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The Slave Contract Ch. 03

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Lesbian slaves ordered to have sex while spectators watch.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/26/2023
Created 08/27/2023
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Despite the name, the Slave Olympics wasn't so much about outstanding athletic achievement as it was about prurient entertainment.

When my mistress talked to Lexi's mistress, she explained that I had a huge crush on Lexi. And it was suggested that news of my crush be revealed at a public event, with tons of people in attendance, and at least a dozen photographers.

The day of the erotically charged photo op, Lexi ran in a 100-meter race. She was impressive and she almost came in first, but at the last moment, a Norwegian pony slave pulled ahead of her and crossed the finish line first.

There were already hundreds of spectators there to watch the pony races, so it wasn't difficult to repurpose those very same people to attend the announcement about Lexi and me.

After the race was over, Lexi's harness and other pony gear was removed, and she was taken to the shower room along with all the other pony slaves to get cleaned up. Her owner had already informed her of the public spectacle that was to follow, and I imagined she was just as excited as I was.

Even though I wasn't covered in sweat, I was taken to the showers, and I was lathered up, scrubbed and rinsed off just like Lexi and her teammates. When I had been vigorously cleaned, inside and out, I was gagged, my wrists were chained behind my back and a short length of chain was used to link my slave collar to Lexi's. Lexi gave me a look of excitement and helplessness as we were led back out to the arena together. Her eyes were bright with both fear and lust. Lexi had been sexually attracted to me back when she was a free woman, and as a slave, her orgasms were rationed; she was kept in a constant, agonizing state of sexual tension. Slaves were constantly ready for sex, a fact that I was painfully aware of.

It didn't take a genius to see that Lexi was ready for sex. Her nipples were visibly hard and erect, her face was flush, and her pubic lips were tumescent. She whimpered as we were led together towards the center of a large room with thousands of spectators in the stands.

"Mmmff!" she protested through her gag as her leash was tugged and she was made to march forward. We ended up standing on gym mats, a pommel horse a few meters away indicated that gymnastics were normally performed here. Slave gymnastics? I think I heard about those somewhere. I noticed a balance beam much further away to my left.

A woman wearing a wireless microphone headset marched towards us and then a spotlight focused on Lexi and me, putting us at the center of attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" the woman called out. "Please direct your attention to these bound and gagged slaves in the center of the arena!"

There was a murmuring from the crowd and suddenly I felt ten times more naked, as thousands of eyes focused on me. It seemed as if my naked body was being scrutinized intently by everyone in Sessia. I felt a powerful urge to use my hands to cover my naked body, but of course that was impossible.

I squirmed helplessly as thousands of pairs of eyes ogled my breasts and bare buttocks, and then things just got more intense.

Lexi's leash was unclipped from mine. She was dragged forward to a specific section of the crowd so they could get a better look at her. The lady with the headset told Lexi's backstory as she continued to lead her around.

"This slave is named Lexi, she's currently a pony slave, but years ago, she was a free woman. And during her time as a free woman, she had a crush on a slave named Diane."

One of the arena employees then grabbed my leash and led me around, so spectators in the front rows could get a good look at me. She led me around the room, taking me to the westernmost part of the room, the northernmost part of the room, etc.

Naked, bound and gagged, I was led around the room so everyone could get a good look at me. A few bold people smacked me on the ass or copped a feel as I walked past.

"Now that Lexi is a slave girl, she no longer has the authority to order Diane to do things for her, but she still has feelings for her. She still wants Diane's mouth between her legs, she still wants Diane's naked body pressed against her. How frustrating it must be to feel such desire and not have the power to do anything about it."

There was a smattering of amused laughter from the crowds. A number of people in the BDSM community enjoy getting slaves sexually aroused and then watching them suffer in sexual agony, keeping us on the edge of orgasm for hours and watching us pant and writhe and sweat.

"But Diane's owner thought it would be entertaining for these two to be reunited. Does anyone here agree? Who here would like to see Lexi and Diane writhe and rub their naked bodies against each other for our prurient entertainment?"

A number of people responded in the affirmative, but that wasn't good enough for the lady with the wireless headset.

"That's not very many," she complained. "I need to hear thousands of enthusiastic, screaming fans tell me they want to see these slave girls engage in hot, frantic lesbian sex, or I'm sending them both home right now!"

That did it. The people sitting in the stands didn't want Lexi and me to go home without entertaining them first, so they screamed. There were thunderous cheers and demands for Lexi and me to vigorously tongue each other and act like libidinous lesbian sluts while they watched.

They pounded their feet and bellowed and demanded that we provide them with a shamelessly erotic show. And when the roar of the crowd died down, the M.C. promised that Lexi and I would indeed provide them with libidinous sapphic entertainment.

I was still reeling from the roar of the crowd when a young spectator leaned forward, grabbed me by the thigh, and pulled me towards him. A security guard stopped him with a good-natured reprimand, but not before his fingers managed to brush up against my wet sex.

Lexi and I were paraded all over the expansive room, allowing large numbers of patrons to ogle us at close range. A few of them even got a chance to slap us on the ass or grab a quick feel as we walked by. We could do nothing to stop them; the way we were gagged meant we couldn't even complain about the way we were being treated.

After what seemed like hours of parading my naked breasts and buttocks around for the entertainment of the masses, I was led back into the center of the room and brought face to face with Lexi.

The blonde Sessian was even more beautiful as a pony slave than she was as a free woman. The muscular definition in her thighs and her abdomen looked more impressive than before. And in between the sculpted beauty of her abs and her athletic thighs was her smooth vulva, with her adorable, plump, glistening pubic lips.

Lexi's gag was removed, revealing the full seductiveness of her mouth. My gag was removed a few seconds later and I felt an urgent need to tell her how passionately I felt about her and everything that had happened in my life since I'd last seen her. Of course, I wasn't going to get a chance to do any of that.

Lexi's abs, thighs and calves looked so beautifully sculpted, with remarkable definition of her muscles while still maintaining her femininity. Being a pony slave had enhanced her beauty and made her sexier than ever.

Heart suddenly pounding, I stood close enough to her I could see streaks of stormy gray in her electric blue eyes. She looked ecstatic and her breasts heaved as she breathed excitedly.

Carolyn was standing there along with the headset woman and a few other dominant females. Carolyn gave me a stern look and said, "You have thirty minutes. Make the most of the time you have. After your time is up, I'll be dragging you away and Lexi will go back to her owner."

Thirty minutes? I would have preferred an hour or two, but I'd take what I could get. Lexi gave me a hungry look as she squirmed against her restraints, and then I turned to my mistress and asked, "Can we at least have our hands freed?"

"You shouldn't need your hands for sex," Carolyn replied flatly. "You've both had experience as slaves. You should both know how to pleasure a woman using just your lips and your tongue."

I gave Carolyn a pouty look. Technically what she said was true, but it would have been less awkward and more enjoyable if I could use my hands to pull Lexi closer, embrace her, grab her buttocks and about a dozen other things that lesbians like to do during sex.

"You're now down to twenty-nine minutes and fifty-one seconds. Do you want to waste your remaining time sulking, or do you want to have fun with the naked slave that's standing in front of you?"

The answer to that question was obvious.

I stepped forward and kissed Lexi softly on the mouth, and she returned the kiss with far greater passion. She pressed her naked body up against mine and moaned as she worked her tongue into my mouth. I started to rub my breasts up against hers as we kissed. Her skin was soft but her muscles just underneath the skin were firm and her whole body was feverishly warm.

I got an erotic tingle every time one of my hard nipples brushed up against one of Lexi's nipples. It was more difficult than you might think to pull off that maneuver while kissing, but I kept trying. I think I managed to do it a total of four times before Lexi and I finally pulled away from each other.

We were both breathing heavily when we finally broke from our kiss. Lexi had an enthusiastic, adorable smile on her face and her breasts rose and fell as she panted.

"I am so glad they let us do this," she gushed. "Ever since I found out you were here, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you."

"Same here," I admitted, excitement bubbling up into my voice. "You are so beautiful, even more beautiful than you were the first time we met."

Naked, bound and sexually aroused, Lexi couldn't get out more than a dozen words before she threw herself at me again. I understood. Getting the words right when you're feverish with desire, your sex is throbbing with hungry spasms, and one agonizing wave of desire after another is breaking across your body, is a struggle. Eventually we both gave up looking for the proper words and just went to town on each other.

Her boobs felt delightful as they rubbed against my boobs, her firm, silky smooth thighs felt great as they rubbed against my thighs. As much fun as it was to rub against each other in a sort of sensual dance, I eventually ended up on my knees, nuzzling her taut abs and leaving adoring kisses on her, starting at her belly button and working my way down.

Lexi moaned as I licked the shape of her concave belly. Then I laid tender kisses on the ridges of her hipbones. I made huge circles with my tongue, stopping just short of her pubic mound.

"Diane," Lexi pleaded with a throb in her voice. "Please, don't make me wait any longer."

Her voice was thick with lust, and just a hint of panicky desperation. We were only given thirty minutes. If I spent too much time on foreplay, Lexi would be dragged away and sent back to her owner without ever getting the orgasm she so desperately wanted and deserved.

I had to awkwardly spread my legs even wider apart to maintain my balance as I pushed my head between her legs and angled my face towards her crotch. I dug my tongue in and explored. Her pubic lips were plump and such a deep pink color they were almost red.

I traced the tip of my tongue across her glistening labia and tasted her juices. There was a subtle hint of blueberry, I think. The flavor was almost imperceptible, but I could detect something that was vaguely sweet, and it just made me want to lick her even more.

"Ohhhhhh," Lexi moaned softly, and I licked away the hood from her swollen clitoris. I would have liked to lap at her juices for a while before going after her clit, but there were time constraints on us.

Lexi moved her hips and thrust her pelvis in a shameless manner as I tried to hold her swollen clitoris in my mouth and suck it like a hard candy.

"Aaahhh! Aaaahhhh! Aaaaahhhhh!"

Her clit was hot and pulsing like it was going to explode. She squirmed, flexed her inner thigh muscles and rolled her lips and gasped as she drifted closer and closer to orgasm.

Lexi thrashed around violently as she came, pushing me backwards as she thrust her pelvis forward like a battering ram. I was lying on my side as Lexi writhed in orgasmic abandon when I realized we were circled by photographers and members of the media.

I groaned, disappointed that our special, erotic moment was marred by gawkers with camcorders and cameras. I propped myself up on one elbow and tried to raise myself up, but Lexi flopped on top of me, and pinned me down to the mat.

"Oh, God! Diane, that was amazing," she exclaimed, smiling like today was the best day ever. Her enthusiastic smile was contagious. I smiled back, even though I was surrounded by gawkers ogling my naked body. The next thing I knew, Lexi was kissing, licking and nibbling at my naked body. She began with my earlobe, worked her way down to my throat, then to my collarbone, and she just went lower and lower from there.

By the time her mouth had worked its way down to my nipples, I was moaning. First, she ran the tip of her tongue around my areolae, tracing slow, sensuous circles that made me pant, then she drew one of my nipples into her mouth and trapped it gently between her teeth. My nipple was engorged and ridiculously responsive to her touch. The more she brushed her tongue across it or sucked it deeper into her mouth, the more I felt pulsing, tingling sensations and my entire body was swept up in a dark, delicious wave of sexual energy.


My nipples were so responsive, it was like they had become additional clits. They throbbed with erotic pulses, and I briefly wondered if Lexi could bring me to a world-shattering climax by stimulating my nipples alone.

I never found out.

Eventually, she released her hold on my nipples, and she traced a line down my abdomen with her tongue. When she was below my waist, I arched my back and shamelessly lifted my hips up off the floor, raising my pelvis higher in a lewd invitation. I spread my legs pornographically wide without thinking. I was reacting purely on instinct.

I had completely forgotten about the photographers and the thousands of prurient spectators watching us. My brain was filled with a feverish sexual craving and my adoration for beautiful Lexi and the magical things that she was doing with her bewitching mouth and wondrous tongue.

People were making all sorts of comments nearby, but my heart was pounding in my ears, drowning out their words. My pussy was throbbing with just as much intensity as my heart, maybe with even greater intensity. What my body was going through was so intense, nothing beyond Lexi and me mattered. Lexi was stimulating my body and creating an erotic storm of sensations and feverish passions. I couldn't possibly focus on anything beyond that.

I spread my legs wider and raised my bald pubes higher and higher, desperate for Lexi to place her mouth there.

My vision was blurry, but I saw Lexi's beautiful face hovering over my crotch with a mischievous smile on her face. She was making me wait and enjoying the look of suffering and feverish need on my face. I called out her name and then she dove in, and I felt her tongue slide across my swollen labia. She licked and probed my pink slot, causing me to tremble and make shamelessly libidinous sounds.

"Oh, Ohhhhhh! Oh, God! Oh, Lexi! Aaaaahhhhh!"

It was insane. Her delicate, pink tongue did more to drive me to the heights of ecstasy than any vibrator. I squirmed and gasped and called out her name.

My legs twitched, my vagina spasmed, then my entire body erupted in orgasmic pleasure. I thrashed around wildly, and my hips bounced up and down as I came. My orgasm seemed to go on forever, with Lexi's face buried in my crotch, continuing to lick and nibble at my swollen clit even as my pelvis bounced, my whole body squirmed, and keeping her face situated between my legs became more and more difficult.

"Aaahhh! Aaaahhhh! Aaaaahhhhh!"

My orgasm was liquid and fervent.

When it was over, I lay there in post orgasmic bliss. Lexi rested her face against my thigh as if it were a pillow, and I felt more content than I had in years.

I savored the feeling of Lexi resting her face against my inner thigh and the post orgasm high. Then, with my eyes only half open, I turned towards Carolyn and asked, "How much time do we have left?"

"Two minutes and eleven seconds."

Damn. I could have happily lain there with Lexi for another three or four hours, maybe even the rest of the day, but as a slave, it wasn't up to me. I could only cuddle with Lexi for as long as my mistress allowed. Splayed out on the floor, naked, bound, and deliriously happy, I spent the next two minutes and eleven seconds giving Lexi an adoring look and she, likewise, stared adoringly at me.

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fitntrimfitntrim8 months ago

A lovely story - I hope Lexi and Diane get together permanently

reixavreixav12 months ago

Dear Schlank,

I'm happy to be able to follow Diane's adventures again.

For me, the most intense moments were when she was naked in front of younger girls. Even more intense when she was naked in the presence of her little sister Amy.

However, we have not heard from Amy since 2015 (Return to Sessia CH. 11). This is getting worrying, right?

In any case, I wanted to congratulate you for your work which I have followed for more than ten years. Please continue, you are a literary magician.

PappasleazePappasleaze12 months ago

I am surprised that Carolyn let diane have an orgasam, or let Lexi not use her mouth on diane, maybe she would have to ride her leg for relief. hope they see more of each other with Slave Lexi being in control of slave diane. Hope to see the next chapter real soon. love your work!

MrSmith27MrSmith27about 1 year ago

Great chapter. And, no hands. I wonder how they would react having to watch each other having sex with other women and not being able to join in?

appyBappyBabout 1 year ago

Loved it. Thank you.

EddieTheBastardEddieTheBastardabout 1 year ago

What a delightful mini scene- so Schlank and so Diane

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