same speed as his tongue. Mia suddenly tensed and her body shuddered.

"Uhhhhh please..." She screamed. Her orgasm rocked through her, she could feel the wave of pleasure all the way up to her ears. "What are you begging for? I'm already doing whatever I want to you." Reka said, mocking her. He laughed again, flipping Mia onto her stomach. Mia could not see what he was doing as he had one hand holding her face down to the carpet. She felt his cockhead at the entrance of her pussy. He barely rubbed into her. Not quite inside of her yet, but still poking in. Reka moved his hand to her neck and forced her torso to lift up. Digging in slightly with his talons. He turned her head to the right so she could gaze up at him, as much as the angle would allow. "I want you to look at me when I take your virginity." He said. Mia kept her eyes on the creature. "How slutty are you that you want to be fucked by a creature such as me?" He said as he slid inside of her.

Mia sharply inhaled as his cocked stretched her pussy. Making her feel so, so full. Reka grunted behind her. "I knew your pussy was going to be tight, but damn you're so wet for me too."

Mia looked at the smirk on his face and she couldn't decide if she regretted this or not. Reka released her neck and began to move inside her. Slowly all the way out and then back in. Mia's nipples brushed against the carpet, the slight pain turning her on even more. "Wait, wait." Was all she could say. "What is it?" He growled, impatient that she intervened. "I want to watch." She said. Suddenly a mirror appeared next to them and she turned her head to gaze at the scene it bestowed.

Reka's black body meeting her pink flesh. His dark purple cock drenched in the wetness from her pussy. Reka looked over to see her face, flush with excitement. He started rutting inside of her again, picking up the pace. His balls slapped at Mia's clit, building another orgasm within her. His cock hit deep inside her over and over, faster and faster. A deeper pleasure compared to his tongue earlier. Even listening to their skin meeting over and over drove Mia wild. Suddenly a slight pain grew between her legs. She looked further down in the mirror and noticed that as Reka pulled out, his scales would catch on her skin, leaving small cuts. His speed was relentless, and Mia's moans were starting to sound as wild as his.

"Wait, you can't finish inside me." Mia managed to get out between breaths. He bent over so that his face was next to hers, not missing a stride, as he said "You wished for sex, slut, cumming is apart of that." Mia jerked into her second orgasm from hearing it. As her pussy pulsed and squeezed around Reka he released inside of her. His groans filled the air. Riding through his orgasm, his pushes into her became slower and slower.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Love this story sbout Mia. Thank you for sharing and would be great to hear some more about her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That was really cool

emotional_masochistemotional_masochistover 2 years agoAuthor

Hi there! Sorry this is my first post. I will make sure to use for the next one. More soon!

competitivespringcompetitivespringover 2 years ago

Really good writing! I recommend including for your story submissions though, just so it makes it easier for people to find it when they use the site's filter function. 5/5

ErinKylesErinKylesover 2 years ago

Oh em gee! You have to continue writing. Please!

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