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The Twelve Vitali Ch. 08


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"Hello?" Mateo said uncertainly, unsure of who would be on the other end of the call.

"Hi, I'm okay. There is no clown suit, and I am looking forward to seeing you tonight," Cat said with a small laugh, making him chuckle. "Now stop being so grouchy to your family, please. I promised Dante you would smile and enjoy the meeting with him. I know how much you enjoy talking about heating and cooling properties of space rock, or whatever you are using in this build."

"Space rock?" he chuckled.

"You know what I mean," she laughed with him, hiding the fact that she felt dreadful after spending the morning with Trista, who obviously had a problem with her dating two of her brothers one after the other.

"Yeah, I do," he chuckled. "I'll see you at six?"

"Sounds good, I'll be ready if you let me go and let this seamstress finish the alterations to the dress I have agreed to wear. Again, it is not a clown suit, so don't panic," she laughed. "See you tonight." Cat ended the call.

"Trista causing waves?" Jacobi asked.

"Apparently not," Matteo said, feeling more relaxed and joined the meeting again. The biggest problem would be securing the right site and dealing with the city council, which is where Jacobi and Ricco's expertise came in. They were surprised that Tarsia and Paul, who were project managers for the Donati development group, were possibly as knowledgeable, if not more so, than them. It was all about choosing the right site and then working out the logistics from there.

They'd earmarked a couple of sites, but there always seemed to be at least one large obstacle with each of them that seemed almost insurmountable. Matteo considered Dante and his reservations about the project for a few moments and then changed his approach.

"What if," he pulled one of the large blueprints toward him and looked at it critically. "We knocked out this and this and relocated them to new levels here and here." He made marks on the blueprints which showed the two blocks of prime land in the city that Dante owned. "Then you could keep the warehouses you have and the art galleries, the building you live in and the house of Lorraine as it now stands. Where these have been taken out, you could construct a new HQ over and around the original house of Lorraine which would stay intact and look the same to the public view if we put the entrance to the HQ on this street on the other side."

"We'd have to forego some of the landscaping we were thinking to implement on the street level," Carmella said, looking at Farris. "It's certainly doable, building up these warehouses wouldn't take much and could probably work out better for all concerned if we put in several freight elevators and widen the docks a little."

"It would give you a chance to renovate the galleries and upgrade the security if we went this way," Farris agreed. "What we did after the blasts there a few years ago was more of a band-aid measure because we were so swamped getting to all the damaged buildings in the city." They all looked at Dante, who had adamantly refused to move the house of Lorraine and its surrounding buildings to make way for this project.

"I'd have to see it drawn up properly before making a decision, but I can see how it might work," he said grudgingly, realising they were compromising for him and his need to hold onto the last parts of what he and Lio had built together.

"You wouldn't have to run the gauntlet of city by-laws to build there as there is a fair amount of construction in that part of the city recently anyway. I'm sure Tarsia is all over that anyway," Ricco sat back. "No need for me to consult any further."

"It would save you having to negotiate with people who don't want to vacate the properties they rent or own on the other sites," Jacobi said, also leaning back. His reputation of being a fixer would have been sorely tested in some of these scenarios.

"I haven't said yes," Dante reminded them, "I just said I'd like to see it drawn up properly. Now I am starving, let's eat!"

"What's up with Trista?" Ricco asked as they moved through to the dining room for lunch.

"She showed up at Cat's place unannounced this morning. Apparently Theresa encouraged her to get Cat to wear her designs because we have been photographed together lately. Look, I'm sorry, I know you're not thrilled about me seeing her, and I'm not trying to make it more difficult," Matteo said.

"I meant what I said," Ricco conceded. "If she has to date someone then I'm glad it's not some asshole who'll treat her badly, like her ex. Or me, for that matter," he admitted. "I loved her. Probably still do on some level, so don't mess it up if you're going to date her."

"You know you don't have to follow Jacobi's dream. At the end of the day the two geniuses will probably step up, especially if Theresa has her way. Not that I would stop seeing Cat if you decided you could give her what she wanted," he chuckled. "She's pretty amazing; I can't believe you let her go in the first place."

"I was a dumbass, but what is done is done," he shrugged. "Trista was behaving, I take it?"

"Apparently so, but I got the sense that something was off, you know, when someone is too cheerful?" Matteo asked.

"You want me to call Trista?" Ricco offered.

"No, Cat said everything was fine. She was with a seamstress. I imagine Trista got her own way, as usual," he chuckled. "I guess I'll find out tonight. Are you coming to the book launch?"

"Yeah, that's why we came up, Maryanne wanted to be here for the launch. You could have handled all this development stuff without us being involved. It's nice to feel needed though," Ricco clapped his brother on the back.


Cat stood at the kitchen bench drinking a glass of water. Trista had finally left her alone for the first time that day to go and get ready for the event herself. Cat sighed and sipped the water, going over what she had learned from Trista throughout the day. She had to get the whole Vitali family out of her life. She couldn't live with that sort of judgement. She wasn't the girl Trista quite obviously thought she was. She just hoped that Matteo was honest when he said that David deserved the benefits he was getting at work and that Matteo wouldn't take them away once she told him that she wouldn't be taking up his proposal for a business partnership style relationship.

She had been kidding herself thinking that she could without developing any feelings for him or his family. The fact that Trista and her mother believed her to be a gold digger after the Vitali family name and fortune upset her almost as much as the fact that it would be true if she went through with the proposal. He was asking her to be his partner for the money and prestige and for no other reason.

The problem was that, even though logically she knew it was for the best and would save her greater heartache in the long run when he discovered that she would never be good enough for him in the eyes of any of his family, she knew she had begun to fall in love him. The thought of never seeing him again after only a couple of weeks of knowing him hurt more than when she had been trying to push Ricco away for the same reasons. It made no sense to her that she could feel so strongly for him after such a short amount of time. It was as if they had been on a speed dating program, and she knew him far better than she's ever known Ricco. Ricco had done that purposely, of course, keeping her separate from his family and future plans, but it still made no sense to her.

She had to be stronger when it came to Matteo. It could never work in the long term. He had told her right from the very beginning that he would never love her in the true sense of the word. The best she could ever hope for was a friend with benefits and a lifetime of heartbreak knowing she would continue to fall in love with the man he was. She breathed deeply and steadied her nerves. She knew Ricco would be there tonight. She didn't know how he would react to seeing them together, even though he had told Matteo he would be fine with it, saying it and seeing them together would be totally different things entirely. She just wanted this day and this night to be over.

Cat was still in the kitchen, lost in thought, when Matteo arrived to pick her up. He looked as handsome as ever, and she could feel her resolve to end any relationship she had with the Vitalis', especially him, begin to crumble. The look he gave her was hungry and heated as he moved to where she stood, taking the glass from her hand and, without uttering a word, he kissed her.

"Hi," he murmured after breaking the kiss.

"Hey," she whispered breathily. "We should go. Hopefully it will be an early night."

"Everything all right?" he asked in concern.

"I'm just tired. Someone has been keeping me up very late each night this week," she laughed lightly and pushed him away gently.

"What can I say? You're like an addiction, and I just can't get enough," he grinned and pulled her back into his arms to kiss her again.

"We should go," she said again, hating that her voice was deep and husky with desire for his kisses, and more.

"Did I mention you look beautiful?" he murmured softly before he released her.

"You should tell your sister that, it's one of her designs with a little tweaking from Andie," she said lightly. She untangled herself from his arms and went to get her purse. She hated that she found him so attractive and hard to say no to.

"I will be sure to congratulate her," Matteo grinned as he opened the door for her and they left for the book launch.

Matteo spoke about his day with Josh and his team as they drove after not being able to get more than one-word responses from her about her day with Trista and Andie. The unsettling feeling he had earlier in the day came back to haunt him, and he wondered what had happened between the women. He didn't press Cat for answers, but he was damn sure going to talk to his sister and find out what happened.

They mingled and made polite small talk when they arrived. Matteo felt her stiffen when Ricco bent to kiss her cheek, and Maryanne embraced her like an old friend, commenting on how lovely the dress was to Trista instead of the girl wearing it who made it look so good, he thought. Cat was unusually subdued, and Matteo worried even more as the night went on. It was as if she was enduring the cocktail party rather than enjoying it, and he couldn't work out why. They'd had such a good time this week going out to places and events just like this.

"Hello, Matteo," Rosanna said with a wide smile. "Would you mind if I stole Cat away for a few minutes? I just need a few last-minute details for the cabin she'll need at the gathering."

"Be my guest," Matteo said pleasantly, and went to find Trista in the crowd.

"In a weeks time, all of the Donati family will gather out on our property. It becomes like a small village almost. There are a least a couple of hundred family members who come and go over the two-week period, some arrive early, some stay late. We bring in a lot of demountable cabins and set up yurts, it's fun, and this is my second year of organising the majority of it with Peri," she said proudly. "Now, I've set up a small cabin for you close to the main residence so the guys can find you easily when you schedule their individual sittings. What I need to know is if there is anything specific you need in that cabin?"

"I'll be staying in a cabin on your property for a few weeks?" Cat asked, stunned by the information. "Peri mentioned the gathering, but I obviously didn't take in all of the details and just thought she meant gatherings in general, like tonight." This wasn't just good news, this was great news, Cat thought. "Only Donatis go? No extra cousins, like Matteo and his brothers?"

"Unfortunately, but I am sure you can manage for two weeks on phone calls and video chat," Rosanna grinned.

"Honestly, I could use the break, it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes when you aren't used to such big families," Cat gave her a crooked smile.

"You could come early, if you wanted, and get set up. The cabin is ready for you, and you can just let me know if I have forgotten anything," she said in understanding. "Peri felt the same way when she first came to events like this. There are far more benefits to being part of a large family than there are downsides," she suggested. "Still, it's always good to take a breath and get perspective."

"That is exactly what I need," Cat said. "I'd rather you didn't mention it to Matteo though, he's ..."

"There's no need to explain, you just let Peri or me know when you want to come and we'll organise it for you," Rosanna said, reaching out to touch her upper arm in a friendly gesture of warmth and understanding. Cat looked past her to where Matteo stood with his back to her, talking to his siblings.

"Trista, the one thing I have learned about Cat recently is that she will endure just about anything to avoid conflict or having to show her real emotions. She is enduring tonight and being here with me, so you had best tell me what exactly happened today before I lose my shit with you completely," Matteo said in a flat, unemotional voice.

"This is why I'm on your side, Ricco," she indicated Matteo's glower.

"What do you mean, 'my side'? There are no sides between Matt and me," Ricco was confused.

"It's okay, Mama told me that Cat was a gold-digging bitch that dumped you when you wouldn't commit and went after Mattie instead. I wanted her to wear my designs, it's not like I needed her to be my friend or anything," she rolled her eyes as if it was obvious she would never be friends with someone like Cat.

"That's not true, Trista. I was the asshole. I treated her badly. We broke up because of me! Matt had to beg her for days to accept a date because she didn't want anything to do with our family," Ricco stared at his sister in disbelief. "You would be lucky to have a woman like Cat as a friend. You better make the most of that one dress tonight, because I believe you have just fucked up any chance Matt had of making her believe we aren't all assholes!"

"Don't be so melodramatic," Trista waved her arm airily. "Matt doesn't date anyone seriously. He's not a relationship sort of guy." She looked at Matteo then as if to have him confirm her words, but saw just how close he was to losing his temper and took a step back. "When Matt dumps her ass she'll probably just go after Zion."

"That's enough, Trista!" Jacobi intervened seeing the amount of pain she had just cause both of his brothers. Maryanne stood dumbfounded wondering how she could have been just as blind to Ricco's pain. She hated the thought that she, like this girl, could be so callous, so focused on her own beliefs and agenda that she hadn't fully considered how unfair both she and Jacobi had been to Ricco.

"Matt, I'm sorry. I'll talk to her. I'll tell her I'll get it all straightened out," Ricco offered. "Then, when I get home I will sort it out properly with Mama."

"No, the damage is done now. You can't take back the words now that they are out there. Cat will just believe everyone in the family thinks of her like that now anyway." Matt shook his head. "Just keep her away from Cat, not just tonight, but for good." He turned his back on Trista and found Cat watching him from where she stood across the room. He could see the sadness in her eyes, and something inside him broke a little more and he walked back toward her.

"Let's go," he said in a soft voice that belied his mood.

"They haven't done the speeches yet," Cat argued.

"Okay, speeches, then we leave!" he commanded rather than asked, making her frown at him.

"Maybe we should get a drink," she suggested, and began to walk toward the bar.

"I'll get it," he gave a half-smile. "Why don't you say hello to Pete, we've barely seen him since New Year's."

"Okay," Cat nodded and went to talk to Pete.

"Everything okay?" Pete asked softly, leaning down to kiss her cheek in greeting.

"Fine, perfectly fine," she smiled brightly.

"I believe I've seen that disguise before. Did you forget who you were talking to?" Pete asked with a slight chuckle. "Do you need me to save you? I know Josh is the white knight and all, but I do a pretty good imitation now and then."

"You do indeed," Cat smiled up at this wonderful man who had saved her already on more than one occasion. "I've just had a confronting day. I thought I might go out to the Donati property a few days early and set up my equipment so I can get to work as soon as everyone arrives."

"I see," Pete looked at her questioningly. "That makes sense, I suppose, but I get the feeling that's not the real reason you want to run away to the back of beyond. You know you can talk to me about anything." Pete's voice was full of concern for her.

"I'm fine, and it's so nice to have a friendly ear to listen to my silly worries, but I'm afraid I already take up far too much of your time," Cat said.

"I'm going out to the property in the next day or two to set up a small surgery for minor injuries that always happen. Maybe we can travel together, it's much nicer to fly than drive," he offered.

"That sounds good. Can I call you about it tomorrow?" she asked, seeing Matteo make his way back toward them and wanting to change the subject.

"Of course," Pete said easily, and frowned as he followed her line of sight and wondered if what had seemed to be the beginning of a relationship had fizzled out already. It wasn't surprising, given her history, the young woman should have been a basket case with the amount of baggage she had from her early life. He liked and respected her. However, she was strong and resilient and seemed to be determined to overcome the obstacles of her early life and help her brother overcome them as well. He hadn't met too many women who held the fortitude she did. "You can trust me," he said seriously in a low murmur next to her ear, and felt her stiffen as she looked at Matteo.

Matteo came back with pink champagne and handed her a glass. He seemed to be brooding, and she wasn't sure what she could have done to upset him. She had been perfectly pleasant all day to his sister, who treated her like the hired help, she greeted his brothers and Maryanne warmly. Despite knowing she would have to leave him, and soon, she had worn the perfect girlfriend disguise all night, and had been within his arms reach as he needed her.

They stayed standing with Pete for the speeches and, as soon as they were over, Matteo took her hand and led her out of the event. She barely had time to farewell Pete, let alone their hosts, as he hurried her to the door. He helped her into the car and got into the driver's seat, driving like a maniac to get home as quickly as possible. The silence stretched between them as he didn't want to fight with her or hear the words he dreaded. He knew her well enough by now to see the masks she wore, and he knew that Trista's words and attitude would have made her want to run from him and the proposal he had offered her.

For her part, Cat didn't want to argue either, and was contemplating the best way to say what needed to be said and clear the air between them. She didn't want him to hate her or be yet another woman who let him down, but she also knew that she couldn't keep being rejected as not good enough for the Vitali family and their sons again.

No matter how hard he tried, Matteo couldn't swallow his anger and the dread that sat in the pit of his stomach down enough to be able to speak to her. As soon as they entered her apartment he grabbed her and pushed her back against the wall, kissing her fiercely and grinding his body up against hers as if trying to claim her as his and his alone. His hands skimmed over her body, coming to rest over the curve of her bottom. He kneaded the soft flesh for a moment, stroking and caressing her, then cupped and lifted, and suddenly Cat found herself with her legs wrapped around him, three feet off the ground.

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