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The Silken Slit of the Empress Ch. 07

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The Empress guides another's wife.
5.3k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 03/27/2024
Created 10/18/2023
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Happy almost new year everyone! I hope that you all get the chance to celebrate.

Now, in Theodora's Constantinople, things are continuing to trot along. With the background plot well and truly started, we can finally start getting back to what's really interesting.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and please, as always, let me know what you think!

You're all the best. Stay awesome!


I woke up, strangely energetic. Dawn's light was just starting to filter in through my open window; the city starting to wake beyond the palace walls.

I swung my feet out of bed; hurriedly doing what morning preparations I needed before pulling open the door. Helena was there, arm raised, ready to knock. I grinned as she stepped back in surprise.

"Good morning," I said, moving to join her in the hallway.

She glowered, rapping my bare chest with her knuckles. "'Good morning,' he says. Don't scare me like that."

"A soldier must always be ready for the unexpected."

She snorted, but I saw the light dancing in her eyes.

We started to walk through the palace, chatting about what the day held in store for us. We would be training together this morning, and I was eager for the opportunity to stretch my muscles. I was bare-chested, dressed only in my sandals and loin cloth.

Beside me, Helena had wrapped her chest and hips in cloth; her feet wound into light sandals. Her coppery curls were still loose, fluttering over her bared neck and shoulders. I tried to keep my attention forward; on figuring out what we would work on today.

But my eyes kept finding her.

My gaze was drawn to her smile; to curve of her neck and down. I traced the shape of her, witnessed the play of each muscle beneath her bronzed flesh.

I said something, what, I didn't remember. She laughed, and I tried to force my thoughts back to the training that was to come. But still, my mind was filled with her.

Now, I saw her as she would be. I could picture the flush of her cheeks and chest after our run. The way her lips parted with each heavy breath; and how the green of her eyes would deepen as we worked our bodies. I saw again the muscles shift beneath the bare flesh of her shoulders and thighs. I imagined the sweat coating her. I saw it drip, trickling down and making the muscles of her naked stomach gleam with every one of those heaving breaths.

I felt my heart quicken, inhaling deeply through my nose. Anticipating the air that would soon be filled with the intoxicatingly sour scent of her femininity.

"Are you going to answer my question?" I heard Helena ask.

"What?" I said, blinking my way back into the present. She was looking over at me, her eyebrow arched.

"I asked you a question, Leo," she repeated. "A while ago, actually."

"You did?" I said. "I--uh..."

I trailed off, heat suddenly roaring through me. God help me. How did I admit that I hadn't heard a word she'd said because I'd been admiring the way her behind bounced?

She laughed, the sound growing louder as my blush deepened. She stopped moving after a few more seconds, facing me with her hands on her almost naked hips.

"Is this how its going to be every time I try and talk with you?" She said, "I guess I have to get my important questions out before you notice my ass, huh?"

I hadn't thought that I could get any redder. I stammered out an apology, stopping when Helena's laugh interrupted me.

"I'm just teasing you, Leo." Her eyes were bright. "Although, I would have thought that you'd be used to this by now." She gestured down at herself. "We've been training together like this for weeks."

I blew out a breath, speaking before I really had a chance to think. "I don't think that I'll ever get used to the sight of you, Helena."

Her eyes flicked away, and I noticed a flush creeping up from the swell of her chest. I felt my own burning heat fade into a softer sort of warmth. The pit of my stomach fluttering with little embers of heat.

"Yeah, well," she said. "As long as it doesn't make you stop..."

She trailed off, her expression unsure. She bit her lip, hesitant about something.

"Are you asking me to go easy on you?" I asked, my tone teasing. "Because it will take more than a bit of exposed skin to stop me from beating you blue, shield mate."

Her face relaxed; and the smile she gave me nearly made me shiver.

"Good," she said. "What are we going to work on today?"

We still stood in place, facing each other in the empty hallway. I scratched at my stubble, thinking out loud.

"Well, we'll run first to get out muscles ready. And then, when we spar, I think we'll try to focus on your shield. You're still sloppy with it, and I--"

Helena had stretched, reaching her arms towards the ceiling as I'd been speaking. I'd managed to keep myself from focusing too closely on her. But I'd choked on my words when, with a flash of mischief, Helena had neatly spun around so that her back was to me. Then, she folded herself at the waist.

My eyes went wide, heart beginning to hammer in my chest. I had no idea what I'd been about to say; the totality of my thoughts swallowed by curving of her lower, near naked cheeks. I watched the play of her muscles; the way her flesh quivered with the slow movement. And as she bent lower, her ass was pulled further apart. I felt my breath catch, drinking in the sight of that narrow strip of cloth tucked away within her center.

That pristine white cloth clung to shape of her; snuggly wrapping around every curl of her deepest crevice.

Helena's hands were near to the ground now, drawing something out from around her sandaled feet. Her legs shifted, opening more of herself to me.

My throat was so dry. I think I'd forgotten to breathe for a while as well, the growing ache of my lungs a feeling that was infinitely distant.

My gaze was slowly sliding down the depths of her; coming to rest at the tight, little flare where her navel flowed into the joining of her thighs. The swell of that place hypnotized me. The veiled, curling shape of her sex drawing me even deeper.

It was like a bundled-up Christ day gift; one who's wrapping I ached to pull aside. My blood roared in my ears, my mouth suddenly flooding with saliva. What sort of glory would that cloth reveal? What sort of taste would I discover within?

Slowly, Helena started to straighten. Her naked back arching as she brought herself upright once more. I didn't look away from her, making sure that I captured the moment her closing cheeks swallowed that ever so narrow strip of cloth whole.

"Sorry," she said, turning back towards me, her face a reddened mask of delight. She held up the strip of cloth that she kept tied around one thigh, reaching up to loop it around her head. "I had to get this."

I couldn't speak right away; my mind was that wheel, whirling uselessly in the muck. I shifted, trying to ease the throbbing stiffness between my legs. And after a few more heartbeats, I even remembered to breathe.

"Come on then," she said, brightly. "Let's get down to the sands, shield mate."

She started to move, and after a few more seconds, I finally juddered into motion.

"That was payback," I accused. "For startling you."

She grinned; her cheeks still flushed. She didn't deny it. We spoke a bit more on our way through the palace. Helena walked closer to me, I noticed, and I delighted every time I felt the warmth of her bare arm brush against mine.

Despite what it may seem to some, I wasn't a fool. I could feel the growing attraction between us. We were shield mates, yes; bound by duty to stand beside each other. But it was more than that. We spent nearly every waking moment together. Despite that, I was starting to realize that the ache I felt when I lay down to sleep, was the hollowness of her absence.

I was falling for her. And somehow, by God's own miracle; this strong, mischievous, soul-achingly beautiful woman was growing to care for me in turn.

Our arms brushed once again, and I felt my stomach flutter. I tried to hide the idiotic grin that stretched across my features.

We were not far from the Hippodrome now, having fallen silent a few turns back. And it was into that quiet, that my mother spoke.

'This isn't right, my little lion. You know it isn't. This place...this woman couldn't build you the home you deserve. And your father; what would your father say if he could see you now?'

I let out a breath, my mind a storm of agonized indecision. Despite the happiness I felt here; it was like I was being pulled in two different directions. Like I was trying to walk two paths that were growing further and further a part.

I glanced over towards Helena, in time to meet her own eyes. She smiled, though it was small. She'd been biting her lip, face twisted into the same anxious hesitancy of before.

And in that moment; despite how near to each other we walked, it felt like there was a chasm between us.

We were not the first to set foot on the Hippodrome's sands that morning. There was a group of slaves there, clearing broken bits of clay, food and whatever other debris remained on the track after yesterday's races. Another group smoothed the sand with long rakes, working quickly in the rising heat of the early morning.

Helena and I limbered up, stretching our muscles while the cloudless sky became bright. We jogged, then ran the Hippodrome's circle; both of us keeping to the outer wall when we came to the place that Maleinos and Velanis had died.

By the time we finished our third lap, Excubitors had begun to file out and begin their own training. They didn't bother us, though I felt the hatred in the raccoon-eyed glare of senator Hypatius' son.

We'd begun to spar when yet another group entered the Grand Hippodrome. Helena and I watched them a bit between bouts. They were builders, coming in with wagon-loads of cut wood and tools. They started to erect some sort of structure at the track's center.

"Its a gallows," Helena said.

We were at the water-barrel now, sweat pouring off of our bruised, dusty flesh. I looked over to where the builders still worked, a few men handing planks and beams of wood up to those waiting on the medium-sized stage they'd already managed to assemble.

"I didn't hear too much fighting last night," I said. "Nobody set any fires either."

Helena stretched, winced and rubbed at one bicep. "The soldiers must have kept things pretty quiet. But there's always a few drunken brawls that go too far."

I grunted, taking another long sip of water. I'd been eight when I saw my first hanging. It was part of life in the Empire; and even in Rhodos, we'd had our share of killers and thieves. There would be hangings tomorrow, I bet; men whose blood had run too hot after yesterday's races.

I shifted, squinting up towards the sun. "Come on," I said. "We're due to relieve the Excubitors at the Empress' door. You know how cranky they get when we're late."

Helena snorted, helping me stow our training gear. "God forbid they have to wait a few more minutes to see their daddy's massage-slaves."

I chuckled, and we made for the palace entrance; though I did glance over my shoulder one last time. The gallows were already mostly up. I felt my good mood fade. We'd been lucky last night, and I doubted that more than a dozen or so people had done anything bad enough to warrant this execution.

The Emperor was showing his might, and I hoped that it would be enough to quell whatever dissent remained. As I walked away, however, I once again heard the crowd's chant. I felt a twinge of something in my chest; an echo of the tide that had moved the mob.

I tried not to dwell on it, as I followed Helena back towards our Empress.


The halls of the Imperial Palace were a buzz with activity. During the day; this vast complex swarmed with administrators, scribes, scholars. Not to mention the hundreds of other people needed to keep of an Empire of this size running smoothly.

They kept to the bottom floors; moving within a hive of offices, workspaces and audience chambers. The upper floors meanwhile, were the haunt of nobles, senators, generals and bishops.

Helena and I had passed many of the Empire's elite on our way through the more sumptuously decorated upper halls. These were those men whose wealth and influence allowed them to petition the Emperor directly. And so, while Justinian would spend his day meeting with Byzantium's great and good; the Empress, met with their wives.

I opened the door to Theodora's chamber at the sound of a pleasant knock. I felt my body tighten, as I found myself suddenly facing Antonina.

"Leontius," she said. "Good morning."

She was as stunning as ever. Her blonde hair was piled atop her head, several locks of it cascading downward to brush the flesh of her bare-shoulders. The rest of her pale, luscious curves were veiled by the blue of her dress. The cloth was gossamer thin, clinging tightly to where her body swelled and curled.

And as my eyes traced the shape of her, it took all my will-power not to linger on the spot where the glinting gold of her chain disappeared into the soft valley between her breasts.

"Should I announce myself, then?"

I started, flushing. Antonina had noticed my gaze, of course, and her lips were now curled into a pleased smile. Her eyes found mine. I swallowed, seeing a flicker of that hunger burning within her.

"Empress," I managed to croak. "Mistress Antonina to see you."

"'Nina!" Theodora's voice came from behind me. "Come in, come in."

I stepped to the side, letting Antonina glide past me and into the Empress' reception room. I shut the door, breathing through my mouth as the heady scent of the woman flooded me.

The Empress rose from her divan to greet her friend. The two women embraced, talking loudly. My eyes shifted to Helena, feeling something flutter within me as she tilted her head towards me.

My shield mate was in her armor; seated at a small desk not far from where the Empress lounged. She'd been reading from a stack of reports, letters and notes; marking down and setting aside whatever responses Theodora decided to give.

She smiled at me, and I returned it.

"I have a busy day today, but you're welcome to stay with me," the Empress told her friend. She pulled Antonina down onto the divan beside her, glancing towards Helena.

"Who's my first appointment?"

"Lady Irene," she said. "Wife of Governor Arethas."

"The Governor of Samos is here?" Antonina said, helping herself to a tray of tea and pastries left behind by the servants. "I didn't know that the old pervert had remarried."

"She's a sweet girl," Theodora said. "Young, but intelligent."

Antonina made a small sound, biting into a pastry and brushing the crumbs from her breasts. Not long after, I heard a tentative knock at the door.

I pulled it open, revealing a noblewoman standing demurely in the hallway. She was young, having probably just entered her second decade of life. She had dark hair, with a pretty, heart-shaped face. Her skin was pale as Antonina's, already tinged pink by the heat of the morning.

"Lady Irene?" I asked, politely. She nodded, and I let her in once I'd properly announced her.

"Irene," the Empress said. "So good of you to come, dear."

"Augusta, " the girl said with a graceful curtsy. "Thank you so much for meeting with me."

Theodora stood to greet her, rising up from her divan without apparent effort. She stepped towards the young woman; her feet bare as was her habit within her chambers. Her hair was down; her walnut tresses flowing downward in elegant curls. She'd wrapped her dancers frame in purple; the cloth of her dress as light and airy as Antonina's. Her shoulders, arms and lower legs were bare; her skin glowing warmly in the mid-morning light.

"Of course, of course." The Empress embraced the young woman, kissing her on both cheeks. She introduced Antonina next, the general's wife standing to embrace the woman as well.

"Sit, sit, my dear," Theodora said, gesturing to one of chairs facing her divan. "You must be on the verge of death in that dress. Helena, would you get the Lady Irene some water?"

The young woman obeyed, seating herself and smoothing her skirts.

She wore one of the more traditional dresses of the new, Christian nobility. One of those many-layered, tightly-buttoned garments of somber gray that was as smothering as it was impractical. I didn't know how the poor woman could bear all of that cloth and lace. I'd started to sweat just looking at her.

"Now," the Empress said once they'd spent a few minutes exchanging pleasantries. "What brings you to the palace today, dear?"

The young Lady Irene let out a breath, carefully placing her cup of water down. She straightened, folding her hands onto her lap before she spoke.

"I came to pay my respects, Augusta. And to ask for your advice."

"Well then, consider the formalities over and done with. Speak freely, my dear."

Irene nodded. She hesitated a moment, then spoke. "It is about my husband, the Lord Arethas."

The Empress nodded. "You've been married for close to two years, have you not?"

"Yes, Augusta. And in that time, I have familiarized myself with the extent of his domain. I have also made a study of our laws, including the new legislation put into place by yourself and our Emperor."

Theodora smiled encouragingly, waiting.

"And, its just that...My husband isn't running things well," Lady Irene blurted.

Antonina laughed, and the Empress raised an eyebrow. The young-woman flushed, quickly correcting herself. "It isn't that, your Majesty. Forgive me. Its just that there is so much more that could be done to improve. We are a small province, and our people are generally happy and healthy. Yet, with a few simple changes, Samos could become one of the most prosperous provinces in the Empire."

"Well, he is the Governor," Theodora said. "As his wife, your duty is to help and advise him. The decisions, however, are ultimately his to make."

"But he won't listen to me!" Irene said, her hands twisting the fabric of her dress. "I lay out my ideas for him as succinctly as I can, and yet he dismisses them without consideration. I'm no child, and yet, he treats me as one."

"Maybe your ideas aren't that good," Antonina said.

Irene flushed, but she didn't back down. "With respect, Mistress, that is untrue. For example--"

"Yes, yes," Antonina cut back in. "I believe you. I wanted to see if there was bit of steel in your spine."

"Pardon, Mistress?"

"That strength is important," Antonina continued. "Hold onto it, but keep it hidden."

"Hidden? Mistress, I don't understand. From whom must I hide myself?"

"Why, dear," the Empress said. "From men, of course."

Theodora smiled at the Irene's bewildered expression. She shifted on her divan, leaning towards the young woman.

"Men have made this world their own. It is a hard truth for us women, but it is one nonetheless. They're jealous of their place in it, our men. An intelligent, driven woman like you is..."

"Terrifying," Antonina finished. "Men hate the thought that we'd be just as capable at running things as they are."

Irene slumped back. "Then, there is nothing I can do? I'll just have to sit by and watch the world go by without having ever touched it."

"Thats how many women live their lives," the Empress said, gently.

"But I don't want to!" She exclaimed. "Help me, Augusta. Please. You and Mistress Antonina do not live so passively. How do I mirror what both of you have done?"

Both women considered the young noble's words. They shared a look, and it was Antonina that next spoke.

"How's your marriage?"

Irene blinked. "Mistress?"


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