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The Scholarship Ch. 03 - Escalation


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"Did you get rich by being able to read minds?" I force a laugh but the topic isn't really funny.

"Close enough, anyway," she politely chuckles. "Why did you feel that way?"

I shrug, but the shrug is a lie. Of course I know the answer. "When... when Lauren ran out of the room, it felt like she was embarrassed. And then in the kitchen, later, she didn't want to talk to me and it felt like she was mad at me and... that's not normal for us. And that scared me."

"What do you think she was feeling?" Ms. Larson pushes me along this line of inquiry, forcing me to think.

"I don't know," I say honestly, "I just... I think she was mad at me for getting hard while cuddling her and pushing her to masturbate with me and being turned on by her and all that."

Ms. Larson stares at me silently for a long time. I feel like she's studying me to either eat me or send me to a psychiatrist. "Ok. Come with me." She immediately starts walking out of the kitchen, and I'm still sitting when she reaches the door. "Joe, come on. Keep up, don't make me drag you around by your dick. Wouldn't be fun for you." She smirks, and I hurriedly get up and follow her.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we set off.

"Just to my office, I want to show you something that might change your feelings on what happened today."

Her office is spacious, well lit, and very much how I would expect a rich CEO's home office to look. Tall bookshelves are filled with tomes no one has likely ever read, and her desk is massive and carved from a glossy reddish wood. We don't stay there, though. There's a door at the back that she unlocks and leads me into a smaller room, this one with a computer, a large comfortable chair, and several monitors on another desk. Pictures on the monitors show various rooms in the house, and they cycle every few seconds.

"Oh, so this is where you watch all the video?" I ask.

"No, well kinda, it all gets sent here, but I can edit it down here. It's all uploaded to a cloud server though. I usually watch it on my phone, laying in bed."

"Ok, so um... what are we looking at?"

She takes a seat in the cushioned chair and quickly opens up a program and scrolls back in time through today, the video rewinding rapidly in front of my eyes. She throws several camera feeds up onto the monitors, and I recognize the theater room and the hallway outside immediately. I also recognize myself and Lauren in the theater. "We're going to watch this," she says, "and then I'm going to explain some things to you."

I have to get close to her to see the monitors well, standing right next to her as she lets the video play. It's intimate, the hidden camera style shot, watching myself and Lauren wake up, then talk for a bit, and then shift apart and start masturbating. My eyes are glued to my sister, both now and back then, staring at her body as she rubs her pussy. And then Julie comes in and the spell is broken and Lauren leaves the room in a hurry.

"This is the important part," Ms. Larson says, pointing to the second monitor where the hallway view shows Lauren rush out of the room. She doesn't run away though. I knew that much, but seeing it is different. She pauses a few steps down the hall and comes back. Lauren's back goes against the wall, and she peeks her head around the corner to watch as Julie begins to stroke my cock and I finger her. Lauren's hand slips down her body to her pussy and she resumes playing with herself, sometimes looking, sometimes hiding in the hallway, but constantly rubbing her clit.

"Fuck," I whisper, watching my sister masturbate to the sight of me getting jerked off.

Ms. Larson pauses the video and looks over at me. "You know what I see here, when I look at her face? I see a girl who is incredibly horny. Outlandishly turned on. And that is mostly due to her brother. I see a girl who was close to cumming with her twin but is now watching you cum with someone else." She zooms in on Lauren's face, and points at it. "Lauren is not upset with you here," she says quietly, "Lauren is jealous of Julie. That's what this is. Lauren is, in this moment right here, wishing it was her stroking your cock and feeling you finger fuck her tight virgin cunt."

I blanch at the language, but stare at the close up picture of my twin sister, caught mid-masturbation, my cock getting hard again. "Maybe..." I say quietly.

"Maybe nothing," she retorts, "she might not feel this way all the time, and you may not feel this way all the time, but I know--I can fucking see it--right then, Lauren wanted to be milking your cock." That's a lot for me to handle. I thought my perversions about my sister were unique to me, and that was why things were weird, because she was mad at me. Are they weird because she feels the same way? Is she going through the exact same emotions I am?

"You like her body, don't you?" She asks, and I nod, as if my hardening cock didn't answer that on its own. "You like watching her masturbate, like seeing her walk around naked and enjoy herself?" I nod again. "Look at her," she blows up the video of Lauren masturbating, and everything else goes away. It's just Lauren playing with herself. I know what she's watching, even if I can't see it, which only makes the sight that much hotter. "I can tell that turns you on, your dick doesn't lie," she grins. "It's ok, Joe. I don't care that your sister makes you horny. I actually think it's hot as fuck. I've seen plenty of things in my life. But never seen actual incest. And the little bit you're showing me is amazing."

Incest. That's what this would be. Fucked up, illegal, immoral. Incest.

"Come here," she takes my hand and pulls me towards her. I stumble and she drags me into her lap. One of her hands comes up to my chest, pulling me back against her until I feel her breasts pressed solidly against my back and her hot breath on my neck. Her other hand reaches around and grabs my cock. "Do you want to cum watching her touch herself?" She whispers into my ear. I nod a response. "Say it," she demands.

"Yes..." I gasp and she starts to slowly stroke.

"Yes what?"

"Yes I want to cum watching her," I moan. Then the stroking stops. Her hand is unmoving at the base of my shaft.

"You want to cum watching who do what?" Her voice is stem, but teasing. She knows she is in total control of the situation. She knows I am putty in her hands. I wonder how many young men and women she's turned into a puddle of arousal like this over the years.

"I want... I want to cum watching my sister masturbate." I say quietly. And then the stroking resumes.

"Good boy," she whispers to me, eliciting another moan from me. "Do you like her cute little tits? Do you like the look on her face as she gets closer and closer to cumming her brains out?" Ms. Larson already knows the answers, but she grips my twitching member hard until I spit up a response to her.

"Yes, both, fuck yes so much," I can't focus on anything other than the sight of Lauren masturbating. My twin sister rubbing her clit furiously while watching me get jerked off. I feel Ms. Larson's soft lips press against my neck. Then they pull away and plant back higher, moving up from my collarbone to my ear.

"Are you going to cum for her?" she whispers directly into my ear. I feel her nibble on my earlobe, then suck it into her mouth gently. "Cum for her, cum for Lauren."

I groan loudly, my mind going blank. "Oh fuck, fuuuuck," I manage to get out. "I'm going to cum!" I shout. There's a churning in my balls, my orgasm approaches.

"You dirty fucking boy, cum for your sister!" Something magical happens, I cum right when Lauren on the video cums. Both of us orgasming simultaneously across time. Twins forever linked.

Ms. Larson doesn't stop stroking me until I'm empty, completely draining me onto the floor, making me shoot my heavy, thick ropes of cum under her desk. I'm twitching as it ends, and finally let out a breath I wasn't aware I had been holding.

My head falls back against her shoulder and she leans back in her chair with me. I try to say something, anything to make a conversation happen or thank her or ask about her thoughts on Lauren and I. All I make is a soft moan, and Ms. Larson shushes me as the chair reclines with me still in her lap.

"It's ok baby," she whispers to me, "you're in safe hands, I'm going to take care of you and make sure you learn everything you need to know. But I need you to trust me." I nod against her. My breathing is still heavy and shaky. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," I say shakily.

"And you'll do what I say?"

I nod weakly, "Yes Ms. Larson," I respond.

"Good boy," she murmurs, giving me another kiss on the cheek. "Now go relax. We're going to have dinner soon, and we're all going to eat together, ok?"

She helps me off of her lap and I stand on weak legs like a newborn deer. "Do you really think Lauren is attracted to me? Or was that just stuff to make me cum?" I ask.

"I believe she has the same thoughts about you that you have about her. You are twins after all. But what you do with that information is up to you." She pauses, a faint look in her eyes, then she snaps back to the moment. "Find Delilah and send her in. Tell her you made a mess in here."

I can sense a dismissal when it's given. Strangely I have to resist the sudden urge to bow like a medieval courtier as I leave the room.

Delilah is right where I left her; she gives me a wicked grin when I tell her that I made a mess in Ms. Larson's room. Clearly she knows exactly what that means. I wonder how many messes like that Delilah has cleaned up in that office. Hundreds? Thousands?

I make my way back inside and hear voices in the kitchen that draw me in that direction. No rest for the weary I suppose. Always a conversation to insert myself into. I could very easily just go off by myself, I suppose. The house is certainly big enough for it. But I've never truly liked being alone. I'm used to having at least Lauren by my side at all times.

The words themselves are indecipherable over the sizzle of a skillet and the hum of the powerful fan keeping the room clear of any stray smoke and steam. The smells, however, hit my nose like a wrecking ball. Tinges of Cajun spices, something that smells like baking bread, and a dozen smells that I'm not refined enough to place all combine to a delightful aroma that beckons me into the kitchen like a cartoon pie on a windowsill.

Julie is manning the stove, with Lauren right next to her peering over her shoulder. Both are wearing aprons, though from my vantage only the drawstrings around their backs and necks are visible. They can't have been in here long, probably came in just after I left with Ms. Larson, though I admit I lost track of time during our time in her office. I stand in the doorway and watch them for a moment, observing their movements. Lauren must have asked for a cooking lesson, and if the smell is anything to go by I'm glad this is the meal she's learning to make.

I take a few more steps into the room and lean onto the island. Now I can see their butts. Butts plural is a delightful thing to be able to see. Julie's is bigger and rounder than Lauren's petite but perky booty. All of Lauren is perky: tits, butt, even her personality. There's an undeniable allure to the cake Julie is serving though. Even though I just came, I could sit here for hours staring at the contrasting butts and not get bored.

And then Julie turns around. "Oh, Joe. Hey!" She says, wiggling her spatula in my direction in lieu of a proper wave.

"Hi!" I say with a smile.

Lauren turns around as well, smiling in my direction. That's a good start. Maybe Ms. Larson had a talk with her as well. Maybe their talk ended how mine did. Before I can dwell on that possibility for too long, she yanks me from those thoughts with a "Hi!" Simple, easy, but she's talking to me again, and not hiding. That's good news.

"Hey, sis," I reply, relief flooding me, but hopefully it's not too obvious. "Whatcha cooking?"

"Well Julie," Lauren stresses the chef's name, "is making Cajun chicken pasta, some homemade French garlic bread, and a side salad. I'm just watching and learning."

"It smells delicious."

"It will taste even better than it smells," Julie cuts in before turning back to her pots and pans. "This is one of Ms. Larson's favorites, and I like to make it. It'll knock your metaphorical socks off." I giggle at this, and find it comforting that Lauren is giggling right alongside me.

"Julie, is it ok if I slip away and talk to my brother for a minute?" Lauren asks.

"Of course, dear. You've basically seen everything we're doing anyway. Just gotta keep making it hot and not kill us. And stir the sauce consistently. That's important too." Julie gestures with her spatula at the pan where the sauce is coalescing.

"Ok, I'll be right back," she walks past me towards the door, grabbing my hand with hers as we go. I follow her, dragged along more by duty than by physical strength.

She doesn't stop walking until we're outside, sitting at a table on the patio with a big umbrella protecting us from the sun. We sit in silence for a moment, and then, as one we start to talk.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I say.

"I wanted to apologize for this morning," she says at the same time. We pause, stare at each other, and giggle. Then I gesture for her to go first.

"I... I felt weird about how far we went this morning and felt like you might be upset with me about it. And then... then knowing what you did with Julie, made it feel like I was just... here? You know? Like... I had just had the most incredible sexual experience of my life, and you were already moving on."

"I wasn't 'moving on'," I say quickly, "I just... you left and I was still so close and horny and... yeah.'

"Plus," she continues, taking my comment in stride, "I'm not sure I was ready to cum together."

"But you watched me and Julie," I say. It's not intended as an accusation, just a statement of fact, but she blushes and looks away.

"Yeah. I watched."

"And you uh... you masturbated?"

She blushes harder now, but gives a little nod. "Yeah, how did you know?"

I think about what to say, but I know the truth is the only acceptable answer for Lauren.

"Ms. Larson showed me. She uh, she showed me the camera video."

"I forgot about the cameras," Lauren says, sounding more disappointed than upset. She looks away for a moment, her eyes unfocusing as she contemplates that. "So you... she showed you everything?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I mean. She showed me you in the hallway watching me and Julie. And you masturbating. And cumming."

"Yep, that's everything," Lauren gives a little smile. "Does it bother you that I watched?"

"No," I say immediately, my voice perhaps too sharp. "No," I say again a little softer, "I... that was the plan, right? We were going to do it together and watch each other?"

She nods, "Well yeah, but... then I left--"

"You left," I continue, cutting her off. She falls silent immediately. "And that's ok. It's ok that you... couldn't do it once Julie came in. I wish I could have watched it though."

"You said you did."

"I mean, watched it while it was happening."

"Are we... are we fucked up?" She asks.

It's a weird question. Obviously the answer is probably yes in one way or another. Obviously. Everyone is a little fucked up. But maybe my sister and I are more fucked up than most.

I take a deep breath and reach my hands out across the table. Lauren takes them in hers and squeezes my fingers.

"I thought you were mad at me because I pushed us along and kept getting hard near you and things were escalating too fast," I say slowly and carefully.

"No," she replies, "I was off earlier because..." now it's her turn to take a deep breath, "I liked what we did a lot. And I know I shouldn't have liked it. So I was trying to deal with that and it was easier if you weren't around."

"What made you change your mind?" I ask.

"Ms. Larson, duh." She says with a grin. "She came and talked to me and let me know that it's normal to have difficult feelings. And that... well... that she would support whatever happens between us and that we're ok."

"Are we ok?" I ask, squeezing her fingers and looking into my twin's eyes.

"Yeah. I love you, Joe," she says.

"Love you too."

"So what now, between us?"

"I think we just go with the flow. No plans or anything but I promise not to run and hide and avoid you."

"And I promise not to be weird about it when you need space or to be weird when we need to talk things out."

She grins at that. "Deal." She stands, pulling me up with her. "Now let's go get some of that delicious looking pasta!" Lauren starts to walk away back into the house, tugging on my hands but this time I hold my ground and don't let her drag me. She turns back to me with a look of confusion on her face.

"Hug?" I ask, and she smiles and takes two quick steps back towards me, dropping my hands and throwing her arms around me. I hug her back, holding her tight against me. I ignore the feel of her tits against me, and the way her pussy presses against my bare thigh. Or how my cock presses against her leg. It's a sibling hug. A hug of love.

She pulls back from the hug first and looks into my eyes. I look back into hers, both of us happy that we were able to navigate such a messed up situation, something entirely new to both of us. And then courage, or perhaps idiocy, strikes me.

I lean in and kiss her on the lips. Her body shifts as she takes a sharp intake of breath, only slightly more surprised than I am that I actually did it. Her body is tense for a moment against me, both of us rigid in each other's arms, until suddenly she's kissing me back. It's gentle lip movements, slow and steady, with no tongue or handsy business involved. Just a kiss.

The best kiss of my fucking life.

It could have been seconds or years that we were locked together. I have no clue. But when we break and step back, I realize I've never felt something like this before.

"Sorry, I --"

"Do not apologize for that," she jabs me in the side.

I wince away from her and grin. "Was just saying I think I've wanted to do that all day."

"Well it was nice. I think that's... I'm comfortable with that, comfortable with going slow. Maybe not all the time. But more would scare me. This morning was a bit much a bit fast just because I was horny. But that was really nice." We stand there in silence for a spell, letting our minds process what we just did.

"Dinner?" I ask. She nods. So we head inside to eat the best pasta we've ever dreamed of.

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ShotThroughTheHeartShotThroughTheHeartabout 1 month ago

I'm completely with first commenter Jerry. This is completely up my alley, without a single bump left or right, just straight up my desired storyline. I've been here on Lit for decades now, have read what must have been literally thousands of stories in that time, and this series right here is without a single doubt in my top five. What a find!

And now I get to read chapter 4 – be still my heart! ❤️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Way too slow. A decent story overall. But this odds the third part & there’s only been a couple hand jobs. That’s not enough to hold my interest & continue on

Jerry2RigJerry2Rigabout 1 month ago

This series is incredible! You capture the conflicting emotions of the time in each of our youths when we learn to accept and to thrive with who we are. I can’t wait for the next installment! Thank you.

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