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The Scholarship Student Ch. 9

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Robert returns home to Mistress Agnes.
4.8k words

Part 13 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 12/28/2001
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Robert awoke to the sun streaming through the large picture window in Mistress Calista's bedroom. Nell was gone. He remembered, vaguely, that she had kissed him and told him she was leaving the bed, earlier, at dawn. He had returned the kiss and had fallen asleep again. Calista was sitting in a large backed chair, wearing a sheer white negligee with a matching robe. "Good morning, Robert," she said, "I trust you slept well." Robert opened his mouth to speak, but demurred. Calista smiled then said, "You may speak now, Robert."

"Yes, Mistress, I slept very well, thank you."

"You and Nell were magnificent last night," replied Calista sipping at her coffee. "You were splendid with both Willa and Beresford too, Robert. Agnes will be proud and pleased when she sees the tapes."

"Are they still here?" asked Robert, fearful that Beresford may harbor a grudge because of his participation in his session.

"Yes, you will see them at breakfast. Don't concern yourself with either of them. They will be cordial and correct, or I shall blister their asses," laughed Calista. "After all, they are my slaves as well as my clients, and they know that I'll dismiss them from my service, if they cause me any inconvenience."

Robert pulled his naked body to the side of the bed and sat on the edge. "I'm concerned about the guy," said Robert, "he's a pretty big man and he wasn't too happy about last night."

"You've nothing to concern yourself, Robert. Beresford will do nothing, I promise you."


"She's fine. Right now she's helping prepare our breakfast," Calista told him. "You may take your shower now and come down to the dining room for breakfast. Remember your plane leaves this afternoon and I'm sure you don't want to miss your flight," Calista said as she arose and left the room. Robert checked his body over, before he completely got out of bed. His balls and nipples ached and his ass still bore strap marks and welts. He was sore, but in relatively good shape for all he had endured. He rose and went into the bathroom. Robert shaved, showered, dried himself and placed deodorant under his arms. He combed his hair and walked back in the bedroom to find Edward, waiting for him, with his collar and guide chain in his hand. He sighed submissively and stood still, as Edward fitted the guide chain about his balls and the collar to his neck. Satisfied, Edward pulled gently at the chain around Robert's balls to lead his young charge out of the bedroom, down the grand staircase and into the dining room. Calista sat at the head of the table with Cassandra and Cerces sitting opposite one another at Calista's sides. Willa and Beresford, both fully dressed, sat next to the lesser Mistresses and opposite from each other. Only Robert was still naked. Edward led him to the seat at the end of the table across from Mistress Calista. He stood awaiting instructions and Edward held out the chair, and motioned him to sit down. Robert sat in the chair tenderly, to avoid hurting his sore balls and ass.

"Robert, you have permission to speak, whenever you choose, and participate in the breakfast conversation, dear," Calista told him. Robert realized that he was the only one who was naked, but he put the thought out of his mind. Edward filled his cup with coffee then moved to the other diners to refill their cups. A door behind Calista opened, and Nell entered, carrying a large tray of breakfast foods. She smiled at Robert, but did not speak as she placed a platter on the table containing ham, sausages and bacon. Other foods included a platter of toast, a big bowl of scrambled eggs and a platter of cut fresh fruits. They served themselves from the bounty spread on the table and ate heartily. The conversation was light, with no sign of animosity from either Willa or Beresford. The six of them dined leisurely until each of them had eaten their fill. This feast was the first real food Robert had eaten since his arrival at Calista's mansion. Until this morning he had eaten only gruel, or something akin to meatloaf and boiled potatoes, served to him in bowls on the floor. He was grateful for the chance to eat well again.

Robert had looked at the grandfather clock, near the door to the kitchen, when he was brought into the dining room and it read ten thirty am. Now, it was nearly noon. Calista arose and called for Edward to enter. She turned to the lesser Mistresses and smiled. "Time to get dressed, ladies, for our trip to the airport. Let's hurry, we mustn't be late for Robert's flight." Cassandra and Cerces quickly left the room to dress for the trip. Willa and Beresford said their goodbye to their Mistress, by kneeling down and licking her slippers. Calista ordered them to rise and take their leave. She followed them to the front door, pulling Robert along by the guide chain around his balls. Both Willa and Beresford asked Calista if they could schedule future sessions with her before they left. Calista told them she would schedule them and notify them of the dates. Beresford bowed to kiss her hand goodbye, Willa curtsied and both of them left to get into their cars, brought to the front of the house earlier. Waving goodbye to their Mistress, they drove off.

Robert was glad they had left. Both Willa and Beresford had totally ignored him at breakfast. The three Mistresses were courteous to them, but they conversed mostly with Robert and each other. He was pleased that the Mistresses had treated him with more respect than they showed to either of the other slaves. Mistress Calista led Robert to an entryway near the front door. She tied his chain to a hook high on the wall. His balls ached, were pulled upward and restrained him fully. If he tried to move his balls were painfully strained. Calista completed restraining him, by placing his hands in handcuffs behind his back. She left him standing next to the wall as she climbed the stairs to dress. Several of the Calista's servants passed by Robert, as he stood chained to the hook, without more than a glance at him. None of them seemed interested in his plight. Edward passed by him again without speaking. Robert wondered why Edward never spoke to him or to any one else. In all the time he had spent at Calista's, he had never heard Edward say anything. Robert decided to think of other, more pleasant, things. Nell, for instance, she filled his mind with wonderful thoughts of last night, and of the kindness she had shown him when they first met.

He stood at his 'station by the wall' for over an hour waiting for the Mistresses to dress and take him to the airport. Robert wondered when he too, would dress. His legs began to tire and his balls ached when he leaned back or changed position. Soon he was in some agony from the tight chain about his balls. His eyes lit up when he saw the three Mistress enter the entryway fully dressed for the trip. Cassandra and Cerces each came to him and placed a nipple clamp on each of his nipples. Calista kissed him on the cheek, pulled back the foreskin of his penis and placed a large clamp on his cockhead. Robert shuddered and cried out from the pain. He fought back the tears that formed in his eyes. Edward appeared and released Robert's chain from the wall hook. He waited for the Mistresses to lead the way and he followed them, pulling Robert along harshly. They walked toward a waiting limousine. Robert was the only one who was naked, as he watched Cassandra and Cerces enter the limousine. Calista took the chain from Edward and turned to enter the car, when she heard a voice cry out her name.

"Yes?" she said as she turned to see Nell, completely naked, walking toward the car.

"Please, Mistress," she pleaded with Calista, "may I say goodbye to Robert?"

Calista, touched by the girl's plight, smiled at her servant, "Of course, Nell." The young woman came next to Robert. She kneeled to look at the cruel clamp on Robert's cockhead and the tight chain on his balls. With tears welling in her eyes, Nell licked his balls and around the clamp on his cockhead to soothe the pain. Her tongue caused Robert's cock to attempt an erection, which caused him even more pain as his cock swelled against the clamp. With tears freely rolling down her cheeks, Nell rose to embrace Robert and kiss him full on the lips. "Goodbye, Robert," she whispered through her tears, "I'll miss you." Nell turned away before Robert could reply, curtsied to her mistress and ran crying toward the house.

"Nell," shouted Robert, "I'll miss you too! I'll see you again…I promise!" Robert shouted to her as she disappeared into the mansion.

"How sweet," said Calista sincerely, as she entered the limousine, pulling Robert inside. Edward shut the door and the car sped away toward the gate. Calista sat in the center of the rear seat with Cassandra and Cerces on either side of her. Again Robert sat, naked, on the jump seat facing Calista. The limousine turned out of the mansion grounds and headed for the Interstate highway that would take them to the airport. Robert knew that no one could see through the darkly tinted windows, even though everyone inside could see out clearly. Cassandra and Cerces reached out to Robert and each removed a nipple clamp. They leaned toward him and each took one of his nipples into their mouths. Robert, glad to have the clamps removed, felt the circulation painfully returning to his nipples as the lesser Mistresses soothed them with their tongues. His cock, imprisoned by the large clamp surrounding his cockhead, tried to surge to erection, but the clamp prevented it from getting hard. The licking of his nipples only served to create more pain in his cockhead, as it strained against the large clamp.

Mistress Calista watched Robert, as he writhed in pleasure from the tongues at his nipples and grimaced in pain as his cock strained against his cockhead clamp. She tired of this little game and she mercifully removed the cockhead clamp. Roberts's cock seemed to leap quickly to erection. Calista removed a small sealed plastic pouch from her handbag and tore it open to extract a coiled clear plastic tube. Uncoiled, the tube was nearly three feet long with a slight bulge on one end. Robert saw the word 'catheter' on the packaging that Calista tossed to the limousine floor.

The end of the catheter tube glistened from the lubricant that coated it. Calista inserted the slightly bulged tip of the catheter into Robert's cockhole and slowly worked it into his urethra. He could feel it moving toward the entrance to his bladder, when Calista stopped inserting it, just short of his bladder. She crimped the end of the tube to prevent any fluid from exiting. "Ladies." Said Calista. Cassandra and Cerces moved their mouths to Robert's cock and they began to lick and suck the cockhead around the catheter imbedded in it. Each of them took one of his nipples, between a thumb and forefinger, to roll and stimulate it as they sucked at his cockhead.

Soon Robert was writhing in pleasure. He strained not to cum, as Calista had not given him permission to ejaculate. He moaned openly and begged Calista to give him relief, but she ignored his pleas and started to move the catheter in and out to further stimulate his orgiastic urgings. Robert could feel his throbbing cock nearing orgasm. His balls boiled and he knew he could not withhold much longer. Cassandra moved her tongue to the sensitive underside of his cockhead and it felt as if she had pulled the trigger for his orgasm.

He cried out in pleasure as his cock spasmed mightily and shot thick, milk colored fluid into the catheter. The creamy fluid rose through the tube with surprising force, as Calista released the crimp and placed the end of the tube into her mouth. Robert's cock continued to spew its heavy load of semen, spurting forth into Calista's waiting mouth. She rolled the salty nectar over her tongue and swallowed this first offering. Calista took another glob of the thick spunk onto her tongue then surrendered the tube to her assistant Mistresses. Each of them pulled a quantity of pearly white semen into their mouths and began to kiss one another, transferring the thick semen in, out and between their mouths.

Calista sucked out the last of the semen through the catheter, and joined her assistants in kissing and transferring Robert's nectar between them. Finally, all of Robert's cum ended up in Calista's mouth. She leaned to Robert and kissed him, pushing all of his cum into his mouth. He swallowed the offering and thanked Calista for rewarding him. She had Robert suck on the catheter to recover any residual come then slowly withdrew the tube from his cock. Calista offered the end of the tube to him to clean, and he complied with his tongue.

"Well, Robert," began Calista, "you still haven't learned that you must not cum without permission."

"But Mistress…I…I," stammered Robert, trying to find the right words.

"Stop it, Robert!" ordered Calista sternly, "I am ashamed to send this tape to Agnes. She'll think we didn't even try to train you, Robert," she continued, as though she was angered, when in reality she knew that Robert had no chance to comply. "Well there's no place to properly discipline you here, other than to replace the clamps to your nipples and cockhead. A poor substitute for a proper discipline, I should think." Calista acted as though she was truly upset and undecided about what to do. While she fretted, Cassandra and Cerces replaced the clamps roughly. The four of them rode in silence, as Calista pretended to mull over her options.

"Robert, I've thought about your indiscretions," Calista began, as she watched Robert grimacing under the pain of the clamps, "This is not what I wanted, Robert, but you leave me no alternative." Robert was completely confused regarding Calista's intent. He steeled himself for the worst, as he suffered from the clamps and the handcuffs rubbing his wrists. His Mistress grabbed his head and pulled it toward her crotch. Robert opened his mouth, only to be rebuked. "Stop that foolishness, Robert. There's no time for that, though it's not a bad idea," she mused, as she unlocked the handcuffs, "rub your wrists, dear."

Robert looked out the window to see that the limousine had pulled off the Interstate and was speeding toward the airport road. Cassandra and Cerces removed the clamps and positioned Robert to place the nylon net cock and balls harness over his genitals. They fitted him with a waist chain and a thick butt plug. Next, they fastened his harness to the butt plug and attached both of them to the waist chain. Calista placed a pair of lacy thong panties on him and Cassandra fitted him with a lacy garter belt. Sheer nylon pantyhose were fitted onto his legs and Cerces completed his underwear ensemble with a white lacy bra that matched his panties and garter belt.

Mistress Calista produced a pink mini-dress, with matching handbag and pumps with low heels. The women dressed him, applied makeup to his face and lipstick to his lips. A pearl necklace, matching earrings and a red wig completed his transformation to 'Roberta'. The limousine pulled into the airport and drove up the 'Departures' ramp to the terminal. The car stopped at the appropriate airline curb and the chauffeur quickly jumped out to open the passenger door. Mistress Calista followed Cassandra and Cerces as they exited the car. 'Roberta' came out last.

Calista handed 'Roberta' her ticket, embraced and kissed him. "Goodbye, darling," she cooed into his ear. "You gave me no other option, but to 'correct' your disobedience by restoring you as 'Roberta'. Have a lovely flight, dear, and please come back to visit again, soon." Robert nodded and returned the kiss to her cheek. Both Cerces and Cassandra embraced and kissed him, said goodbye and asked him to return. The three Mistresses re-entered their limousine and motioned to the driver to drive on as they waved goodbye to 'Roberta'. He watched them drive away and thought, to himself correctly, that dressing him as Roberta was prearranged with Agnes.

Roberta entered the terminal and opened the ticket envelope. He located the departure monitors found his gate and set out towards the concourse. As 'she' walked through the terminal, nearly all of the males turned to look and give 'her' the once over. An airline pilot, at least Robert surmised he was a pilot from his uniform, told 'Roberta' that he hoped 'she' was on his flight. Buoyed by all the attention he was receiving, dressed as Roberta, Robert began to swing his hips slightly, and put a little bounce in his walk. He drew stares of desire from males and envy from females. 'Roberta' arrived at 'her' gate just as the attendant announced the boarding call for first class passengers. Robert opened his ticket and saw that he held a first class accommodation. He boarded the plane and found his seat next to a window. The Flight Attendant was a very pretty blond girl in slacks, of medium height and rather average breasts. She asked 'Roberta' if 'she' wanted a drink, but 'she' declined. A man that Robert judged to be in his late forties or early fifties sat next to him and smiled at his good fortune to sit next to such a pretty girl.

The flight was uneventful. The man tried to start a conversation, but Robert didn't cooperate and the man stopped trying. Robert spent the time staring out of the window, until the Attendant announced that they were beginning the descent, to land. The plane rolled up to the jet way and the passengers began to deplane. As Robert reached the end of the jet way he saw Mistress Agnes waiting to meet to meet him. He was very happy to see her again and grateful that she had come in person to pick him up. "Roberta, I've missed you so!" exclaimed Mistress Agnes as she embraced him and kissed his cheeks.

"I've missed you too, Mistress," he whispered in her ear as they hugged one another.

"Calista called to tell me how much she enjoyed your visit, darling. She even sent me more recent tapes," Agnes told him, "she is sending me another tape of your trip to the airport. I'll get that one tomorrow." Agnes took 'Roberta' by the arm and led 'her' to the waiting area outside the main terminal. They waited a few moments when Agnes's Town Car drove up with Ellen behind the wheel. She smiled at 'Roberta' as they got into the rear seat and closed the door. Ellen drove off toward College Station.

"So, Robert, did you have fun?" asked Ellen as she turned onto the Interstate highway.

"Well, it wasn't all fun, Ellie, but I'm glad I went," Robert replied.

"Hey, tell me about Nell. She really looks hot. Did you fuck her?" Ellen asked bluntly. Robert was mortified that she knew about Nell and he tried to ignore Ellen. "Robert, come on. Don't go shy on me, when there's such a great piece of prime pussy available for both of us," Ellen teased him. Agnes watched Robert grow more and more uneasy, as Ellen kept teasing him.

"Robert, you know how Ellie can be when she is an adult. She will hound you until you tell her what she wants to know, so you might as well answer her questions," Agnes told him. "You know, Robert, I think Ellie's friend Phyllis is right, Ellen can be such a cunt when she's horny." Ellen giggled at Agnes remark and looked at Robert, through the rear view mirror, as he squirmed. "Now you both have my interest peaked. Robert, tell us both about Nell." Robert swallowed hard and began to recount his experience with Nell. He told them how she showed him kindness when he first arrived at Mistress Calista's. He continued his story until their final coupling, describing their night together and her farewell the next day as he left for the airport. It was obvious to both women that Robert really cared for Nell and Agnes decided to refrain from pursing it further. Ellen, on the other hand, was just getting started with her verbal torment of Robert. She continued to press him for the most intimate details of Nell's sexual techniques.


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