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The Substitute Coach


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"Hey Avy. Where is everyone?" I heard her cheerful voice call me out as I waited for the team by the benches.

I looked up at her and smiled, "They're all late...again! Duane just messaged that they'll be here in 15 minutes, but I don't think this is going to work out, Isis." I sighed dejectedly, "I mean, I can't even get this bunch to show up on time. Maybe you can talk to them for me."

However, her face fell when I asked her for the favour, "Ahhh... well... I don't know about that. Actually, I just popped by to cheer you up a bit before your practice. I am running late for Autumn's photo shoot." she said while looking at her watch.

"A photoshoot? Isis, I really could use your help! I'm stuck with 5 boys who don't listen to me at all; I was hoping that you could help me talk some sense into them," I replied with a frown, pleading with her to stay.

"I'm sorry, I know I promised, but Autumn really wants me there with her." she apologized, "But honestly, you need to relax a little with this coaching gig; you're just the substitute coach. No one is expecting you to whip these boys into champions."

I knew she was right, but I'd never given up like this."I know, but I really need this." I looked around to see if we were alone before replying in a low voice, "Both my husband and son think that I always shoot my mouth off about basketball because I played back in the day. They think that I can't really get this team to win even a single game. If I could just prove them wrong this one time..."

She looked at me for a second, hesitating before she offered her help, "Well, there is ONE thing you can do..."

"What?" I asked, hoping that there was something, anything, that I could try.

"Well... they are 18-year-old boys. And what does any 18-year-old guy want from his hot teacher more than anything else?" she asked me, giving me a naughty smile.

I was momentarily confused, then blushed as understanding dawned on me, "You don't mean... I can't do that!" I whispered, shocked that she even mentioned something like that.

"I'm not suggesting you sleep with any of them. You've seen how Duane looks at you and me; they'll be more than happy with just a peek at those big tits of yours. You don't have to actually do it; just maybe give them some hope that it might be possible..." she said with a mischievous grin.

"What exactly are you suggesting, Isis?"

"Well, for starters, why don't you lose the tracksuit." she told me, pulling down the zipper for my tracksuit, exposing my tight-fitting top, "Your big tits are your best weapon, and you need to start using them! Show those boys that you are a sexy woman and not just some nerdy science teacher, and they will fall in line."

I hesitated. I knew that Duane definitely looked at me like that, but I wasn't sure he'd fall for Isis's trick, "I-I never thought of it like that... I was trying to stop them from staring at my tits and ass. What else can I do?"

"Well, It is impossible for this team to reach the playoffs right now, isn't it?", she asked me.

"Well... to be honest, it is. We have four matches against tough teams. Newton High and Bentonville have good teams, and we may have a chance at beating them on a good day. But the last two teams we are up against are both top contenders for the championship. They've both made it through to the playoffs already. It's impossible for us to win against them!" I conceded.

"That makes your job so much easier... Just promise them something sexy and slutty. You already know they don't have a chance in hell to win. You'll never have to reward them, but you just might get them motivated enough to win a game or two at least!" she grinned at me.

"A slutty reward to motivate them? You mean, like maybe flash them or something? That's too much!" I asked.

Isis smiled at me, it seemed that she knew something I didn't, before she spoke, "Trust me on this. Tell them that if they reach the playoffs, you'll join them in the shower after practice."

"You can't be serious!" I whispered, shaking my head, "I can't shower with them... I'm their teacher!"

"Look, there's no way they will ever reach the playoffs, are they? We've won only two out of the last seven games. Just pretend you're going to do it. You know they won't be able to resist a chance at a private shower with a sexy, busty MILF like you."

"No... I can't do it, Isis... I... I'm a teacher, not a stripper..."I stammered, blushing deep red at her suggestion, "I know they will listen to me if I talk to them like a teacher..."

"It's your choice, but I wouldn't waste my time trying to talk sense into them, when I could put my sexy tits to work instead." she told me. I was about to protest when she got a call from her daughter and had to rush off.

"Ok, I gotta run. Remember, you just need to promise them, you don't actually need to do it!" she said before kissing me on the cheek and rushing off.


It was another half-hour before the boys turned up for practice, laughing and joking around. Duane led the rest of the group, with Marvin, Jake, Kyle and Winston trailing behind him.

"Sorry, Coach," Duane grinned at me. "I had to pick up the rest of the team; you know how slow Kyle is..." he added, smirking at Kyle.

"Very funny, Duane, but can you guys start now." I shot him a dirty look, frowning at the other boys as I watched them grab their basketballs and spread out on the court.

I looked over at them, shaking my head; there was NO WAY they would win a single game, and then it hit me. Isis was right; there was no way we could reach the playoffs with this team! I could promise them a million dollars, but they wouldn't ever get it.

I bit my lips nervously, weighing the pros and cons of Isis's suggestion in my head. 'Am I really considering doing this?' I thought to myself as I watched them play.

After a few moments of deliberation, I took a deep breath and cleared my throat, "Boys! Can you come here, please?" I called out aloud. Duane ignored me, dribbling the ball and scoring a 3-pointer effortlessly as Kyle cheered him.

"Boys!!! I want to talk to you..." I repeated, my voice wavering slightly with nerves. This time, Duane looked up at me and shrugged his shoulders, muttering something to the rest of the team before jogging over with the rest of the boys following him. They stopped in front of me, waiting expectantly as I tried to keep my voice steady.

"Ok, look, boys... I... umm... I am worried that we aren't going to get anywhere this season..." I began awkwardly, "And, well... I realized that the cookies may be a bad idea, so I thought of something else that you guys might be interested in," I added, blushing as I looked each of them in the eye, nervously wringing my hands.

Duane looked surprised for a second, glancing at Marvin and Jake next to him before breaking out in a cocky grin, "Really, Coach? And what exactly are you offering?" he leered at me suggestively.

"W-well... if... If you boys win the championship finals, I... I will... um... I-will-strip-down-and-shower-with-you-after-practice" I mumbled the words under my breath, my face turning bright red as I looked down at my feet.

Jaws dropped open around me as Duane, Marvin, Jake, Kyle, and Winston exchanged glances with each other, looking at me stunned. 'That definitely wiped the smiles off their faces', I thought. They weren't sure if they had heard me right.

"I'm sorry, Coach, I didn't hear what you just said..." Winston spoke up hesitantly, blinking his eyes.

Duane raised an eyebrow, "W-What did you say, Coach?"

I took a deep breath and looked up, mustering up the courage and spoke clearly, "If you boys listen to my instructions properly every training and then if we reach the playoffs, and that means winning the next four games. I will shower with you guys after practice." I looked each of them in the eye as I repeated the words, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

The boys looked at me dumbstruck before Duane broke the silence, "Are you serious, Coach? Like for real? We can see your tits!" he asked me with a disbelieving look on his face. The rest of the team stood there with their mouths hanging open, looking at me in shock.

"No... my bra and panties stay on... Don't forget that I am your teacher...not a stripper. But I'll do it only if you boys learn to listen to me and then win." I repeated, blushing furiously but keeping my voice steady as I looked at them, "Now... is that enough incentive for you boys to train?"

The boys looked at each other for a second before Jake grinned at me, "Fuck yeah, Coach..." he nodded, licking his lips as he eyed my body, "That's more than enough incentive to motivate us... isn't that right guys?"

Marvin, Winston and Kyle nodded their heads eagerly, grinning at me with dirty grins on their faces. I swallowed nervously, crossing my arms in front of my breasts protectively. "S-So... do we have a deal?" I stuttered, taking a deep breath.

"Fuck yes, Coach, we have a Dea-" Marvin started to speak before Duane interrupted him.

"Marvin shut up..." he snapped at his friend, his lips twisting in a small wicked smile as he walked up to me.

"We've got to win ALL our next four games to win. Even if we work really really hard and win three of the games and then lose the last one, we end up with nothing. Don't we? I don't think that's completely fair, Coach. ", he spoke to me and and his team.

'Damn it! He's smart,' I thought as the other guys nodded along to his words. I needed to do something.

"W-what?" I blinked my eyes, "Do you think I am lying?"

"No, Coach, but let's be honest... we would need some small rewards along the way to keep us motivated... " he continued, stepping closer to me, looking down at my tits, "You know to keep us going after each win?"

"Small rewards." I gulped nervously. Duane was standing very close to me, and I looked up at him with a nervous expression.

"We can decide the rewards when we win the first game. But there is something you could do for us to make our practices even better!" he nodded slowly as Marvin, Jake, Kyle and Winston stepped closer towards me, circling around me with dirty grins on their faces. He reached out and slowly pulled down the zipper of my tracksuit, exposing my tight-fitting spaghetti top.

"Duane, what are you doing?" I gasped, trying to push his hand away as I saw the rest of the team step closer towards me with hungry looks on their faces. I nervously glanced around the empty basketball court, hoping no one was watching us.

"Well, for starters... we'd really love it if you could wear something a little sexier, Coach..." Duane grinned at me, his eyes trained on my cleavage. His friends murmured in agreement behind me, "You know, practice will be a lot more fun if you could wear something to turn us on... oh sorry... I mean motivate us."

I looked around at their faces, my heart pounding nervously, "Dress Sexier?" I managed to stammer out. Duane chuckled, his hands slipping inside my track jacket, pushing it off my shoulders easily. My cheeks turned red as the boys whistled and hollered, eyeing my big tits in the top.

"Yeah, Coach... something that shows off your sexy curves... you know... makes us wanna work harder..." Duane smirked, his fingers lightly brushing against my bare arms.

I shuddered, swallowing nervously as I felt Marvin, Jake, Kyle and Winston's eyes roaming all over my body. I wondered if I had made a big mistake, "Duane... I-I don't think I should do that..." I protested weakly, stepping backwards only to bump into Kyle behind me.

"Trust me, Coach, this will make practice a lot more fun... just a sexy little crop top and tight pair of booty shorts..."

I looked at their eager faces, licking their lips as they stared at me, and I hesitated for a minute. It was just a top and shorts. What harm could it do? I bit my lips and sighed, nodding reluctantly, "O-Ok Duane, I'll... I'll wear something sexier to practice." I conceded, my cheeks burning red with embarrassment, "and we can keep some small reward for each win!"

The boys all grinned widely; it was as if Christmas had come early, "Thanks, Coach..." Duane winked at me before nodding to Marvin, Jake, Kyle and Winston, "OK guys, you heard Coach, let's get back to practice... we have games to win!"


'I'm crazy for doing this, ' I thought as I changed in the girls' locker room before Monday's basketball practice. I had packed the sexy outfit that Duane had requested: a tight tank top and a pair of booty shorts with knee-length socks during practice. The fabric clung to my curvy body, highlighting my huge 36D tits and round ass. I had also tied my long, wavy blonde hair into a ponytail.

Our practices were scheduled after school was done so the court was empty except for us, and as I walked back onto the basketball court, I suddenly felt very self-conscious. The boys were already there, shooting hoops as I walked towards them. I held my head high, trying to ignore their stares as I yelled at them to gather around me.

Kyle wolf-whistled as Marvin catcalled me, looking at me up and down, "Damn... she really did it.. look at those smokin' pair of tits." My jaw dropped at his comment, and I stammered in protest as he circled around me, staring lewdly at my tits in the skin-tight tank top.

"Damn, look at that ass though", Marvin chimed in, whistling. "How does Principal Martinez get any work done at home with this hot piece of ass waiting for him?"

"Marvin! You can't talk to me like that!" I scolded him, blushing deeply at his crude comment.

"Come on, Coach... it's a compliment!" Duane grinned, joining Marvin and Kyle to circle around me, "Just look at you... you're a fucking MILF! Principal Martinez is a lucky bastard!"

I blushed even deeper at his words, unable to respond. Their comments were making me extremely uncomfortable, but at the same time, it felt good knowing that these young black jocks found me so attractive.

"Can we begin practice now? Or do you want to spend all of it making inappropriate comments about me?" I asked them, arching an eyebrow, trying to sound stern but failing to hide the shyness in my voice.

Duane smiled cockily, "Ok guys, you heard the Coach... let's get back to practice." he winked at me, and we got back to training.

I sighed in relief as Duane began drills. He really was a fantastic player, and as I watched, I realized that the rest of the team wasn't too bad either, especially Winston and Marvin, who were both very fast and agile. We practised for a solid 2 hours before Duane called it a day, and the boys left one by one, leaving me alone with Duane as we packed up the equipment.

"Nice practice, Coach... I'll admit, you do know your shit." he grinned at me, tossing the ball in my direction. I caught it awkwardly with both hands, smiling back at him, "Thanks. The boys listen to you, and we had a perfect day today!" I admitted reluctantly, turning it around in my hands as he walked up to me.

"I think the fact that our coach looks like a playboy centerfold helped today", he smirked, looking me up and down, his eyes lingering on my tits, "You know, Coach, if you dress like this every day, I'm pretty sure we could beat even the state champions!"

I blushed, looking up into his dark eyes, "Stop teasing me, Duane, you know I'm a married woman!" I said, "You already got a line of girls in school chasing after you. The Star Athlete of the school!"

"True... but none as sexy as you, Coach," he winked at me, grabbing the basketball out of my hands and tossing it aside before coming to a stop inches away from me. I gulped as I realized that I was alone with him right now. At 6'4", he towered over me, his muscles glistening with sweat. His eyes were lecherously looking at my tits, and I blushed as I looked up at him.

He bent slightly and ran his hands down along my arms slowly, giving me goosebumps, before stopping at my waist, his fingers feeling the skin of my thighs as he teased the hemline of my shorts, "You really DO look hot in those shorts and top, Coach", Duane grinned at me, licking his lips as his fingers traced the edge of my booty shorts as his hands slid downwards, "Almost makes me think that I need to ditch the girls and get me a MILF!"

I shivered with excitement at his touch, his fingers grazing against my bare asscheeks underneath the shorts. My nipples hardened under my thin top, tenting visibly as his hands lingered on my hips, holding me firmly. I bit my lips nervously, nervously glancing around but we were alone in the basketball court.

Usually, his cockiness would have irritated me, but being alone with him here in the gym, I couldn't help but feel flattered by his attention. "Duane, I thought I made myself clear, you CANNOT do stuff like this..." I whispered nervously, my eyes widening as his fingers hooked onto the hem of my shorts and tugged at them playfully.

"Duane please, someone will see us... I don't want to get in trouble..." I pleaded with him anxiously, but he only smirked at me arrogantly, his fingers tracing along the hem of my shorts, teasing me as they brushed against my smooth, pale white skin. I knew I should have slapped him across the face and pushed him away, but I remained rooted to the spot, unable to move until Duane finally moved his hand from my ass and onto my waist.

"I can't wait to see these tits once we reach the playoffs!" he said as his fingers pulled up the hem of my top, revealing my navel and my pale white flat stomach as he slid a finger teasingly across my belly button, making me shudder with anticipation.

"D-duane... you can't. We had a deal. N-not until we reach the playoffs..." I whispered shakily, looking up into his eyes as my heart pounded nervously in my chest.

Duane finally stopped teasing me and silenced me with a finger on my lips, "Don't worry Coach. A Deal's a Deal... we'll reach the playoffs, and we'll get to see those big juicy tits of yours in the showers..." he winked at me. My eyes widened in shock as Duane leaned in and kissed my cheek, "See you tomorrow, Coach..." he smiled at me cheekily, picking up the basketball and walking out the door.

I stood there speechless, touching my cheek where he'd kissed me, my heart racing as I watched Duane leave. "He's disgusting!" I thought, picking up my bag from the bench and heading towards the showers. As I changed out of the slutty clothes, I thought to myself, 'I hope all this gets us to win at least one game!'


Chapter 2 : Hard Word does pay off

Game 1: Richmond Raptors vs Bentonville

I was so nervous when I watched the team warm up. It was the first game since I'd agreed to our 'Deal'. I was wearing a tight white top and short pencil skirt with nude stockings and heels as I paced back and forth nervously at the courtside.

"Calm down, Avy, and stop pacing..." Isis chuckled at me. She was here watching the team along with Kayla. Miguel and Manny had both passed, stating that there wasn't much of a chance for us to win. To be honest, this was a general opinion; there were very few spectators since we weren't expected to go far anyway.

"I can't, Isis; I've really worked these boys hard the last week!" I muttered anxiously, chewing my nails as I glanced at the scoreboard nervously, "What if we lose again!? I'll never hear the end of it from Miguel or Manny!"

Isis laughed and leaned in to whisper into my ears, "Maybe you'd have a better chance if you had made them the offer I suggested..." she whispered, looking pointedly at Duane warming up with the team.

I blushed furiously but said nothing. I hadn't told Isis that I had gone ahead with her plan. It was too embarrassing to admit it to anyone; I shook my head, "Shut up, Isis!" I hissed at her under my breath, looking around to make sure no one was listening.

Before she could reply, though, Kayla called out to me excitedly from the bleachers, "Mom! The game is about to start!" Isis gave me a naughty wink and followed Kayla back to the bleachers.

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