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The Shrinking Machine Ch. 03


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Jennifer suddenly stopped, mouth agape. "You didn't say it started! Wait! Stop!"

"Four minutes, thirty-five seconds." I gave a shrug.

Summer, now lying down with her head peering over the edge of the counter, shouted down - hands cupped around her mouth. "You can do it, Jenny! Climb!"

Jennifer's face was still priceless - she was flabberghasted. Still cursing to herself, Jennifer rushed moved up toward my left foot, placing her own tiny foot in the hem of my jeans and grabbing a fold of denim in her hand, trying to find purchase. After a few tentative starts, she finally placed both feet in a crease of my pant leg and began her attempt to summit Mount Rachel.

One tiny arm-length at a time, she ascended - small fingers grabbing bunches of denim, tiny feet placed in nooks and creases. Good thing for her I'd crashed for the night in one of my looser-fit pairs of jeans; if it was my skinny jeans, or my yoga pants, she'd have no hope in hell of climbing up - let alone getting them off me.

Midway up my calf, she switched to an outside track, climbing up the left side of my leg bit by bit. She kept glancing downward, or behind her toward the wire shelving only inches away - but still too far for her to reach. For my part, I only remained still; I didn't want to rig the game against her... not yet.

Soon her angry face took on a determined cast as she rose past my knee, even if she looked down more and more often. I might have greatly reduced both girls' fear of heights, and made them far more resistant to injury - but it still had to trigger some animal part of her brain. She was basically climbing... I guess five or six stories just to get to my waist. Our eyes met occasionally, and I could see the fierce challenge to me in them.

She reached the side of my waist, one arm trying to grab a crease of fabric near my ass - but slipping free, giving her a start - but she recovered quickly, moving back down two inches and trying more toward the front hem of my jeans. She tried a few more positions, then finally gave a grunt and scrambled up the final couple inches toward a belt loop.

When she hooked a hand in one of my belt loops, I had a thought. She was transitioning to her left, toward the button at the center, and I suddenly walked out - making her yelp and wail, flinging outward sideways as I turned the corner and went into the bathroom. I held Summer near the switch, and she knew what to do; she flipped it with both hands, the characteristic buzzing sound coming on with a few flickers as the old, cheap flourescent over the mirror came to life.

Jennifer didn't see the hand I had out behind and under her briefly during the excursion, certain to catch her if she lost her grip - which I just as quickly drew away as I got into the bathroom. She'd be fine if she fell, but I didn't want her to anyway. I pulled back the mirror door the medicine cabinet, finding the mouthwash and pouring myself a bit of it with my free hand. My mouth was still full of last night's awful gunk.

Summer had gasped at first from her perch in my other hand, but now clapped and gave a quiet 'yay!' as she watched the show. Jennifer shot her a vicious glare, which Summer only returned with a beaming smile.

Taking a cup of mouthwash to my lips, I swirled it around in my mouth, savoring the sharp, far-too-minty cleansing sensation as it flooded my sinuses with its overpowering vapor. Jennifer struggled back upward with a small groan, sticking both her hands through my belt loop and pressing her tiny feet on my waist, at the joint of my thigh. Biting her lip, she regained a solid footing, then unhooked one hand and reached to her left, crossing one loop at a time toward the button of my jeans.

I spat out the mouthwash, taking a moment to look at my topless self in the mirror as I felt Jennifer shift around further. I was still just as uselessly scrawny as the day I'd shrunk Summer; A-cup boobs that barely made a dent in anything I wore. I still had to use the machine to make them grow. Still had to do a lot.

Jennifer had reached the button of my jeans, and had hooked an arm underneath the hem. With a determined grit of her teeth, she swung herself up and over, locking one leg under the hem too, then tried to fiddle with the button - unsuccessful at several angles. I glanced at the timer.

I intoned aloud, to nobody in particular. "Three minutes." I gave Summer a kiss, my mouth now fresh and clean - wet lips smacking on Summer's smiling face. She returned it happily.

Jennifer's motions became more strained. She wrapped her other leg under the hem, positioning herself with her back to my mons, legs pressing outward into my jeans as she worked fiercely at the button. Their bodies may have been surprisingly strong for their size - I recalled something about insects being able to carry fifty times their own weight, I guess the same principle applied? - but both girls were still incredibly weak by any human standard.

I'd actually had no idea when I commanded her if the task I'd set was even possible. Unbuttoning me would clearly be the hard part. I smiled as she tried a few other positions - turning sideways, pressing her feet out to the right and one hand to the left, then flailing around with her right hand to try and reach the button.

She couldn't. It was kind of hilarious to watch, actually. I tried to suppress the urge to laugh out loud, and instead made only a small snort and giggle, which Summer soon matched as she watched through my splayed fingers.

Jennifer's foot slipped, and with a short wail she fell inside the front of my jeans, only one foot sticking out. I snorted aloud as I felt her struggle inside, catching right at the bottom joint between my legs and flailing her tiny limbs around as she tried to find purchase. It took her another good twenty seconds to contort and wriggle her tiny self back out, poking her head then upper body through the hem of my jeans again. She held up both arms, struggling oddly then looking up at me.

"Take off my top!" She shouted her angry demand up to me.

"Hmm?" I tilted my head, looking straight downward at her, my face framed on either side by my small, stiff nipples.

"It's in the way! Take it off! Hurry!" She held her arms up, offering its oversized sleeves toward me in a desperate gesture.

I was tantalized at the thought of a naked, tiny slave buried in my pants again. It was nearly a daily ritual, and I was pretty sure we'd done it at least twice last night... but it never really got old either. You don't really know pleasure until you have a six-inch-tall naked slave squirming inside your panties, devoting her entire self - head to toe - to your satisfaction in the dark, glorious, sweaty, lust-slick place between your legs.

With my free hand, I reached down, gently pulling the sleeves of her garment up, then tugging the neck over her small head - finally plucking it off her little form, revealing the nude, round-breasted, pale body within. So tiny and vulnerable... so helplessly sexy... with a scowl, she set herself back to her task, trying a new position now - with little of the twisting, confused, wasted motion of before. She had a purpose now.

It was actually kind of clever. Wrapping her legs about the two sides of the jeans' hem, she did a sort of crunch maneuver that concentrated the slack around the button. Then, with a free hand, she maneuvered the button through its slot, one side then the other... I felt it slacken around my waist and ass, and smiled.

"Yes!" Jennifer let herself slip toward my skin, letting one leg slide down inside my jeans and find the hem of my panties to hold her. She looked at me. "Well?"

I frowned. "Hmm? They're not off yet." I glanced at the timer. "Twenty seconds."

"Fuck!" Jennifer cursed, and rolled inward through the hem, plopping down inside my loosened jeans again. I sensed her coming down onto all fours at the seat of my jeans, just underneath my pussy and ass, and then begin a sort of hop - trying to push them downward with her body weight.

Ten seconds... looser... five... looser...

Without her knowing, I had set down Summer, and my hand was just underneath her when my pants finally came off - three seconds short of the limit. The seat of my jeans, and Jennifer's tiny body, fell right into my palm.

I plucked Jennifer out of my pants as I let them fall loose to the ground, raising her up to my lips and giving her a kiss - which she was reluctant to accept, but I felt the tremor of need in her - stiff little nipples against my lower lips. She couldn't have been that close to my sweaty, smelly womanhood and helped strip me without being affected, not with the way she loved and needed me.

"Good job." I kissed her again, unable to resist. I had a thing for redheads, especially when they're six inches tall.

"Yeah yeah." She said it, still panting and resting her palms on her knees as she knelt. Her pale skin visibly glistened from the exertion, but she didn't seem exhausted - rather, she looked winded yet invigorated, and probably horny as hell. Still, I felt a little bad for working her so much. Why did I care?

Was I still telling myself she was only a toy or a slave to me?

Fucking hell, not this again. With the other hand, I picked up Summer again, and held her to either side of my waist to let her tug down the sides of my panties. With a little shimmy, I stepped out of them, grabbed Jennifer's sweater again, and held my toys together as I went back out into the bedroom, ignoring the panties and bra I'd set out for now.

I had taken a bath with them both last night - that had been the start of the night's drinking escapades - and I didn't really feel the need for a shower right then. I didn't really feel like going out either. I set down both girls at the edge of my mattress, tossing Jennifer's sweater down over her head as I laid down on my front, before them - my face filling their field of view, but actually eye-level with the two of them for once.

It was an unusual way to see them... for me, anyway. Summer's scrunchie thing looked to be chafing the flesh around her boobs a bit; I could see where it was red and raw above and below. She'd never even think about complaining about it, which I liked, but I had to pay more attention to these things. I made a mental note; got to find the two of them real clothes, comfortable and warm stuff like Jennifer's sweater - but a whole wardrobe, all seasons. Maybe I could custom-order it? I'd go shopping online tonight, I decided.

Jennifer casually grabbed her sweater, pulling it back over her head and - with Summer's help - tugging it on again, drawing its lower hem down to just below her ass. Summer gave her a kiss as her head emerged from its neck, then the two looked at me expectantly.

Sitting there for a time, I let things stay quiet just long enough to approach awkwardness, then looked at the redhead. "Jennifer. Good job taking my pants off. Cum for me."

Her eyes went wide, staying locked with my own gaze as she fell to her knees, her legs spreading carelessly as her hands went up to her head and she let out several panting breaths. Her mouth opened and she let out a soft moan, increasing into a wail as the unexpected, orgasmic blessing finally made itself known after about five seconds.

Oh right, I didn't mention this before. The cool thing about the inability to resist my commands I'd ingrained into both girls' minds early on? I'd found out - by accident - that commanding them to cum didn't just give them an urge to masturbate. It went much further, triggering something deeper in their minds that sent them directly into orgasmic pleasure.

Summer brightened, coming into a kneeling position next to Jennifer. The redhead's tiny eyes were still lost in my own, her arms cupping her generous blueberry-sized tits through her sweater as she now wailed aloud, the true pleasure finally subsuming her mind. Summer kissed the side of her face, avoiding any other direct contact - she knew how I liked to see this.

I didn't do this to them too often - once a day or so, most days. The 'normal' kind of orgasms, from real sex with all the messy fun that it entails, still feel better for them. This was about pleasure too, of course, but also about power... and taking what little they had from them.

I loved to see their helpless, tiny faces as their bodies betrayed them - locking them in the throes of bliss regardless of their intent or feelings. Jennifer never looked away; she just let out a series of keening wails as the waves of pleasure washed out of her pussy.

"Good girl... good cum for the Mistress..." Summer was stroking Jennifer's hair as she came down from her high, the redhead panting and only occasionally glancing toward the brunette.

I glanced at Summer. "Eh, you too Summer. Go ahead and cum."

Summer had only been looking at me through a sidelong glance, but just hearing it was enough. As long as they were aware I had directly commanded them, that was all it took. The time delay seemed to vary - based, we thought, on how close they already were, and how recently they'd already reached their last climax.

Summer was able to breathe out a single "Mistress!" before her own climax overtook her, and she clung to the smaller Jennifer with both hands as she knelt her head against the redhead's shoulder. She wailed aloud, straight down; it took only half the time for her own sudden orgasm to arrive, likely just from having watched Jennifer. I guess.

Summer's breasts shook as her whole body shuddered with pleasure, back arching and hands twitching as her nails dug into the redhead's chest and back - Jennifer looking at the top of the larger girl's head with a confused expression as the brunette came.

When Summer was done, the two - now glistening with a little sweat - were both looking at me. Summer looked radiant, while Jennifer still looked confused, though more than a little satisfied.

"Thank you, Mistress..." Summer said it through heavy breaths.

Jennifer followed. "Yeah, was nice... give me a minute..."

I cleared my head for a moment. It didn't work. "So I wanted to talk."

"Okay..." Jennifer tried to focus, then Summer as well.

"So... even though I made you all dependent and all... I'm the one who can't really imagine life without either of you, and you're awesome... and everything. Oh, and I think I'm in love with you both." I blurted it out, realizing after I said it that it hadn't had the gravity and passion of the moment that I somehow envisioned. Letting it hang in the air for a moment - I guess thinking the gravity would somehow just burst into the room on its own - I realized it wasn't. "Actually, I don't think it, I know it. Whate-"

"Mistress?!" Summer clapped her hands to her mouth belatedly.

Jennifer was still looking at me like I'd told her this was all a dream. "Wait, what?"

I felt my feet waving in the air, mind still airy and weird. "So yeah I'm also planning on shrinking another girl soon. How about it?"

"Back up!" Jennifer held up both hands, seeming to catch up. "Since when do you love anyone? And since when do our opinions matter?"

"They always mattered." I frowned, looking at the red-headed toy and still not sure what was coming out of my mouth. She was frowning back.

Jennifer threw her arms out wide. "It sure didn't when you shrank me!"

I blinked. "Oh. Guess you're right there." I gave a shrug. "I meant after that."

My redhead held her hands out. "So... soo..." She seemed confused, and to be losing track of her own temporary anger. "What am I-"

Summer had clapped a hand over the redhead's mouth, preventing her from launching another tirade. "Thank you, Mistress! I love you too! So does Jennifer!" Jennifer didn't fight back, instead seeming to take the moment to think - looking off into the distance and folding her arms under her breasts. Summer was ecstatic. "And we'd love another sister! How small will you make her?"

"I dunno yet." I shrugged. "I might do it different this time around. Take a few weeks, zap her slowly over time until she's super-fucking-hot and dreams day and night about being shrunk. Kinder and gentler, all that."

"Mistress..." Summer clapped her hands quickly together. "It sounds fantastic no matter what size she is, Mistress!"

Summer's exuberance was to be expected. I glanced at Jennifer. "Red?"

The brunette drew her hand away from the smaller girl's mouth, who stayed quiet for a time before turning back to face me. She bit her lip, then finally spoke. "You know... I love you too. I know you zapped me to love you but I still do. And I'm glad you... realized, you love us. I worried a lot that you really didn't, but... I believe it now." She let out a long sigh, as though saying it was a weight off her shoulders.

"You're not fighting back against the idea of another shrink-ee." I let my thoughts wander briefly to a few mental images of the last two victims, those who stood before me, during their own reduction into their current state. It had been hot as hell.

Jennifer shook her head. "I am. Sort of. You need to be careful about who you pick next." She stood up, pacing back and forth.

I nodded. "I did waste a ton of power turning away those clowns looking for you two."

She waved a hand. "That too - but that's not what I meant." She gathered her thoughts for another moment, turning to us both. "I mean what the next girl is like, what her personality is. Find someone else like me."

Summer chimed in. "A scientist?"

"What? No." Jennifer shook her head. "Find a miserable bitch incapable of the slightest bit of happiness... you know, someone like that. Someone who won't miss being who they were."

That sort of hung in the air for a couple seconds.

Summer held a hand out, trying to sound conciliatory. "Jenny, we love you, you're not-"

"I know I'm not! Now, I mean." Jennifer let out another sigh. "Look, I'm only going to say this once, okay?" She held her palms out, calling for quiet, then folded them under her boobs again. "I'm happy you shrank me."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"

"I mean I'm not, like, genuinely bouncing-off-the-walls happy about it it!" She slapped her hands against her head. "There's a lot of things I miss about being normal size. I miss being able to go out and do whatever I want, whenever. I miss being able to have conversations with random people. I mean, I don't miss them much, because I fucking hated everyone and everything when I was... normal or tall or whatever, but..."

She sighed again, glancing back at Summer. "... on the other hand, now I can actually enjoy living and all, and I'm completely in love with you and Rachel, I have a brilliant new theory to work on... and I'm a porno starlet who gets to cum twenty times a day. And I'll be this age and healthy indefinitely, and that's definitely a plus." She shrugged. "The two things shouldn't have to be, but if everything before and everything after were separate packages... I'd take the after."

It remained in the air for another few moments. An odd part of me felt very satisfied knowing how Jennifer felt, but I didn't quite know how to process it. Until recently I hadn't cared at all... or understood that I did? Fuck, feelings were such a pain. Maybe I wouldn't have them tomorrow. Maybe this was some weird kind of a hangover.

I pointed at Jennifer, finally resting my finger atop her head. "Okay... so then the next girl. How about you pick her? I'll just reserve a veto." I shrugged.

"Me...?" Jennifer seemed taken aback at the suggestion. Her hands pressed against the side of my finger.

"Yeah. I'll figure out some way to take you out on the town. Both of you. In my purse or something, I'll figure it out later. We'll sort of go shopping, find a girl we all agree on, and when it's time, we'll lure her in range of the machine... and shrink her down into a toy."

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