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The Torment of Tatarina Ch. 11

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Community Work.
6.5k words

Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 11/27/2012
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Community Work

It was several weeks later and surprisingly, thankfully there had been no contact with the sectional officer. She continued to work at the café, trying to put behind her the picture of her lying on the table with the men around her their ejaculating cocks filling and covering her with semen.

Her days were pleasantly filled with locals getting to know her and some even making friends with her. Since her boyfriend had so cruelly left her due to her having to fuck so many men, she had lived alone. One or two men had tried to become friendly with her but the she found it hard to image having sex properly with them. Hopefully sometime in the future the right man would come along. She was not unhappy with being on her own, at least she could do what she wished when she wished. It had been a busy day and she returned home exhausted. After removing her coat she carried the day's mail into the kitchen. Most of it was advertising circulars, but her heart stopped when she saw the distinctive blue of the Dept of Corrections envelope. She took a deep breath and slit the edge taking out the letter and unfolding it. She leaned back against the bench and read through the message.

"Stevens No.69,

As part of your rehabilitation you are required to do community work from time to time. This will help you pay back your debt to society by doing useful work.

You will present yourself to the Officer Centre, 56 Bunderaf Ave, 6th June 9.00 am; they require a maid and cleaning woman. Report to Section Officer Gerder.

Failure to arrive will result in returning to the Correctional center to repeat your sentence.

The overseeing officer will write a report and failure to give satisfaction will also result in a return for further "education".

The Director of Correctional Services."

6th June! Why that was tomorrow. A Saturday, and she had been looking forward to going shopping with her new girl friend from next door. She knew she had no choice, since her "misdemeanor" her life had become owned by the state. Still at least she didn't have to report to the fat section officer, as she knew his address was different from the one on the letter.

She still felt a certain unease but, well it did say she was needed as a cleaner.

All through the day she felt her sense of unease growing.

That evening she visited her friend to tell her she had to go out tomorrow and would not be able to go with her. She could tell her friend was a bit upset at her not going, and almost blurted out the reason, and with it, all her troubles. Up to now she hadn't told a soul of her stay in the correction center, she was frightened they would ask what had happened there, and was too ashamed of what she had gone through to tell anyone else, and so she held her tongue.

The day dawned bright and sunny. She went through the usual ablutions now required by the fat officer. Cleaning out her bowels with an enema and making sure her genitals were clean and her pubic hair trimmed and neat. She hoped she would not run into him, but she could never so too sure. She then got dressed, had her usual small breakfast of toast and coffee. After making sure she looked alright, she picked up her bag and left.

The trip across town was uneventful. The bus was nearly empty so early on this Saturday morning, in the week it would have been full, as only the rich could now afford cars.

The bus drew away as she stood in Bunderaf Ave. She checked the numbers and walked down the road to number 56, a brown stone building. It had an impressive entrance for a sectional center, but then no expense was spent on government offices, whilst the poor stayed in slums. She pushed open the front door and entered. She stood looking around the marbled floored foyer. There were two doors, one grand double glass door, which opened into a corridor leading into the building, and one on the side marked "Private" leading to the service area. To the side of the grand doors was a list of officers and small rosa-blanca.ru to show who was in and who was out. Officer Gerder was the only one marked as in. There was a receptionist desk to one side and on the desk a bell push with instructions to press once for service when unattended. She pressed the button and stood looking around the foyer as she waited. She had butterflies in her stomach, from nerves and twiddled with her bag strap as she waited.

"Yes can I help you?"

The man had come out of the big door catching her unawares as she stood staring around the room. He was middle aged, balding and thin in body and face.

"You realize we are closed for service on the weekend?"

"Excuse me sir, I am Tatarina Stevens."

"Yes? What can I do for you?"

She saw the man's eyes take her in as she stood in front of him, starting at her face and moving down her body. They lingered over her breasts as many mens eyes had before.

"I received a letter; you needed a maid and cleaner for the day."

"Ah you must be 69, is that right?"

"Yes sir."

She said quietly at the mention of her correctional number. He took another, longer moment to examine her as she stood fiddling with her bag strap. She didn't like the look he gave her as his eyes once more traveled over her body. Did she note the start of a smile as his gaze rested on her chest for the second time? No she must have imagined it. She must not show any concern as it always paid to give a good impression when dealing with the officers of the government.

"Excellent, come with me and I will show you what you have to do."

He led her through the Private door into the service area, which was a long corridor running the full length of the building. It was fairly typical, stark shiny linoleum floors and pale green paint. Off to one side were the service rooms, toilets, heater room, cleaning room, staff room. And to the right hand side, half way along, was a short corridor leading across the building with the offices on the right at the front of the building and the lounge and bar at the back of the building. He led her through the various rooms telling her what he expected her to do in each. The lounge area was luxurious with red walls and brown wooden panels everywhere, deep leather chairs and large tables everywhere. The offices were fairly functional, but with good quality furniture and wallpaper.

"Firstly you will dust and polish the furniture in the offices, lounge and corridors. When this is completed you will vacuum them. Finally the floor in the foyer will need to be scrubbed and polished."

Her heart sank this would take all day and maybe even some more, she had been expecting an easy day.

"I will be leaving at 5.00pm which is when you will finish. I expect you to have done a good days work by then."

"Now according to government regulations, everyone working here has to be dressed in the correct uniform, we have to keep standards. You will find your uniform in the maid's cupboard in the staff room, there is also a coat for doing outside errands this coat is not to be worn inside. You are not to wear any of you own clothing, do you understand, none."

She nodded as the man told her what was expected of her.

"Do I make myself clear, none of your own clothes, everything is provided.

Tatarina wondered why he was so insistent on this point, but thought it was probably some government policy. He also had a strange look on his face as if he was amused at something.

"I understand sir."

"Right, you can start in my office, so I can check you are doing the job correctly."

Tatarina nodded as the man directed her to the staff room. She felt his eyes on her back as she walked down the corridor to the staff room.

She opened the door to the staff room and hung her coat up on the rack. Placing her bag underneath it to hide it, though there was little in there to steal. She opened the door to the maid's locker and looked inside. She could see the short coat hanging from a hook at the back but apart from that the only other pieces of clothing were a pair of black stockings, thin black lace suspenders, a lace mop hat and a pair of frilly lace cuffs. Where was the uniform the dress and apron, etc that she expected?

Did she hear correctly, the Officer had said in the maid's locker hadn't he? She looked around the room; no there were no other maid's lockers. She tried the cooks and the cleaner's locker, but these were locked. There must be a mistake, of course, obviously they had not been returned by the last maid. She opened the door and returned to the main part of the building. She walked through the building until she came to Officer Gerder's office and knocked.


She opened the door.

The man looked up. There was an expression of disapproval on his face

"What are you doing? Why aren't you dressed yet?"

"Please sir, I can't find the uniform. It's not in the maid's locker, she must have forgotten to place it there after she finished."

"Nonsense girl, I only looked a moment ago and it was all there then."

"But sir there's only suspenders and..."

Tatarina stammered to a halt, blushing as she realized what was happening, and what was expected of her.

"Do as you were told 69. The uniform is exactly where I said, go and get dressed and started or I will be forced to write a bad report on you. Remember the uniform is all you wear, is that clear?"

"Yes sir, I'm terribly sorry sir, please don't report me."

'Go on then, this is your last chance. When you're ready come back here so I can see you are dressed properly. Then you can clean in here so I can make sure you are doing it correctly."

Tatarina's heart sank she now knew there was more to today than just cleaning.

She returned to the staff room. She opened the maid's locker and took out the items. With a heavy heart she pulled her cardigan over her head and folded it, placing it at the bottom of the cupboard, then her skirt which she unzipped at the side, this went on her cardigan, then her tights. Standing in this strange room with just her underwear on, gave her goose bumps. Oh well there was nothing else for it. The officer has been very specific, none of her own clothes. She removed her bra and then slid her panties off to stand there starkers. What if someone should come in? She briefly held her hand over her breasts, but knew she had no choice but to follow orders, what could she do if someone did come in? She knew there was nothing she could do, she had to do as she was told, the consequences were to horrible to contemplate

She placed the mop hat on her head, and slid the cuffs onto her wrists. The suspender belt was fastened at the back and sitting down she slid the stockings up her shapely legs and clipped them to the suspenders. She stood up and in the mirror on the wall, she viewed her nakedness. Her dark nipples contrasting with her white breasts, her red bush filling the bottom of her belly with its promise, with a curl of her cunt lips visible between her thighs. The stockings and suspenders seemed to highlight her subservience.

She took the duster from the rack of mops and brooms, the polish box with rags from the shelf and with a last look in the mirror at the nude woman standing there, then left the staff room to return reluctantly to officer Gerder's office.

She hoped there would be no more officers in today being a Saturday as she walked naked through the building. She felt odd being completely exposed like this in a strange building. She knocked at the door.


Opening the door she entered the room, and approached the now openly leering man, her face bright red from embarrassment.

God she was even better than Karl had described. There she was exposed; totally, you could hardly count the scraps of material on her as clothing. Christ his cock stood instantly to attention instantly. Here exposed in his office! Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined anything like this.

To think just last month he was faced with a boring weekend at the office and returning to his dreary wife at home. How did this happen?

Well just a few weeks ago he had had the fortune to be sitting in the officer's canteen at headquarters drinking coffee after a rather long session in admin. He overheard a fat officer bragging about a Serf girl who he had total control over. He was explaining to another friend how these girls were available for assessment to anyone. All they had to do was apply to the ministry, to be an attitude assessor, which really meant they were your slaves in every way for the duration of the session. The conversation stirred his curiosity, and so he leant over and excusing himself, asked for more information.

The officer introduced himself and invited him to join their table. Over the next half an hour he explained how the "re-education" program worked. This was when he was given the name of Ms Stevens.

"Do you mean they have to do what you tell them no matter what?

"Of course, otherwise they risk being returned to correction, and believe me none of the Serf women would want to do that."

"Can you give me a few pointers in this?"

"It would be my pleasure, now..........."

With which the fat officer offered a few suggestion as to how to enjoy the day, e.g. by suggesting the "uniform".

That very morning he had applied to be an assessor, specifying Ms Stevens as his subject. It was so easy!

And here she was, Christ her tits, just look at them, they were amazing, the nipples pert and standing like raspberries on the tips of her large white globes. They almost defied gravity. For too long he'd had only his sad wife's tiny tits to fondle but look at these! His eyes linger lowered eying her bush which was exquisite, with just a hint of her sex peeking through. As she stood there here hands by her sides he stared at her for what seemed like ages.

"Stand there a moment, No don't raise your hands, that's right. Why you're blushing, lovely...turn around... and now back, your legs apart a little...turn round again... bend over... you do have proud lips eh. All the better to be parted eh? Right carry on, and let me see you at work."

Tatarina walked and dusted around the room reaching high to get down the cobwebs which she wiped on a cloth. As she flicked her duster, her heavy breasts shook and swayed with the movement of her arms.

Out of the corner of her eyes, for she didn't want to look directly at the officer, she could see him staring at her as she worked. She walked about dusting the shelves and ornaments. His eyes followed her everywhere. He was making no pretense of working in fact she was sure his hands were in his lap, and from the movement of his body he was rubbing his crutch.

The dusting did not take long and she placed the duster in the polish tray and started to spray the furniture polish on the flat surfaces.

"A little more elbow 69."

The officer stared at the naked girl her breasts, delicious, swaying on her chest as she rubbed at the furniture. When she turned away and bent over he could see the slit of her sex between her buttocks. He licked his lips, his cock rampant and throbbing in the constraints of his trousers. Even after twenty years of marriage he had never persuaded his wife to bend over in front of him, she called it disgusting as was only prepared to in the missionary position, and that very infrequently! He admired the contrast of her sex against her pale blemish free skin, lovely.

She rubbed more vigorously, her breast shivering with the movement of her arms. The officer stood, causing her to stop.

"Carry on 69, don't mind me."

She turned to polish the low table when, hearing a slight scuffling behind her, she turned her head to see that the officer had dropped his trousers and underpants and was standing fingering his long thin cock, which stood out from his body erect and red.

"Keep going 69, that's right, plenty of elbow."

He pressed his stiff cock against her buttocks as she bent over polishing the table. His arms came around her and he cupped her tits in his hands. His finger played with her nipples.

"Don't move, that's lovely."

He knew he couldn't wait any longer; he needed to fuck her now.

His fingers continued to play with the tips of her breasts pulling and twisting her nipples as he rubbed his cock was pushed against the crack between her buttocks. He stopped mauling her breasts and rubbed her back and buttocks his fingers quickly finding her sex. He then stroked the tip of his cock up and down her sex, opening the lips to expose the pink interior. She was dry as he tried to push the head of his cock into her vagina.

She struggled a bit as he continued to try to penetrate her.

"Stay still," He gasped.

She heard him lick his fingers and then felt him rubbing the saliva over the tip of his cock. Again he forced the tip against her vaginal opening, this time it slid in and he grasped her hips to force the member hard into her body. He retracted his cock before forcing it back inside. His hands grasped her hips as he sawed his cock in and out. It was not long before his cock stiffened and he came inside her, his cock surging as he spurted his spunk into her vagina. She felt it twitching with every spasm until he ground his deflating cock once more into he cunt before sliding it out.

"Very good 69, top marks. Now back to work."

He stepped back and let her stand, pulling his pants up as he did so.

"This room will be fine, just empty the waste paper. There is a bin outside the back door. Then start on Herr Maluf's office across the way. I will check up on you, so no slacking! Here wipe yourself"

He handed her a large tissue. Tatarina squeezed her cunt forcing the semen to ooze onto the tissue as she cleaned herself up. With a final wipe she finished. She flung the tissue into the wastepaper bin and bending down grasped the dusting box one hand and the wastepaper bin in the other. Officer Gerder opened the door still ogling her breasts as she passed.

She left the duster box by the door of the next office and took the waste paper to the back door. She opened the door and cautiously looked out, not wishing to expose her nudity to any strangers. She was expecting a back yard, but the backdoor of the building opened onto a lane way. She peeped around the corner, the alley was empty save at one end about 50 metres away were a bunch of young men playing football.

The bin was a large metal box with a lid against the back of the building. All down the alley were similar bins serving the offices there.

She edged out of the door aware of her nakedness as the cold outside tensed her nipples. Unfortunately the lid opened at the front and she saw that she would have to go around to the front of the box to raise it. Hoping the men were too far away to notice her, she quickly stepped around the edge of the box, reached out and pushed on the top. It was stiff and she had to push hard to get it to open. She poured the contents of the bin into the box. Just as she closed the lid she noticed the back door closing, and as if suddenly aware of the noises of the city around her, heard from the end of the ally, a shout. She rushed to the door just catching it before it closed. She hurried inside and closed the door. Looking up she could see the hydraulic closer that forced the door closed. The locking catch for the unit was broken. She knew she would have to remember the next time she went out. Hopefully the shout at the end of the ally was nothing to do with her and merely the young men shouting about the game.

She returned the wastepaper bin to Officer Gerder's Office which was open, he was on the phone thankfully and so could not say anything to her.

She started dusting the office when Gerder entered and stood watching her until she noted his presence. He grinned at her this time staring at her naked crutch.


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