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Wife & Elderly Neighbor’s Son Pt. 01

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She befriends Black neighbor who sets her up with her son.
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Laura Thompson: Laura is 25 and married just under two years. She's gorgeous with a great personality, even if she at times can be shy with a girl-next-door look. She's a bit innocent, too. She grew up in a conservative, church-going family. In college, she studied writing and history, not the easiest thing to find a job in after graduation. In college, she met her husband Tom. They were married the summer after graduation. They recently moved to town for Tom's job. They purchased a renovated Craftsman-style home in a neighborhood that is gentrifying. Laura is 5'4" and about 121 lbs with reddish-brown hair. But what's striking is how busty and natural she is. She's 34DD.

Tom Thompson: Tom is a highly focused, very career oriented. He studied finance in college with the dream of striking it rich as an investor. So when he had an opportunity for this new job, he took it. To be sure, Tom and Laura don't know people in this town, but Tom insisted they'd be able to make friends. Plus, his salary would mean Laura wouldn't have to work. He explained to her that she could just do some freelance writing, and explore the town and get to know people. Laura was nervous about moving here but part of her wasn't going to complain about being a housewife. Tom also was raised in a conservative family. Tom and Laura were both virgins on their wedding night. Tom is 5'9" and about 150 lbs, if that.

Tonya Lee: Tonya is a 74-year-old black woman, who has lived her entire life in the neighborhood. She is Tom and Laura's neighbor. She's friendly and outgoing, and has tried to get to know some of the white families moving into the neighborhood and changing it. She's also the type of woman that Tom and Laura's family probably would look down upon. She was a single mother at just 19, when she had her son Sean. She had two other kids -- two daughters -- but from a different father and never married. But she held a good job for the city and was able to retire a couple of years earlier. Tonya has enjoyed getting to know Laura.

Sean Smith: Sean is Tonya's oldest son. He's 55. He stands 6'4" and weighs 250 lbs. He's in pretty good shape, even if he has a little bit of a belly with age. He's got some tattoos on his arms. He's close to his mom. In his 20s, he ran with a rough crowd and did a stint in prison as well. But in prison, he learned some skills, got educated and more. Now, he bought up a few homes, renovated them and rents them out, which gives him a nice income. Still, he lives in a more rough part of town a few miles from his mom's place -- in large part because that's where all his friends and other family are. Sean is also a player. He's even knocked up a couple of women over the years. In fact, sex is incredibly important to him and one of the main drivers in his life.


Laura goes over most days to visit Tonya. She enjoys chatting with her neighbor, getting to know her, helping her out, too. Tom is wary a bit at first because Tonya is an older black woman, but also knows Laura doesn't know many people here, and he wants them to be good, polite neighbors. Eventually, he thinks of Tonya almost like a grandmother figure to Laura. Tonya has even come over to Laura's place to visit and talk.

One afternoon Laura is in Tonya's living room chatting when Sean pulls up to his mom's place and just walks right in. Laura knows Tonya has a son named Sean but hasn't met him before.

"Hey mom, I'm just getting that case of beer I left here...." he says, walking in and seeing his mom talking to this gorgeous young babe. "Oh, I didn't know you had company."

Tonya has told Sean about Tom and Laura, about how they are relatively newly married white couple and had moved to town recently. She has told Sean about how she has gotten to know Laura and enjoys her company. But she never told Sean about how Laura looked.

"Come on in Sean. It's in the kitchen," Tonya says.

"Laura, this is my son Sean," Tonya adds.

Laura nervously stands. Sean takes in the sight, eyeing her up and down and liking what he sees. He approaches her and extends his hand. He towers over her.

"Nice to meet you," he says, running his eyes openly from her eyes down her body and back up.

Laura sees how openly Sean just checked her out. Right in front of her. She's stunned. Shocked actually. She shutters a bit, but she also doesn't want to make a scene.

"It's nice you, too," Laura says, shaking Sean's big, strong black hand, while looking up at him, towering over her.

With her at 5'4" and Sean at 6'4", Laura comes up to about his shoulders.

"Well, I...umm...should be going, Tonya," she says. "It was nice to meet you again Sean."

"See you tomorrow, Tonya," Laura says.

"Of course honey!"

Laura turns and walks out the front door, still kind of shaken by how Sean so openly checked her out. She saw his eyes go from her eyes down her body and back up again. As she leaves, Tonya sees Sean check out Laura's ass.

Sean goes into the kitchen and gets the case of beer he left there a few days ago and comes back.

"Mom, so, why didn't you tell me your neighbor was so fucking hot," Sean says.

"Oh well, I should have yes," Tonya says. "She's really sweet. She's kind. She's smart. But yes, I saw you checking her out."

"I couldn't help it. I'll try and come over more often, get to know her."

"You know, she's married."

"Yes, you mentioned that the other day. But you also said she doesn't have any friends here yet," Sean replies. "The least I can do is try and make her feel welcome."

Tonya knows what her son is thinking and truly cares about Laura. She knows her son's reputation, how much he values sex. But she also doesn't see the harm in his son getting to know Laura and seeing where things lead.

In fact, she thinks with a little wicked grin, it could be kind of fun to watch unfold.


Laura later that day just casually mentions to Tom how she met Tonya's son Sean earlier in the day. She doesn't mention how Sean checked her out, even though she can't stop thinking about it.

"What's he like? Didn't you say he spent time in prison?" Tom says as he and Laura get ready for bed.

"Yeah he did. In his 20s, so while ago," Laura says. "He's this big tall black guy. Mid-50s. I think Tonya said he's 55. He's kind of tough looking."

"He sounds like trouble," Tom says, soon shifting topics to his job. "You should stay clear of him."

The next day, Laura has lots of errands to run, so she doesn't get to spend as much time hanging out with Tonya.

But she does briefly drop by.

"My son said it was nice meeting you, Laura," Tonya says.

"Oh umm thanks Tonya," Laura says suddenly a bit nervous.

"But he gave me a hard time."

"Why is that, Tonya?"

"Because he said I should have told him how hot you were," Tonya says, laughing in a fun way.

"Ohh!" Laura gasps, turning red. "Tonya!"

Laura is blushing as Tonya said that so boldly. Her mind races to how Sean so openky checked her out. Tonya can tell Laura's mind is racing and hammers home thr point.

"Yeah, he just couldn't stop," Tonya says, "talking about how hot you are!"


On Thursday, it's early afternoon and Tom calls Laura.

"Hey honey," Tom says. "Listen, I have to take a potential client to dinner tonight. You OK with that?"

"Of course!" Laura says. "Let me know where you go and if the restaurant is any good."

It isn't unusual for Tom to take clients to dinner. It happens a few times a month.

Later that day, around 5 p.m., Tonya calls.

"Hey Laura," she says. "Quick question: Do you have any Oregano? I ran out and need it for a recipe for dinner."

"Oh sure, happy to bring some by. I'll be right over," she says.

Tonya didn't tell Laura that Sean is over and is the one actually cooking dinner.

Laura is dressed casual but still nice and classy. She's wearing a tight, tie-front style top and cropped white jeans. The top shows the curves of her big breasts nicely, and the tight jeans definitely show off her nice ass.

She gets the jar of oregano heads out the front door and over to Tonya's place next door. She walks into the living, but instead of seeing Tonya in the kitchen, Tonya is relaxing on the couch. She looks past the living room and is surprised -- and suddenly nervous -- because Sean is in the kitchen cooking.

"Hi Laura, thanks for coming over," she says. "Sean's cooking dinner for me."

"Oh..umm...ok...umm...that's great," Laura says. "I'll just take this in there."

Laura nervously walks toward the kitchen. Sean looks out, eying her up, loving how her top hugs to the curves of her huge breasts.

"Hi...hi Sean," Laura says, noticing the impressive meal he is cooking. She hands him the jar.

Laura is actually impressed. It's just such a contrast. She didn't expect to see such a big, tall, powerful, rough looking black man working in the kitchen. She watches him use some great knife skills as he chops ingredients. The other contrast that races through her mind? Her husband Tom is helpless in the kitchen, expecting her to do all of the cooking.

"It's good to see you again, Laura," Sean says, taking the spice jar from her, letting his hand touch hers and linger just a little bit. "You're looking great, by the way."

Laura blushes a bit. She feels butterflies. Why is she feeling this way? What's going on? This man is older than her own parents. She's a married woman.

"Oh, you're way too kind," she says, smiling.

Just then, Tonya walks in.

"Laura, I don't see Tom's car. Is he not home," Tonya asks.

"No, he has to take a potential client to dinner tonight," Laura says. "He usually has a couple of those dinners a month."

"Then you should stay for dinner," Tonya says.

"Thank you, but I don't want to impose," Laura says.

"Nonsense, honey! We could use more company," Tonya says. "I insist."

"Oh ok, I guess I could if it isn't too much trouble," Laura says. " there anything I can help you with then?"

Laura proceeds to start helping Sean, as Tonya slips back into the living room. At one point, Sean and Laura are standing side by side at the kitchen counter. He is able to easily look over and down at her breasts, loving how her top hugs the curves of them.

At another point, his arm touches hers as they chop some food. She gasps ever so slightly, and turns to look up at him. Her eyes meet his. He then runs his eyes down to her breasts and back up to her eyes. She blushes but then gets scared and soon moves away to the sink.

Her mind is racing. Normally, she would be incredibly offended by a man so openly checking her out. If Tom did that when they first met, she doesn't think she should have ever gone out with him. So why isn't she upset? Why isn't she leaving, going back to her house or calling him out? Is it because she has drawn close to Tonya? Is it because she's flattered this older black man thinks she's attractive? Why does she feel butterflies in her stomach? Why is she so nervous? Why does she feel an attraction?

As dinner is finished and set on the table, Sean and Laura get the last few things. "Hey Laura, mind grabbing a few beers from the fridge? They are on the bottom shelf."

"Oh sure, ok," she says, turning and opening the fridge. She bends down to get three beers, as Sean admires the view of her ass. Tonya notices and just grins.

Laura, Sean and Tonya proceed to have a wonderful dinner. Laura shares more about her life and background and family. So do Sean and Tonya. Laura even laughs and grins. Still, there are several times when her eyes meet Sean's.

Soon, Laura tells Sean and Tonya she needs to get home. She wants to be home before Tom gets there. She stands up, hugs Tonya.

"Thank you both so much for inviting me to dinner," she says. "I had a wonderful time."

Laura isn't lying. She did have a nice time, even if part of her is scared to death and nervous by all the flirting.

"I'll walk you out," Sean says.

Sean walks with Laura out the front door. As they stand on Tonya's porch, Sean reaches out, putting his hands on her hips and looking down at her.

"It was great getting to know you tonight," he says, then reaching up to move a few hairs behind her ear. "I hope to see you around more."

Laura gasps and is so nervous. She stumbles over her words. "Oh a nice..umm...time, too," she says, before taking a step back away from Sean.

"You have a good night," she says.

"You, too," Sean says, watching Laura turn, walk down the porch steps and over her house and inside.

When Laura gets inside and shuts the door, she is hyperventilating she is so nervous and scared by how the evening went.


It's Saturday now, about 11:30 a.m. and Sean is over helping his mom do some yard work. Sean and Tonya are out front when Laura and Tom walk out of their house to go to lunch. Tom is looking forward to taking Laura to lunch and then playing golf in the afternoon.

Tom and Laura walk out, and she's startled to see Sean and Tonya in the front yard next door. As Tom walks with Laura to the car, Tonya calls out. "Hi Tom, come on over and meet my son Sean," she says.

Laura is immediately nervous. She's wearing a nice, longer blue floral sundress. Although it doesn't show off her legs, it does show the curves of her big breasts nicely. Sean looks up, loving what he sees.

Tom and Laura walk over.

"Hi Tom, it's nice to meet you," Sean says, extending his hand. He towers over Tom, too.

"Laura, it's good to see you, too," Sean says, then openly eyeing her up and down. Tom sees. He's furious but tries to hold back his anger.

"Well, nice to meet you too, Sean. Nice to see you over helping your mom, but we need to get going," Tom says.

Tom quickly guides Laura away. Laura turns back, looking at Tonya and then Sean. Her eyes meet Sean's. He smiles, looking her up and down again.

In the car, as Tom drives away, he erupts.

"I do NOT like that Sean guy," he vents. "Did you see how he looked at you?!!"

"Oh,, what's going on?" Laura says.

"He openly checked out you. The nerve! I can't believe it. He's a black. Old. He's a thug!"

"Oh don't over react Tom. He was nice when I met him and polite," she says.

"He checked you out. He should respect that you're my wife!"

"Oh don't overreact," Laura says again.

"Are you defending him?"

"Stop Tom. No, I'm just saying he's probably harmless."

"Well, I don't know. I want you to avoid Tonya's house when he is over," Tom says.

"Oh ok..ummm...but I like visiting with Tonya," Laura says. "I don't always know when he comes by."

"I know. But be careful. He seems creepy and a thug," Tom continues.


On Sunday, Tom and Laura are returning from church. They get out of their car and make their way inside. Sean is again over at Tonya's house. He's on the front porch.

Inside, Tom again vents about Sean before going to change his clothes. As he does, Laura calls out to him, "Hey, left something in the car. Going to go get it."

Laura steps out. She's wearing another flowery sundress but it again holds her big breasts up nicely and shows some cleavage.

As she walks out, Sean sees and makes his move.

He walks over to her. As she turns, her back is to her car.

"Hi Laura," Sean says. "Wow, you're looking beautiful today."

Laura is nervous. She starts breathing heavier. She blushes.

"Hi Sean, thank you. It's umm...good to see you," she says, looking up at Sean as he steps closer. Her back to the car.

Sean reaches out, putting his big strong black hands on her hips. She's startled but doesn't pull away. He looks down at her.

"Listen, Tuesday night. Let's go get a drink together," he says, clearly asking out this young married white woman on a date. "6 p.m."

"Oh...umm...," Laura says, realizing she is being asked out on a date.

Deep down, she knows this is wrong. She's a married woman. She can't. It would be wrong. But the rational voice doesn't win out in that split second.

"That would be lovely," she says.

"Great! See you then," Sean says, walking away without setting any other details.

She goes back inside. All red in the race. Tom sees.

"You OK honey?" he asks.

"Yes, it's just hot out," she lies.


Not long after Tom leaves for work on Monday, Laura races over to Tonya's house.

She enters, breathing hard, with a worried look on her face.

"Laura, what's wrong honey," Tonya says, motioning for Laura to come over and sit down on the couch.

"Sean...he....he...," Laura stammers. "Yesterday...he...umm...he...asked...he asked me out."

"Oh, he did?" Tonya says, partly surprised but partly not given how she knows Sean has the hots for her white married neighbor. "How did he do that?"

"He...he...I was getting something out of my car. He asked me to drinks tomorrow night," Laura says. "And...and...without thinking....I said yes."

"Oh, I see," Tonya says.

"What am I going to do? I can't. It's wrong. I am a married woman," Laura says in a panic. "It's for 6 p.m. tomorrow."

"'s OK, honey," Tonya says, putting her arm around Laura. "You agreed. You have to go. It would only be right to keep your word."

"I know, I know. But still. I am so scared. So nervous. How could I get away from Tom," she says. "Oh I am in trouble."

"You won't be in trouble. I'll help you out," Tonya says, comforting her. "Here's what we'll do."

Laura listens.

"You'll tell Tom that you're going to the movies with me. OK?"

Laura nods.

"Then a little before 6, I'll drive you over to Sean's place, and you both can go to drinks from there," Tonya says. "I'll then go hang out with my sister. She lives a few blocks away from Sean, and then can take you back home after the date."

"I...ok...umm...that sounds good. That will work," Laura says. "But I'm so worried. i shouldn't have agreed. Oh what have i done?!"

"Good," Tonya says. "It will all be OK. It's just drinks!"

The two then talk about a few other things before Laura departs. That night, Tom tries to have sex with Laura. She doesn't turn him away. She always makes him wear a condom but a minute or so into his timid, missionary style attempt to make love yo his wife, Tom actually loses his erection.

"I'm so sorry babe. Just tired from work," he says.

"Oh honey I love you. It happens," she says.


It's 5 pm on Tuesday and Laura has been a nervous wreck all day thinking about the date with Sean. Maybe she can just say she didn't connect with him and can move on after just the one date.

Suddenly she hears the doorbell. It's Tonya carrying a bag.

"Oh hey," Laura says opening the door and letting Tonya in.

"What time does Tom get home today," she says. "Did he buy the movie excuse?"

"Yes he did," Laura replies. "He gets home at 6:30 tonight."

"Ok good. I'll help you get ready. So what are you going to wear, girl?!" she says playfully tapping Laura on the arm.

The two giggle.

"Thanks Tonya. Thank you for your support."

Laura takes Tonya into the bedroom where she has a nice sundress laid out on the bed.

"I was thinking of wearing that," Laura says.

"Oh, that's lovely," Tonya says. "But it's too long and doesn't show enough cleavage."

Laura gasps.


"What else do you have?"

Laura goes into the closet and pulls out two more sundresses. Both are much shorter and will show off her breasts much better.

She holds each up. "What about one of these?" Laura says.

"Oh much better. Sean would really like seeing you in one of those," Tonya says. "But here. Let's try this instead."

Laura looks confused. But then Tonya reaches into her bag and pulls out a short white top and matching short white skirt.

Laura gasps as she sees the top. It's kind of lacy and it actually is held together at the front by just a single tie strap.

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