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The Teacher's Pet Ch. 11

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Amber's whirlwind day includes eating at Polly's house.
12.6k words

Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/09/2019
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Author's Note: This builds upon the events of the previous chapters. I would recommend reading them first, before diving into this chapter.


Wednesday, February 4

I let out a pleasurable sigh after switching off the alarm on my bedside clock this morning. The sound of it was normally grating to me, and I would be quite aggressive in making it stop, while wishing I could sleep at least another hour. However, the past couple of days were different. I looked forward to waking up and getting out of bed. It didn't hurt that my first task was to reread the last message on my phone from the previous night. For the second straight day, I felt tingles all over my body when I read it.

"I will continue to be a good girl, even if thinking about you makes me want to be naughty. And once I'm in bed, I know that I will only be thinking of you, the woman I love. But I promise to be obedient for you. Good night and sweet dreams, Miss. 😊"

Her words gave me a further surge of energy, and I was done in the bathroom in short order. I dressed myself in a pink bra, red blouse, red panties, and a crimson skirt. I left on the same white patterned stockings I had worn since Monday and put on the same crimson heels as well. Not only did I want to look amazing for Polly, but also ensure she had an intense level of my foot stink to bask in later.

Once my hair and makeup were done, I went to the kitchen to have breakfast. For a moment, I visualized a certain petite girl preparing it for me. She was naked while flipping pancakes at the stove and humming a happy tune. This image caused me to giggle, although I also found it erotic. It certainly made me ponder whether she had enough cooking skills to make my thought a reality.

Fifteen minutes later, I was digging into a small stack of blueberry pancakes. Clearly, my little fantasy had dictated my choice. They were delicious!

My drive to school was slow, but I had coffee to satisfy my taste buds and the love of an incredible young woman to fill my heart. The traffic wasn't about to bring me down, even when some guy cut me off badly. He probably thought I was on some weird drugs when I smiled and waved at him. However, I was simply high on life.

In the faculty break room, I chatted for a bit with George, Rob, and several male teachers. They were always so nice to me, and today was no different. After they left, Linda approached my table. She was again wearing a nice top, a knee-length skirt, and nylons - along with two-inch heels. It appeared she had been to the hairdresser since yesterday, as her usual stringy dark-brown mop was now a cute, full-bodied bob with blonde highlights. Also, her pink-colored nails looked newly done.

"Hey, Amber!"

I smiled as she sat down next to me. "Well, hello there, gorgeous."

She laughed. "I guess you noticed my new hair, makeup, and nails."

"How could I not? I mean, you look fantastic!"

"Aw, thanks." Her face went red and she shrugged with a giggle. "But you're the one who inspired me."

I feigned surprise. "Did I really?"

"Of course! And even though I gave you a hard time about it last month, I've always thought you looked great in those outfits."

"I see that," I said while scanning her ensemble again.

"Right." She chuckled with a nod. "I decided to take a chance and try wearing stuff like this, since I've been losing weight recently."

"Nice! How much have you lost so far?"

She sat up straight and puffed out her chest. "I'm down seven pounds in the past two weeks."

"Way to go, Linda!" I patted her arm with a smile. "I'm really happy for you."

"I appreciate that." She placed a hand on top of mine. "But I feel like such an idiot."

I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

She sighed. "I judged you very harshly in the beginning. I mean, I saw the way you dressed, and how all the guys hovered around you, and I assumed you were one of those, uh, slutty teachers who sleeps her way to tenure."

I burst out laughing. Linda chuckled along with me for a bit, before going quiet and gazing down at the table.

"Look," I said, "don't worry about it. I judged you wrong too. I mean, I had you pegged for a boring old maid who owned ten cats and hadn't gone on a date in fifteen years."

She peered up at me with a half-smile. "You're mostly right, except I only have two cats, and it's been nine years."

My eyes went wide. "Oh God, I didn't mean—"

"No, it's fine," she said while squeezing my hand. "It's my own fault. I let myself go after that... bastard cheated on me."

I gave her a quizzical look.

"I was dating this guy for almost a decade. And even though he didn't propose, it seemed like everything was going great. I was fine just being his girlfriend, as long as he treated me right and didn't screw around with other women."

"So, when did, um, you—"

"Well, one day there was an early dismissal from school because the AC system died, and it was getting way too hot in the building."


"And I got home about two hours earlier than usual. So, I see his car in the driveway and I'm thinking, 'This is weird'. But then I shrugged it off, figuring maybe he left work early too. Let's just say I was in complete shock when I walked into the house and saw him..." She lowered her voice. "...screwing one of his pretty co-workers on our living room sofa."

I bit my lip and shook my head, remembering the things I had done in recent weeks with Polly on my own couch. "Damn, that's awful. I'm so sorry."

She exhaled deeply and nodded. "Thanks. It was pretty devastating for me."

"I can imagine."

"Yeah, except I spent far too long feeling sorry for myself. After what happened, I felt like I was undesirable... past my prime... and that I should just give up on finding someone who wanted to be with me."

I gave her a look of sympathy but couldn't find any words to say.

"A few months later, I took up bird watching. It was a way to fill my time, and it kept me from spiraling further into depression. But it didn't stop me from gaining weight, or generally not caring about my appearance. I mean, who was I trying to impress? It's not like men were going to line up to date an ugly old loser."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Linda. You're far from ugly, you're not that old, and you're definitely not a loser."

She gave me a wry smile. "Well, thanks to you, I'm finally realizing that."

I chuckled. "I'd like to take the credit, but I really didn't do anything."

"Come on, Amber." She rubbed my hand gently. "You didn't hate me after I criticized your outfit. You put up with my endless bird stories. You even made me laugh with that whole stinky shoe thing. You've been pretty cool in my book."

I couldn't help but return her smile. "That's nice of you to say. I think you're pretty cool too."

She laughed. "I'm glad to hear it." She peered down at what she was wearing. "And perhaps now I also look semi-cool."

"You look terrific." I gazed at my own ensemble. "Obviously, I would approve."

We both chuckled.

"You know," Linda said, "I hadn't worn a skirt or pantyhose in years. I didn't think I could pull it off, until this past week."

"You're definitely rocking that look, if I do say so myself."

"Thanks. And while they're flattering to my legs, pantyhose are such a pain. I hate having to pull them down and back up every time I go to the bathroom. I'm sure you know what I mean."

"Actually, I don't."

She tilted her head with a confused expression.

"I wear stockings."

She raised her eyebrows and nodded. "Oh, well, still... I wouldn't like dealing with garters every day."

I chuckled. "That's not a problem for me either."

"It isn't?" She now seemed bewildered.

I glanced around the room and saw just three other people, none of whom were paying attention to us.

"Can I, um, show you something?" I asked in a quiet voice.


I swiveled toward her, enough so she could see my skirt. After confirming we weren't being watched, I clutched the hem of my skirt. I then hiked it up to reveal my stocking top, as well as a bit of my bare leg above it.

Her eyes bulged and she let out a gasp.

I quickly pulled my skirt back down. "Those are stay-up stockings made of silk. I love the way they feel, and there's no pesky garters. Maybe you should try them."

She was now shifting her gaze to nearby tables. A few moments later, she returned her focus to me.

"Um, yeah, I guess."

I patted her arm with a giggle. "I'm not going to pressure you. But if you're interested, the outlet center is the best place to buy them."

"That's, uh, good to know."

I noticed she was fidgeting, so I grasped her hand. "Linda, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, no, it's okay. I, I just wasn't expecting to see that type of stocking."

"You mean you've never heard of these?"

"Oh, I have. But I..." She sighed. "...all right, fine. Maybe I was kind of shocked at your little leg show." She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I suppose I'm a bit of a prude."

"Well, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. Perhaps we can help each other meet in the middle."

She giggled, causing me to do likewise.

"That sounds like a plan." She extended her hand and I shook it. "I could stand to loosen up a little anyway."

"You will if you keep hanging around with me."

We laughed again and spent the rest of homeroom period having a very pleasant chat. I found out she actually liked some of the same books and authors as me. I also discovered her taste in movies was similar to mine. In fact, the more I learned about her, the more I realized we had in common. I was even starting to consider getting together with her outside of our workplace - as friends, of course.

After she left to prepare for her first science class of the day, I spied Monica sitting alone on the other side of the room. I hadn't seen her since Monday, when she scurried away upon noticing me. Although I convinced myself otherwise, I continued to wonder if I had upset her last week. There was only one way to find out.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up, smoothed my skirt, and headed toward her table. She was still staring at her phone when I arrived, so I cleared my throat to get her attention. I chuckled at her stunned expression when she saw me.

"Oh, um, h-hi, Amber."

"Hi Monica. Can we talk for a minute?"

"Uh, sure."

I sat in the chair next to her. She seemed quite anxious while putting her phone in her purse. She exhaled loudly and met my gaze.

"So, what's up?"

"I was about to ask you the same question."

She gave me a look of trepidation. "W-what do you mean?"

"Well, you practically ran out of here the other day when I looked over at you. Then I didn't see you yesterday." I took hold of her hand. "Are you avoiding me because of something I did?"

"No, I mean, I..." She glanced down for a moment and sighed. "...it's just, I'm sort of in a relationship."

I cocked my head. "Wait, did you think I was..."

She nodded several times.

"Monica..." I smiled and shook my head slightly. "...I wasn't hitting on you. I'm sorry if it came off like that."

"Oh, um, right," she said with a nervous laugh.

"I mean, you're very pretty and kind of shy. I guess I thought it would be fun to, I don't know, tease you a little bit. I'm sorry for taking it too far."

She reinforced my description of her by blushing and averting my gaze. Although she looked very cute this way, I was trying to put her at ease - not embarrass her further.

I continued in a soft voice. "Plus, I now have a girlfriend too."

"Oh, um, how did you know I, uh, like girls?" she asked while tilting her head.

"It was pretty obvious," I said with a smirk. "And since I'm bisexual, I can tell when almost anyone is checking me out."

Her eyes bulged. "But I, I wasn't..."

I raised an eyebrow at her. She dropped her head and sighed.

"You're right," she said in a whisper, "I, I was."

I grasped her hand a bit tighter. "Don't be ashamed, Monica. I was doing the same thing to you."

She peered up at me with a slight grin. "Oh, well, um... thanks?"

I couldn't help but laugh, and she did also.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with window shopping... so long as we don't sample the merchandise. Am I right?"

She giggled again. "Yeah, good point. And, uh, thanks for being so understanding about my, um, sexuality."

"Of course." I patted her hand. "I don't know why anyone would have a problem with it anyway."

"I wish that was true. But my parents... they..." She frowned and shook her head. "...I hardly even talk to them anymore. When I do, it's always 'where did we go wrong' and 'why can't you try dating a boy'. They just don't get it."

"I'm so sorry." I could tell she was on the verge of tears, so I pulled a tissue from my purse and handed it to her. "We can talk about something else, if this is a sore subject for you."

She sniffled and dabbed her eyes with the tissue. "No, it's, it's okay. So, um, do, do your parents know?"

"Yes, and I'm very lucky. They're totally fine with me liking both men and women."

"That's... that's great," she said with a wistful smile.

"Thanks." I nodded and held her hand once more. "Is there anyone else you've told? You know, someone who supports you in this?"

"Only my younger sister and this girl I started dating. I was scared to tell my sister after my parents' reaction, but it turned out she was super cool with it. In fact, she was the one to set me up with this girl last week, and we hit it off right away."

"That's awesome. It sounds like you and your sister are close."

"We are. She's a senior at Florida International and comes home every weekend."

"Right, I think you might have mentioned that to me."

"Oh yeah, I did. But anyway... she actually set me up with a classmate of hers, who's a lesbian. The funny thing is, she hit on my sister. Then after my sister told her she was straight, she gave her my number."

"Wow," I said with a chuckle, "that's kind of... different."

"True, but it's working out nicely so far. We've gone out twice since Friday, and, well, I really like her."

I nodded, realizing that it all made sense now. She played along with my flirtatiousness last week because she hadn't started dating the girl yet. When they hit it off, she then began staying away from me.

"Good for you." I smiled and squeezed her hand. "And hopefully, your parents come around soon."

"I hope so." She sighed. "But even if they don't, I'm not going to change who I am."

"And you shouldn't. Besides, you now have a friend who supports you too."

She gave me an enormous grin. "Thank you, Amber. You're a really good friend."

I smiled, and we proceeded to engage in a pleasant conversation for the next twenty minutes. Unlike our previous encounters, she no longer displayed a hint of her usual inhibition. I supposed that my positive reaction to her being gay, as well as diffusing the notion I wanted romantic relations with her, caused her to loosen up in my presence. Whatever the reason, I enjoyed our discussion about things like food and musical interests.

Moments before the bell rang, she excused herself to use the bathroom. I then went to my office. After retrieving the necessary papers, I started toward my second period English classroom. Along the way, I spied Tanya in the hallway. As she had all week, she was wearing a layered, short-sleeved top with a medium-length skirt, bare legs, and a pair of Chucks with short socks. It seemed she'd decided on a compromise between the look she tried last Friday, and her former casual style. I thought it suited her perfectly.

"Hey, Miss Nolan," she said while stopping in front of me. "You're looking fine today."

I chuckled with a nod. "Thanks, Tanya. You're not looking so bad yourself."

She peered down at her clothes and shrugged. "Oh, these old things?"

We both laughed and I cleared my throat.

"So, um," I said, "did you want to talk to me about something?"

"Well, kinda. It's about Polly."

I raised an eyebrow and pulled her aside.

She spoke in a quiet voice. "She's been acting, like, mega giddy the past two days. At first, I thought maybe she was on acid or something. But it turns out, she's just really happy."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah, but it's weird. I've never seen her this high on life, like, ever."

I shrugged, trying not to give away any clue as to what was responsible for Polly's bliss.

"So, you have no idea what's going on with her either?" she asked.

I shook my head. "But maybe I can try to find out after school today."

"Oh, right, when you're working on that, um..." She made air quotes with her fingers. "...project."

My heart almost stopped and I gasped. Had she figured out what her friend and I were doing? Or did she only suspect something was happening? I needed to pull myself together so I could determine what she knew.

"What do you mean, Tanya?"

She folded her arms and smirked at me. "Come on. You already admitted on Saturday that she massaged your feet. I'm sure this project is just an excuse to get more foot rubs from her."

I sighed as I recalled our conversation in the restaurant. Between Polly and I, we had indeed confessed to engaging in this activity. It was far better for Tanya to believe I was indulging in foot pampering, versus what was really occurring.

"Fine, I admit we're not actually working on a project."

She chuckled. "And?"

"And yes, she's been rubbing my feet."

"Knew it. In fact, I bet that's why Polly's so cheery."

I grabbed hold of her arm and took a quick peek at our surroundings. "Have you said this to her?"

She rolled her eyes. "Of course not."

"Thanks." I let out a deep breath. "And please don't tell anyone else, especially her mom."

"Your secret's safe with me. But..."

"But what?"

She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in my ear. "But now you owe me one, Amber."

I let go of her arm and stared at her with a mixture of dread and contempt.

She giggled and patted my arm. "Don't worry. I won't ask for anything too crazy." She looked in the direction of her next class. "Well, gotta run or I'll be late. Catch ya later!" She bounded down the hallway and waved at me, before disappearing around the corner.

My jaw remained on the floor and my feet were frozen in place, while I considered what this devious blonde had done. Damn, what did she want from me? And how had I let myself fall into her trap?

The sound of the bell jolted me from paralysis, and I scampered to my English classroom. Thankfully, it wasn't far and I didn't receive any odd stares for arriving a bit late. Once I had everyone's attention, I was able to set aside my concerns regarding Tanya and do a pretty decent job of teaching my students. I also managed to pull through the next period with no issues.

Having the usual guys to chat with during lunch was a blessing, as their witty banter kept my spirits up. However, once it was over and I was alone in my office, I immediately began focusing on the predicament my big mouth had gotten me into.

Why did I tell Tanya I received a foot massage from her friend? Shouldn't I have anticipated the brash, cheeky girl might pull a stunt like this? Where was common sense in that moment, when I truly needed it?

Of course, almost everything involving Polly had gone against my better judgment. Since the night when she first sniffed my foot, I had allowed both my pussy and heart to make a number of decisions for me. I knew it would get me into trouble sooner or later, and now I was in this situation with Tanya. There was nothing I could do, except trust her and hope she wouldn't take things too far when cashing in the favor I owed her.

I was still feeling trepidation as I entered the room for my sixth period class, particularly when I saw my petite student and her best friend chatting with each other. In my mind, Tanya was asking Polly to detail every foot pampering session she had with me. And Polly was responding with descriptions of passionate toe sucking and thunderous orgasms.

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