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The Roommate Pt. 04 - Miranda

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For you, for me.
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Part 4 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/16/2016
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There really was no choice to be made. Josh was hooked, and hooked good; Lori beckoned, and Miranda was breathing life into her.

So a wardrobe was to be purchased.

Fortunately, Josh had some money from an inheritance, but he usually kept that money aside for the day when he might need to return to college or make a down payment on a house.

That weekend, after Stevie had slept over Friday night and then left, Josh (wearing bra and panties under his summer shorts and T-shirt) and Miranda sat down and made a list - a list of all the things he wanted and all the things Miranda thought Josh, or Lori, should have. Her list was longer. Much longer.

She measured him with a flexible tape and calculated his (women's) sizes.

"How much can you afford?" she asked. "I mean, I won't be taking you to Nordstrom's."

"I'll let you know if I need to apply the brakes," he replied.

And so they headed out in her Volvo, with her driving. First stop was Walmart, where she bought a cache of makeup along with a few tops. His only input was helping select a lipstick shade.

Back in the car, she admitted that she rarely used makeup these days, but back in high school she'd learned its intricacies, "when I used to think it was important."

She had also bought him a pair of reading glasses, saying it would help with the Lori look.

Then they dropped by a middle-class department store and picked up some everyday lingerie, shoes, hose, jewelry and dresses and skirts. Plus several hats and a demure, peasant-like nightgown he himself picked out.

"If I know you, you like things tight," she smiled, "so I'm taking this into consideration, Lori." He loved walking with her down store isles with so many erotic items that he used to steal glances of - but he wished she wouldn't call him "Lori" in public, even if in a low voice. He tried to shush her, but she thought it funny to scare him.

They found a full-body shaper with underwire bra cups that would be satisfyingly tight, of course.

At the end, out came his credit card, and the charge was $400.

True to her hippy heritage, they also went to a very large, charity used clothing store in the poorer part of town. She confessed that's where she picked up most of her own clothing, and she had an eye for quality and style. They spent an hour or two there, and she uncovered some real finds that pleased them both. Glad that they found so much attire for him at a tiny price, Josh urged Miranda to buy some things for herself on his dime, as a thanks.

It was interesting to see the difference between what she bought for him and what she found for herself. She certainly didn't like tight things - she liked very lightweight fabrics with dreamy colors and designs.

Out came the credit card again.

Then there was the lingerie store. The expensive lingerie store. As they were walking toward it in the mall, Miranda asked if he was interested in a some form of corset or waist cincher.

Trying to sound matter-of-fact, and not revealing his fascination with such garments and tight wedding gowns, he came around to answering, "Sure, why not. But let's not get a real pricey one."

So, besides getting some really risqué panties and bras, and some exotic patterned nylons and a garter belt, they bought him an exquisite boned bustier with several dozen hooks that would definitely pull his waist in. They also found a panty girdle with padded hips and derriere that could do wonders for his body below his/her waist.

Out came the credit card once more. He took a call from his bank verifying that he was he who was making all these sudden purchases - usually he was so frugal in his spending.

There were two more stops to make, and she wouldn't tell him what they were. The first was a total surprise - a wig shop. "Lori, I want you to grow your hair long, very long, but right now to give you the feminine look, you need a 'do."

The idea of wearing a wig didn't immediately appeal to him, and she noticed this, but in they went, and soon he was fantasizing how he would look in various styles. They settled on a rather casual, shortish blonde creation that Josh liked too. "That's what Lori would look like," Miranda cooed.

The credit card was aired out once more.

Then they went to a sex shop that Josh had never known existed. Miranda was known there - maybe that's where she bought her strap-on dildo? She seemed a little more animated here, and again, Josh, feeling magnanimous, offered to buy her something. But first, there was a mysterious something called a gaff that Miranda was discussing with a personable saleswoman. Miranda bought several that looked very much like panties. Josh suggested that he had enough panties already.

"But Lori, these are a special kind of panties," she replied huskily. "They'll hide your bulge. You know, kinda fold your thingees back underneath."

"Oh, OK."

She found what she called a butt plug for him, another mystery item that he trusted would be useful at some time. Finally, she said she needed something for him that was expensive, but she couldn't reveal what it was. "You will love it, I'm sure, Lori. It would be very important for our relationship, I mean, our dynamics. Please let's get it. You can always return it."

The mystery of it all excited him, and again the credit card came out. She bought some nipple clamps for her use, something that Josh had only seen used in online porn.

Lastly, they stopped by a jewelry shop where Miranda also knew the owner and Josh had his ears pierced and studs inserted.

Josh had gone along with everything his roommate wanted.

It had been a long, long day, and the infiltration of so much femaleness into his brain was overwhelming. Some of his traditional maleness had eroded away, and he felt himself moving to an intersexual place. Also, he figured that he'd spent well over a thousand dollars.

Guilt crept in. Was this a huge mistake, an out-of-control orgy?

On Sunday, they both slept in until nine, then rose simultaneously and made breakfast. The cool morning air wafted in, and Josh felt he could almost partition off the excesses of the previous day. Eating their omelets, Josh asked what Miranda planned to do later on.

"Ah, cagey Lori! As though you don't know. I imagine you must be continually wet just thinking about fully dressing up! You do want to fully become Lori for the first time, don't you?"

"Well, I'm the type who never opens Christmas or birthday presents early. I like to put off excitements a while, I guess."

"Lori, Lori, dear, we must start creating your new persona today, while I have the time and interest. I want you to finally see Lori in the mirror; Lori with the glasses." She chuckled. "Lori with the tits, Lori wearing a little lipstick, Lori with her thingee all tucked away, nice and prim and proper."

He felt his cock rising and he was in no mood to argue.

After the last of the orange juice, they went into his room and spread out the amazing loot from Saturday on his bed, which hardly held it all. Doing as she asked, he undressed down to his panties, and the cool air gave him goose pimples. Again, he was feeling part of another universe where tides were carrying him out to sea.

"You're getting a little excited, Lori. Your panties have a wet spot. You really must gaff it now, get it under control, sweetie." He unwrapped one of the briefs and managed, after some tugs, to put his genitals out of sight under his crotch. He hoped they wouldn't be damaged by being so tightly constricted.

They decided to do just one "look" that day, with Lori trying on the remainder of the items on some other day. And so they chose Lori's outfit: dress, hose over padded girdle, shoes and bra. Miranda carefully explained how to put on hose without creating runs, and Josh/Lori's heart raced.

Was there a catch to all this? Was it just a long wet dream which would suddenly end like a pierced balloon, and he'd return to earth? Was Miranda too good to be true - what was she getting out of all this?

Miranda deliberately kept him away from a mirror until she'd carefully finished with his/her makeup and fitted the wig to his head.

He/she loved all the tightness - the gaff, the panty hose, the padded panty girdle, the bra, and the wig - which made him feel quite secure and together. He loved the smells of the makeup, and the several dabs of perfume she touched to his neck. And he had loved to be close to the warmness and touch of her body as she stood next to him applying makeup. It reminded him slightly of his father's body touching his when the old man cut his hair with an electric razor - about the only time they were every physically close.

"Now, as I put the glasses on your pretty face, you must go in my room and look in the mirror, Lori."

He walked a little unsteadily in his two-inch-heel strapped shoes and made his way into her bedroom, feeling newly different.

What he saw in the mirror was not Josh. It was someone else, a pretty professional woman smiling at him. She had curves in the right places. She could attract men. She was Lori. Josh felt himself slipping further into intersexual land.

After Miranda came in and snapped pictures. Lori walked over and hugged her. "Thank you, thank you, for making a fantasy come true!"

"This is more than a fantasy, Lori," said Miranda. "This is like, reality. I mean, wouldn't you rather be Lori than Josh? Think of all the lovely clothing you can wear, and acting femme, and losing your rough male edges."

"It's a nice scenario, but I wouldn't want to live as Lori all the time - that is, I wouldn't start going in to teach as Lori!"

They sat together on the edge of her bed and there was a moment of almost embarrassing silence. Then Miranda, with a sly look, slowly pulled Lori's dress back. Wetness had penetrated her panty girdle and gaff to a ridiculous degree. Miranda asked, so Lori took them off and her penis sprung up once again. From erection to springing erection - that had been the day.

Miranda delicately and briefly touched the tip of Lori's penis and Lori reacted with a little moan, hoping for more.

"I want to watch you jack off, honey" admitted Miranda. "I've never seen a man jack off, and I guess I wouldn't want to, but seeing Lori jack off - now that would be interesting. OK?"

Lori was initially shy, but her pent-up steam overcame that, and she lay back, crossed her legs, and using some cream which Miranda quickly supplied, began to stroke her member.

It was slightly embarrassing, having someone watch, but Lori began to dwell on the sexy garments she was wearing, and not long after began convulsing and squirting, having one of the mightier, quicker and more satisfying orgasms of her entire life.

Miranda didn't like having sperm on her bed. She went to fetch a towel, while Lori lay there, spent and blissed out.

After washing her midsection in the bathroom and dropping her dress back down, Lori returned to Miranda's bedroom. "Did you like that?" Lori wanted to know.

"Something different, that's for sure," said Miranda. "Probably wouldn't want to do it again."

"Oh, OK."

After a moment of silence, Miranda asked with a smile, "Remember the mystery item we bought at the sex shop?"

"Of course." Josh/Lori imagined some fashion item or vibrator.

Miranda roused herself, went to her fabled dresser with her braless breasts bouncing a little, removed a wrapped present topped with a big bow and ceremoniously offered it to Lori.

Shaking it provided no clue as to its contents, so Lori opened it, revealing a classy tan box with gold trim.

"Hmmm. Chocolates?" Opening the top revealed a velvet pouch with a drawstring. "Now I'm more curious than ever."

Inside was something unusual made of thick, clear plastic, along with several plastic pins and a tiny, exquisite padlock with keys. Upon removing it totally from the pouch, Lori quickly saw that the item was in the shape of a curved penis, with holes artfully arranged along the sides.

"Know what it is?" asked Miranda, still smiling.

"Ah-ha. I think I saw one used in online porn one time. You can lock a guy up, yeah, like it's a ... a chastity thing. And then, he can't beat off or have sex ... "

"That's what it is, sweetie. It's called The Privateur. Like an agent provocateur." She laughed. "Maybe 'provocative' is the better word. . . . Have you ever thought about wearing something like it?"

"Never in my wildest dreams, and I've had some wild dreams. This is a sex toy, yeah?"

"Well, in a manner of speaking," soothed Miranda, stroking the device suggestively. "But it's not really for brief play; it's more for a long-term arrangement."

"So, at the very moment I'm Cinderella at the ball, at the stroke of midnight you want to lock me up in the pumpkin?"

"I would have the key," said Miranda with an air of finality. "I would get to decide when to release you and for how long."

"Well, that certainly would tie me - to make a pun - to being more Lori than Josh. But it just strikes me as being extreme. I mean, pardon me, you have been such a great friend in my dressing - thank you so, so much (only Lori would've said "so, so much" he realized) - but this is so intimate and controlling . . . "

"That's it, Lori," said Miranda, soulfully brushing a wisp of Lori's hair back in place. "The chastity thing would kinda symbolize the relationship I want with you. I want to hold the lock and key."

"If you really look down deep into yourself, you will realize you want a strong woman dominating you - yes, really. I've seen that all along. In fact, when I first met you looking for a roommate, I saw those possibilities, and hoped that we would get to this point. I have a love for you, Lori, now that I see how you're expressing the female in you. It's not a sexual love - at least at this point - but the love of a big sister. In loving your softness, I want to, well, own you, to use a powerful word."

"I must be leaving you speechless, Lori . . . but I'm laying it out there. I entered your world and am enabling you to live as Lori, who's pretty submissive, and now you can enter my world. The two can merge and sparks can fly, believe me!"

"Well, you are always upfront with me, Miranda, but where before we were in like three dimensions, now you're headed for the sixth dimension! Really, wow - so this is where you're coming from; so deliberate - it's like you led me down the path, first to mold me into Lori, which I like very much, and now mold me more into like, you are God and me Adam and Eve. I bit into the apple and now God kinda wants to banish me from my male prerogatives."

"Religious references don't belong here, girl. Funny."

"Sure, you're right about me in a way. I've fantasized about being dominated, but just as part of having sex. Nothing long term. I enjoy my freedoms, and I enjoy being a guy half the time. But if I put everything together, you want me to . . . "

" . . . Recognize me as your superior and be obedient to me," added a serious Miranda. "You pretty much do that already! I wouldn't mind being adored and worshiped as the kind of whole woman you want to be. I'm convinced the more you become Lori, the happier you will be. I can cultivate the erotic female side of you."

"You should know that I would never have a sex change," said Josh/Lori. "That I am very sure of. And I would never get to the point where I would teach a class as Lori."

"I recognize that," sighed Miranda. "Actually that's the way I want it. A woman with a hidden penis. But I would own your penis - or maybe we could call it a big clit - and own your sexuality. Think this over, Lori. You can remain just as you are now, dressing for the thrill of it, or kinda taking the step of expanding into your femaleness, and being loved and owned."

"There are both exciting and scary aspects of this," Lori observed. "It might be a delicious fantasy in some respects, but in reality it could go downhill. Let me ask you this: Have you had relationships like this before?"

"Yes, once, with a woman."

"How long did it last?"

"About eight months, when we lived off campus during our senior year. It was exciting; we both learned a lot about ourselves. I'm ready to do it again, but with someone a little different, if you know what I mean . . . "

"And," added Miranda, "you should know that this isn't the relationship Stevie and I have. She doesn't even know this side of me."

Lori looked into Miranda's eyes. "If I choose not to go under lock and key, not to be your - is it submissive? - would you leave?"

"Probably." There was a tear in her eye.

(To be continued)

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Liked it up to this point. I would say adios Chica. I am Kira out of chastity. For those into that aspect of D/S, cool, just a hard limit for me lol. Very well written though. All in all it's very good. I may even read the rest. Keep up the good work

LannaLaceLannaLaceover 2 years ago

Hmm ...interesting twists...not where I thought this was going... also am not a dom/sub fan...But...I gotta know how the next chapter or two go... so guess I'm cautiously...... hooked!

aboychickaboychickabout 8 years ago
Great story so far

This is a well-written and well-paced story. It sounds like some of the comments are approaching this story as if it were real life -- as in non-fiction. But it IS fiction; it IS a story. And if it doesn't float your boat, there are plenty of others in Literotica that might serve your purpose(s).

agamottoagamottoabout 8 years ago
Well writen,

But I am not so sure of the domination bit. This started as a nice romance/friendship, and then went suddenly south... In a bad way. I hope they can work things out.

ender2k2kender2k2kabout 8 years ago

I will hang around and read the next chapter because the writing is really good.

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