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The Servant Pt. 01

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Woman becomes a servant to pay off student loans.
2.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/29/2020
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I sat at my Goodwill desk, my butt sore from the curb-find chair that graced my dismal one room efficiency. Dismal notwithstanding, the rent was past due and as I waited for my five year old computer to boot up I wondered for the 100th time just how late I could be without getting evicted. When the old desktop finally whirred to life I pulled up my bank account, piggy-backing on the neighbor's WiFi. Thank God they hadn't ever put a password on it. My bank balance was $7.86. Maybe I'd treat myself to a fabulous dinner at Taco Bell tonight.

I thought for a while about my fabulous job at the local coffee house and how much I hated my boss. I thought some more about the college degree that I'd almost finished, and wondered how I'd gotten to this point. A mountain of student loan debt, no way to pay it off, and nothing to show for it. Depressed and horny both, I opened another tab and logged in to FetLife. Not like I had plans for the evening, anyway.

Nothing interesting on the few groups I monitored, and I'd never had the nerve to go to any munches. I read all the BDSM erotica I could get my hands on but my real life sexual experiences were pretty tame. Doggy-style was as kinky as the college boys I'd dated could muster, and my fantasies would probably send them running home to Mama.

I'm not even sure why I started looking at the personal ads. Maybe I was just tired of thinking about how bad my situation had become. There were a lot of crazy ads; mostly male subs looking for women to use them. They left me cold. But then I saw it. It was on the second page, and the caption might as well have jumped off the page and grabbed me by the tits.

'Personal Servant Desired'

The ad was eloquently written - unusual on a website devoted to kink.

'Husband and wife seek subservient female to cater to our EVERY whim. Must be bi-sexual, and eager to accept commands from us both. Live-in situation with all expenses paid, plus a generous salary.'

My heart skipped a beat and my panties got moist just reading those three sentences. Not only was it the answer to all my problems, but it was pretty fucking hot too. Before I had time to second guess myself I sent a reply to the ad.

'I hope I can be the servant you're looking for. Please tell me when and where I can apply in person.'

I settled in to wait for the reply and slid my hand inside the waistband of my shorts, imagining the possibilities...

I woke up with a start, heart pounding and panicky. I had been dreaming that I came home from work to find all my meager belongings out on the lawn in front of my apartment. My landlord had evidently had enough of my stalling and evicted me. When I saw the light flashing on my laptop, I realized it must have been the new message indicator that had awakened me. Now my heart began to race in earnest. I clicked on the new email, and sure enough it was from them.

'Miss Danielle, we were so excited to get your note expressing your interest in the position. Unless you have prior engagements, we will send a car for you promptly at 6 pm tomorrow night. Please be appropriately dressed for public perusal on the outside, but underneath your street clothes we expect you to be ready for your audition.'

I had nothing left to lose and was more than a little intrigued. Immediately, I rifled through my wallet looking for the one credit card that wasn't maxed out. I called the salon and made an appointment for the works, remembering that there was a lingerie shop right next door. This was one audition I didn't intend to blow.

The next 36 hours were filled with a flurry of activity on my part. I bought a black lace bra and panty set, and splurged on sheer black hose and garters to go with them. I'd found a dress in the back of my closet that would work as I assumed my prospective employers would be more interested in what was underneath. A simple black pair of heels and my wardrobe was complete.

The salon took three hours and most of the credit I had left to use. I got a haircut, mani/pedi, eyebrows sculpted, and a Brazilian wax. I went home and washed away any remnants of wax, shaving my legs carefully. Keeping an eye on the clock, I dressed quickly and stood in front of the full length mirror I'd scored at the thrift shop.

I knew I looked good and also knew I'd look better with the dress off. I only wished that the knowledge would ease the queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. It wasn't just fear of the unknown that squeezed my chest. If this didn't work out, what else was there?

As described, at exactly 6 pm a sleek black Lincoln Town Car pulled up in front of my building. Somehow I'd known it would be on time so I'd been waiting just inside the door. A tall, lean man opened the driver's door, climbed out, and began to walk towards me. Horrified at the thought of anyone seeing the inside of my tiny apartment I hurried out locking the door behind me; like there was anything to steal.

"Miss Danielle, I presume?" the chauffeur inquired as I rapidly closed the distance between us.

"Yes sir, that's me."

He laughed, assured me that I didn't have to call him 'sir', and took me by the elbow, leading me towards the passenger seat.

"Joel is fine, Miss."

He helped me into the backseat of the most sumptuous car I'd ever been in. Buttery leather seats and plush carpeting cradled me as we headed towards the most important job interview of my life. I was dying to ask him questions about his employers, but knew that would be the wrong move. Joel did not seem inclined to conversation anyway.

Trying desperately to calm my nerves, I gazed out the window. The entire trip only took a half hour but we might as well have taken the space shuttle. This world was night and day from the one I lived in. The homes had been growing larger gradually, further and further back from the tree lined streets. By the time Joel slowed all that was visible was massive lawns bordered by stone and wrought iron fences.

The driveway was guarded by an electric gate, but Joel pushed a button on the visor and the gate opened silently. After a quarter mile or so of driveway we rounded a curve and the house was visible. Maybe house was the wrong word to use; it looked more like a hotel to me. Now my stomach was really rolling and I wished I'd had the money for a new dress, but it was too late. Joel pulled up in front, got out and opened the rear door for me.

"Out you go, Miss. They'll be waiting for you."

Taking a few deep breaths I walked towards the front door as Joel pulled away behind me. I reached for the doorbell but before I could touch it, the massive oak door was pulled open from the inside. I guess I was expecting a housekeeper, but the person standing in the doorway was no servant. Much taller than my 5'3" and dressed in a beautiful burgundy gown with a plunging neckline, the woman looked like she'd stepped from the pages of a fashion magazine. She reached for my hands and pulled me into the house, closing the door behind me.

"Danielle, so glad you could make it. Please come in. Charles is waiting in the study for us."

The lady of the house strode off, long legs making me scurry to keep up. Her heels were even higher than mine and she looked completely at home in them. I didn't have much time to gawk, but everything about the place screamed money. Towards the back of the house she stopped at a closed door and waited for me to catch up.

"Come along, dear. In this house we don't keep my husband waiting."

With this rather ominous pronouncement she flung open the door, gently pushing me in first. The room was obviously a man's domain, with dark colors and luminous wood paneling. There was a fire burning in a huge fireplace and a man sitting in an armchair before it. He rose and held out his hand and I crossed the carpet quickly. My interview had begun.

The man was tall. Perhaps 6'3" I guessed, which made him several inches taller than his wife and a foot taller than me. He was handsome and fit, with a touch of gray at his temples. He was wearing what appeared to be silk pajama bottoms with a velvet robe tied loosely at the waist. The woman crossed to his side, and the sight of them together was even more overwhelming than their lavish estate.

"Danielle, I'm happy that you are here. I'm Charles Standish, and you've already met my wife Vanessa, I see. We could be coy here and chat about the weather or if you like our home, but that isn't the reason you're here. Let's just get right down to it, shall we?"

I nodded, feeling like a naughty school girl at the principal's office. Belatedly I realized he was waiting for an answer.

"Yes Sir."

"Ah, very good" he said, smiling. "I am glad that you realize there will be certain formalities here. I have introduced myself and my wife, but those names are for our friends and associates. You will call us Master and Mistress when we are alone, and Mr. and Mrs. Standish when we have company. Is that understood?"

Once again I nodded meekly, and managed a whispered "Yes Sir."

"Good, good. I'm glad you understand."

They both smiled at me warmly and sat down side by side on a love seat across from the fire.

"Now then, Danielle. Let's see what's under the dress."

The abrupt segue startled me a little, bringing color to my cheeks. I bit back a reply and unzipped my dress, letting it fall to the floor. Not knowing what to do next I stood there silently; exposed, embarrassed, and feeling my new lace panties begin to dampen.

"Ah, that's very nice. Don't you agree, Vanessa?"

Charles licked his lips appreciatively and I thought I saw his wife's eyes narrow slightly.

"Yes, darling" she replied quickly, and a smile replaced the frown so quickly I wondered if I'd imagined it.

"I know that our ad was brief, so allow me to elaborate a bit. I am a Dominant and my lovely wife wishes to explore her switch side. We are looking for a dedicated pet who will belong to us both. If we decide you are that person, you will help around the house in any way that Vanessa needs. You will also be sexually available to us and anyone we choose, whenever we wish."

"In return, you will be provided with room and board and a generous salary. We will get you out of your lease and pay all of your bills. Our accountant has already looked into your financial situation and we know that it isn't pretty. This could be the answer to all your prayers. You will have your own room here for the nights we don't need you in our bedroom. Vanessa will help you pick out a wardrobe suitable for your position here, and you may also buy whatever you wish for your one day off every week."

"You will have a 90 day probationary period, and at the end of that time, if any of us are unsatisfied with the arrangement you will be free to go, no questions asked. We have read the stories you've posted and know that our interests are compatible. There will be much pleasure but also pain. Some you will enjoy, and some you will endure because we enjoy it. If you make it to the end of your probation there will be a bonus. If you work for us for a full year we will pay off your student loans and you will be debt free."

"And now if all of that is agreeable to you, it's time for you to show us that you are worthy of the position."

My head spinning with the incredible windfall that had just been described, I stood still for a moment watching while Charles, 'Master', stood and untied his robe. His eyes never leaving mine, he slowly pulled his silk pajamas off his lean hips to expose his rapidly swelling cock. I'd seen longer, but his was thick and lovely and my mouth began to water. He sat again, carefully, his hips at the very edge of the cushions.

I knew what I was expected to do. Risking a glance at Vanessa I was unable to read her expression, but I also knew who made the decisions in this household. Stepping carefully out of the circle of the dress pooled at my feet, I crossed to the man who I hoped was going to be my employer and knelt between his legs.

Smiling, he reached for my head and pulled me to his lap. I began cautiously, painfully aware of what was at stake for me here. I licked the head of his cock teasingly, stopping intermittently to lower my head even further and suckle his balls. They were large and full but I was still able to take them into my mouth one at a time, sucking gently. His moans guided me and I grew braver. I licked my way up and down his thick shaft as I palmed his head, never losing contact.

My only view was of Master's curly pubic hair, which was either naturally sparse or had been trimmed. I felt rather than saw Vanessa rise from her place beside him on the love seat. She walked around me, fingernails grazing my shoulders. In one swift movement she unhooked my bra and my breasts fell free. Soft hands began to caress my nipples. Gentle at first, but soon the fingers were deftly twisting and pulling.

The audition and my future here were soon forgotten and I was lost in the pleasure of service. I took Master's cock as deeply into my mouth as I could, but Mistress had other ideas. One hand still pinched my nipples, but her other hand tangled in my hair and she gave my head a firm push. My airway was effectively shut off and I began to squirm. At the same time, I felt a gush between my legs and realized that my fear and helplessness were making me wetter than I'd ever been before.

Just when I thought I might black out, Mistress released her grip and allowed me to breathe. I spluttered a bit but Master was relentless and pumped in and out of my mouth now, both hands gripping me by the hair. He gave one last groan and came so far down my throat I only knew he'd climaxed because I could feel his cock pulsing.

I was afraid to move without asking and unsure what came next. Vanessa's voice was the first to break the silence.

"Well, Sir. It looks like we've found our new servant. Would you agree?"

"Yes, my dear. I believe you're right. Have Pet make herself presentable and then she can sign the employment contract. I believe you two will want to get better acquainted anyway, while I finish some work."

Strong hands pulled me up from the floor, and I was a bit surprised to see that the hands belonged to my new Mistress. She produced a thin leather collar and fastened it around my neck. I heard a click and realized that she'd just attached a metal chain to the collar's D ring.

"Come with me, Pet. We'll get you situated first, and then I'll show you what I expect from a servant..."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, hopefully she will either learn that she is a pet or a servant. There is a big difference between the two. If she is a pet, then she essentially has only fear to tame her. If she is a servant, then there are limits that need to be established. Well, she will be naked most of the time and maybe she will have some clothes. She already has been beaten before she was told about any other rules. A good D/s relationship needs to know the limits, rules, punishments, and a safeword to establish trust. If there is no trust, then fear rules. What happens after the probationary time, she gets a bonus (but what kind of bonus is not clear at all). If she lasts a year, she will be debt free but in what kind of physical or mental shape will she be in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Looks very promising

Great start. Looking forward to reading more.

Tess (uk)

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