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The Train Ride

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After a bad breakup, Janie takes a wild train ride.
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Janie sat in the train, her head touching the window as she looked outside at the changing scenery, her favorite song playing on her headphones, her mind slowly drifting away. She was heading to the big city, crashing at her aunt's and uncle's for a couple of days. She really needed the time off. The last week was really shitty; her horrible boss yelled at her for messing up an important presentation, even though she did exactly what he told her to do; her car died and she didn't have the money to fix it; and her boyfriend for the past three years dumped her out of the blue, telling her he met someone else, and that "it's not you, it's me".

He was her entire world. She did everything for him, she would do anything he asked of her, and he threw her away like garbage.

That's how she felt. Like garbage.

She needed to clear her head. She needed to be spoiled rotten by her aunt, go shopping with her cousin, do nothing for a couple of days, party for a couple of nights, and get her head straight.

She kept staring outside, enjoying the sun on her face, mindlessly stroking her long braid. The train car was almost empty, except for an old couple a few rows behind her, and a bunch of teenagers busy playing a game or something on their phones. Her station was the last station, so she knew it would be ok to doze off, and so she did.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Janie's mind suddenly woke up in a jolt, as she straightened up in her chair, a little dazed and confused, but suddenly very conscious of the crass hand touching her knee.

"What?", she asked as she took off her headphones, trying to regain focus. "I asked if this sit was taken", he replied, and without actually waiting for an answer the older man bent down to put his briefcase under the seat. He was pretty tall, dressed well, with smooth grey hair combed neatly backwards. She looked around, and while some people must have boarded the train while she was sleeping, there were still a lot of empty seats. Her mouth felt very dry. A million thoughts started to run through her head, trying to assess the situation, and decide if she should just stand up and move.

But she didn't.

The stranger sat down in the chair next to her, putting his arm on the shared armrest between their chairs, the back of his hand just slightly touching hers. Instinctively she moved her own hand away, but not before noticing the little hairs on her arm rising in a small shiver.

Did he do that on purpose?

Her mind came back to his hand touching her knee a couple of minutes ago, her eyes wandered to her legs, and she felt an unexplained urge to pull her short skirt down to cover her legs, as if she were embarrassed by them. She felt warm, like the sun was focusing itself on her, and especially that spot on her knee, the place where he touched her. She almost giggled as a random thought crossed her head, like his touch somehow left a mark on her, like someone branding a cow to mark their ownership. The shiver and the warmth somehow grew bigger simultaneously.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," he said as she realized she was a million miles away again. "No, it's ok. I think... I just... I dozed off for a bit," she managed to say, trying to maintain a normal expression, and not sounding like a blabbering idiot. She looked out the window again, trying to figure out where they were and how long until they reached her station, but she couldn't quite figure it out. She wasn't very familiar with the way, and her brain didn't seem to work properly, like she was still half asleep, and her mind was still foggy.

He didn't say anything after that, and after a couple of minutes of silence she became too uncomfortable and just had to break it.

"My aunt is waiting for me at the station," she said, not sure why she felt he needed to know that. "Grow up," she thought to herself, "you sound like a frightened little girl."

She wasn't a little girl!

But as if he were reading her mind, he replied: "That's good. The city can be a dangerous place for little girls all by themselves."

"Excuse me?! I'm not a little girl!" she blurted out and immediately felt even stupider.

Why did she say that? Why did she need to feel the need to impress this total stranger? This man, who looks old enough to be her father. This man she was frightened of just a few seconds ago. Why did she need him to know she is a grown woman and not a... that she's not a little girl.

He didn't immediately respond but just stared at her for a minute. She felt his gaze on her, his eyes moving up and down her body. She unconsciously tugged her skirt again. For a second she thought he's not going to reply at all, and her childish retort would keep hanging between them, but finally he said: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that".

She felt relieved, and once again confused by her own feelings.

"That's ok. I wasn't really offended".

He smiled a big smile, flashing a set of perfect white teeth, and his smile made Janie feel like she was watching a wolf about to pounce. But to her surprise, she wasn't afraid of him anymore. Now there was another feeling. He was a wolf all right, but a part of her, deep inside, was wondering what it would feel to be his prey.

"And still. I apologize," he said as he casually put his hand back on that same spot on her knee, which felt like it was set ablaze. Her mind screamed danger, but her body was not cooperating. Her mind told her to stand up immediately and leave, but her body was feeling something else entirely.

"So tell me... If you're not a little girl, how old are you really?"

"Twenty," she said proudly, her back straightening up as if to show him how big she really was. His eyes were looking directly into hers, but his hand moved inwards and upwards, just a bit, just enough for her to notice. She didn't dare break eye contact, but to her own surprise, her legs - closed together until now - started to open as if by themselves.

"Wow. You really are a big girl," the grey-haired stranger remarked, and she felt like she just got the biggest praise in the world.

"Yes..., I just had my birthday last month" she replied, half answering him, half sighing at the feeling of his hands crossing over and under her skirt line. She wanted the train to reach the station so she could get off and get out of this madness. She wanted the train to never reach the station, so this moment never ends.

The warmth from her knee spread to her thighs, and she could feel her nipples becoming perked and pointy inside her bra. She wondered if he could see them through her tight blouse.

Without his hand leaving her inner thigh, the man leaned closer and almost whispered: "Prove it. Show me you're a big girl."

Her brain froze completely, and she didn't know what he meant by that, or how to respond, so she said nothing at all.

"Show me you're wearing big girl panties."

"No!" she quipped at him, feeling a small and silly sense of triumph, like she gained some sort of advantage in this weird game they were playing. But all advantage she disappeared when he pulled his hand away from her and shifted his eyes back to the front of the train.

She knew she should say nothing. She knew she should resist the urge to talk. She wanted to keep it at that, and call it a win, or at the very least a draw. She really wanted to stay totally silent until they reach the station, which can't be that far away now. She knew all of this, but she also wanted his hand back where it was. Or more. To feel the warmth again. She knew she shouldn't, and yet she quietly said: "ok."

The man turned his eyes back to hers, but didn't say anything. He just nodded his head a bit towards her skirt - marking for her to go on. With timid hands, she grabbed the hem of her short skirt and raised it just enough to so he could see her panties. There was nothing special about them, just ordinary yellow panties, and she was suddenly embarrassed - not by the fact that she just let her stranger look up her skirt, but because she wished she had chosen something else to wear today under her skirt. Something lacey, maybe?

"Hmm... not bad, but I want to see them from the back as well."

"Here? In the middle of the train?"

"Don't worry about it. Nobody's looking. Nobody will see you. Come on... I thought you aren't a little girl..."

Flustered, she quickly looked around to check that indeed no one was looking. Everyone on the train was either sleeping or doing their own thing, and nobody was even looking at their general direction. She stood up, turned her body towards the window, sent her arms backwards and raised her skirt to let him see her backside.

She could feel his eyes on her butt, making all her body insecurities rush up. He sent his hand again, grabbing one of her cheeks as if he owned it. Once again, the image of the branded cow came to her head, being thoroughly examined and checked for imperfections before the slaughter. The thought was not unpleasant.

Janie lowered her head in submission. She was totally focused on his hand on her, wanting more, her body almost shaking with anticipation, but he said: "Ok... You can sit down now, we're done," and took his hand away again. She felt herself getting angry.

That's it? She risked the entire train seeing her, and that's it? He's done?

Her face surely betrayed all her thoughts and feelings, because he smiled his big smile and asked her with an innocent voice: "What's wrong? Did you want more?"

She couldn't bring herself to answer, so she just nodded her head.

"Big girls need to learn to ask for things. Politely. But better be quick about it, we're almost at the station."

Red in the face, she almost couldn't say the words, but eventually managed to get them out: "Please... please touch me."

His smile was bigger than ever, and his eyes looked like they sparkled as he leaned back close to her. One hand went upwards and grabbed her by the base of her braided hair, while the other went straight back into her skirt. He didn't waste any time, and pushed his hand further than before, now fully touching her above her panties.

"Look at you, you big girl you. Is this what you wanted?"


"Is this what you imagined to yourself when you boarded the train today? That a stranger you just met would touch your wet pussy in front of all these people?"

And as he said it, she realized he was right. Her pussy was dripping wet, and she was breathing heavily.

He started rubbing her with his fingers above her panties, and she had to close her eyes and put her head back on the head rest. It felt so good, and she was so ashamed of herself for feeling it.

His nimble fingers went for the kill, now pressing her belly in, finding the edges of her underwear and letting themselves in.

"Did you wake up this morning thinking that today would be the day a stranger finger fucks you in the middle of the train?"

She couldn't answer even if she wanted to. She knew she was getting close, and he knew exactly what he was doing. He wet his thumb with her flowing juices and then pressed on her clit and started rubbing it slowly, while his middle finger went inside her in a hook shape, sending a lightning bolt through her entire body.

"Here you go, big girl. Here you go. Big girl is about to cum, right?"

She didn't respond as much as she whimpered.

"Here you go. Let go. Show me how you can cum like a big girl. Show me how you cum like a good girl."

And with those words she couldn't hold it any longer and she exploded, trying her best to stay as quiet as possible so that no one noticed.

No one did.

"That's a good girl!" he said as he took a handkerchief out of his jacket pocket and wiped his wet hand.

She couldn't move. She just sat there, catching her breath, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

And then the train stopped, and the metallic voice said they reached the final station, and that everyone should get off.

She knew she needed to do something, but her body betrayed her. She needed to sit there for just another moment and breathe. But the man seemed to be fine.

He stood up, reached for his briefcase from under the seat, gave her the slightest nod, and walked away.

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clumsykclumsykabout 1 month ago

Well, this was a train ride I wouldn’t mind missing my stop for. Janie’s slow descent from frazzled commuter to thoroughly undone plaything was exquisite: equal parts tension, temptation, and that delicious moment where curiosity tips into reckless surrender.

The stranger? A masterclass in control. The braid-tugging? Inspired. And you, dear author, have taken public transport and turned it into a first-class ticket to something much filthier than a missed connection. Suffice it to say, I finished this story feeling just as affected as Janie; albeit in a way that required some, shall we say, personal readjustment. More of this, please.

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