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The Rules of the Game

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Tricked into being caned.
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The Rules Of The Game


One of the oldest board games dating back to Iran 3000 BCE and predating chess by 3500 years. It is a game played between two opponents on a board with twenty-four triangles or points on which each player places fifteen men. The players take it in turns to roll two dice and race to remove their men from the board. The game is a game of strategy and luck, and its apparent simplicity belies its great complexity.

Game Theory

This is a branch of applied mathematics that attempts to determine the actions that "players" should take to secure the best possible outcome for themselves or the group in any game. Players can be individuals or institutions and games can describe a wide number of situations from backgammon, dealing in stocks, rearing children, or even fighting a war.

I have always enjoyed playing games and whilst I was at school I played for the chess team when we competed in the Sunday Times Chess Tournament. My interest in chess waned a little after I went to university and discovered girls, although in my first year there I also discovered contract bridge, a game I continue to enjoy playing.

When I was in my late twenties I visited Turkey. I was intrigued to see people playing a board game they called tavla. It was played everywhere; in bars, coffee houses, barbers' shops, hotel receptions, and nearly everybody seemed to have a set in their home. Furthermore, it was ubiquitous and was played by old men in coffee houses whilst puffing contentedly on a hookah pipe, young couples having a coffee or a beer, or parents with their young children.

I later found out that they were playing a version of backgammon and that this game is popular throughout Greece, the Middle East, and North Africa, although there are several local variations in the rules of the game.

I decided to learn to play and soon found out two things. Firstly, it is very easy to play, but very difficult to play well. Secondly, whilst in the long term the better player always will win, in the short-term luck can play a part. In this respect this is like bridge or poker.

I became determined to learn to play backgammon properly and bought books on the subject, studied them, and joined my local backgammon club. Within a few years I was one of the strongest players in my club and had started to play in tournaments.

One Tuesday evening when I was at a club meeting Georgia entered the room where we were playing, and simultaneously entered my life. I should mention that at the time I was between girlfriends and as this beautiful women approached I was gratified to see an empty ring finger. She was around five feet ten inches tall, slim, and well proportioned, with black hair, soft brown eyes, and an olive brown complexion.

She explained that she had come alone to the pub where we were meeting and had become intrigued by the sign indicating there was a club meeting. Although she was Middle Eastern in origin she had been brought up in the UK and didn't play the game well. I didn't need a second chance to make her acquaintance and suggested she watch us play that evening, and then come back the next week when I would be happy to give her some lessons.

The following Tuesday evening shortly after 7 pm when the meeting had commenced Georgia re-appeared and a little later I found myself sitting opposite her and explaining the fundamentals of the game. I explained to her the use of the doubling cube, which is not a feature of tavla, but is fundamental to Western backgammon, and we played a few games as we talked and got to know each other.

It rapidly became very apparent that Georgia had not been exaggerating when she had said she wasn't very good. She didn't even understand the importance of her opponent's five point.

After an hour or so I suggested we go down to the bar and have a drink and she was happy to agree. As we sat together in the crowded bar I learnt that she was new to the area having recently started a job as a local store manager, was unattached, and lived in a nearby flat. She learnt that I was single enjoyed playing games and was very much attracted to her.

I walked her back to her flat, but she didn't invite me in.

"Sorry I've got an early meeting in the morning."

"Would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow?" I replied

"Can't do tomorrow but how about Friday night," she responded.

"Do you like Italian? If so we can go to Luigi's on the high street."

"Lovely. I'll meet you there. And bring a backgammon set," she said.

And so "the die was cast," and three nights later we spent a very pleasant couple of hours in the best Italian restaurant in town before walking back to her flat. We had shared a couple of bottles of Italian red wine between us and were pleasantly relaxed. I had a backgammon set under my arm and this time I was invited In.

As Georgia prepared coffee I set up the backgammon set on a small coffee table which I placed between the sofa and an adjacent armchair and sat back waiting for her. As she sat down she looked first at the board and then smiled quizzically at me.

"I'm not working tomorrow so let's play a game. Ever played strip backgammon? We're going to end up naked sometime tonight anyway!"

I was taken by surprise by her direct way. This was probably made greater because I have always been very shy around very beautiful women. Nonetheless, fortified by wine, I was able to reply.

"Not very fair. I play better than you."

"Let's play one-point games I should be able to win a few if I'm lucky."

And so, we played. And she was lucky.

She won three out of the first seven games we played by which time she had removed two stockings and her skirt and blouse, and I had lost both my socks and shirt. We sat opposite each other, she was wearing bra and panties whilst I was a little better clothed but with a throbbing erect penis which was straining to escape the confinement of my trousers.

She lost the next game. She stood reached behind and started to unclip her bra.

Stop I said. "You don't have to."

"But I do, "she replied

"A game has no meaning if you break the rules. I'll remove my bra but one more game first if you want."

And she won and I had to remove my trousers.

The next game was close, but I threw a double six at the end and won the game.

Georgia stood up and crossed behind the table on which the board sat and proudly stepped out of her panties and unclipped her bra. Whilst she did this she was looking at me to see the effect she was having on me and then looked down at my bulging crotch and she smiled.

I had met beautiful women before, but they had clothes on, and sex was not likely to be on the menu. Georgia was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen naked, and I hoped that very soon I would be deep inside her. She was unshaven with a perfect complexion. Her bottom was large and round, and her hips narrow whilst her breasts were large, round and very firm.

She sat on the arm of my chair and kissed me on the lips, and as I returned her kiss and our tongues found each other for the first time she reached down and felt my hardness through the fabric of my underpants.

And then she got up and returned to her position at the board.

"I can see I'm going to have to do something about that, so I'll offer you a bet. A hand job for a hand spanking. I have a kink I'm afraid. I like to spank my boyfriends. Let's play first to three games with no doubling cube and if I win you lie over my naked lap, and I spank you with my hand six times with pants on and then six on the bare. If you win I take off your pants and give you a hand job.

This proposition was very intriguing. I had discovered this intelligent and desirable women had a hidden fetish. I didn't think a spanking would be so bad anyway whilst I did want a hand job. I didn't give her much chance of her beating me to three games and with that in mind after a moment's thought I agreed.

As we sat opposite each other across the Backgammon board and threw our dice and moved our counters. I found it difficult not to laugh aloud. A naked women and a half naked man with a hard on were playing with stakes of a spanking or a wank!

Georgia played very badly. It was almost as if she wanted to lose, and I won three games to nothing.

She leaned over the table towards me bringing her beautiful boobs closer to me.

"OK I owe you a hand job. I can come over there now or you can double down. I will bet you a fucking against a caning. This will be our last game of backgammon tonight so let's make it a nine-point game with no doubling cube. When it's over you get a hand job and a caning or a hand job and a fuck. If you lose the caning will happen with bent over the end of that table and you will get six over the pants and then six on the bare."


I agreed to the bet. I had come too far not to, and I figured that she couldn't beat me to nine points without the most ridiculous run of luck. She simply wanted to get laid although this seemed a long-winded way to achieve this. After all she only had to ask.

I should have thought it through, but by then I was thinking with my dick.

So, we started to play and within a few minutes play it became apparent that she had become a different player to the one I had played before. Every move she made was statistically sound and almost effortlessly thought out and even when her throws of the dice were unlucky she made the best of a bad job. It was apparent she was a far better player than I was. She was an expert and I had been hustled.

She won 9-4.

"Fuck it," Georgia I said. "You suckered me. You told me you couldn't play, and you are one of the best backgammon players I have ever met. You set me up."

"I'm sorry Tom. When I met you that first evening I liked you and didn't want to frighten you off by beating you at backgammon. All the nice men are intimidated by me anyway. And then it snowballed."

And then she frowned. "But you are right. I was dishonest. I can't cane you. I'm not going to do it. You never had a chance."

I heard myself reply." Yes you will. I was quite happy to bet when I thought you never had a chance. I lost the game and the bet, and I will obey the rules of the game. You won the right to punish me fair and square."

"Now fetch your cane!"

A short while later I lay over the end of the table with my belly on a pillow and my bare bottom in the air whist Victoria stood naked with a long rattan punishment cane behind and to the side of me. I gripped the table end with my hands. She slowly and methodically brought the cane whistling down onto my backside. The strokes were delivered at fifteen second intervals and each stroke bit into my flesh and caused a searing pain which peaked and slowly ebbed before a fresh stroke caused the pain to return and after 6 strokes I was moist with sweat. I had resisted the temptation to jump up and rub my arse only by gripping the table end so hard my knuckles were white.

I felt Georgia pull down my underpants and then ask me to step out of them.

I heard her voice. "Now I'm going to give you six hard ones on the bare. When I finish I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your hard dick inside me, and I want you to fuck my brains out. I am so very, very horny."

She stood back measured the cane across my bare buttocks and a heard the cane whistle and crack and felt it bite and sting once more. She slowly and deliberately punished my naked buttocks and then after the final stoke she threw the rod aside.

I stood turned and held her in my arms. She was moist with exertion and excitement, and her face flushed and wide eyed. I could feel her erect nipples against my chest as I held her tight. I could also feel my swollen burning buttocks but in my lust the pain was receding quickly.

I led her to the table, and she lay over the same pillow I had bent over only a short time before. I could see her shaved pussy lips glistening with her love juice and knew that no foreplay was needed or wanted. Her desire and her need were obvious, and as she lay there she spread her legs and offered herself to me. Her pink sex was framed by her large round olive bum cheeks,

"Your turn now Georgia."

I placed my palms on each of her proffered nates and moved them slightly apart and placed my erect, hard, and uncut dick against the entrance to her vagina and then as she softly moaned I slid inside of her moist passage until she had taken my entire length.

Her vagina was moist but tight and it firmly gripped my penis as I slowly slid in and out. I moved slowly and rhythmically and as I moved she continued to moan. As I went balls deep I could feel my glans touch her cervix. And she continued to moan in pleasure.

"You're so deep.. so deep. Oh, please I want it. Fuck me. Fuck me deep."

And I did. Slowly at first and then faster. As she moaned and pleaded I continued to thrust deep inside her until she screamed in rapture, and I felt her perineal muscles contract around my erect and hard penis.

And then I continued to fuck her doggy style giving her several more orgasms before I took her to her bed. As she lay on her back with her legs spread I penetrated her again but now I was able to look into her eyes as she longingly and very noisily took her pleasure several times more.

Her last orgasm was from a selfish point of view the best, as she screamed in pleasure I came and pumped my semen deep inside her as her cunt, thighs, and bum trembled.

Afterwards we lay in bed and kissed and cuddled, and I look deep into her beautiful brown eyes.

"You owe me a hand job."

"Double or quits," she said with a smile.

"Fuck off!" I responded.

As we lay in bed in that first evening entwined in a post coital embrace she "came clean." Not only was she an accomplished backgammon player but neither was she a store manager. In truth she was a mathematician with a specific research interest in the game of backgammon.. She hadn't set out to deceive me, but too many men's eyes glazed over when she told them she was a research mathematician with a specific interest in Games Theory, a branch of applied mathematics.

"Most men can't deal with a women who is both good looking and in all probability way smarter than they are."

"But when I met you I knew I liked you and I did want to cane your lovely tight ass and then have you fuck me. It's my kink. I love to see a set of red parallel stripes across a man's bum after I have caned him. Don't misunderstand I don't get to do it often, but I do watch caning porn on the internet."

And as she spoke I started to harden once more against her beautiful body. She looked down and took my foreskin between her fingers and started to slowly masturbate me. I reached down.

"My hand job can wait. I've got a better idea."

I slid my head between her thighs and started to lick her still moist cleft and I could feel her clitoris hard and swollen as I administered to her with my tongue. She held my head between her hands and moaned. Her sounds of ecstasy grew louder and louder as her outstretched legs tightened and quivered and her love juices flowed until finally she jerked violently and had a long-protracted orgasm.

A short while later I took her again as she lay face down on the bed and I slid my dick into her vagina from behind and fucked her until we both came together.

And Victoria knew her deceit was forgiven.

I got my hand job the following morning but only whilst we sixty-nine'd each other.

6 years have passed, and we are married.

Life is good. Georgia continue to lecture in games theory and conduct research at the university. I however have changed jobs. With her help and tutorage, I am a vastly improved backgammon player and now play professionally and lecture on the game. Our first book which we wrote together is soon to be published. We are now just about evenly matched.

Our sex life is wonderful, and we have found a satisfactory compromise regarding Georgia's kinkiness. On a regular basis I will lie over her lap whilst she sits, and she will spank me with her hand gently at first and then progressively harder. Her excitement causes her to become very wet between her legs and the stimulation of my buttocks and the anticipation of penetrating her makes my dick hard and ready. And as my penis rubs against her thighs this only increases her desire.

She has caned me on only three occasions since that first evening but only for real transgressions which have justifiably made her angry. On the last occasion I had drank too much at a party after I had agreed to be the specified driver and not drink alcohol. Since she had already had three glasses of wine we had to catch a taxi fifty miles home in the evening and then back the following day to pick the car up. The party was on a Friday night.

On the Saturday evening Georgia called me into the dining room. As I entered the room she was waiting naked, punishment cane in hand, and a pillow was placed on the table.

She spoke once.

"Strip to your underpants and bend over."

And as always I received six hard strokes before my pants were removed and then another six delivered mercilessly on the bare.

And then I fucked her.

It is over a year since that happened and I was wondering what I can do to give her a good reason to take the cane to me again. Although it hurts like hell at the time she loves to do it, it makes her so happy and fulfilled, and the sex afterwards is unbelievable.

I thought I should get drunk, pour red wine on the carpet, or crash the car through the garage doors, but it will be cheaper and better to be honest and just ask her whether she would like to cane me. Perhaps eighteen on the bare.

Just because. And it won't hurt will it?

After all tomorrow is her birthday and we have a table booked at Luigi's.

And I love her so much.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I find caning too sever to be foreplay, but at least she's not a psycho about it. A little aftercare would be nice in future stories. Subs who are caned need their wounds attended too, and a bit of physical and emotional care to bring them out of the scene without experiencing, anxiety or regret. Also a little quibble, but he went from very sub, took a hard beating, the aggressively fucks her? The switch from sub to dom was jarring. After a welt inducing caning, he would want a wound cleaning a cold compress, two advil and to go to bed on his stomach. He wouldn't be able to fuck her. Just my opinion nobody asked for! I did like the story. As a non Brit, I see caning as Singaporan torture, not domestic discipline, but I know that others love it

. So enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She suckered you good!

SaltySurpriseSaltySurpriseabout 2 years ago

I love the stories about you being canned but would like to see you do the canning on your beautiful wife fair is fair. She should be happy to allow you her ass to cane

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