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The Unicorn Pt. 01

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A unicorn claims a village man as its mate.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 01/27/2024
Created 08/10/2023
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This work contains the following: mild hypnosis, sex with an intelligent fantasy creature, breeding kink, come inflation, anal, massive dick, old school ominous fairy tale vibes.

The sun was just beginning to set as Aodhan finished his chores for the day, warm summer air giving way to the cool relief of an evening breeze that quickly dried the lingering sweat on his brow.

Twilight was a time every mother warned her child of, especially when one lived as close to the forest's edge as Aodhan did-- twilight was when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest.

Twilight was the time of faeries.

He lingered just inside the fence that had surrounded his home for generations to watch as warm golds slid steadily into soothing plums and arterial crimsons in the sky over the distant trees. The young man leaned against a fence post and admired the sunset for a time while he absently wondered what the fae might be doing in the deep heart of the forest. No human dared walk there-- even Aodhan's father, god rest his soul, had never ventured more than an hours walk from the forest border and he had been a hunter of some renown.

He'd never ventured in after dark.

Aodhan was drawn from his reverie by a mosquito at his ear and he swatted at it then straightened. Before he could turn away and go inside to make his dinner, however, movement at the forest's edge caught his eye.

Curious, he stopped and squinted against the fading light of the sun despite every warning his mother had ever given him, and remained locked in place as a creature came into view.

At first Aodhan thought it was a horse, though no horse in the village could be coaxed within a stone's throw of the forest no matter how you beat or bribed it, but then the creature turned its head so the light of the rising moon caught the length of the long, black horn that jutted from its brow.

It was a unicorn, the man realized, fear and awe making his heart leap within his chest. Aodhan had never seen one in person before, nor did he know anyone who had (no one that could be trusted, anyways), but he'd heard them described in tales and he realized now none of them had done the creature justice.

The unicorn was smaller than a horse, though not by much, with a slim build and long, slender legs that made it the living image of grace incarnate. The impression carried to the stag-like feature's of the creature's face and lion's tail, though most eye-catching of all was its pelt that shimmered like moonlight given physical form.

Before he even realized what he was doing, Aodhan found himself at the gate and had nearly unlatched it when he realized what he was doing and stopped, surprised at himself. Though he'd never been so wary as his mother had wished, he'd never been fool enough to go roving across the countryside at night when the moon was barely a sliver in the sky.

A sound caught Aodhan's ear and he felt something strange stir within him-- as if the person he loved most dearly in all the world had called his name.

"I'm here," he returned, voice only barely above a whisper and still he clapped his hand over his mouth while his heart thundered behind his ribs.

Overwhelmed by strange feelings he couldn't put a name to, Aodhan took a step back from the gate only to return and place his hand upon the latch when a voice called his name a second time.

Aodhan... come, little one.

A shiver racked the man's slender frame and, longer master of his own hands, unlatched the gate, though did not quite dare to step through.

Aodhan, the voice called a third time, tone soft and sibilant, like the steady trickle of warm honey sliding across the man's mind and dulling his senses with its sweetness. I see you, beloved. Bright star in the night-- come shed your light upon my weary brow. Come.

The latch clicked and the gate swung open under Aodhan's hand as the man stepped over the threshold of his family's property and onto the path beyond. Night had fallen and the young man turned his back on the lights of the distant village and strode towards the forest and the glimmering beacon of the unicorn where it lingered within the shadows of the tree-line. The creature seemed to consume his whole field of view and though he must have climbed at least two fences and crossed three fields it seemed to Aodhan that he reached it within the span of a single breath.

The unicorn was even more impressive up close-- terrible and beautiful in equal measures.

Fast as a summer gale no hunter could hope to catch it. Stronger than a team of oxen no man would ever chain it. Fierce as the wrath of God, no knight could best it in had all sounded so far-fetched as a child but now, with the real thing stood before him, Aodhan was made a believer.

Draw near, sweet one, it coaxed, voice like softest velvet and so deep it seemed to reverberate in Aodhan's very bones. I would look upon you.

There was movement in trees beyond the unicorn-- lithe, shadowy figures that watched him with eyes like stars lingered there but Aodhan found it impossible to focus on them. His attention was all for the unicorn; he could not have looked away had he wanted to.

"How... how did you know my name?" the man asked as he stepped within arms reach of the unicorn, though he did not dare raise a hand to touch it. He felt dizzy beneath the silvery gaze of its strangely colorless eyes but neither could he look away.

I know the name of all who walk the borders of my domain. I am Prince of the Deep Forest, Lord of Silver Waters, First of an unspoken name-- there is nothing I do not know, even here at the terminus of the twilight kingdoms.

The unicorn had begun to circle Aodhan with the slow, languid grace of a cat while it spoke, its hooves silent against the earth and the man remain locked in place. "You don't have a name?" he finally dared to ask when the creature had circled him three times then come to stop before him.

Aodhan's breath hitched and his heart thudded painfully in his chest when the unicorn twitched its head and brought its horn up to press into the tender spot below the man's jaw and pressed until Aodhan was forced to lift his chin or be impaled. They remained that way for a breath, then the unicorn lowered its horn so the tip trailed languidly down Aodhan's throat, trailing goosebumps over his skin in its wake.

It is not for human ears, the unicorn said, a hint of amusement coloring its velvet voice. Before Aodhan could open his mouth again the creature trailed its horn lower yet, over the man's chest and abdomen. Though the tip had not pierced his skin, it cut easily through the fabric of Aodhan's shirt and the man had to make a mad grab to catch it lest it fall away and leave him exposed.

Flushed and strangely embarrassed, Aodhan tried to right his shirt but the Unicorn twitched its horn again and this time it did cut him, though only just deep enough to draw a thin line of blood across the back of his hand. Aodhan gasped and flinched at the sharpness of it but did not try again when the unicorn repeated himself.

I would look at you.

The man hesitated, pulse pounding from a heady mix of fear and something akin to anticipation as he lowered his hands and allowed the tattered remnants of his shirt to fall away and pool at his feat. Chest exposed to the cool night air, Aodhan's skin went tight and his nipples hard though the heat of his blush kept him from feeling the chill. He could not tell if the sight pleased the unicorn but it did lower its head and allow its impossibly soft, velveteen nose to brush over one of the man's nipples. The sensation was enough to drag an unwitting whimper from Aodhan and this too seemed to amuse the creature-- as did the second, louder sound that escaped Aodhan when the unicorn ran its broad, hot tongue over the pert bud of flesh and left the man shivering.

You tremble so, it murmured even as it dipped its head again so the tip of its horn sliced away the laces at the front of Aodhan's breeches then stepped back and waited with an air of expectation.

Knowing what he must do, the man undressed himself with trembling hands and stood before the unicorn completely bare beneath the pale light of the crescent moon. To Aodhan's mortification, his prick was fully erect as the unicorn's gaze trailed up and down his slender frame.

While decently tall, Aodhan had never quite filled in the way the other boys in the village had and they had often teased him for being prettier than half the girls with his big, expressive eyes, full lips, and soft curls. The girls themselves had sighed after him plenty though he'd never gotten around to courting one the way his mother had wanted him to, leaving him thoroughly inexperienced in the ways of love.

Oh, my bright and shining star, what a sight you are. Long have I searched for you... the unicorn murmured and again it touched him with the tip of its horn, though this time it traced lazy circles over Aodhan's belly, just below his navel. Such perfection, it said and it seemed to the man that the unicorn's horn glowed for a moment as something seemed to pass between them. A pleasantly cool sensation bloomed outward from the point where the unicorn's horn was pressed against Aodhan's skin and all his nerves started to fade before its soothing tide.

A soft, shuddering sigh escaped Aodhan and he reached out to embrace the unicorn with such eagerness that he might have impaled himself upon its horn had it not turned its head aside in the same moment. The creature drew him in close, head over Aodhan's shoulder so the man could throw his arms around its lean, powerful neck and tangle his fingers in its gossamer mane. The unicorn smelled nothing like an animal when Aodhan pressed a lingering kiss just behind the corner of its jaw-- rather, it reminded him of the forest itself. Green and growing things, water, an undertone of decay, and something intoxicating that the human had no name for... Every breath he took of it drove his thoughts a little further out of reach until Aodhan wasn't thinking at all, only feeling the blissful silken brush of the unicorn's body against his bare skin and its warm on his back.

It is time, beloved, the unicorn murmured and pressed down into Aodhan's shoulder with its neck until the man knelt on the grass before it, eyes wide as he gazed up at it.

"Time?" he repeated, then watched, awestruck, as the unicorn's cock slid free of its sheath. It was easily as long and thick as Aodhan's arm, though narrower at the tip and just as black and shining as the horn that jutted from its brow. A shiver raced up Aodhan's spine as he stared at the impressive organ, precome already budding at the tip of its slick length.

Like anyone else, Aodhan had heard the stories that only a virgin could tame a unicorn, though he had always assumed the stores had meant a virgin woman. Now, here he was, a virgin, on his knees before a stallion intent on making him its mare, and he realized the stories must have been wrong.

None of those stories had ever mentioned unicorns un-virgining those virgins, after all. In retrospect, what else could they have wanted them for?

Before the trepidation could set in, however, Aodan tore his gaze from the unicorn's massive cock and lost himself in the creature's luminous eyes. The unicorn dipped its head so its cheek brushed Aodhan's, then said, I have chosen you, fair and shining one, to receive my blessings. Are you not happy? Have you not longed for a stallion such as I in the long dark of the night? Dreamed of serving a master in such a way?

The unicorn's honeyed words filled Aodhan's ears and drowned out his thoughts again. It was right, the man acknowledged as he turned then dropped to his hands and knees before the unicorn. In his heart of hearts he knew the real reason he'd never courted any of the village girls wasn't that he was nervous around them-- but because he wished instead to court one of the lads that had grown up teasing him. Feel those big, rough hands on his slender waist, the press of their body on his as they pinned him down and had their way with him...

"Yes, master," he said then dropped his gaze and arched his back to present himself to the unicorn for its use.

It was only right to be on your knees before a great prince, after all.

A pleased huff escaped the unicorn and Aodhan remained very still as it situated itself over him, its massive cock twitching so it slapped heavily against the man's back before it found the right angle and pressed against the furl of his virgin hole.

"Please, be gentle," Aodhan asked breathlessly, his own prick twitching in anticipation and practically leaking precome.

The unicorn pressed forward and slowly began to stretch Aodhan's hole, making him gasp and bite down on his lip to keep from crying out. It is a mare's pleasure to be taken by a stallion, the unicorn replied and pushed forward harder until it suddenly breached and thrust into the hot, silken sheath of Aodhan's body.

The man cried out in spite of his best efforts but the unicorn didn't give him a moment to adjust, only continued pressing in inch by agonizing inch while Aodhan devolved into a sweaty, whimpering mess barely able to keep himself upright. Surely, he thought, as the sensation continued for an impossibly long time, if it kept going much longer it would come out his mouth? He'd be left, impaled from end to end on the unicorn's mighty shaft like some kind of obscene fuck sleeve...

Aodhan came the same moment the thought occurred to him and he screamed with the strength of his orgasm. The unicorn grunted when the man's whole body clamped tight around its cock and finally it paused a moment, just long enough for the first waves of pleasure to ebb.

Truly you are a perfect match for me, beloved-- only look how well you fit my blade, the unicorn said, formerly velvet voice rough with need now. Not like the others. You-- you will be the one to finally grant me a son... I can feel it.

The unicorn's cock seemed to produce its own lubricant so while it did not drag at the tight pucker of Aodhan's ass the man had never penetrated himself with fingers before, let alone something so massive as the member he now took. The base of the unicorn's cock was easily as thick as a man's forearm and by the time it was fully sheathed inside of him all coherent thought had fled Aodhan, leaving him a gasping, incoherent mess. He was so full of cock the man felt he should have been split in two but not only had he not been torn at all the pain was ebbing altogether to be replaced with waves of pleasure when the unicorn pulled its hips back so a full two-thirds of its length was unsheathed, then plunged back in with one hard, quick thrust.

"Master!" Aodhan gasped then choked as the unicorn's cock punched the air out of him when it was rammed in to the hilt once again. "My prince! Oh, my prince!" he groaned.

Yes, beloved, yes, the unicorn said low and desperate as it fucked Aodhan with the determined frenzy of a male in rut. I will grant you what you desire if only you tell me. Speak!

"I--" It was difficult to string the words together as the unicorn pounded mercilessly into him. The force of it made bracing himself against the ground difficult so Aodhan shifted to grab the unicorn's forelegs instead, arms fully extended to keep him at the optimum angle to take the stallion's cock. Aodhan dropped his head and watched his belly as it bulged out in time with each thrust, the confines of his meager body not enough to accommodate his great prince. He moaned at the sight and nearly came again as he lost his train of thought.

Speak! The unicorn demanded again and Aodhan lifted his head.

"Breed me, my prince! Sow your seed in me-- I will give you a son!"

An unearthly cry escaped the unicorn and he slammed into Aodhan so hard the man thought he really might be run clean through-- then came.

Hot gouts of come flooded Aodhan's guts and pooled in his belly until it started to bulge outward. The unicorn continued to thrust frenetically and its seed just kept coming-- an impossible quantity of it that left the man still braced beneath it absolutely sloshing with the stuff. He felt nauseous after a minute but, somehow, none of it came out the other end. It seemed determined to stay in his stomach until he became so bloated he appeared at least three months pregnant.

Eventually, the flood slowed and the unicorn pulled out then stepped away, leaving Aodhan to topple over onto the ground with a gasp and a ragged moan. Come poured out of his ass in a hot gush that coated the grass when he tried to sit up but was far too weak to make it under such a great weight.

Trembling and feeling simultaneously full to the brim and hollowed out, Aodhan lay on his back and looked down at his swollen belly while the shadowy, star-eyed figures that had been watching from the forest began to approach. Thoroughly used up and exhausted, Aodhan struggled to focus his eyes on the strange figures but couldn't make anything out about them even when they reached out and touched him with hands light and delicate as a butterfly's wings.

Sleep well, beloved, and we will see what the full moon brings, the unicorn said as Aodhan drifted off to sleep.

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