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The Seed Must Flow

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Femboy getting femdommed by a ship full of alien plantgirls!
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The pitch, dear reader, is 'cumthirsty plantgirls femdomming and gaslighting a guy with pheromonal pollen into turning into a chronically masturbating pervert pet who gets off on shame'.

So, yeah, there's minds being controlled. There's a character unsure as to what's real and what's a dream, complete with gaslighting. There's a lot of fluid talk and cum fixation. There's LOTS of humiliation and exhibitionism. I don't know what got into me, I just...y'know those people who speak in tongues? It's like that, I was channeling the divine spirit of my fetishes through my writing.


The Kirayn female raised an eye tendril. "You sure you wanna do this? Three weeks with a ship full of plantgirls?"

Riley bit back a retort. This was the third flunky who had tried to warn him about taking the job offer on the Enveloped Lilac, and he was getting frustrated having to repeat himself.

"Listen, I'm a Class 3 Bioengineer. Fully licensed on heterodox FTL drives, H3 systems, and xenocultural contact. And I'm all paid up on union dues." He tapped the tablet again, pointing to his credentials, which floated around the top.

The insectoid didn't look convinced. Though, admittedly, it was difficult to read the facial features of someone with an exoskeleton. He'd spent most of his time in this sector with the Shareeakk, whose combination of flailing pseudolimbs and rapid colour changing carapaces were a little too expressive. Riley was unsure if the Kirayn was deploying dry wit or was just not impressed by his bonafides.

"But you're a Mammal, right? Why would you want a ride on a Florana ship."

"What? Mammals can't ride in plant ships? That's a bit of an old-fashioned way of thinking." When she didn't take his bait, he elaborated. "The Lilac is taking a quicker route back to Earthspace than I can get anywhere else. Three standard weeks versus two standard months. I got my dough. I wanna head back home."

She pricked a dextrous foretendril on the tablet, scrolling to the left until she found the itinerary. "You sure you wanna spend three ten-days with the greenies? You know the stories."

He made a face. "I've had it on good authority that those are just old scavver's tales. Plenty of mammalians out here say they've worked with Florana and none of them mention turning into braindrained thralls."

With a long, wet exhale, the last barrier standing between him and his new ship handed the tablet back with an 'all-clear' sticker on the file.

"Remember that I warned you."


With his duffel on his shoulder, he made his way to the airlock. In truth, he'd heard just as many warnings as he'd had people dispelling them. But...if the rumours were true...he had to try it out.

His obsession with the Florana had begun when he'd spotted the most peculiar flower resting in a vase at one of the dive bars on Kulgaara Station. In a room that smelled of stale beer and three species of piss, its walls slowly rotting from neglect and full to the brim of people whose lives had hit the skids, it stood as a singular moment of beauty. He'd stared at it for an hour, breathing in its amazing aroma, before he bothered asking what it was, where it had come from.

Apparently, it had come from a Florana vessel. They grew the things. Not just the flower, but the whole ship! He'd worked on ships with biotech parts before. Shareeakk reactor coolant systems had more in common with cardiopulmonary organs than any power plant he'd ever seen. But the chance to examine a fully grown starship was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

And, he had to admit, there was another reason. If he was being honest, the real reason: he'd heard the Florana were total sluts. Like, always down to fuck, 100% freaks in bed to a woman. Or femme-adjacent subgender. He wasn't quite sure how it worked, but they seemed to like female pronouns on the whole. And he liked girls. He Really liked girls. So an entire ship full of sexed up plantgirls who were Down To Fuck sounded like a vacation cruise, not a work trip!

The stories about their pollen had given him pause. Apparently, mammalian life had unpredictable reactions to it. Some didn't notice it at all, some went into full anaphylactic shock...and some became totally subservient pets. And there was no way to tell unless you tested yourself. He had an ace up his sleeve, however.

At the Coreward Departure Lounge, he searched for his gate. Sure enough, there was a gorgeous plantlady standing at the airlock, her cute little button nose buried in a tablet. She wore the skintight and skimpy uniform her kind preferred. Shorts, top, and shoes mostly. Unprofessional to most races, the exposed skin allowed for photosynthesis in proper lighting. Just the thought of being around a space ship of plant nymphos who dressed like that all the time was enough to make him dizzy!

He ducked into a less crowded corner of the Lounge and withdrew a small hypo full of antihistamine. A tech he paid off had told him it'd make him immune to the pollen's effects. And he'd had enough stored in his bags to make the whole three week journey. That meant three weeks of pure erotic encounters with none of the embarrassing loss of willpower. He'd be a fool not to!

Gathering up his never, he approached the Florana. Outwardly, they appeared to be feminine Humanoids. Standing around 5 feet tall, they sported gorgeous leafy petals in vivid colours instead of hair. This one's were a vivid purpley blue, like an iris from Earth.

"Hello? I'm the Human who'll be earning my passage on this trip," he said, offering a hand. The Florana looked up from her tablet. When she spoke, he couldn't help but notice both her mouth and tongue were glowing an iridescent green!

"Oh! When I saw your species listed on the manifest, I thought it was a typo. You're more than welcome! But..." She looked to the left and right, then leaned in theatrically. "You know what effect our pollen has on some of your kind, yes?"

He nodded. "Oh, I've no doubt. But I'm strong willed. I can manage."

She gave him a shake of her head, then took his offered hand. "Well, if you think you're up to it, welcome aboard! My name's Nala. Let's get you settled in!"


The inner airlock dilated, allowing the pair entry into a strange vessel. The walls were organic, almost like leaves grown in a cylindrical shape. On closer inspection, the material was fibrous, and he could feel it pulse when he pressed his hand to it. Growing from the ceiling at regular intervals were these luminous floral 'bulbs'. Light-flowers, they were descriptively called. He didn't quite understand the biology of it, but they produced enough pseudo-sunlight for the Florana to passively metabolize instead of an actual star.

"Yes, yes, the walls are alive," Nala said with a grin, jerking her thumb down the corridor. "You'll get used to it. She's no different than one big, floating Florana once you get past the ribbing. It took me a while to not feel your cold metal bulkheads, but that's all normal for me now."

Riley nodded absently. It truly was remarkable, but he did his best not to look like a complete bumpkin among his new coworkers. While Nala led, he took a good, long look at her pert ass. Her 'uniform' hid very little, and he had to drag his eyes away like drunks out of a bar before he caught him.

"This way'll take us to your quarters," she said, taking a curving right turn at a four-way junction. As they rounded the corner, his eyes caught movement down one of the other paths. One Florana had her back against the bulkhead equivalent, her mouth open and gasping for air. A circulation glitch? No! The reason for her breath catching was the fluffy bush of red petals pressed up against her nethers, connected to an entirely different Florana. She was getting eaten out in full view of the rest of the ship!

"It's rude to stare."

Riley nearly jumped out of his socks. Nala had joined him, looking down the corridor at the pair of lovers.

"Sorry! I just...I guess I was surprised," he explained.

"Oh, right. Inhibitions. Very little of those on our ship," his guide explained. "Is that going to be a problem?"

The Human shook his head so hard it nearly flew off his spine. "No ma'am!"

"Good. Because that's probably one of the tamer displays you'll see. And I lied before...staring is encouraged~"


The first days of his voyage were surprisingly mundane, given his expectations. After getting brushed off by the enigmatic Captain Lin, he met some of his new crewmates. They all seemed rather interested in having a Human on board. A good sign, he thought. They'd all been rather playful in their language and banter, but hadn't quite reciprocated interest in his attempts at flirtation. But given how down to fuck they clearly were, it was only a matter of time before their curiosity got the better of them.

Initially, he took the role of an apprentice to two of the Florana. Nala was the Chief Bioengineer, or at least that was what her rank translated as. He learned the basics of their systems and shadowed her as she went about her regular maintenance. Another Florana, Alina, was the Deckmistress, a mix of Bosun and Quartermaster, managing internal logistics, on-board equipment, as well as maintaining morale. He bounced in between shifts helping them, and in between, he acclimatized himself to his new environs.

The Enveloping Lilac was the strangest ship he'd ever served on, and it took him more time than he was prepared for to get used to operating on a truly living vessel. The rush of air as it 'breathed' in and out, the throbbing conduits carrying everything from fresh water to plasma to where it needed to go. And the myriad, all-encompassing scents of living things. Whenever he thought he'd gone noseblind to them, another would appear to take him off his guard, or an old one would resurface.

The antihistamines were lasting, or perhaps they weren't doing anything at all. He suspected he was simply too mentally strong to be affected by these beautiful plantgirls, but he kept taking them just to be safe.

Still...he'd noticed an uptick in his arousal. Which only made sense on a ship full of beautiful women! Even so, none so far had picked up on his deft, subtle suggestions that they make time with one another. And he knew they were sexually active, because not a day went by when he didn't 'accidentally' find one or two or even three engaged in some extraduty action in public spaces. One time, a pair even fucked in the mess hall while he was eating! The little fruits they served him were delicious, but he barely noticed them going down his gullet while watching a Florana ride the face of her friend on a dinner table.

Hot. He felt hot. He ran off back to his room to rub one out after that, launching thick spurts of seed into his hand in mere moments. Fuck...he could get used to dinner and a show.

His room was more like a little pod, which opened for him to enter and closed when he settled down. Other pods held the lower ranked Florana in the same room, and they left him alone once settled down. He could hear them, though. They often moaned, gasping, as they pleasured themselves long into the night. It was hard to ignore them, and more than once he rubbed one out to their sighs. Just imagining all the hot sex he was going to have was too much to handle! He settled down into his large, leaf-like blanket and went to sleep. Inhaling, exhaling, each breath bringing in more and more of those wonderful scents.


A week into his cruise and still, no luck with the ladies. Riley was hard at work on the xylem pumps with Nala when he felt that heat rise in his belly again. She was bent over a large, pulsing node, and he felt like if he stared long enough, he could make out the contours of her lower petals. His cock, pressed against his underwear and his body glove, stiffened. This close to the Florana engineer, he worried what this might look like.

"Umm, I might need to take five," he said, stepping back. The plantgirl craned her neck around to look at him, the worst possible outcome, and clearly noticed his erection.

"Oh, that?" she said, waving it off. "That's normal. Mammals do that all the time around Florana."

He nodded, but his cheeks still stung. "Sorry. I'd control it if I could."

"Why?" she asked, tilting her head. "You're a healthy Human male. You have urges. Why shrink from them?"

She stood up from her work and pulled up her top, revealing her very, very Humanoid breasts for him. Two dark green orbs topped by rose pink buds. He sputtered some confused syllables, but he didn't look away.

"I...umm...thank you?" Riley offered.

"Do you think I look pretty?"


"Then don't be rude. Show me." She pointed again to his cock, making it very clear she wasn't being euphemistic or coy. Seemingly unwilling to let it drop, he shrugged and did his best to look like he wasn't being bullied into this. This is what he wanted, after all!

Well, sort of.

He pulled out his cock, and sure enough, it was throbbing harder than the organ they were working on. He gripped himself and stroked, nervously at first. He was used to being the one in control, but being ordered to do something did have a certain appeal. Before he knew it, he was really getting into it.

"Do you like Human guys?" he asked.

"Of course. Many species have males, and I love them all. Not all the crew feels the same, mind, but we all understand the appeal of having a powerful, masculine presence like yourself on board. We can smell you, y'know."

He paused. "What?"

Nala grinned. "Whenever you masturbate, we can smell it on you. It's obvious. But it's okay. It's a compliment, really. Keep stroking."

Riley nodded shakily and obeyed. His mind awash with all the things he wanted to do to Nala, to the other Florana on the ship. Press his mouth to their folds, rub his hand through their hair-equivalent. And most of all, stuff his fat, throbbing, needy-

His orgasm came about suddenly, shocking even him. A trio of ropes splattered his palm, with the rest dribbled into the tiny puddle while he milked himself to completion. Before he could come down from the orgasmic high, the bioengineer lifted his hand still cupped full of seed for her inspection.

"Hmm..." she mused, poking it with her finger. "You don't make much of this, do you?"

"Well, I mean," he began, stumbling over an excuse. Before he could conjure explanation or excuse, she licked the residue off her finger. Her eyes closed, and she audibly moaned.

"Mmm. Haven't tasted Human in a while. Thanks cutes. So, what say we get back to work?"


His efforts to make himself useful were hindered by the arousal that never seemed to fade entirely. Jerking off felt great, better than normal even! But the heat only ever dropped to a simmer, never fully cooling down like it had before.

He noticed other changes to his body, ones that had nothing to do with his lusts. There weren't many mirrors or reflective surfaces in the ship, but from what he could glean, he was getting softer. Both in his face and in his general musculature. He hadn't need to shave more than once in the last week, and what little body hair he had had fluttered away one morning in the communal waterfall shower, a place the Florana liked to congregate in as well as use to clean themselves.

There'd be no hiding his erections there, and while they were polite, he could tell they were noticing. Some were staring. Others giggled and talked quietly amongst themselves. But they didn't shy away. No inhibitions, he remembered Nala saying. And they were likewise free with showing off their bodies to his eye. They were Humanoid in every way that mattered to his libido, top to bottom.

Alina in particular. Rather than small and pert like Nala, the Deckmistress of the Florana ship was a lovely pear shape. An enormous round bottom and thighs drew his attention even when she was fully clothed. When nude, it was all he could do to keep from pressing his face between her cheeks! Between which, he couldn't help but notice, were organs similar to the ones he was familiar with. He did note that both holes happened to glow the same bright green as her mouth.

His masturbation increased beyond mere stress relief. It was getting compulsive. He started yearning for it during duty hours, slipping away for minutes at a time to quickly blast ropes in the corridor. Sometimes he got caught, but the Florana didn't seem to mind. They masturbated too, he rationalized, hand full of spent seed. Why shouldn't he?

Riley's normal roster of spankbank favourites morphed in his mind as his shifts wore on, turning into the shapely curves and verdant skin of his coworkers. His college sweetheart's ruby lips morphed into Nala's grinning face, asking him to tug his cock for her. His crewmate on the Star's Destiny who'd let him try anal for the first time, replaced with Alina's gorgeous rear end awaiting his dick.

In time, Riley stopped worrying about being seen. Why was he imposing his preconceived modesty and shame on others? Whenever he felt the urge, he withdrew his cock and began stroking himself. The first few times he did avoid looking at his crewmates, but their blasé attitude and incredibly attractive bodies left him slack-jawed and needy.

"Fuck," he said one duty shift, ogling Deckmistress Alina like a true lecher, "You Florana babes are so fucking hot."

Alina giggled, a musical sound that made his heart pound even faster. "We know, silly. That's why we enjoy each other's company so often!"

He nodded dumbly, jerking his fat cock off in full view of the gorgeous green woman. Their tight clothing did more to accentuate, rather than hide, their feminine physiques. Garnish on an incredible dish. And Alina's plump body was no exception. When he felt the pressure build and his toes curl, he had the forethought to point his prick away from his coworker before splattering his load on the bulkhead.

Nala shook her head. "Next time, just do it on me. Use me as your living, breathing cumrag if you wanna."

Riley blinked. "Y-you sure?"

Instead of answering directly, she crossed the distance between them, body swaying with a hypnotic rhythm, and slid her finger around his drooling cock. Collecting the dregs of his orgasm, she let it drip from her hand to her surprisingly long, glowing tongue. If he hadn't just climaxed, he knew he would be rock hard right now.

And in a few minutes, thinking back on what just happened...he was.


Two weeks had passed, and he wondered if something wasn't getting through the antihistamine shots. He was constantly horny, to a point where not even the omnipresence of attractive women could fully account for his libido's overstimulated state. He offered himself on several occasions to his coworkers, begging even, but they simply laughed and moved on with their shift. That distance they kept only made them more attractive, which led to even more distraction during his duties.

Small consolation, both Nala and Alina were fine with him using their bodies to catch. Even letting him rub his cock to completion on them. He felt like such a pervert, but that made it all the hotter when he got to spurt his load onto their clothes or their bare skin. He'd tried to turn it into something more, grinding on them after the last drop had drooled onto their bodies, but they skillfully pivoted away. Or worse, made him self-conscious of just what he was doing with a skillful shift of conversation to their assigned task.

Although he wasn't fucking as much as he'd hoped, this was still more than worth the price of admission! Coming up on the tail end of his scheduled journey, he would regret stepping off the Enveloped Lilac and back around the less accommodating species, including his own.

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