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Click here"Come on lazy bones," Mandy said shaking the bed. "It's time to get up, we are going shopping for the holidays remember."
Oh joy! How I hate shopping especially for holiday clothes.
Better get up I thought to myself, sooner we get going the sooner we get back.
I went downstairs, Mandy was in the kitchen making a cup of tea, and she was naked.
I walked up behind her and put my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.
"I love the outfit."
She smiled at me.
Right I thought, might as well make myself a cup of tea, she will be a good few minutes getting ready; boy was I in for a shock. Less than 10 minutes later she called to me to get the car out.
She joined me in the car wearing her long coat, bit warm for that I thought to myself but didn't say anything, she smiled again.
"Come on lets go, those shops won't empty themselves into my suitcase will they."
We live by one of those huge shopping malls, with every shop you can think of. As you enter the mall there is a security desk,where you walk through a rotating gate system,it can be a pain and causes big queues but they say it ensures safety for everyone within the mall,it also saves every shop having to have security in them, as everyone has to pass security to leave. This is when they go through your bags and check receipts etc.
We walked through, and into the first of many shops.
Mandy was rummaging through the rails of summer dresses, T shirts and shorts, picking up the occasional dress and holding it up to herself to see how it looked.
"How can you tell anything with that big coat on," I said to her, "give it to me and look properly."
She shook her head and smiled at me, "come on," she said "I want to try these two dresses on."
We walked over to one of the changing cubicles that were dotted about the shop; Mandy pulled one of the curtains back and stepped inside.
"Want me to hold your coat love." I asked her.
She undid it with her back to me and slid it off her shoulders. She passed it to me without looking around.
I gasped in shock; she was completely naked underneath it, her pert little bum cheeks on show to everyone. I quickly pulled the curtain over so nobody could see, and just popped my head through.
She turned and looked at me "Told you that you would enjoy this shopping trip didn't I." she smiled.
"What if someone had seen you then," I said,
"They might have reported you and got us kicked out of here."
"I thought you liked seeing me naked, and getting other people to see," she said "come on anyway we have got lots to do."
I looked around the shop to see if anyone near had seen anything, a man was stood a few feet behind me with his wife, they were probably both in their mid-fifties.
She was looking at the rails of clothes he looked completely bored, a bit like I usually do I thought to myself, but not today.
I felt myself smiling as Mandy came away from the till, her new purchases in a bag, and her coat firmly fastened tight.
We walked into a few more shops but she couldn't find anything she liked. She eventually picked out two tops and a pair of shorts. I looked around the shop as she again headed to the changing cubicle; they were the same sort as before, just a little square with a curtain over the front.
Mandy stood there smiling at me, undid her coat and passed it to me, her perfect boobs on display, her nipples looked hard and pointed out just a bit. I looked down at her totally smooth pussy, she often just had a little tuft of blond hair on her lips, but today she was completely hairless. She smiled at me and pulled the curtain over.
I had completely forgotten where we were, and looked around to see if anyone had noticed.
Was that the same guy as before stood with his wife?, she was looking through the rails, he was looking directly at the cubicle Mandy was in.
Had he seen her little show?
Did he know what she was wearing under her coat?.
Mandy opened the curtain again and asked for her coat. I handed it to her, if the stranger hadn't seen her before, he certainly did that time. His wife was still looking through the rails but his eyes were fixed firmly on Mandy's cubicle.
We went to the checkout and Mandy paid for her items.
"Going well isn't it." she said smiling.
I told her that I thought she had been spotted, and that I had seen the same couple twice now, but wasn't completely sure he had seen her.
She blushed a little and giggled "Better try harder then." she said clenching her hand around mine.
The next shop was small and was full of underwear, she selected two bras and matching pants, the changing rooms here had wooden doors on, no curtains. I couldn't hide my disappointment.
Mandy didn't look too upset though as she headed to the room.
She handed me the clothes and opened the door, she hung her coat up on the hook and turned to look at me.
She stood there again naked and held her hand out, "can I have an outfit please."
I stood staring at her.
"Hello are you in there." she giggled, holding out her hand.
I gave her one set of underwear and she closed the door. I looked around, there they were again.
I'm sure they were following us now, or at least he was dragging his partner around.
She was again looking at the rails of clothing, he was staring directly at Mandy's cubicle.
The lady he was with spoke to him, but he was engrossed in what he was seeing. She elbowed him in the side to get his attention.
I couldn't make out what he said to her, but she looked over at us and smiled, you know that knowing sort of smile!
Mandy opened the door again and handed me the first set she had tried on, I took it and handed her the second, as she closed the door, I looked in a nearby mirror. The couple were still nearby, and it was obvious that they had seen everything.
The woman was straining her neck trying to see, the man was a bit more discreet, but you could tell they were both looking.
The next shop we went into was a huge department store; Mandy picked up a basket and started putting in bikinis, sarongs, and anything else she could find.
"Are you going to try all this on." I asked her.
Mandy just smiled at me again
"Well, I'm going to have to try on the bikinis at least aren't I."
We looked around the store, but couldn't see the changing rooms anywhere. Then I noticed them, not the changing rooms but the couple from the other shops.
I laughed at Mandy "Do you think they might be store detectives waiting to see if you pinch anything." I said.
Mandy punched me "I think they know I have nowhere to hide anything." she said smiling.
I think they were just a couple of people who liked looking I said to myself.
We walked around the store for a few more minutes, sort of looking at the clothes, but more looking for the changing cubicle.
We found a member of staff and asked if there was anywhere she could try some clothes on. She took us to a corner of the shop.
"Sorry sir, you will have to wait here," she told me, "this is a communal changing room, and men are not allowed in here."
Mandy looked worried, we had heard of these rooms before, but never actually used one in a store. They are like huge changing rooms at the gym or swimming pool, with mirrors everywhere.
Mandy walked in, followed by the woman from earlier with her own selection of clothes.
I looked around,the man was stood not far away from me.
I stepped away from the door and started to look at the menswear, I knew there was going to be no show here.
I heard a voice behind me, "bit of a let-down this shop isn't it mate."
I looked around, it was the man who had seen Mandy naked earlier.
"Cracking little body your Mrs got there mate," he said "I wish I could get my wife to shave her pubes like yours has."
I nodded and smiled at him. So he had seen her naked!
"We are just having a bit of fun, hope you didn't mind." I said.
"Loved it mate," he said, "My Mrs didn't believe me till she saw that last flash."
Mandy came out of the changing room and grabbed my hand and almost dragged me to the checkout, we paid for her stuff and left.
"Come on I need a drink." she told me as she dragged me into a coffee shop.
"You were in a bit of a hurry to get out of there love, what happened."
Mandy looked at me.
"That woman from earlier, whose husband saw us in the other shop came into the changing room, I was stood there with my bag of clothes about to turn around and leave," she told me, "then that woman came behind me and said wow you got a lot of stuff there to try on, I will tell you how it looks seeing as your husband can't come in here."
I laughed, "So what did you do."
"Well," she said, "she almost took my coat off me, then after it was undone she went wow you're naked underneath, but she said it really loud. The other women in there turned and looked at Me." Her face was going redder and redder as she told me.
"Then she handed me the bikinis one at a time," she continued, "she told me her husband has seen me in one of the cubicles, and said that if I could shave my pussy and let people see, the least she could do was shave hers for him."
"So this was about her hubby seeing you have no pubes."
"I think so," she said, "but I think she didn't quite believe I was naked under my coat and wanted to see for herself, after I tried a bikini on I told her that I didn't need to try any more and grabbed my coat, she stood behind me and lifted it onto my shoulders, then I got out as quick as I could."
I laughed and Mandy punched me in the arm.
"So are we going to carry on shopping?." I asked her.
"I think we have done enough for today don't you." she said.
I can honestly say it was the first time ever I was sad to finish a shopping trip. We ordered some food and finished our drinks.
"Come on," Mandy said, "Let's go home."
We made our way towards the exit of the mall, and I kept slipping my hand down the back of Mandy's coat to her bum, she pushed me away each time, laughing and telling me to behave.
At the exit there was the normal queue of people waiting to have their bags checked and receipts stamped, we stood and waited. Eventually we got to the front and put all the bags on the table.
"Can I see your receipts please." the man asked.
I grabbed a few from my pockets, and Mandy got the others from her purse. He checked them all.
"Thanks very much, have a nice day." he said.
We walked through the security gate, and the alarms sounded, so we went back to the desk.
"One of the shops has probably left a security tag on something." the guard said tipping everything out onto the desk.
Nothing, no anywhere.
"Strange," the guard said, "would you mind walking back through the sensor please."
Not a problem, I knew we had nothing to hide. The alarm went again.
The guard looked at us "Are you sure you have nothing on your person that you shouldn't have." he asked.
"No, nothing at all." we both said at the same time.
"If you could just remove your coat for me sir, and go back through I'd appreciate it." he said.
I looked at Mandy, and for the first time I could see she looked a bit scared, what if he asked her to do the same?
I took my coat off, put it on the table and walked through the barrier. No alarm, he held up my coat and checked all the pockets. Nothing.
"Madam," he said "If you would do the same please."
Mandy looked at me, how were we going to get out of this?
"Can't you just check my pockets," Mandy said, "I don't see why I need to take my coat off."
"It's the rules," the guard said "we can't get accused of touching people then."
It made sense what he was saying, but that didn't help our situation.
We heard a woman's voice on his walkie talkie "If they won't comply, just phone the police and have them both arrested." she said.
"Yes ma'am," the guard replied. "That's my supervisor," he said, "she monitors us from her office and we are on camera."
"Would it be possible to speak to her." we asked.
The guard radioed her again, she said she would come down and asked us to move to one side and wait, as quite a queue was forming behind us.
"I can't take my coat off there are hundreds of people around." Mandy whispered to me.
"It's ok we will explain to the supervisor, I'm sure she has a heart and wouldn't want to embarrass you." I tried to reassure her.
We heard a voice behind us.
"You have a simple choice, either remove the coat while my guard checks it and walk through the barrier or we will have you arrested, and you can do your explaining at the police station."
We had to look twice, it was the woman from earlier, and she knew Mandy was naked under her coat.
She almost pushed Mandy towards the desk, she looked at me.
"This will be the biggest flash of the day wont it," she said "Maybe other wives will have their husband nag them to shave their pubes now too, instead of just mine."
Mandy heard what she said and looked around at me.
"Make your mind up now," the supervisor said loudly, "The police have been contacted and you will be arrested, even if you have nothing then they will charge you with wasting police time."
She was grinning broadly as she looked at the guard. He smiled back, they had obviously set this up, but how was the alarm going off?.
Mandy looked at them, "can't I just walk through the barrier, the alarm won't go off and you will see I don't have anything on me." she pleaded.
The supervisor looked at her, "Ok I am a fair person," she said "Lets get this over with, there are lots of people waiting behind you.This system will pick up if you have stolen anything."
The queue behind us was getting bigger and bigger, people who were still shopping were stopping to look at the "criminals" that had been stopped.
Mandy stepped forward, and into the barrier, the alarm rang again.
"The coat please madam," the woman said, "We will find out now what you are hiding underneath it,"
She had a huge smile on her face, so did the guard.
Mandy looked at me, "What choice do I have." She said.
I knew she didn't want to wait for the police and be dragged away by them, but she didn't want to take her coat off and have a couple of hundred people who had now gathered see her naked.
She unbuttoned her coat, and slid it off her shoulders. The gathered crowd started to laugh and cheer as she stood there naked in front of everyone. The supervisor stepped towards her.
"I have to pad you down," she said, "its company policy."
"You can see she isn't hiding anything." I said.
Mandy just looked at me and raised her arms.
The supervisor placed her hands down Mandy's side as if checking to see if anything was concealed on her.
"Turn around please."
Mandy turned and faced the crowd, hands still out to her side as she was patted down again from behind.
The crowd all cheered as they were treated to a full unobstructed frontal view.
Mandy's face was red but she held her head up. Cameras and mobile phones could be heard clicking from the people around us.
"Got it," the guard said, "there is a tag in one of the pockets of your coat."
"Oh I wonder how that could have got in there." the supervisor woman said, still holding onto Mandy's coat.
Mandy just stared at her; she must have put it into her pocket in the changing room I thought to myself. This was all planned by her after her husband saw us in the changing cubicle.
"Would you walk through the metal detector again please madam," the supervisor said, "just to make sure you have nothing hidden."
Mandy stepped forward and through the alarm and then back.
She got her coat back and put it on, buttoning it all the way up to her neck.
"Sorry for any inconvenience madam," the guard said, "hope you had a nice day shopping with us today, and you come back soon."
"I'm sure we all look forward to seeing you again." the supervisor said.
Years too late now, lol. I think I'd have told madam supervisor something along the lines of "As delightful as it's been today, I don't think we shall ever set foot on the premises ever again." Should count herself lucky Mandy and hubby didn't complain to mall management.
Like the focus on what happened rather than just trying to build a complete physical description like most other stories around. Still, the ending is a bit erupt: what did Mandy do after this? How does she feel? Embarrassed to the point that she hated it? Or did she find it so hot and arosing that she can’t wait to do this again?
Thanks for such a fun tale. I enjoyed the way it built up to Mandy's public humiliation at the end.
Sexy story. Would have liked to have read more about her ordeal, how her body moved and shook a she walked. Looking forward to a sequel or so where she's caught nude again in public, and people ogle her.