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The Toy Factory

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My mother and my aunt almost rape me.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/02/2023
Created 07/11/2023
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Author note: Needless to say, this whole story never happened in reality, but only inside my twisted mind.


I loved the 'Drunk Pirate' pub. Not because of the music, although it was in my favorite fifties style; Nor because of the rich liquor bar of the place; And not even because of the bartender, Dan, who was a good friend of mine.

I liked the 'Drunk Pirate' pub because of the back tables. A row of three tables that stood in booths that were probably originally intended for wall furniture. The low ceiling in the booths did not allow the installation of lamps and it was dark at the back tables. Dark enough to make out without anyone noticing.

The fact that Dan was my friend since high school had an advantage - one call, and on the corner table there was a 'Reserved' sign that guaranteed that the darkest table would be ours. That's why Sue, my girlfriend, and I were sitting now behind the table, with her short skirt slightly pulled up and my right hand digging into her underwear. Sue's hand was not idle either and at this moment she was busy unzipping my pants.

Sue's head rested lightly on my shoulder and her eyes were deep into mine. Soft moans escaped her mouth as my fingers gently kneaded her swollen clit. On the table in front of us were no less than two empty shot glasses and another four cocktail glasses. Sue's hand slid along the length of my cock in soft movements and her tongue licked her lips every few seconds. Then her eyes closed, her hips pressed together, trapping my hand between them, and a heavy sigh escaped her mouth as waves of relief went through her entire body.

"Oh my god, Nick, that was really good." She whispered with her eyes closed. Then, without any warning, she leaned into my lap and wrapped her wet mouth around my cock.

"Sue, don't exaggerate, we're at a bar."

Sue raised her head and whispered to me, "Don't worry. Everyone is busy watching the chocolate-vanilla show over there at the end of the bar."

The "Chocolate-Vanilla" were two women dressed in tight revealing dresses, one in black and one in off-white, who teased a group of men standing around them and competed in buying shots for the two. I couldn't see their faces, but one of them was a tall brunette, about 5'10", thin and toned, long legs and a round and sassy butt; while the other was a little shorter, maybe 5'7", blonde, broad shoulders, a firm butt and heavy, round breasts.

"Not really chocolate-vanilla," I said. "More like... well, if they did 69, I'd say they're yin-yang."

Sue burst out laughing, with my cock in her mouth, and her giggles sent shivers down my cock. At that moment, Dan walked to the far end of the bar and waved his hand at me. I waved back, but he switched to waving both hands, trying to signal me something.

"Something's going on," I said and pulled Sue off me.

She glanced at Dan and said, "It has something to do with the two women. I think he's trying to call you."

"Be sweet and go see what he wants," I said. "I'm not sure I'll be able to push my hard cock into my pants."

Sue got up slowly and walked over to Dan. They exchanged a few sentences, with Dan pointing several times at the women, and then Sue approached the group around the two women and tried, without any notable succeed, to get between them. Suddenly she stopped and walked quickly back to me.

"Nick, the two women there? The yin-yang? One of them is your mother, and the other one, Dan says is your aunt."


My dad and Uncle Bill were friends from a very young age. They both grew up in some small town in Texas, and were so inseparable that they earned the dubious nickname 'Kid and Cassidy'. Together they sneaked out of school, together they stole from stores, and together they performed pranks that earned them quite a few whippings from the belt of the local priest who sponsored them after their parents died. Everyone predicted a bright future for them in the world of crime.

However, when they graduated from high school, something seemed to change in the two of them and unlike all the young people in the town, they were accepted to the engineering school at the University of Texas at Austin - my father studied materials engineering and Uncle Bill electrical engineering. After graduating, they went to New Jersey and set up a sex toy factory in Kearny. The enterprise was a great success almost from the first moment, and the two allowed themselves to get married.

It may or may not have been expected, but the two who became their wives were sisters - my mother, Sally, and Aunt Megan. In this way, the two became, formally, a family. The wedding was of course shared. Two sisters to two domesticated bandits.

About a month after I was born, the two made a serious exit and started exporting sex toys to Canada. After I was born, my father warned Uncle Bill and Aunt Megan that they should have a daughter, who would one day marry young Nick, me, and thus the families would finally be reunited.

A year and a half after I was born, the two made another exit, this time to Europe. The quality sex toys produced in their factory gave a good fight to the German and Austrian manufacturers. The two became millionaires and bought two adjoining houses in Livingston.

As luck would have it, when I was two and a bit years old Uncle Bill and Aunt Megan had a daughter named Jennifer. From the moment she was born it was clear to everyone that she and I would get married one day.

When we were growing up, Jennifer and I were good friends, but despite that, and even though we were destined for each other, we decided to be exposed to other partners and accept the match between us by choice and not by force. In the period that followed, I changed girlfriends at a dizzying pace, but none of them compared to Jennifer. Jennifer also dated boys and to be honest I stopped following all the romances and flings she had.

After we finished our studies at the university, Jennifer and I integrated into our parents' factory. At the time, our lives seemed to have entered a boring bourgeois track with the only question mark left hanging in the air was who each of us would marry, or that maybe we would eventually decide to fulfill our destiny and marry each other.

All this was until one day Dad and Uncle Bill disappeared. A laconic note left on the kitchen table said only that life had become boring and they decided to start a new page somewhere else. But they took not only themselves and their personal belongings with them, but also all the cash in the factory's current account.

The following months were a nightmare. It started with FBI agents who almost lived in our house, continued with IRS investigators who wanted to make sure it wasn't some kind of fraud, and when those disappeared the worst parasites appeared -- the insurance investigators.

It was also difficult at the factory. Without liquidity, it was difficult to make the plant meet its obligations. Mother and Aunt Megan had to be joined the factory's management team which now included me, as CEO and production manager; Jennifer who managed customer relations - contracts, supplies, deliveries, etc.; Mother who managed the personnel and payroll departments; and Aunt Megan who managed the development and quality assurance departments.

We all worked almost around the clock, and it was only a year after the disappearance of father and uncle Bill that we began to feel that we had returned to a stable course of orderly and planned production. The difficult year that we passed strengthened the bond between Jennifer and me, and since we also did not have much time to date other partners, we became, ad hoc, in an unofficial way, a couple. We even started thinking about marriage.

Then I met Sue.

In fact, Sue, Jennifer, and I have known each other since we were young, but at some point Sue's parents relocated to London. I met Sue about a week after they moved back to Livingston and from the first moment there was a spark between us. In many respects Sue was almost a double of Jennifer - the same open nature, the same laugh, and the same areas of interest. Only that Sue had a much fuller chest than Jennifer, which gave her a certain advantage over her.


"Did they lose their mind?" I asked Sue. "What are they, bimbos?"

Sue burst out laughing. "Well, I guess that should have been quite expected since they got involved in the family business that focuses on sex toys, right? Your mom must be mixing the soup at home with a long dildo, isn't she?"

I admit that when Jennifer joined the family business, I also felt uneasy about the idea. But for some reason, when my mother and Aunt Megan joined the management of the factory, it didn't bother me. I have always seen them as mature women who are already beyond ideas about sex toys.

"Sue, this is my mom we're talking about." I scolded her. "Not some girl with raging hormones. Both of them. They're supposed to be grown women."

"Nick, I don't want to ruin the myth for you," Sue replied with a grin. "This may be your mother, but she is first and foremost a woman of flesh and blood. And she has needs. And when your father is not in the area..."

"But here? When I'm here? And next to Dan who knows her since we were kids?"

Dan's waving became urgent, as if it were an emergency. I saw him go to the phone and make a call.

"I think you should go rescue your mother from the tribe of wolves that surrounds her. Take them both home, I'll be fine."

I kissed her lightly on the lips, got up from my place and approached the group that surrounded my mom and Aunt Megan. I pushed through the men around them and discovered that several of them had already started touching their parts.

I pushed the men away and announced, "Okay, guys, the party's over. Go away."

"Speak for yourself, kid. The party is just started." One of the men answered me. His friend grabbed me and prevented me from accessing the women, "Get in line, kid."

Two of the men grabbed my mom and Aunt Megan and tried to drag them out of the pub. They didn't really object.

"Orgasm, here I come." Mother announced to the men's cheers.

I forcefully pushed away the man holding me and the one in front of him until I reached my mother. "Get lost. All of you."

The men resisted and tried to push me out as Dan announced, "I called the police. Leave them right away."

Some of the men threw up their hands and left, but there were a few stubborn ones who were not ready to give up. I grabbed one of them and punched him in the face. "Get out of here, pervert." I shouted at him.

As it turned out, Dan did call the police. Actually, not really to the police but to Andy, another friend from high school who served in the local police. Andy strode in, wearing his police uniform, and within seconds all the men were gone. I grabbed Mom's arm with one hand and Aunt Megan with the other and dragged them to the door.

"Going home." I informed them.

It seems that at first moments they didn't realize it was me, because they both rubbed on me and Aunt Megan whispered in my ear, "It's going to be hot tonight, huh honey?"

The cold night air must have cleared my mother's drink-fogged mind a bit. She stopped in her tracks and looked at me, "Wait, where did all our dicks go? I want my dicks back."

When Sue and I arrived, the pub's parking lot was already full, so I parked on the street across from the small playground behind the pub. In the afternoon the garden was full of children and nannies, but at night it was empty and dark. Very dark.

I started carrying the two of them towards the garden, but mom refused to go, "I want my cocks back."

Aunt Megan also realized I wasn't one of the men in the pub. And she stopped too and whined, "Until we got ourselves fucked. Did you have to ruin it?"

"Not one fuck, several fucks." Mother insisted. "I would get at least five orgasms tonight. Cock after cock. Until I passed out."

"Mom!" I scolded her. "Are you ready to stop talking like a whore?"

"Do one have to be a whore to get a cock? What, just a woman is not entitled to get a good fuck?"

I dragged them with force and moved towards the garden. "Now you owe us a fuck, Nicky." Aunt Megan said, reaching for my crotch. With the two women hanging on me, I didn't have a free hand to remove Aunt Megan's hand.

I'm not sure Mom caught the hidden meaning of Aunt Megan's words, or she did, and she added, "Not one, several. One after the other."

" Mom!" I scolded her again. "Stop talking like that. At least when you're next to me, okay?"

"I will talk how I want and I will do what I want. You will not tell me how to live my life."

And Aunt Megan added, "We're women and we still look good enough to get fucked. Why do we have to live like nuns?"

"True, you certainly look great. No doubt you can get a man in fairer ways." I said.

"I don't need a man, who also tell me what to do." Mother insisted. "I just need a cock. Actually, several of them."

We crossed the garden with Mom and Aunt Megan leaning on me and barely walking on their high heels. I was also quite tipsy and it was not easy for me to carry the weight of both of them, so we walked slowly, one step at a time.

"You owe us a fuck, Nicky." Aunt Megan repeated her words.

"Since you were little, I taught you to take responsibility for your actions." Said my mother in a heavy drunk voice. "You ruined our great evening, now you have to do everything yourself. It's called responsibility."

"It's all your father and my husband's fault." Aunt Megan said. "If they hadn't abandoned us like that, we wouldn't have had to look for a cock in a pub, you know."

"At least they could leave all their dicks behind for us," added mother.

Aunt Megan gave a drunken grin, "Sally, I'm pretty sure they had only one cock each."

"Oh, really? So explain it to me. Do you remember when we were in the Bahamas? They caught two chicks. Each. How did they fucked two chicks, each, if they had only one cock?"

Aunt Megan continued to stroke my crotch and said, "Let's let Nick show us how it's done."

Now I'm sure mom caught on, "Oh, Nick, how I forgot. You're a man too. Sorry, honey, I didn't mean to offend."

"If you hadn't ruined us, we could be lying on our backs with our legs spread as a bunch of men take turns about us. Now you'll have to do it to us all by yourself." Aunt Megan said.

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm not doing anything for you, except take you to bed."

"That's exactly what we're talking about. About the bed." Aunt Megan said. "You can also fill in gaps on the couch, if that's more convenient for you."

"Enough of that. I'm not going to sleep with you."

"You certainly are." said mother firmly. "Or take us back to the men in the pub."

"Home!" I decisively ruled.

Aunt Megan went back to caressing my crotch and switched to a pleading voice. "Honey, please. We need it. We're desperate."

And my mother added, "Now that you're the man of the house..."

"Do you hear yourselves? I'm your son," I said to the mother, "and you're my aunt. It's called incest."

"What a nonsense," said my mother. "A dick is a dick. We're not going to get pregnant again, you know."

"Exactly," Aunt Megan followed. "When we're done, wash your dick and it'll be good as new."

Seeing my mother and my aunt act like bimbos in a pub is one thing; But hearing them talk like two whores, is a completely different thing. At that moment, I wanted to stop and slap them both. Of course, I didn't. On the contrary, their dirty talk even made me a little horny. I never had sexual thoughts about my mother, but at this moment a picture of her in a bikini flashed through my mind. She had a pretty nice body, to be honest.

"Incest is against the law." I tried again, not sure if I was trying to convince them or myself.

"I have an idea. Why don't we rape him?" Aunt Megan said to my mother and then turned to me and added, "No one can blame you for this. You will be the victim in the story."

As mentioned, I was also quite tipsy, and I didn't have the strength to resist too much. So, I kept quiet. When we get home they will fall on the bed like a sack of potatoes.

At that moment, as if she read my mind, Mom announced, "I can't walk any more, I need to sit down for a while. Isn't there a bench here?"

Oh dear. If she sits on a bench, she falls asleep on the spot. "My car is pretty close," I tried. But Aunt Megan interjected, "Here's a bench. There, on the back path."

They both dragged me to the back path and there was indeed a bench. Mom sat down with a sigh while Aunt Megan threw me on the bench, next to my mom, and pounced on my pants. In no time my cock was out of my pants and deep inside Aunt Megan's throat. I'm not sure if I no longer had the strength to resist or if I didn't really want to.

My mother put her head on my shoulder and whispered, "Just a quicky, my sweet, to hold on until bed."

Aunt Megan lifted her head from my cock and said to my mom, "Look at that nice cock. It's just like his daddy's."

Hell, how does she know what my dad's cock looks like. I really didn't want to hear the answer, so I let this comment pass in silence. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine that they were two strange women. An anonymous Yin-Yang from the pub. It didn't work.

The truth is, even without Aunt Megan's blowjob, my cock was already pretty hard. With Aunt Megan's blowjob he gets tight, hard and sore. Aunt Megan lifted her head from my cock and rolled my pants down to my ankles.

"I think he's ready." Aunt Megan announced.

"Holy shit," I said. "No. I don't agree." But to be honest I didn't do anything to fight them off or put my dick back in my pants.

"Yes, we know, you don't agree." Aunt Megan said. "It's rape, have you forgotten?"

I tried again to imagine that they were strangers and being tipsy it started working for me, until my mom said, "You should hold yourself, son. You need to satisfy both of us."

Suddenly, the thought of fucking my mom and aunt turned me on, and I surrendered. "Okay. I'll fuck you. Who wants to be the first?"

"Me," Aunt Megan jumped in.

But mother stood up and stopped her. "I'm his mother, so I'm first."

I don't know in what universe this announcement makes sense, but to Aunt Megan it sounds very logical, as she moved aside and cleared the way for my mother.

Mom handed her purse to Aunt Megan then lifted the hem of her black dress and rolled up her panties. Although she was quite drunk, and despite the high heels, she lifted one leg at a time and completely removed her underwear. She handed the panties to Aunt Megan, who sniffed them deeply, then buried them in my mom's purse. There was something really messed up in the relationship between the two sisters.

Mother rolled up her dress to her stomach, spread her legs and climbed onto the bench facing me. 'It's not my mother,' I tried to convince myself, 'it's a complete stranger. Definitely not my mother.' She grabbed my hard cock, lifted herself up a little and slid it effortlessly into her wet pussy.

But I couldn't lie to myself. 'Holy shit,' I thought to myself in a panic, 'I'm fucking my mommy. I'm fucking my one and only mom.'

She sat on me for a few moments motionless, her full breasts pressed against my chest and then began to grind her clit on my cock.

"Oh, honey, you don't know how much I needed this."

She shrugged one shoulder and revealed a round, full and heavy breast. She put one hand under her breast and lifted it to my face. I couldn't see the color of the nipple, but it was really big, hard and erect, and there was a wide, fleshy aura around it.

"Be a good son and suck my breast for me," whispered mother.

'I'm already in her', I convinced myself, 'it doesn't matter if I enjoy it'.

I took her nipple in my lips and sucked it, letting my tongue tease the tip of the nipple. But as soon as I did it, something changed inside me. Her soft breast was pressed against me, and I felt heat spreading throughout my body. My hands went as if of their own accord, grabbed her waist and I felt her soft flesh through the thin fabric of her tight dress.


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