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Deflowered in My Dorm

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Raped by my drunk friend.
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"Heeeyyy, girl."

I glanced at the open door of my dorm room. I was folding my laundry, humming to my music, basically spacing out and having a fine evening.

"What do you want, Steve?" I muttered as I turned back to my clothes. He was propped haphazardly in my doorway and he looked drunk. Technically, we were underage, but that never stopped half the people I knew. I was in the other half and a little judgmental if I was being honest.

"Just sayin' hiii, jeez. Don't have to be a prick." He took a few steps into my room. "Why're you always so uptight, anyway?"

I rolled my eyes. Steve was usually fun and friendly if a bit arrogant. His room was a few doors away; we lived in co-ed dorms. We weren't close, but we hung out with the same group of friends.

"Leave me alone. You're drunk." Alcohol made him an asshole. One of the reasons I didn't drink -- I liked myself as I was, thanks.

A few seconds later, his shirt landed on my clothes. I scowled and picked it up to throw it back at him.

And blinked, staring at his bare chest.

Fuck, he was hot. His face was a little too broad to be handsome and he wasn't pretty, but he was fit. More than fit. I knew that already -- the muscles on his arms were obvious. I'd just never seen him shirtless before.

My stomach tensed and heat gathered between my legs. I tore my eyes from his abs before I started counting them.

He was smirking at me. "Keep the shirt, baby."

I scoffed and tossed the forgotten piece of clothing at him. He ignored it, just kept leering at me. I pointedly went back to folding my clothes. "Sleep it off, Steve. I can smell you from here."

The alcohol smell grew stronger. His hands were suddenly on my waist and his body against my back. I felt a bulge at my tailbone. My spine tingled, and another rush of heat poured into my core.

I jerked my elbow into his stomach. "Stop it. You want everyone to see you being a drunk perv?"

He grunted and stepped back, glowering and rubbing his gut. "Bitch. I'm just messin' with you."

He walked to the door. Good. He had never been that aggressive before. And my body had never responded to a guy that quickly before.

The door closed. Then clicked again -- locked. And he was still in my room.

I frowned. "What are you doing?"

He stalked toward me. I backed away. My legs hit the edge of my bed, and I stumbled, falling to my butt.

He leaned over me, his hands on the wall. "Maybe if you loosened up now and then, you wouldn't be such an ice queen." His eyes dropped to my lips, my breasts.

I was trembling slightly. "Steve, you're scaring me."

He grinned, then leaned down further, cupping the back of my head before pressing his lips into mine. I gasped.

His tongue dove into my mouth. He tasted like whiskey and coke. I licked his tongue as the fire low in my stomach flared higher and warmer. It wasn't the first time I'd thought about kissing him. Maybe he wasn't the hottest guy at first glance, but he was attractive, even, or maybe more so, with that arrogance.

His hands fell to my shoulders, and I let him push me down as he climbed on top of me, our lips still smashed together. The alcohol on his breath was making me feel drunk, or maybe it was the high of lust. I ran my fingers over his arms, his sides, his chest -- every inch of those muscles I could reach.

He growled into my mouth as he similarly explored my body -- brushing the curve of my neck, grazing my collarbone, then squeezing a breast. His warm hand slipped beneath my low-cut shirt and mauled my flesh. I moaned and arched my back as he rolled my nipple in his fingers.

No one had ever touched me like this. Steve had never shown any interest. That he was groping me while was drunk did bother me some, but not quite enough to want him to stop. He felt good -- his tongue swirling in my mouth, his hand massaging my tits, even his bulge pressing against my thigh was flattering.

He pulled my shirt and bra down, bent his head to suck on my nipple. Oh fuck, I definitely needed to stop him. I whimpered and panted instead, my legs parting as my body twisted in pleasure beneath his touch.

His hand quickly skated down my side, bunching up my skirt and pressing his fingers against my soaking panties before I realized what he was doing. He groaned. "Fuck, you're so wet."

I froze, reality slamming back into me. "Don't touch me there. Steve, we need to stop -- get off me." He was too drunk. I shouldn't have let him touch me. I should've screamed instead of letting him kiss me.

"Mmm, I don't think so," he chuckled. "Baby, you want me." He grinned and jammed a knee between my legs, rubbing his thigh into my crotch. I moaned for a few seconds before gritting my teeth. This was going too far.

I slapped him. Maybe it would knock some sense into him, convince him I seriously didn't want this, or just surprise him long enough to let me get away.

He growled, grabbed my arms, and pinned them above my head, trapping me as he forced my legs apart. I almost moaned again at the weight of his body crushing me, the pressure of his bulge against my mound.

He glared at me. "Fucking cocktease. If you didn't want me to fuck you, why didn't you say somethin' when I closed your door?"

I shook my head and struggled beneath him, my heart pounding. "Steve, please don't do this. You're drunk; you're not thinking straight. Just let me go, please."

He frowned and stared at me. For a moment, I thought he might listen. Then he shifted his grip, holding my wrists with one hand while he unzipped his pants with the other.

"No! Stop! I'll -- I'll scream!" Why hadn't I already? I didn't want to. Not really. The way he was pinning me down, his aggression, the threat -- it all sent tingling heat straight between my legs. What was wrong with me?

I wasn't a one-night-stand kinda girl. I'd never even had sex before. I wanted my first time to be with the right guy -- and definitely not like this.

His bare, hard cock settled over my panties. I flinched. He chuckled. "You want everyone to know I'm fucking you? And how much you want it? You're dripping wet, girl."

I hesitated. He could probably brush it off and make it sound like I was overreacting or something. But a little embarrassment was better than being raped.

I opened my mouth -- and moaned, "Ohh, fuck."

While I was debating with myself, he'd pushed aside my panties and started to rub the tip of his swollen cock on my wet slit. I'd never felt anything like this -- velvety soft yet firm, thick and soaked with my juices, gliding up and down my excited pussy, over and around my sensitive clit. It was rapidly driving all other thoughts out of my head.

There was something important... something I really needed to do...

He pressed that bulbous head at my opening and began to push inside me, the first cock to stretch me open. He groaned. "Fuck, you're tight. And so wet, yeah, you want me, baby."

No, I didn't. No. Oh, shit. I panted, still barely able to force the words out. "Please... no... I've never... I- I'm a virgin. Please don't..."

He paused for a second, then laughed. "No wonder you're such a bitch." Then he pumped his hips, his cock spearing into me with one swift lunge.

"Ah-!" He caught my scream with his mouth, shoving his tongue onto mine, licking me, gliding over my teeth until my cries of pain faded into soft whimpers.

It had hurt, but my body was adjusting -- quickly. My eager pussy clenched tightly at this new sensation of a cock penetrating my body, my throbbing clit sending delightful jolts of lightning beneath my skin as he ground against my entrance. I felt so full in the most incredible way.

I wanted to rub myself against him. I wanted to scream. Tears spilled down my cheeks from the pain. He'd taken my first time -- something that could've been even more wonderful -- and had invaded my body against my will.

He groaned and began to thrust, his lips barely separated from mine, his panting breath falling on my cheeks. "Fuck, baby, you feel good. Don't tell me you're not enjoying this. Oh yeah, little ice queen's pussy is so hot for me."

I was. Hot all over, dripping wet for him, pleasure coursing through my veins. I could feel every inch of his shaft, a beautiful sensation gliding in and out. I moaned and spread my legs wider, lifted my hips to meet his thrusts, to take him deeper and deeper.

I didn't listen to the stupid, irritating voice that said this was a bad idea. I didn't remember that I was supposed to be screaming, except maybe in pleasure.

His cock bumped my cervix. His bare cock. I struggled back into sanity. "Steve... stop... at least... use a condom..." I panted with the last ounce of my willpower.

He buried himself and rolled over my clit. "You got one?"

"No," I whimpered, thrusting back at him, encouraging him to keep fucking me, please fuck me. I couldn't say it, but I begged with my body, with my squeezing pussy.

He withdrew and slammed back in, restarting his hard and fast rhythm, our flesh slapping together. My back arched. He shrugged. "Me neither."

My body shook with every plunge. "Please don't come in me... ahh..."

He grunted. "I'll pull out. Now shut up."

I hummed and moaned and stopped caring. His hard shaft drove all that nonsense far, far away as I was being fucked well and good for the first time in my life. I didn't want him to stop. He was not allowed to stop fucking me.

He groaned and impaled me, holding himself there for a moment. I bit my tongue to stop myself from yelling at him to keep going -- I was so close. He pulled one of my legs up and bent it into my stomach. When he resumed pounding away again, I cried out at the new angle, the depth he was reaching. My other leg wanted to curl up too. No, I wasn't going to help him fuck me. Ahh...

His hard, forceful thrusts shoved the air from my lungs, inciting waves of tingling bliss with every impact. My head dug into the pillow and I gritted my teeth against the glide of his cock inside me, trying to resist every moment that was forcing me, driving me, pushing me over the edge. No, damn it, no.

Yes, fuck yes. "Ah! Steve--!" My legs tensed, my body shuddering as the heat exploded, as I had my first orgasm from a cock fucking me.

He groaned. "Oh, baby, yes, come on my cock. Yeah, that's it, that's so good. I'm gonna cum, baby. Oh fuck, oh, uh, uh, uhhh."

"Ah! Ahhh -- mmnn!" In the midst of my squealing bliss, I barely heard him. He quieted my cries with a kiss, pumping faster as my inner walls pulsed on his shaft. I was too busy riding the intense heat rushing through me.

His thrusts became short and urgent, his hand tight on my wrists, grinding my bones together, his groaning in my mouth long and breathless as his tongue barely moved. Hard, continuous thrusts into my cervix, pounding my clit, forcing my pussy to clench again and again.

But the height of my climax faded and a thought broke through: he was going to come inside me. I relaxed my legs, kicked at him, squirmed my hips -- and shuddered.

"No! No, pull out! No, please, Steve!" I yanked my head away and whined, struggling as I felt his cock swell and jerk. He grunted and rammed my body into the bed, tensing as his hips spasmed and warmth flooded my belly, as he gave my pussy its first load of thick, virile sperm. Oh no. Oh, fuck yes. No no no.

I whimpered in both pleasure and dread as he shoved his head into my neck and groaned. "Fuck, baby, your pussy wouldn't let me go. Mmm, you feel so good."

And so did he. He finally let go of my arms as he finished his last, lazy thrusts. I winced and stretched my abused wrists, then slid my hands over the delightful muscles of his shoulders and back, angling his head closer for a kiss.

He grinned when he broke away. "See, you wanted me." He rolled his pelvis over my mound.

I bit back a moan and scowled at him. "I was a virgin, asshole." I didn't say it with much bite though. More of a pout.

He chuckled. "You liked it, girl, I know you did." He wasn't wrong, but I wasn't going to admit it.

He slipped out of me, and this time, I couldn't hold back my moan at the empty feeling he left behind as our fluids leaked from my pussy. He grabbed tissues from my desk and tucked himself away while my hazy brain tried to remember if this was a bad time of the month.

The doorknob rattled. Oh fuck, my roommate. I quickly wiped myself clean, threw a corner of my sheets over the wet spot, and ran my hand through my hair while shoving Steve toward the door. "Put your shirt back on!" I hissed at him.

He chuckled and managed to shrug his shirt on as the door opened.

Cassie, my roommate, paused and raised an eyebrow. "Uh, should I leave?"

My face flushed. "No, he's leaving. He's just drunk and fell asleep in the wrong room."

She glanced at my bed. "Uh huh. 'k." She stepped aside as Steve stumbled out. He was probably grinning stupidly at her.

I stared at my laundry, folding mechanically as his cum soaked my panties, hoping the smell of alcohol masked everything else.

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GoldenShellbackGoldenShellback25 days ago

Extremely hot and well written great work

Akirababe87Akirababe87about 1 month ago

Incredibly hot. I love that she secretly wanted him before it even started. I love that he took her bare and came inside her after making her like it. If you decide to write more for these two, I'd love to read that, too. I'm imagining him deciding she likes it when he uses her all over campus. Yum.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


I hope they get together and he makes sure the deed is done!

julianmarquezjulianmarquez3 months ago

Extremely hot story, hope there's a part two.

(Laughing out loud at the people complaining about non-consent in the non-consent category, what were they even doing here?)

doorknob22doorknob224 months ago

Hottest words in erotica: "Please don't cum in me.." Great story!

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